Thursday, January 16, 2025

Traffic jams signify a booming economy – Shikapwasha


Government says the traffic jams being experienced in Zambian Cities are a sign of a booming economy.

Chief government Spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha told QFM that government has been working hard to see the economy grow.

General Shikapwasha said complaining about traffic does not matter but acknowledging government efforts in developing the economy matters.

He advised Zambians not to listen to those making statements he described as ‘not adding value to the development of the country’.

He said it is important for people to understand that every nation with a booming economy experiences heavy traffic on its roads.



  1. Four questions for you Reverend:

    1) Poor Planning or Economic Boom?
    2) RDA corruption or Economic Boom?
    3) Government without foresight or Economic Boom?
    4 )Sleepy Ministers or Economic Boom?

  2. ‘ a mountain of a man with small brains ‘ says HH. After reading this no sane person(excl Senior citizen) would misconstrue HH’s description of the Reverend as an insult. Indeed he’s a piece of work, obviously we all know he isn’t the sharpest pencil in the box but he’s taking his daftness to a all new level. How somebody would add traffic jams to a list of economic indicators is beyond comprehension. This man wasn’t fit to go beyond the rank of Sergent. UNBELIEVABLE

  3. Is this man aware that our population has quardrupled and yet the infrastructure has nearly remained the same or worsened? This is not economic booming, its economic planning, or lack of, at its worst! A lot of man hours are being wasted in these jams and this man says we should be smiling! Uneffingbelievable!

  4. By this logic, the more traffic jams you have, the more the economic growth! I wonder which theory this is?

  5. :(( Let me be the case and you will the Judge! Look Ronnie you are a government´s spokes person and this is embarrassing. Traffic jam in Lusaka for example explains poor road network not what you are saying. If you dont know, this is what lusaka needs to help solve the problem. Lusaka needs what our friends in developed countries call a city ring! One from Kafue going to Kabwe doesnt necessarily need to go through the city of lusaka or from Kanyama to to Kabulaonga no need to go through the city. Build the ring ! Full stop. Use the 8 million dollar from Chiluba. Its even enough. Ati economical boom and these are the so called leaders..what a shame!

  6. Shikampasha, which university did you go to make such assumptions. You have passed your sale by date. you need to concentrate on you gods ministry, As a government spokens person you are out of focus. Look at yourself about Mangani firing what did you say and what did the president say. It just shows the mmd/governement is disfunctional and has no consultation before speaking to the press. Save zambians from your foolishness and let the young leaders lead the country.

  7. I am appalled by the Reverend’s sense of reasoning. If a minister can have such distorted reasoning how about the cadres? Will we ever produce a world class politician Zambian, other than these ‘brain-in-the-nose’ kantemba politicians? For a Reverend, Lt. General and Minister, this is really embarrasing.

  8. Damn you shikapwasha to think in that way.The trafik jams are as a result of poor planning in the country`s road network.When those roads where planned some decades ago,no due consideration was made that in future, the number of both the people and vehicles will increase.Again a large chunk of those vehicles are mainly cheap japanese vehicles that the japanese and other developed country`s are in hurry to get rid of.So ba shikapwasha your country is just acting as a dumping ground for those vehicles which your poorly planned roads are having a hard time to handle.:-?



  11. Those roads were planned for 1950 something traffic and the population of the towns then! Check the statistics of the 50s and of 2010.
    What a dull urgument by goverment!
    Are those long queues and deaths on Chingola/Kitwe road a sign of economic boom? Iwe Shikapwasha! examine your head and heart if you have any

  12. If indeed it is economic boom then do you squeeze a large family into a one room ati ni family boom! 😮 Zambia has plenty space for expansion.
    Plan for today and tomorrow, period. If you cannot meet the demands of society, quit politics. Let new blood serve.
    May the Holy Spirit open the eyes of all Zambians to demand what is their due.
    Bless you bloggers.o:-)

  13. I wonder how this man served the army as commander with his kind of thinking those traffic jams you are facing in Zambia are because of poor road network planing not economic boom as you think though i have not been to Lusaka for avery long time now i’m aware that it is practically impossible to expand any of those main roads around the town centre and surrounding areas.

