And Lusaka Boma Local Court senior presiding magistrate Henry Mwananshiku sitting with senior local court magistrate Juliet Mwila has set May 24, 2010 as judgment day in the case in which Mr Nsanda has taken Mr Mwaamba to court for committing adultery with his former wife.
Mr Nsanda told the court when the matter came for hearing that in February this year someone called him to inform the MP that they had seen his wife with a man drinking beer at Lusaka’s Mutende Lodge.
He said he confirmed with his friend Davies Kapijimpanga, who was drinking from the same place, that Ms Mumba was at Mutende Lodge in the company of some men.
[pullquote]“I received a call on Friday and I took a spear for my protection and booked a taxi to the lodge. At the lodge I saw Mwaamba busy caressing and touching my wife’s waist and what happened after wards I do not know because that was preparation for activities,” Mr Nsanda said.[/pullquote]
This is in a case in which Mr Nsanda 57, of 245 Zekoni Avenue Itimpi, Kitwe has sued Mr Mwaamba 43, of 1349/3 Woodlands for flirting with his then wife Ms Mumba and the MP is claiming for compensation.
“I received a call on Friday and I took a spear for my protection and booked a taxi to the lodge. At the lodge I saw Mwaamba busy caressing and touching my wife’s waist and what happened after wards I do not know because that was preparation for activities,” Mr Nsanda said.
He said on Monday the following week he went to CEEC offices to clarify whether Mr Mwaamba knew a person by the name of Phebby Nsanda but Mr Mwaamba denied knowing any person by that name.
Mr Nsanda said when he further queried Mr Mwaamba’s relationship with his wife, the CEEC employee said he was only keeping the MP’s wife for his friend named Blackson Mwale.
The MP also said he saw his wife along Great East Road with a man who looked like Mr Mwaamba and after confronting his former wife about the incident, she ran away from their matrimonial home taking with her all household goods.
In cross-examination Mr Nsanda maintained that he saw Mr Mwaamba fondling his wife at Mutende Lodge in Lusaka.
Asked if he had any proof to back his allegations, the MP said his eyes were proof enough because he had seen the fondling for himself.
But Mr Mwaamba said in his defence that during the night in question, he was drinking beer from inside the bartenders counter and there was no way he could have caressed the MP’s wife because he was far from where she sat.
Kapala afwile aliya lya afterwards ! :((:((
Balikulila mudala. Why waste your time with a woman found in bars. Kuya bebele
Iwe Sanda your wife is a prositute. Mwamba is not the only Man injoying her.
Imwe ba Nsanda in the first place you are reaping what you sow when marrying women found in bars chilabeko fye Mudala and make sure she goes with nothing. Chilihule she will reap where she never sow.
Willie, you too much of a gentleman. Why should you waste time on unfaithful whore. Pursue the case to its logical conclusion and if the case is in your favour, make sure that Mwaamba takes an HIV test before judgment is pronounced. Make sure also that a DNA test is done on “your” daughter to correctly ascertain parentage.
You must also ensure that you do not share your property with this whore.
Nsanda has now been baptized with the spirit of divorce and abandonment of kids strong in Sata. Such are prerequisites for shadow cabinet team spot in PF. The Party President Divorces and sires many kids with cadres so is Nsanda.
Ba willie just move on after all you will be a minister soon so you will have the last laugh
Ba Veteran # 7 Bwenu Mukaikulika Ngabamilila!
“I received a call on Friday and I took a spear for my protection and booked a taxi to the lodge. At the lodge I saw Mwaamba busy caressing and touching my wife’s waist and what happened after wards I do not know because that was preparation for activities,” Mr Nsanda said.
1. By his own confession he should be charged with ‘carrying an offensive weapon with intent.’
2. Fondling, even if it happened is not an offence. “I saw the cook washing the beans, so he must have cooked and eaten them after that”
CASE dismissed, no proof beyond reasonable doubt.
Mr Nsanda is not very clued up in subversive surveillance techniques is he? With all his money, he should have hired an investigator to take photos, record conversations and so on, to have a case.
#10 THE SAINT, tell me you’re not serious. WTF! Where’s your partner we fondle her/him, after all, it’s not an offence.:x
Why even feeling jelousy for a former wife, he wants everything to himself, let her go and enjoy life she is no longer your wife, why should you start following her, that’s why he couldn’t do anything coz things ended a long time ago, is he not a happy man where ever he is to start following a woman with spears, he is lying he never found what he expected, coz there was going to be war since he was alread equiped, I only hope he wont bribe the judges.
Nsanda ansekesha!! The wife to Nsanda is a take-away.Mwamba chopped her,so did Blackwell Mwale.I know how women behave in bars when they are tipsy.Nsanda balikwafya and you have no reason to be with her.She is guilty and thats why she ran away!!
kulyapo fye nayiwe. i am sure nalilyapo nayina as i have chilled at that lodge during my zambia days bane. deuces:)>-
Move on big man, very soon you will meet another one
Sir Willie, chilabeko chilihule..
Is’nt this the same lunatyc who said Phebby was NOT his wife before te ‘divorce’? He said he only had intimate relations, as far as he knew she was just a prostittute, now he sounds surprised to have found her at work.
pipo, pipo let us not blame the woman. this MP had no time for this woman. he has got girlfriends. do not judge her just because she is not saying anything. the man is just not there for her so someone is there to take over. bakakwafwa if you are not there. Enjoy Phebby
Nsanda should have gone to the lodge withsome
Nsanda should have gone to the lodge withsome oil paint ya yellow or pink instead of carrying a spear.It remands me of shaka the Zulu. :d:d:d
Nsanda you are a lier!!. As violet as Nsanda is, there is no way he could have witnessed somebody caressing his wife without making headlines.
And I do not think Phebby is stupid to agree to be carelessed in the open at 43 years old. This man is the one at fault. let him deal with his divorce issues and pay his former wife 50% of their properties. Do not say he will find someone else very soon. He already has
divorce the bitch,she does not deserve to live a luxiourious life of hard work as yours is.:x8-|/:):-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?
The whole lot of Nsanda asking for compersation!!! What the heck.
make sure you get what belongs to you Phebby. It is yours. And then get a man who is going to appreciate you and not cheat on you.
Yes Nsanda being the Kitwe Kaponya that he is would not have allowed his wife to be caresed without causing a scene. In fact he never saw her doing anything himself. He seems to depend on his friend’s collaboration withput tangible evidence.
Is the big man telling the truth?
Seems he’s trying to find a reason for his wife not to get 50% of his wealth as ordered by the court.
Mr Nsanda; your claim can not be substantiated as concret fact, we need proof not stories saying I saw by myself. You could have taken a photo or engage a special photographer agent to do that job, than we can beleive you, dont just support yourself; we need independent confirmation facts. I beleive you have some knowledge in Law.
Caressing and touching the waist…zesco donsa mama, ni zesco donsa mama! ;;);))
Walai sosa iculo chilekufwa.:)>-
We need to hear from phebby too