Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mangani failed to perform-Rupiah


President Banda in-coming commissioner of the Electoral Commission of Zambia Judge Esau Chulu shake hands during a swearing ceremony at State House
President Banda (L)

President Rupiah Banda says he demoted former Home Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani because he failed to perform to the required standards.

Speaking when he swore-in newly appointed Home Affairs Minister Mukondo Lungu at State House this morning, President Banda said Mr. Mangani was not ready to work as minister of Home Affairs, describing the ministry as a difficult one to serve.

He said Mr. Mangani was too open to release certain information to the public hence his decision to demote him instead of completely dropping him from his government.

Mr Banda said the demotion of Mr Mangani is also in response to the interests of the public who have been calling for his removal from the ministry.

[pullquote]Mr Banda said the demotion of Mr Mangani is also in response to the interests of the public who have been calling for his removal from the ministry.[/pullquote]

Earlier in an interview with Qfm Chief Government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha said the demotion of former Home Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani who is now science, technology and vocational training deputy minister had nothing to do with his failure to perform.

Lieutenant General Shikapwasha said the President’s decision was purely based on his prerogative.

Meanwhile, President Banda has advised newly appointed Home Affairs Minister Mukondo Lungu not to allow people to take advantage of him.

He said his appointment has come in line with his vision to work with everyone regardless of their political affiliation.

Mr Lungu is the only UNIP Member of Parliament. President Banda said it is his hope that Zambians will understand what his government is trying to do.

Also sworn-in today is newly appointed Western Province Permanent Secretary Safe Muleya. Mr. Muleya was until his appointment deputy permanent secretary of Western Province.



  1. George Kunda should also expect to be axed as many people are calling for his removal. Mangani was a disgrace and behaved like William Banda. We deserve better people to work for us and not people who utter anything without thinking.

  2. Of all PhD holders in sciences Zambia has churned out in the last so many years, we find Mangani to be the most suitable scientist to lead scientists!!?? Why is it so difficult to be serious in zed?!

  3. Good riddance, even though this one looks like a campaign stance. Why retain a useless person as Deputy Minister? This man lacks the caliber of a village headman. get rid of Shika, too, for telling lies about why Mangani was axed. Appoint the best men around you so that you can move the country forward – even though we doubt whether you have the capacity to do so. Some advice – don’t contest the presidency next year. Quit. You don’t have what it takes to run a 21st counrty state. Mangani, u swabile!!!

  4. # 2, good point. We can’t be serious because the guy at the top is not serious. Yeah, mangani the chief scientist, my foot!

  5. shakapwasha you will be next very soon, now RB is listening to the calling of the general public. to you Mangani was a performer, to the president he was not. i advise you to shut up sometimes especially if you don’t know why your superiors did that. soon we shall here. you have been contradicting yourself too much because you always want to answer even when you don’t know. don’t say they never told me

  6. RB you are appointing UNIP to cabinet. yes, we as Zambians fully understand what you are trying to do – you are trying to go backwards in time

  7. His demotion is timely and overdue!! INFACT he is supposed to be fired completely coz the chap knows nothing apart from HIRO worshiping. Shame on u Mr. Mangani, u where too vocal as though u were the gorvenment spokes person? Where are u now…….?????

  8. u see now Magani Hooking amd Whisling!!!! lelo lelo….Manje Banda should have fired him. Why replacing him with an old guard ….lets please be careful we slowly losing it…..when r our grand parents going to stop working?

  9. Reverand Shikapwasha, the chief govt spokesman,says mangani’s demotion had nothing to do with performance but purely based on the president’s prerogative.Meanwhile, the president says mangani failed to perform to expected standards and was too open to release certain information to the public hence his decision to demote him

  10. You still have a bit of time to mobilize your self and do better, so:
    – drop George Kunder (coz we don`t want a state funeral)
    – drop Shika (hes too emotional esp that he can`t mix btn religion and governance)
    – sort out IG – hes a mess and appoint Dr Solomon Jere – hes too credible!

  11. Seems Mangani is only still in Govt because of his big mouth. If he is not good enough, then fire him. if he reveals confidential information after, then let the police deal with him. At least tax payers will not be paying him for doing nothing.

