Sunday, March 9, 2025

Fire Kabonde as well, says SACCORD


IG Francis Kabonde

Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has called on President Banda to extend the action taken against Former Home affairs Minister Lameck Mangani to Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde.

SACCORD information officer Obby Chibuluma said that President Banda should be commended for taking action against Mr. Mangani.

He,however, says the President should state reasons for all the officials he dropped just as he has done with Mr. Mangani so that the public could know the People who are not capable of performing to expectations.

Mr Chibuluma said President Banda should similarly remove Mr Kabonde as Inspector General of police just as he has done to his former boss.

And Mr. Chibuluma has called on new Home affairs Minister Mkondo Lungu to uphold the expected high standards in the Ministry and ensure so the Zambia Police remains professional.

He noted that Mr. Lungu should use his experience to ensure that the Zambia police regain the confidence of Zambians which it has lost.

AND The National Revolution Party has welcomed President Rupiah Banda’s decision to remove former home affairs minister Lameck Mangani from cabinet.

Party Secretary General Kelly Walubita Junior said in an interview that President Banda did well to demote Mr. Mangani from the position of Home Affairs Minister to that of Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training.

He said the President’s action came at the right time when every Zambian was expecting his removal.

Meanwhile, Mr. Walubita has accused President Banda of appointing people to key positions on tribal lines.

He said the appointment of Lundazi UNIP Member of Parliament Mukondo Lungu to replace Mr. Mangani is one such example.

He said it is not right for the President to keep on appointing people from eastern province to lead the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Mr Walubita explains that the President could have appointed someone from another tribe to replace Mr. Mangani.

He has called the President to try to tribally balance his cabinet next time he makes appointments to key positions in government.
[ QFM ]


  1. Fire or drop him to the position of constable.Kabonde can do much better on that position of constable.

  2. Rupiah should also be removed for showing incompetence in appointing the likes of Managani using one criteria..Umodzi kumawa.

  3. I think Lozi’s are just tribalists mwe
    I remember way back at kabulonga boys when we were kids, we would be playin in a group and these lozi chaps would be speaking their own language which would be quiet annoying and yet we couldnt get anything they were saying…

  4. #3 i usually try by all means not to talk about tribes but you my friend are spot on. calling it what it is

  5. UNIP will eventually take over MMD and finally rename it back to reformed-UNIP. All doors are now opening up for UNIP. You see, Banda has an agenda, to rebuild UNIP through MMD.

    Keep your eyes open. Another UNIPIST in (MMD)sheep’s clothing will show up its head.

  6. Mangani Good ridddance to gabbage. But instead of firing him, this lousy president rewards him with a post in another ministry.

    You NyamaSoya said he did not perform so what guarantee that this time around he will work??? Atase MMD foolish.

  7. Hey guys, keep the focus. This is what Rupia has done to this nation, all of a sudden tribalism is on everyone’s lips! No. 3 you have even remembered your issue with the Lozis when you were a kid. The issue here is the IG’s removal and Mkondo Lungu. This Mkondo has been praised here and there but we had brilliant brains under Chiluba in 1991, what happened? Even the best of brains will not perform when they are surrounded by ruthless, ignorant, dull and worthless cadres running ministries and diplomatic missions.

  8. #8 I concur, mwandi.

    If RB is showing his UBUTUTU by appointing mostly easterners, remember political appointments are not eternal – they come and go as sure as the sun sets in the east. But the Zambian will still be here until the Lord returns.

    So, rather than attacking each other because of our different but merged tribes, we should attack the ignorance being perpetrated by our leadership. Our tribes spill over into other countries around us and so if we keep going at each other, war could affect all of the southern Africa region. Consequences, bane, are unforgiving and can last decades.

    Viva Zambia **==

  9. Kabonde should go as well he is an incompetent officer. His sale by date has expired bring in someone who can command and lead the police best pastures. The police officer should be paid a descent wage so that corruption can go in their force and taffic police make more money on the road than their salary and kabonde is aware of this and has not done anything wake up governement and smell the coffee.