  14. So more pregnaces and street kids will mean s.e.x boom and more fights and youths drinking utujijiri as beer boom ? Shikapwasha be serious:d

  15. Mr Shikapwasha are you sure with what you are talikng about?Which economic boom? Give us the figures of how inflation,unemploymant and output yapa pa Zed then I will agree with you.I guess the cause of traffic jams Zambia is experiencing is big pot holes on the roads.:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j


  17. YES, WE STILL HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT GRZ WILL BRING THEM FOOD take the table and still believe in the copper spoon and still crossed in a copper box they will continue to suffer. People who have gone in farming and tourism are doing fine .We need infrastructure development to are accommodate these vehicles but people can not wait. they will go ahead and buy them and help in the infrastructure development.In Zambia today all you need to do is change peoples mindset and things will change for the better.Don”t give your ears to politicians they will only distress you.The fact that they want to come in power means that Zambia is worth something .last year while some European economies recorded negative growth, Zambia recorded a 6 plus percentage growth.Greece is looking

  18. Greece is looking for billons of dollar bell-out from europe at least zambia has some dollars in the reserve bank.please our friends out there,we have less suicide cases here than where you are.We must be proud of Zambia”s scores.

  19. Does constipation signify wealth? What a sick minister we have? Traffic jams signify poor planning and stagnation. The current infrastructure was built for the city of 250,000 pipo. now at more than 2 milli, everything is choked up!

  20. Is that the reason why you sleep in parliament thinking there is economic boom when ordinaly zambian can not afford three mails a day????????????????????

  21. Zambia has had upto nth development plans; but no body follows up with “implementation”. Unlike planning, implementation requires people to move on site, excavate, become dirty, for years, before you can see good results. Kaunda did his part; in came Chiluba, the smart and educated guys; who never wanted to expand that which Kaunda had already set. The result is what you see around Zambia. Unfortunately, everyone can not see the symptoms, and can talk. Most built environment professionals have always seen the writing on the wall for Zambia. Zesco; roads, lack of water, lack of sewerage services; the list is endless. There are good planners in Zambia, but no one is bothered to implement; its painful, takes long, and requires dedication – attributes that are non-Zambian!!

  22. ¥21 the fact that we are not in Zambia does’t mean that we are not aware of what is happening there most of those cars on those roads are bought from stolen money not that there is any economic boom nonsence

  23. GRZ can be likened to a parent who, despite getting enough to make his family confortable, spends more time mu Tarven while his family is starving. GRZ has politicised everything, promoted a section of professions and neglected “production” based professions such as Engineering. If you want a rudimental lifestyle that relies on picking natural fuits and namasuku, GRZ will love you. But if you want life a civilised life, in a city, you cannot avoid engineered services such as water, electricity, and the like. You cannot have both and be happy, no chance. GRZ has chosen to ignore this fact! Unfortunately, they have “educated” people amongst them. Ah well, kamushana kabotu!

  24. Good Afternoon

    This is the strangest misanalysis yet to come out of a government spokesperson.

    I wouldn’t come up with such a logic even if I were drunk.:o

    Mr. Shikapwasha, there were times when Zambians were too dim or or just didn’t bother to put such careless statements under the microscope. But in this age of www, you can’t get away with it. Our ears and eyes are always open.


  25. Good Afternoon

    This is the strangest analysis yet to come out of a government spokesperson.

    I wouldn’t come up with such a logic even if I were drunk.:o

    Ba Shikapwasha, there were times when Zambians were too dim or or just didn’t bother to put such careless statements under the microscope. But in this computer age, you can’t make such statements and get away with it. Tomorrow it will be on BBC for the whole world to giggle!