  12. HH is the man of the moment for proper leadership while Mr PF/Sata MC is man for newspaper readership in Zambian politics.

    On “He said his appointment has come in line with his vision to work with everyone regardless of their political affiliation… Mr Lungu is the only UNIP Member of Parliament… President Banda said it is his hope that Zambians will understand what his government is trying to do” it is interesting that this is the only late President Mwanawasa Legacy I have taken note of Mr resident RB Banda whose differing statement to his Minister of Info and Bro Lt Gen Shikapwasha over the demotion of Deputy Minister Mangani is a shame to the Nation and International community.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His right

  13. I think these appointments are all a circus. Here is a situation whereby a non performer has been demoted to position of deputy minister and moved to a supposedly high tech ministry. Oh God, please help! Why God are you doing this on your people!

  14. Does anyone feel sorry for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training getting a half baked non performing deputy minister? I DO!!!!! This move does not make any sense. Fire him completely or not at all. And just some advice, next time you make a decision as a President ensure your cabinet knows about it as to avoid the misunderstanding between yourself and the General. And to the Minister of Information, it is ok to say no comment if you haven’t formulated a strategy on the subject issue.

  15. Beware MMD members on this blog, you were warned UNIP is back , you dismissed these facts as jokes. Now watch how MMD was taken over by UNIP and then UNIP lost to the pact of UPND/PF. The signs have been coming since RB’s election, there were rumors of mergers between MMD and UNIP, then all parties denied this. RB came to regroup his UNIPists, check where MMD has been getting stronger, yes, Eastern, follow his appointments, William Banda is back. Holliganism is the order of campaigns, these sound familiar fellow country men ….

  16. President Banda said it is his hope that Zambians will understand what his government is trying to do.

    TRYING is the keyword. Not actually doing. Can someone please tell me what MMD is actually TRYING to do?

  17. MMD, what are you doing? You have an import running the party. Where is MMD’s backbone? Where are the real MMD leaders? Where are the internal structures to keep this president in check?

  18. They are TRYING, bra Loose Canon. After 46 years Zambians should have stopped TRYING. They should be DOING like South Korea has done.

  19. We now know that Shikapwasha’s information is out of his own head & does not in any way represent anything from the government or the President of the Republic. So help us God.

  20. Boss, since you are a listening president please fire Shikapwasha, Dora, Mulongoti and George Kunda

  21. @ 21
    Thats a good point. I wish i had his job, thinking up stories all day. To his defence, trying to make sense of our governments actions is a difficult job, no wonder he dreams up stories….

  22. It is important to check on non performers and chack them out. We should also extend this to all other ministries regardless of tribe or religion. I hope this will save as a warning to other ministers.

  23. I think the whole reasons for Managani’s demotion is due to the loss in mufumbwe,this guy used non police officers to control violence in mufumbwe,who actually did a very very bad job; can you imagine some were identified by the voter that they not police officers.A loss there is a confirmation that MMD is now on its way to archives like UNIP.RB wanted to win mufumbwe at all cost to convice Zambians that he is national leader , and so with the loss resulted to wire Mangani.

  24. ”President Rupiah Banda says he demoted former Home Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani because he failed to perform to the required standards”.
    I hope the standards being refereed to here are not failing to cage Sata and the Pact members..

  25. Iwe 22 leave Dora alone at least our eyes can see some beauty even when we hate ZNBC……………..chi gelo!

  26. Next……!!!! I how many Cabinet members are not performing and the public has been crying for their removal! Viva UNIP! Viva William Banda!! Fire the nominated ones too and bring back the old UNIP guys like Grey Zulu?

  27. Does this mean that the Ministry of science is not as demanding as the ministry of home affairs? Are we not supposed to have “brains” as heads in this ministry? Why does the President feel that its okay to throw the “dump” there? Doesn’t this show that RB is not the right person for this century? Which president on earth thinks such a ministry is not among the most important ministries? Zambians we have work to do. If we continue with the 19th century school of thought we will surely not see the “light of another day”. I mean Zambia will not be in position to compete with other countries and this will result into being a role material producing country forever.

