Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sacramento mayor hosts Zambian presidential candidate, Elias Chipimo Jr


Elias Chipimo Jr., a candidate for president of the African nation of Zambia, will drop in at Sacramento City Hall on Friday afternoon to talk with Mayor Kevin Johnson.

Chipimo, 46, wants “to learn from the mayor how he ran a successful campaign as a young candidate,” mayoral spokesman Joaquin McPeek said.

Chipimo is on a three-day tour of California cities and is trying to establish a stronger connection between the state and Zambia, McPeek said.

Johnson plans to present Chipimo with a glass basketball labeled “Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson.”

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  1. Iwe Chipimo go back home and deliver your manifesto to the Zambian people instead of wasting time here. Go to the villages and get known. Carlifonia is a waste of time to talk about Zambian affairs.

  2. he owns a brief case party. wrong place and wrong focus for poor Chipimo, This way too different political scenarios he is venturing into. Who is advising this young man?

  3. lets not blame the guy, he is ok but let him just not contest for president now but MP so that he can organize himself better. for real the guy is on the right path. he will articulate very well when he gets back home and if he can apply some of the policies that the mayor uses in California to run Zambia, change is on the way. i support you Chipimo. more than 15 officers from Lagos city council where here in Dallas visiting the Dallas city council to learn from them how they run their city operations. they found me in Garland library studying when the came for tour. i really fancied the idea. thank God Chipimo is on the way.

  4. Best way for Chipimo is to market himself to the people of Zambia not the mayor of Sacramento. How many Zambians have even heard about Elias Chipimo Jr?

  5. My president,viva to the young passionate leader elias chipimo jr,you have my vote in 2011,, chipimo 4 president

  6. Its a non-story. A tour of Carlifornia! ha! You are from where? Zambia. Is that South Africa? No…its, the poor mayor who cannot pin-point West Virginia nor Vermont nor Maine nor RI on a US map- would advise on zed?
    This guy is one of those that are “blind”- with mis-directed ambition!

  7. Is he standing for Mayoral elections in the US? Campaign in the US and in Zambia is differently handled. Instead of spending money on foreign trips, he could go round Zambia, sell his manifesto and vision as a young aspiring candidate to Zambians and wait for the response from Zambians!!!!!!!!!

  8. People dont learn from others. One Nevers Mumba thought appearing on TBN and mingling with bazungu would earn him votes but he learnt the hard way via a sucker punch.

  9. This guy should have joined MMD insult Sata a bit and fight his way up to grab power from those very old chaps than start a new party that will not go any were apart from being on paper.

  10. This boy is just as crazy as his dad. hes got his brain in the wrong side of the body! batakozi

  11. Chipimo you might have good ideas and trying to learn what the mayor is doing. But you come from a third world country where people are dying of hunger and diseases. You need to make you stand in the zambian nation e.g. your manifestor etc Do you really know what you are doing? Your name alone is not going to help you in other areas so my dear go on ground and start campaighning

  12. Negativity negativity negativity so much negativity in this country called Zambia. Cant you look at the positive side of Chipimo’s venture? Keep your PHDs to yourselves!

  13. Not just for the sake of having something to say, your politics in Zambia are way too different than ours. Hence, you wont learn anything of value here. The political play ground is on the grassroots in Zambia. How are you going to convince my granny in the village in Songesi village that you have what it takes to rule Zambia. The politics of poverty in Zambia makes it difficult for political change when it is really necessary and as a result, it comes rather too late. So Chipimo, your job is to do your ground work in your electorate not gallivanting here in CA. If your purpose was to form a political part for the purpose of immediately running for prez, then your dream will forever remain so untill you wake-up.

  14. Them Folks don’t vote in Zambia.
    Get your down to chibolya and campaign there and make sure you get some of chibolya’s main export cos your brain is too shallow.

  15. This is the guy we need, anybody who has his contact info, i might just join him, I can start working on the Mayor of London if he wants me to.