  10. when did easterners became best people to occupy all cabinet positions? Mpezeni just complained yesterday and today Mangani is not performing and Mpezeni is rewarded. Tongas and Lozis have been complaining but no response for them. Banda, you have dug a grave for your province/tribe and yourself. mark my words. you may be the last easterner to go to state house. if only it was not the death, your tribe would have not even been mentioned.

  11. Lets us stop tribalist comments here. The Lozis have nothing to do with Rupiah’s incompetency. I have extremely fair minded lozi friends and I am bemba. I would marry a lozi any time if I were single. Those are old stereotypes. Look at people as individuals and on their own merit not casting wide nets and pigeon hole everyone. Similarly, there are a lot Easterners who are against Banda, who think he is an *****. Banda’s incompetency have nothing to do with the fact that he is from eastern province. It is true that he is retrogressive and a tribalist, but that does not mean every easterner is like him.

  12. The tribal thing in zambia has just come up like HIV, my fellow zambians, let us come up together and build our nation, please we are not going anywhere if we start the issue of tribes-let us not be like our countries- we are one and we have always been one- This is a new generation, new everything, let us move forward please. let us talk about Politics, developments and not tribes. Thanks we are brothers, sisters and we are one from the same Zambia

  13. Fire Kabonde and replace him with Dr. Solomon Jere. (no tribe mentioned) Remember Mpezenis word of caution.

  14. #3 I think you are lost Why should you get annoyed when people speak their language? You are the same guys who are ashamed of your own languages…

  15. :)>-:)>-:)>-:d:d:dMangani Chani??? You should have left King Cobra alone instead of trying to revive a dead case that happened MuKolonial!!! Kavindele was right Sata should be rewarded for his patriatism which helped Zambia get independence. But Abena Bwezi you should fire Kabonde too for Mufumbwe fiasco, otherwise we shall do a “Goodluck Jonathan” on you…………..Sorry G. Kunda is too…….to take over!!!

  16. #3,
    Your perception of tribalism is quite ridiculous, what’s wrong with kids speaking their own language while playing? Or maybe it is wrong because they are Lozi! It is common knowledge that bembas are fond of speaking bemba in offices even to people who don’t understand their language. #3 maybe you are not even aware that Chiluba while in state house used to sometimes write official memos in bemba, what do you say about that? Leave the Lozis alone if you have nothing sensible to write about!

  17. In a Christian nation like Zambia, we must refrain from tribal comments. We have enjoyed our peace because we have lived far above tribes. We have enjoyed “One Zambia, One Nation”. There is nothing wrong with all the tribes in Zambia, the only big problem we have is Leadership. Our Leader is a tribelist and if we are not careful he is going to divide us as a peace loving people. He has filled his cabinet with unqualified cadres from his province.Mr. Banda should not be given another time and power to continue with his tribe agendas come 2011. This is a big case for Mr. Banda to be voted out of office next year. Mr. HH and Mr. Sata must take this case to the people of Zambia to consider seriously when choosing a leader.Mangani is gone and Kabonde must go and Banda must go.

  18. When it comes to choosing Leaders for any position, the president must not look at where one comes from, but at the qualification. If he is a wise president, he should ask himself whether one is qualified for the job.

  19. The issue of tribes and the like is going praise God we have intermarried. Can someone tell me if in his family i mean our clans we only have our fathers tribes!!!!! i think we slowly moving coz i personally have Lozi, Bemba, Tonga relatives ……my wife is of another am of another tribe its funny we still want to remain clinched to the old generation. The Banda generation was very tribal and still is …but thank God we have Mwanagala Zulu, Nyambe Mulenga, mutinta lubasi…..its all good manje danger chabe…..lets teach our kids to learn both languages otherwise with our english these days our grandchildren will never have a clue where we came from.