  28. RB is trying to get a grip on Eastern Province where he faces a challenge from UNIP, because if he doesnt win this province by 90%, he loss next year will be more embarrasing. Is LUNGU a NGoni? If he is, then its also a response to Mpezeni’s complain.

  29. From mangani to Lungu????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he says he is not a tribalist

  30. I m waiting 4 Sen.Citizen,Katie Good, and the Chief down south 2 say about this subject.

  31. I think just demoting him is not a good solution bwana president,i mean if the guy failed to perform in that ministry as a minister, transfering him to another one though in a lesser role won`t help matters in the improvement in his work performance.That solution is just like replacing thick tires with thinner ones on a car and the car still is able to move, that doesnt change the meaning that it is still a mobile car.The guy must have been fired full stop.:-?

  32. I think just demoting him is not a good solution bwana president,i mean if the guy failed to perform in that ministry as a minister, transfering him to another one though in a lesser role won`t help matters in the improvement in his work performance.That solution is just like replacing thick tyres with thinner ones on a car and the car still is able to move, that doesnt change the meaning that it is still a mobile car.The guy must have been fired full stop.:-?

  33. Ya neh…what next Mr President? Not working, with our current Police Force (Service my a.s.s), i guess no home affairs Minister has ever worked in Zed!

  34. Just when I thought UNIP was completely wiped off the face of the earth, we have a UNIP minister of Home Affairs. A UNIPist in charge of the police!!! [-(

  35. And for goodness’ sake, why do we have the President and his Chief Government Spokesman contradicting each other in public. Don’t they consult?

  36. Not everyone in RB’s armpit should fired. There are some good pipo. With Kazonga at local govt there is some decency now. Some dirt stuff has been smired on Dora, but she is very proactive in the ministry of education compared to our learned prof Lugwangwa. Shika is a noise maker and should be fired. Kunda is a threat to national security and he should be…………………..

  37. Good observation # 39, It shows that no one seems to know what they are doing in this GRZ and it is very embarassing for the president to be contradicted by one of his top ministers. Why not fire him on the spot? The public and bloggers have for a long time called for the sacking of Mulongoti, Dora, Kunda and the demoted Mangani for not perfoming.

  38. I propose the sacking of the entire govt. Things are very bad, fellow Zambians. We cannot survive when a head of state and his chief spokes-person differ publicly – there’s confusion in the camp and we are not safe. You think am being alarmist? Doesn’t the Bible clearly say “a house divided cannot stand?”

    Reality check, bane 😮

  39. Am dying to read what SENIOR CITIZEN will say about the demotion of his mentor Mangani, i hope RB has learnt a lesson not appoint ‘ big mouthed but empty head ‘ lumpens like this i.d.i.o.t. About Shikapwsha much as i dont like him i think he’s not as lumpenised as Mulongoti, Teta, Mulongoti etc. and can come good under a good and level headed president. The trouble with him is outside politics he would as good as dead having spent most of his life either saluting others or at ‘attention’, he’s got no mind of his own hence he needs sherparding by a president with sound mind.
    George Kunda, erstwhile a very good and professional person turned into a zombie by greed. I’ll give him a benefit of doubt owing to the scale of his illness, leave nature to sort him out

  40. Veteran, Capitalist, Sen.Citizen,Katie Good, and the MMD Chief boot licker, your silence is defening!!!! are you scared for your jobs??? :d:d:d:d:d:d Political appointments :)):)) you sweat when the BOSS coughs =))=))=))

  41. Shame this man wants to sleep on the table just to say thank you to Mr Banda for the appointment, these Chipata (easterners) heroe worshipping, oh my God.

  42. #45, Veteran, Capitalist, and the other MMD bootlickers do not post comments when they are hit hard, when the ball is in their ’18 area’. They are silent as if they do not exist. As you say, they might be fearing for their life and jobs.

  43. #47 NAPAPA SANA….=))=))=))=))=)) I cant stop laughing at those bloogers….these political jobs awe sure! The brothers and sisters must be sweating. =))=))=))=))

    Since RB has now started listening, the following SHOULD also go!
    1.Shikapwasha (no thinking before talking…just see even on Mangani, he had a different version from RB. Does Shikapwasha consult before talking?)
    2. Mulongoti (sleeping on duty when RDA is looting the coffers dry with shoudy jobs!)