  26. #29 dear London I still challenge you to come home and prove that “thieving Economy” here home.Even my dear Farmers that I see planting and harvesting their agriculture-product are thieves? my dear Londoner you must have been in london for along time dear. Iam blogging from deep in the rural Zambia.2years ago it was not possible.even thieves you must prove beyond reasonable doubt.please come and prove Ron”s observation wrong.You need primary data not secondary data to prove Ron wrong.look london I know of a friend there who is just “Nursing” very old humanbeings for a dollar and incubating the British economic.I don’t know how you felt when mr Cameron and Nick are saying only when “immigration” laws are changed to chase you from there.with law coming where are in the mind of…

  27. #21. I respect your point. On the other hand, being away from home does not mean we are in exile. I think most of us in the “diaspora” appreciate our country more, and are very passionate about Zambia’s well being.

    Granted, it’s an advantage now that almost everyone has a car. But, it’s highly illogical to say the number of cars on our streets signify an economic boom!!! The economic boom is yet to come, when roads are expanded, built, maintained on time and we can access our homes without all that zig-zagging. If Shika can show me the best route to take to most rural areas without hitting crater-size pot holes, then I will confirm his economic boom!

  28. The traffic jam is not necessarily indication of economic boom, it is lack of planning on part govt.when the population increases the number of people affording car increases too .The number of old cars have resurfaced, even those that were packed as a result of no spare parts. This time spare part can be gotten any where in the world.;)

  29. ¥33 i don’t know were you people get these idea that all Zambians who are here are nursing old people travel come and meet us we are directors for some of the wolrds big organisations and if you read uk papers you will learn that Zambians here are doing fine and lastly my friend i can not be chased co’z i have a British passport and so are many Zambians i know just do your farming mate it is your choice.

  30. Economic boom is seen in lots of cranes in the skyline not traffic jams caused by salaula cars from Japan. This GRZ Spokesman is a big letdown.

  31. Wake up my friend, General Shikapuba. Many years of economic stagnation and poor planning is the result of those traffic jams. You should be ashamed to brag about it. 😮 I can’t believe it!!!

  32. OMG! It would be nice if some of that revenue gained from that “booming economy” would be spent on upgrading colonial infrastructure, that is roads, sewage works, water works and the like. Population has grown, more people are driving but the road networks are the same left by Sir Roy Welensky. Economy
    booming?, my foot!!!

  33. Are we going to congratulate ourselves as well for the boom in the number of overflowing sewers in the suburbs? It means the toilets are being used a lot as people have enough to eat because the economy is booming! Is that your argument Mr S?

    So tell us the difference between nursing the sick in Zambia and nursing the old in USA, UK etc. Am not a nurse but am aware that trainee nurses in Zambia are also trained to clean and shave patients, are you insinuating that even very sick patients in our hospitals are forced to clean up their mess? For all i know is that most of the carers that have come to UK and beyond are trained nurses but practicing in care home instead of NHS ( infact most do part time in NHS). So concertrate on shagging cows instead of slighting others that are trying to earn a living honestly.

  35. #12 Kamanga, you are in the minority! You can actually make sense out of that nonsensical statement made by the Minister Shikapwasha! Wow. When did the number of clunkers on the street equal economic boom?

    #21 Haambilwi, there is a lot of thieving in GRZ and you know it. Begin with MoFED. You would not spend a day with an employee from there without hearing about what is coming to who. Millions are being siphoned out of the government in broad day light. Go and see for yourself. The other indicator is verify incomes of all people constructing homes in Chalala (Rockfield). Tip of the iceberg my friend.

    #34 Again, you have spoken well.


  36. Thank you #33.The difference is the dignity between nursing Cabbages whose sons and daughters can not stand them any more and you are made an Undertaker/ malukula and nursing your own people who took you to school.I like farming because it gives me the freedom to practice my education on my motherland and able to compare notes with my follow farmers in Britain.With now knowledge on the internet am able to compare my animals with these in the country of “mad cow diseases.Otherwise please take care#33. Earn your living decently and honestly.Don”t commit suicide there when things are hard there.We need you here.I need a manager at my farm from britain.For your own information HH has already employed many white managers from abroad.