  16. Go Chipimo go you have at least 30more years to campain, but first sell yourself to the people of Zambia..

  17. Brother Chipimo, you might be doing well in your thinking to go to California to learn from the mayor. There is nothing wrong in learning, but for a Zambian to go to California to learn how to ran a successful campagn, is something foolish. I would’nt even suggest to you to go and learn from Obama because American issues are different from Zambian issues. My only advice to you is to go back to Zambia and make yourself known to the people.You can learn good tack ticks but if the Zambian people don’t know you, you wont get any vote. Infact you were suppossed to learn ifyo way before you formed your political party. This shows me how unprepared you are. You formed your party without the knowledge of how to ran it.Time is ranning away and people in 9 provinces are waiting see and know you.

  18. To be fair with everybody, I franklyu don’t think this man wants to be Presidents. To me it seems these are parties formed to fundraise. I have no doubt he is moving round looking for donors from USA. All he wants is to be called Party President and then start fundraising and acquire millions of dollars.
    Politics is like hunting. If you want to start hunting, you’ve got to have an idea of what it involves first before buying that Short gun. Then (an most importantly) learn from people who have hunted from the same bush and similar animals. A few points:
    • Zambia and California do not share anything in common.
    • He is consulting a Mayor (does he want to be Councillor?)
    • He has overrated himself by thinking he is the solution to Zambia’s problems.
    People need to know that…

  19. There goes another political joker. He should visit the country side to form structures for his party. Why can’t he consult King Cobra on how to organize the party structures?

  20. #26 you said the whole truth. had he probably gone to New Orleans and see how the Indian mayor took care of Katrina aftermath I would have tried to understand. Be an MP and get the zeal and down t earth knowledge. I think we need to adopt such before one aspires for presidency. Come to Kaboom Addison

  21. this chap has spent most of his time outside the country, does that ring a bell? whose footsteps is he following?

  22. Chipimo Jr has gone to Sacramento to fundraise.Jr should have researched a bit about the financial viability of California as a state.California is a bankrupt state,and its cities such Sacramento are on life support.I wonder what type of lessons would be to be drawn from such failure.These are mis-steps that are exposing Jr as a political rookie.A person can`t rush to form a political party without sorting out the financial aspects of running a successful entity.

  23. So iwe kapimo, bushe what meaning does that gift of a glass basketball labeled “Office of Mayor Kevin Johnson.” have to the electorates in Zambia? That you are well travelled and connected and money will fall from these guys like mana from heaven and that you are the one to end their suffering. Teka bola panshi. Ama circumsances aya kuno kuba sungu nayapusana sana noko kumyesu ku mafilika. Bushe ulya mu dala Elias chipimo uwali mu MMD, uatemwene ukulanda aka sungu aka mu myone ni wiso te? Bushe? Telinaena alikubasungu nomba ni developmentinsi achita mu Zambia?

  24. Ooh!! Now I know ,the real sponsorship for you and your party is home grown, to try and split the votes among the opposition parties so that the incumbent is retained

  25. Personally i 100p.c welcome chipimo’s throwing of his hat in the ring abait in a wrong way. We all wonder how our friends have managed to prosper while we retrogress, the panacea is educated leadership and no other way. Imagine if we sweeped all the current rubbish out of politics and we voted in the likes of Chipimo, HH, Milupi, Prof chirwa, etc(provided they remained selfless) we would be climbing our way out of the abyss slowly but with direction. Am a PF kaponya but i would rather the Pact fielded HH than our Presido simply because we need to move on as a nation, H.E Mr MC Sata name will forever be in our history books as one of the political heavyweights and bulwarks Zambia has ever produced but for plot 1 his time is up.

  26. #33
    In short am saying Mr Chipimo should have considered joining PF before forming a ka ‘naba neka party’ because we have enough of them as we speak. Unless he’s trying to prop himself up a little bit before he comes home to PF where he would be nurtured and loved by both the apamwambas and us the kaponyas.

  27. Chipimo Jr is delusional, just like Charles Milupi. His 1 man party is a non-starter and he’ll deeply regret his foolish decision to venture out on his own. The trip to the US is equally meaningless because you can’t apply Obama type campaigning to the Zambian situation. The young chap is very naive and he were smarter, he would have stuck to his law practice, silently minting billions, while supporting a party of his choice behind the scenes. But alas, he’s going to waste his hard earned cash on this futile venture and his henchmen ‘supporters’ will disappear once the well runs dry!