  44. The point we should not miss is that why did RB appoint Mangani? He should have done a background check or at least make him go for an interview. The fact that RB chose a failure simply means he is a bigger failure. Countries like SA have had ministers serving 10 years, it only shows that the appointing authority had an insight of a person they are appointing

  45. Senior Citizen, Mwata, Veteran, Capitalist, MMD boot lickers are now afraid that they might be the next to be fired for non-performance. They were given a dead line in which to convince the LT bloggers that RB and his cabinet are working butthey have failed to do so. Thus they might be fired soon or later.
    Hahahahahah,,…..political jobs ala bwafya.=p~=p~=d>=d>


  47. These are the topics which MMD cadres disappear from. No spinning any more? What happened to the hard working Mangani?

  48. It is my sincere hope that Zambians will learn a lesson from our crusty old President who was picked up from the scrap heaps of political toxic waste. Whilst not taking anything away from the newly appointed minister, it is very irresponsible of him to have accepted the job because the opposition voice has been reduced in parliament. Considering the ever rising levels of corruption in our poor country, we need a strong opposition for checks and balances. Same goes for Charles Milupi. There was no need for him to have resigned. His actions will cause a by-election at a cost not less than K2 billion kwacha. Luena constituency is in remote parts of Zambia with a poor road network, few schools and hospitals. Therefore he should be de-campaigned as an irresponsible and selfish politician.

  49. Come people leave Shikapasha alone. He is just doing his job. If you didnt know the job of a Govt spokesman is to spread propaganda i.e to misinform and to be economical with the truth. Remember Chemical Ali who insisted that Baghdad was not been attacked and bombarded by land and from air despite what we were seeing on TV as he was misinforming us live on Air! Remember how he insisted that the invading infidels had been crushed at the gates of Baghdad (as if it was a walled city which could only be reached through specific gates!)

  50. 😮 A govt with dead wood for cabinet is good enough for a red card,but however going back to the political grave of UNIP is a disaster waiting to happen!! 😮

  51. Ladies and gentlemen, coming to think about it, UNIP did FAR much better in 27 yrs than MMD in 20 yrs. Even if you gave MMD another 10yrs to make it 30 yrs of MMD rule, they wont achieve even HALF what UNIP achieved. Am of the strong view that UNIP was BETTER than MMD.

    UNIP just made a mistake to want and liberate the whole Africa and hence wasted resources for Zambia but MMD huh! awe bane given UNIP and MMD, I would go for UNIP anyday!

    Meanwhile, Snr Citzen, Capitalist, Kate Good, Bootlickers et al, where are you pliz! :d:d:)):))

  52. Mestro hheeeh
    HH is the not the man of the moment.HH is good but he has never ruled before apart from his business. I do not think it is wise to conclude that HH can be the best Zambia needs. I don’t know and nobody knows yet. In 1991 everybody thought Chiluba was the best but what happened? I am sure you all know the answer.The PACT should be ruled by Sata and HH be the vice. This way there is going to be good checks and balances.

  53. According to Thandi-Rb new marriage formular, if your`e 40 yrs old ( when life begins as the saying goes), your real wife is 5 yrs old( Huh! Isn`t this child molestation) and if you`r 35 yrs old, yours isn’t` born yet. What a novelty! What an example from the role model; the first family. Koma nkhani yavuta zoona, Kodi ife bachifana tizayanganila pati, ngati izi nkhote ziti dyela masuku pamitu. Ahaa! Did you read what one blogger said that she was a Masenelizer star on CB. Isn`t she a gold digger?

  54. “I have received nothing but accolades for your appointment from all quarters of our society. People feel that you are qualified to look after their security, to look after them and this country, all parts of our country,” President Banda said. “Every Zambian who is competent can be called upon, regardless of what position he is holding, what political party he belongs to or where in the world he is if he is a Zambian and we need him, we will call him, it’s up to him to say yes or no. It’s up to them to say yes or no. I am very grateful that you agreed. We are counting on you to assist us to run this country to the satisfaction of the Zambian people.” Said President Banda

  55. Unip will field Rupiah Banda in the 2011 elections as President. Without realising it MMD has helped Unip to bounce back in power. 1st Chiluba blocks Miyanda and Co from taking over from him 2nd Chiluba awakens some sick person to take over. 3rd The sick person goes all the way to pick a Unipist as his VP. 4th the sick person dies and finally Unip takees over.