  20. #8, you are very right. The rot starts at the top. Even the new man at the Home Office will fail because he will be surrounded by rotten apples. Look how they have demeaned the office of the IG of Police. One remembers better incumbants of this great office of state, such as General Chella. He was highly respected and treated with respect by Kaunda. Now every the rank and file in the police force have no respect for this joker Kabonde.

  21. It will be embarrassing for MMD if the President fires Kabonde after dropping his boss at home affairs. It is matter of time he will be dropped as well.Dropping them at once will prove the government wrong.

  22. I think Kabonde should go. It`s only right he is fired as well. Kunda should resign on medical grounds.

    Guys is it true that Maestro Hehehehe Nine Chale akwata akabwamber akanono?

    By the way people Lusaka Times read your mails when you post on here.

  23. Looks like #3 has touched a nerve here. A lot of Lozis here I think, and, despite being learned they still are the same.

  24. # 3 What language did you want them to speak? If in your group the majority are Lozi then you the minority should learn Lozi, thats just how it works. Dont expect 10 Lozi pipo to speak Bemba just because there is one bemba chap.On the contrary i think Lozis are proud of their language and thats how we should all be.

  25. While zambians are still the same no matter where they are!!! One might think that being in the developed world people would have learned but to the contrary!! Who gives a sh#*t what tribe you are? Just know this people, if you speak tribe, you are either ignorant, ineducable, who thinks that your lack of progress is due to other people or tribes around you! Grow up people!

  26. Lozis have a big problem on tribal issues, i certainly agree with comments on Lozis, I was disappointed one day in Budapest with a lozi guy, whn we went to the South African Embassy we found another lozi chap there, immediately thes guyz had to switch to their language. Intoduced me in their language.They must change their attitude. Mangani’s demotion is enough to teach others as example. I feel Mr. Kabonde is given second chance by RB or under observation especially that mangani is fired.

  27. I thought as zambians we have a right to speak our own languages with our fellow tribesmen ! why shud i speak bemba or nyanja with my fellow lozi? por favor !

  28. 🙂 Junior Kelly Walubita, you are becoming wise everyday. Keep it up. This ugly frog should be removed. We are back in the UNIP days, what a shame for MMD members to allow this chi frog take over their party.

  29. I’ve never seen such pettiness… just speak your languages mwema Zambians imwe. No wonder we have such weak leaders, we focus on trivial issues that lead us nowhere. In the meantime the world is advancing while we pull each other down – like crabs in a hot boiling pot! [-x

  30. //3 “I think Lozi’s are just tribalists mwe
    I remember way back at kabulonga boys when we were kids, we would be playin in a group and these lozi chaps would be speaking their own language which would be quiet annoying and yet we couldnt get anything they were saying”.

    I suspect you cannot speak any Lozi even now. What makes you think that your language is more important compared to others; be it Lozi, Tonga, Bemba or whatever? Many Zambians who think like you end up suggesting their language be a national language when the world is globalizing? If you didn’t bother to know their language, why should they bother to know yours?

  31. Tongas have got a complex. Icibemba rules so all you dim wits have to speak icibemba bangwele, ba kembo imwe.

  32. I think Kabonde should not be fired but be dropped to a constable. That would be a great thing for him. Let him be droped to the constable position so we can meet him along Lusaka streets and laugh at him. Kabonde is a very disgrace to the police service in Zambia. MMD must know that the international community is watching with wide eyes.

  33. # 20 kunu
    its rude to speak a different language when you are amongst people who cannot understand you language,its morally wrong
    #22 Nom de plume
    its equally wrong to use a language that other people cannot understand when you are in a group,dont try to justify it with bemba,its just wrong,more over you van understand bemba quiet well as a lozi but a bemba wouldnt understand a word of lozi
    #30 Ibange
    I expected them to speak a common language that everyone in the group would understand
    I have a friend with a white chick,we went out,then we used nyanja, the girl got her bag and left,the boyfriend asked her later,she just said she felt out of place coz she didnt understand whatever we were saying,that doesnt mean we not proud of our language does it

  34. In that the early days of LT the discussions and blogs were mature interlectual and progressive. Currently most of the blogs sound shallow, petty and unrelated to the topic at hand. What has the lead story got to do with Lozis, Bembas etc? Every grouping has retrogressive and progressive individuals hence stereotyping everyone due to their tribal inclination is old-fashioned and dangerous. Please keep to the topic. It is not a must that one must contribute even when they do not have anything of value to add.

