Sunday, March 9, 2025

I feel vindicated – Fr. Bwalya


Father Frank Bwalya listening to proceedings during Bishop Mpundu's press briefing in Lusaka

Change Life or Die Zambia Executive Director Fr. Frank Bwalya says revelations of the Auditor General’s Report on the Road Development Agency has justified his criticism of the poor governance record of the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD).

Speaking in an interview with QFM, Fr. Bwalya said his criticism of government has not been out of hatred for the leadership of the party but that it is clear that the MMD government does not have an agenda for the people of Zambia.

And Fr. Bwalya has described as serious and frightening revelations of the Auditor General’s report on the Road Development Agency (RDA). He accused the government of being in the habit of directing the RDA to work on roads whenever there are by-elections even when those particular roads have not been budgeted for in the annual budget. He said it is such directives, given out of selfish motives, that are leading to over expenditure by the RDA.

And Fr. Bwalya has called on Zambians to seriously reflect on the need to reduce the powers of the President if the issues of financial mismanagement are to be dealt with. He explained that reducing the President’s powers is the only solution to the MMD’s alleged pilferage of public funds for their political interests.
[Q FM]


  1. What about the pact not providing council services in areas they hold because of misdirecting funds ? not squick from you. While you are on about accoutability can you ask PF were the promised data is regarding RBs allegations. Exposing RDAs shortcommings in election seasons show RBs GRZ is open and is accountable.

  2. # 1 kc. My worry is your masters seem just to acknowledge that you guys are stealing and forget about it. We need proper controls. The amounts being stolen from RDA are huge hence culprits must be punnished but it seems they are being embraced. If the government have proof on those councils,they must take action. We are talking of public funds so whether one is PF,MMD, is not important.

  3. I have no beef with brother Frank, but so far he has not been able to articulate the purpose of his “struggle” well. All he has managed to do is wildly point out gaps (which is good) which are so general. Today if he went to SA, USA, China, India, etc Frank’s concerns would still be applicable in those countries. He mentions things like ‘poverty’ among the people, roads, education, health, etc. However he does not mention (rightly so)things that govt may be doing about these things. Now clearly he acknowledges that spending money not budgeted for on furtehr infrastructure development is not good or constitutes bad management. In essence he agrees that the country does not have limitless resources to work on all develpt needs at the same time. What is worring is his insistency devlp…

  4. Sensible people will understand what Fr. Bwalya said. Turning a deaf ear to the auditor’s report is tantamount to inflicting more pain on tax payers. I am very happy that the auditor did not sweep revelations under the carpet. Keep it up AG as we wait for corrective action from Government. :-\”

  5. What we are complaining is not the issue Father Bwalya raises but manner in which he thinks things are supposed to be done. One has alluded here that PF Councils have misused funds. Did we see father Bwalya condemn the PF Councils. The selective crticisms is what we not accepting the father for. The next issue the RED CARD havent we seen what has happened to Thailand. The govt machiney has crushed them , yes we agree mabe the govt wasnt providing much but as a result of the months protests that countrys economy has gone down.
    So father Bwalya condemn wher its due. We all agree AG report is execellent but who does intenal controls for RDA….what was last years audit report like? where they indications not addressed? IF RDA is at fault then so is Ministry of Works and supply and also the

  6. We also charge the ministry of finance for releasing funds when projects are not fully certified. later for now

  7. we are behind you father Bwalya, just imagine if there was no Sata and father Bwalya in Zambia? you know we need to see how life is. am praying for you father Bwalya, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. amen. fix them and show them the truth. you are a real prophet. thats why even the pope is aware of your stand but MMD thinks they can be compared to the vatican. you are nothing. ask kaunda he knows vatican very well.

  8. Mr Walya you just need a woman to marry and move on with life you so hopeless and useless.Go witness to your sponsor SATANA ,he needs to repeat or else you will meet in Hell.

  9. ba yaya check your spellings did you end in grade three or you failed grade seven 20 times.father bwalya is correct.

  10. I think its very unfair to attack the PF controlled Councils and Fr.Bwalya.Those of you attacking Fr.Bwalya that he didnt condem PF Councils misuse of funds,you are simply mad dogs who do not think of this country.First,the Councils in Zambia are contolled by the Minister of Local Gov & Housing,he is incharge,and all the budgets that are made by the councils have to be approved by the Minister,so what the hell are you talking about?.If a particular Council has failed to perform,its because the Minister,2 Deputy Ministers and 2 Permanet Secretaries plus the President who appoints these failures are under-performing.Any sane person knows that the Opposition does not have power over moneys in Councils,so Mr.Rupiah Banda is very dull,infact,Im very ashamed of him,he is a disgrace,a vulgar.

  11. “Father” Frank, no matter how right you are, there are ways of removing a democratically elected government. Join a party and campaign on its manifesto and convince people to vote for an alternative. It is that easy really.

  12. # 10 Amuna Onzuna
    are the mouth piece for PF ?. Why didnt the whole of PF come up with those reasons you are giving. Are they so dull that they can not explain what you are trying to say? and they want to lead the country, god help us.
    His exallency was politiking as well as showing the nation how hopeless the opposition is, then if you are dreaming what you are saying and not a word from PF exept promising data after being accused, either you Amuna Onzuna or the whole PF are deranged.

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