  37. Thank you #41The difference is the dignity between nursing Cabbages whose sons and daughters can not stand them any more and you are made an Undertaker/ malukula and nursing your own people who took you to school.I like farming because it gives me the freedom to practice my education on my motherland and able to compare notes with my follow farmers in Britain.With now knowledge on the internet am able to compare my animals with these in the country of “mad cow diseases.Otherwise please take care#41. Earn your living decently and honestly.Don”t commit suicide there when things are hard there.We need you here.I need a manager at my farm from britain.For your own information HH has already employed many white managers from abroad.

    Complain about this comment

  38. Mr Shikas
    It is a pity that 46 years after independence we still have Ministers like you who cant articulate issues and understand the simple matrix of our economy.The reasons for traffic congestions are simple Mr BIG Nose;
    1. The population is growing and yet our infra-strucure has not been improved. The roads that we have now were left by our colonial masters, handed over to KK with his foolish command economy policies which allowed only his minions to own vehicles.
    2. Poor implementation of developmental policies by your government which is evident in your failure to develop and expand our roads.
    What do you have to boast about ? The problem of traffic congestion is temporal and manmade which can be sorted out. Just check what south africa has done, are you not ashamed ?

  39. ha ha ha .kapwepwe said africa twasebana .i was in zed pa dec. i had to use a mechanics on the “japanese cars i used”.we need to give people loans thru our banks for people to drive proper and roadworth cars and control the import of all sorts of second hand cars.yes we need second hand cars for those that can not afford but some that come in the country indeeed just cause traffic jam as they take the whole day to get into towns like they say in zed.twingile mutown.ha ha .africa twasebana

  40. ¥45 i wonder what the road is like to get to the bush were you live in what ever jungle you are in to support this economy boom which is on the roads nonsence you must be a very silly man.


  42. UNBE F**KINGLIVEABLE! Shikapwasha you’re a PUNK. This is what I want to do to you right now b-(

  43. This comment from a government leader is so basic that it is disappointing to even imagine it coming from a cabinet minister and former ZAF Chief. Surely Zambia deserves better. Indeed there are some signs of economic movement no doubt but I would have loved to the minister to tell me if the pot holes all over our roads are also a sign of economic boom. How many people out of those eligible to work in Zambia are working, Mr Minister are you sure Kalola area is booming in Keembe where you are an MP. Be realistic and sensible do not take the people of Zambia for granted. Do not be a traitor to your position of trust that the people have extended. 70% Zambians are leaving below the poverty datum line and a minister is bragging that we are in an economic boom. Have a heart for the people.

    Thank you so much for your positive contribution. Where have you been all this time?? I have followed your contributions and responses to some of these lumpens who think being in UK makes them more Human than others.We are proud to contribute to our Zambia without you.One day you will find us.Its true what Ronnie has said Those who are working hard are doing well in Zambia. Civil servants and other employees in other sectors have have bought Cars and are also buildig House e.g In Chalala, Mean wood and other places. Let those in Nursing in Uk and other places think we are not progressing.Mukatusanga nensoni shenu.You are busy praising Countries which will never be yours. Shame on you!!! Zambia is developing very well and us Zambians are happy.You can choose to be away

  45. Wapya Munzi / Hambilwi: I am afraid you are misguided. Firstly, there really isn’t a need for Zambians abroad and Zambians living in Zambia to be at odds, especially on issues that are straight forward. We call ourselves a developing Nation, meaning our overall goal is to be like the nations of the developed world. But you do not get there with the selfish politics being displayed by Shikapwasha and neither will you do it without the help of Zambian’s abroad. We could find a million reasons to be divided, that’s human, but I’d rather we focused on development and on holding leadership accountable. Give praise where it is due, not because you think it is patriotic. Demand more from leadership, you pay them for it. And lastly, lose your inferiority complex, you sound bitter.

  46. #45 HAAMBILWI
    ‘ For your own information HH has already employed many white managers from abroad ‘ says you. what load of tosh is that? what’s so special about a employing a white skined person. Thats why we will never go anywhere because of people like yourself who think employing a white person is out of this world. They are just human beings like yourself with a bit more life and pride than you of course, eiish ! just when am starting to think we’re finally about to alive in 21st century, you throw spanners in the works, damn you Haambalwi.