  35. you know the tribe of someone does not make aperson, its god who makes pipo so let us not lose track about what is really important.kabonde shud go simply because he has failed to perform period.

  36. You guys making noise here, I will start slaping you one by one….Namutumpa sana bamambala. Why always talking about your tribes…why? Today tribe this, tomorow tribe this. Let me warn you, Nkamufyapa ichine chine. Just read this dont respond to me. :-w:-w:-w

  37. # 3 is a let down to Zambia. Even educated persons would be thinking as shallow as # 3. Let this man/woman be sound in thnking and not let his tribalist behaviour does not destroy Zambia.

  38. # 3 you must be very sick. Clean your evil thoughts!!!! I am Bemba and my wife is half lozi and half kaonde, i love my in-laws

  39. Leave the man of God(I.G) alone.No one is perfect and that is the reason as to why we have run short of God’s glory.

  40. To be honest enough, these Lozis are such useless chaps in our country. A Lozi would be so proud even if they have no bed, sleeping on a mat, and thats their nature. We are just heating the nail on the head, Lozis are tribelists thats why they will never rule zambia, because they will take us to colonial rule. Can you imagine the whole zambia, this is the only tribe whose paramount chief still wears Colonial guard police Uniform all the way from colonial Britain, and just because Francis Coilard the scotsh man stayed with them, now they have adopted his clothese as theie own(siziba and westcort) what a backward tribe, shame on them. To give these guys power, they can sell zambia cheaply to colonial masters. Lozis bear with me am stating the truth which I cannot tell you openly.

  41. Mr Habasonda (Obby Chibuluma), that is a presidential prerogative based on the intelligence information that is available to the president.

  42. #3 and #5 emulate #14. he is spot on. you are the tribalists who promote hate speech. you dont want to hear Silozi spoken anywhere in annoys you because it differs from your langauge.that is xenophobic where should the language be spoken? who should speak it if not Lozis and other Zambians who bother to learn it. even refugees from Congo, Somali, and Burundi speak their laguages freely in public. why cant two or so Lozis speak their laguage when they meet? why cant others try learning Lozi as we we do about other languages? Iam LOZI. I also speak Nyanja, Tonga, and Bemba. I have friends across the whole country and if I have a problem with one individual I dont need to have a problem with his tribe/language. I am truly Zambian.Thank God for Silozi.

  43. # 54 Katie Good..i watched that interview , i did not hear Hichilema say hes the right candidate for the PACT…lets try to be obective and sincere.Frankly speaking, MMD is desperate, after losing solwezi and mufumbwe bye elections(MMD strongholds) they have realised they don t have the support to win 2011 elections but instead come up with a dirty strategy on how to win 2010 elections

  44. Any zambian president who becomes tribal is a puppet of their chief, like RB is to Mpezeni. Whenever Mpe!!!! coughs, Rup!! does. The votes are down there. Give them goats, give ’em mealie meal, give ’em K1m and they surely wil vote. Poor gullible Zambians. Driven by poverty and desire to fil their empty stomachs at the expence of their own future offsprings. Vote wisely and bread will come home without bootlicking ’em dull kabonde pals and Wllie ‘kerekere’ Banda. The living vigilant!!!

  45. I fail to understand why some people say Lozis are tribalist when we speak lozi in public,but we also speak other languages,but why should i speak bemba or njanja to my fellow lozi if the matter we talking about does not affect the other person who does no understand lozi?

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