  28. Zed politics is pure comedy at best…We expect more rational behavior from educated chaps like Elias Jr but it seems everyone nowadays wants to form a political party of their own! This is the problem with privileged blue eyed boys, they are so detached from reality. The voting majority in Zed are not bloggers and can only relate to chaps like Chilufya Sata (who they see as one of their own). I can’t picture Elias holding a public rally in Chibolya, Matero, Chawama etc This is a non starter…

  29. When a junior senator stood for the presidency in the US, some people called delusional, others called him egocentric. the list is endless but he got what he set out to achieve. What does that show? Anything is possible…., However, can someone please tell me what most of you – bloggers – want in a presidential candidate? It appears so far no one seems to match your expections. Excuse me for asking it is just because Alias and I are friends and I thought you couldn’t get a more suitable rookie than him. I will appreciate a mature comment(s)

  30. #39 Infidels baghdad Zulu
    Absolutely nothing wrong with him joining the race but do we need every intelligent person to form his/her own party? we already have more parties than constituencies in the country, honestly Mr Zulu is it possible that he couldn’t identify any of the parties to join? Are we saying one can only serve his country at state house? Already he’s showing signs of impatience, lack of humility and stubbornness. Much as i would very much love him to reach the skies in his political career it’s quite frustrating because if he insists going solo, he will only end up among the heap of laughing stcks. would you be happy to see your friend on the same page as BY, Miyanda, Nevers, Siulapwa, cosmas Mumba, savior chishimba, chakomboka, Sakwiba, Sondashi and Pule.

  31. # 40 you have hit the nail on the head, the young senator # 39 is talking about did not formhis party. he worked within the party and he convinced the party members to elect him and again he convinced the country to vote for him. All this he did from the existing party

  32. ,,#39. let him tell us what he will offer ? Thats how Obama won the elections. What we are seeing right now is Chipimo parading himself as a presidential candidate in Carlifornia wwhen his polical part in Zambai hardly makes main strem media.

  33. Just pull him down you fools . . .its normal in zambia and that all you failures know with your only hope in a semi-iliterate ex colonial sell-out cop with dagga stained teeth.

  34. #44 u twit, u seem to have your head stuck up so far up your a_sshole! No one is pulling Elias Jr down; his 1 man party is no different from late Chama Chakomboka’s political ambitions. Chipimo ran a successful law firm so how can we pull him down? He’s pulling himself down by adding to the multitude of useless political parties in Zed!

  35. #38 msana wanzili…who the heck is Miss Goody? If she’s a thick beautiful black sista, tell her she can have a taste of the big pipe all day anyday…!

  36. # 40,41,42, I very much appreciate your mature and honest opinions on Mr. Chipimo’s ‘lone party candidature.’ I trust he will read your comments and make amends where necessary.
    Cheers guys..

  37. #47 Big Pipe
    I suppose you’re new on the blog, let me give you a quick intro. We have a bunch of MMD mops, no pressure you’ll soon meet them and among them is a cute little girl called Katie Good i call her Miis Goody. If you’re bi-s i’ll introduce you to Mr Capitalist problem solved . Hope you got the picture.

  38. I think Chipimo is on the right path but may have done us good if he joined PF-UPND pact. If any zambian really wants change for zambia, there is only one way. We saw this working out for the tories and the lib Dem. Both younger than Chipimo. After 13 years of labour rule under the architect of the queen.
    It does not matter if Sata becomes president and HH his vice. This guy is still young and must have taken time to associate himself with such parties rather than selfishly doing his own thing and later own emerge as presidential hopeful for who? Na. No one knows him yet. It has taken Camero and Nick such a long time since they broke into the limelight behind veteran politicians but at the same time prooving to be useful and reliable. Come 2010 and they are the leaders of Great britain.

  39. I personally is very disappoined by the way most zambians think,i mean people are so negative almost about anything and they wonder why they are so backward almost in everything.Chipimo ,there is nothing wrong in aspiring for presidency despite being young,follow your dreams and let these so called good for nothing people remain nonentities,they are used to it.

  40. Pat,You are right ?C definitely a post to bookmark. It??s now saved on my home computer and my iPad. Kim, thanks for the awesome ideas. Can??t wait to implement a few them next time I??m staring at the computer screen.

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