  56. please give mangani his job back.he needs it more than it needs him.please rb do it .just do it like shika said its ur prerogative .just say u made a mistake .mangani will die from the embarrasment going by your reasons for his demotion.he cant afford it .we acnt afford that. that was good .mangani was bleeeding anarchy and i thank you RB for realising in time what mangani was creating .i dont think you have it but this time i thank you .

  57. @61, totally agree with you. Oh! You left out 5th. Chiluba realises his mistake now is trying to make amends but with little or no help from the original MMD members. He is now kneeling before UNIP to put up a good face for MMD.

  58. #64 I add 6th – super Ken finally gets back to plot 1. He’s waiting in the wings, bane. All these little boys are fighting each other when in reality they are paving the way for his safe landing at numero uno.

    Let’s see Kalumba try to petition that one. What a circus this is turning into!

  59. The dropping of Mangani from the home affairs ministry was long overdue. That man from teaching to a cotton company worker was not fit for the ministry. This shows how dangerous it is to put unqualified personnel on very important positions. I also don’t know the qualification of Dora Siliya as a Minister of Education. Is she delivering? What qualification is Mangani as a minister of science and Technology? These are the same mistakes of those who are appointed and those who appoint them make.When is Zambian political leaders going be wise enough to put qualified people in the day to day ranning of those ministries. We don’t expect anything good from the MMD government and the political appointees to ran the ministries.

  60. Good ridance. For once a minister has been removed from his position in Zed. He needed to be to be fired altogether….what do you expect from a civics & junior high school teacher. The chap couldn’t believe his luck when he got the position but it has shown.

  61. How am loving this…UNIP is coming to rule Zed again only this time with the full knowledge & blessings of the party that removed it from power. UNIP has already indicated it wants to form an alliance with MMD. RB is a UNIP man, Kunda is sick so I wouldn’t be surprised when RB wins 2011 & Tilyenji coz of the alliance is appoint VP….I tell you MMD has lost it.

  62. Next appointment : William Banda as Minister of Lusaka Province. The unimaginable is very possible with RB. Zambians will do a great service to themselves by getting rid of the corrupt MMD government in 2011.

  63. “He said Mr. Mangani was too open to release certain information to the public hence his decision to demote him instead of completely dropping him from his government”. This is most unconvincing reason for firing someone that I have ever heard. Why can’t he just give the real reason – that Mangani is irredeemably s.t.u.p.i.d. The man was an embarrassment. He had to go. Unfortunately he has been moved to a ministry where he will be in charge of Zambian science. A test tube? What’s that?

  64. Exit Mangani Enter Lungu! What difference does it make? Is this change we can believe in?Somebody is tripping

    If former Home Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani has any balls, he must resign from his new position of Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Vocational Training! Whilst accepting that ‘it’s like a coach in a football team; so he has the right to substitute a player at any given time’ as he says! However, if your coach puts you in the reserve team when you feel you are good, then you must join a new team! After all the Minister of Defence is the 4th most senior position in Government and your coach takes you to 45th position in the team, you have a right to leave! This is a challenge to Mr. Manganio!

  66. do leaders bother to check these blogs? we warned mangani about his abuse of power. banda has got rid of him because he(mangani) has become embarassing. zambians will go for his neck because he abused power and comitted crimes against humanity. dont these people learn? i wish to move a motion to have mangani prosecuted in his own capacity as a lesson to others that they are responsible for their deeds while they are in power. seing as the next elections are near, we expect and need to avert overzealousness in our country. i need expert legal advice dear bloggers

  67. so the ministry of science then deserves nothing better but failures te? Does this GRZ realize how important that ministry is for developments sake[-(

  68. Wasn’t this some kind of a sacrifice to appease that ka Chief who wanted his village to be represented? Zambian politics, so hopeless that every chief must be represented. Anyway Luapula, we are well represented by FTJ. After all he is the state house consultant.

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