  47. See the kind of shallow minded leaders we have. Poor town planning at its level best; just to be interpreted as economic growth. Shame on Shikapwasha. You see why we need degree holders!!!!!!!!!!

  48. The fact that your 12 year old can’t squeeze into those diapers anymore is as good an argument for his healthy growth as the current traffic jams are on 1950s/60s infrastructure are a sign of prosperity for Zambia. Your boy has outgrown his diaper. It’s time you bought him a pair of pants.

  49. #53 thank you brother Wapya Munzi.You are what I call Kateka in Bemba. you and I are building Zambia
    while my London brother Chitekwa cha kwa Cameron.Brother Transparency for Zambia actually you are very Translucent For Zambia because of distant from home.We have entered stage 2 of economic freedom here.It is now us Zambians going into real investment on farmers and real estates no matter how small we shall reach there.after all all the beauty of the city of London was built from our copper and now Britain is in deep budget deficit.And very soon it will be my Zambian brothers who will be no the losing side.Cameron is always talking of ‘Immigrates ‘ These are Ifitekwa in Landon.Is better to be silly in your own country than outside.

  50. It seems that some people in Zambia don’t understand that life is about making one’s own choices that is why some of us decided to leave co’z it is our choice so it should not pain any who has not had the chance to enjoy the kind of life we lead here they don’t chase people who have the right to live the Uk get your facts right do some travelling but not on tax payers expense.

  51. One thing we dont seem to touch is the fact that lusaka is done you cannot restructure when people have settled , we have to start a new capital in Kafue or KAbwe like our friends in India or Nigeria did.What kind of engineers designed lusaka ? no by-passes awe kwena these tuma ballies just go and sit in parliament dozing…ati economy booming..

  52. #55 msana Wanzili ,sorry I wanted to remind you that it was unknown for aZambian to employ a white Qualified farm manager from bBritain afew years ago and being paid in british pounds.This is now happening here in Zambia.Mwefitekwa come back home and prove your are worth more than washing plates and doing 4 or more jobs per day to survive.You are Kings at home. I still love you brothers and sisters.

  53. on this one shikapwasha NO!,, you are right wrong, cities have not expended outward, no new major linking roads have been constructed since 1964… no new trafiic robots have ben erected, but there has been alot of in flowing cheap japanese cars:-?

  54. # 61
    employing a white person is not out of the ordinary,, its a normal thing! Tonga backward syndrome(TBS) is a serious deases with no known cure:o
    I for one have not respect for HH, I had a lot respect for the late mazoka, that was a real tonga bull. if its true he employs or has employed a muzungu/bamuzungu and paids him/her/them in pounds, then he employs fellow blacks and pays the 100pin a month.:-? TBS case!

  55. ubupuba ubupuba mucalo cesu. Traffic jams manifest poor townplanning and an idle government thats all!

  56. HAAMBILWI-ABANA , you have really tried hard to support the minister’s statement and it is understandable obviously you are one of the lucky Zambians having to drive. However when you look at the bigger picture the minister is off the mark as traffic jam can be caused by several factors, ranging from stagnant road infrastructure, poor public transport, growth in population etc. Rarely can traffic jams be a measure of economic boom. Economic boom is mostly measured by reduced levels of unemploment, good health care, GDP etc. What the minister is displaying is pettiness in thinking and exhibition of dullnes

  57. iye iye iye !!!!! which planet is this ***** from.traffic jams are a sign of confusion. can someone please tell this fool that this is not the army barracks , where when you traffic, its economy boom time …son of a ya ya ya ya…………

  58. Currently South Africa is working on a system where private cars will be charged for using the free way. billing facilities are being built on major highways and the more one uses the highway the more one pays at the end of the month. The charges will work two ways, 1 to collect as much money for road maintenance and 2 to encourage the use of public transport thereby reducing traffic jams. Now that is what is called development. Most countries with booming economies are working towards reducing traffic on the road unlike Zambia where traffic jams are being encouraged to show that we are wealthy. does the minister know how much productive time is spent in a traffic jam

  59. People lets just accept it the cause of traffic Jams in our country is pot holes.All these years we would have been experiencing economic expansions but the problems is most of our leaders are too selfish and power Hungry.

  60. I have only this to say to this ridiculous man: Better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a FO.O.L than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  61. #12 and 21, I agree with you that Ron has a point no matter how poorly it came across. Some signs of development: walking barefoot and in shoes, cycling as in Chipata, driving (second hand cars), driving posh cars, flying own jet etc. Driving in Lusaka, Johannesburg, London and other cities in the world during peak hours is a nightmare. Yes something must be done to cope with the large number of cars and traffic congestion in our cities and towns, brought about by development. By the way I read somewhere about changing the term “third world” which connotes “poor”, to “developing world”. Reason given is that some of the poshest living styles i.e. large mansions and posh cars Hummers, BMWs, Mercs etc are found among the indigenous citizens in the so called third world, ask HH…

  62. ……and oh I forgot Mmembe. Development is there no doubt, the challenge is to develop the economy to a critical mass where the left overs from HH and Mmembe etc can trickle down to the rest of us after these guys are satisfied.

  63. We are working extremely hard here in the diaspora . We contribute to the taxes that the donor community offers to third world countries like ours, but where does this money end up? It ends up in the pockets of selfish individuals through scams such as fake business transactions in the ministries and the multiplier effect is individuals ending up with tuma ownerships like cars( chocking cities like Lusaka being the center of donor- funded-money- looting) and tuma nyumba (utumayanda). Off course banks like Barclays Bank offer people tuma loans but people are defaulting already. If our economy is ticking, meaning we are exporting more, how come our currency is approximately equivalent to K5,000 per $1 what a shame! For Lusaka all you need is to build two lane roads( as opposed to the one…

  64. lane roads we have) in opposite direction and the reality will be the reverse, that there is no economic boom because the cars will be scattered.

  65. #71: There are not as many measures of economic growth as you have implied. Ron had no point. Let’s accept that fact. Inu anthu, statements like Ron’s are a boon to the ignorant; feel good kind of words when deep down we know we are lying to ourselves.

    Measures of economic take off are recorded from significant reduction in UNEMPLOYMENT, significant growth in REAL GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, and a significant reduction in INFLATION. Reduction in the price of Japanese clunkers due to increased competition there does not immediately translate into economic boom in Zambia.

    Tiyeni takuya tukapunzile.

  66. I wonder why people are dismissing Shikapwasha’s point here. The point Shikapwasha brought up (from the way I understand it) is that as the economy grows, more people are able to afford more cars be it new or second hand and this has led to the congestion in terms of road traffic.

    If people are dismissing the claim and saying it is a result of poor planning, then where did all these cars come from? How did people afford all these cars? isn’t it a sign of economic growth that led to people being able to afford these cars?

    By the way, what is the PF led LCC doing about road traffic congestion in Lusaka?

  67. # 61 HAAMBILWI-ABANA my brother you have got it all wrong.Firstly change your rural mentality about hero worshiping white people and secondly stop polluting the zambian environment with that cheap japanese car you have and lastly get a life.Who told you most zambians abroad work in nursing homes ?
    Some of us teach in universities here you “farmer”.

  68. more ridiculous moronic comments from ronnie, pliz WE DON’T WANT UNIP DAYS AGAIN when we were told everything was “just OK chopet ijots”

  69. Haambilwi-Abana
    I am a former Zambia now established in the USA. First of all, not all Zambians abroad work in nursing homes. I cant tell you what I do and how I live. All you need to know is that I have excelled beyond imagination because of infrastructure which your minister Shikapwasha fails to consider when making his statement. I was in Zambia just a month ago and was appalled by how much time I wasted looking for parking spots. Business that takes us minutes to conduct here in the US takes days to do in Zambia. We apply for passports at the Post Office and get them in the mail. No oiling of anyone’s hands. SO HERE I SHALL STAY. Keep your Southern Province.

  70. Yebo hambwili yebo, ino wabanzi musa . You are delusional because of that terrible cocktail you keep taking, comprising mabisi, chibwantu and musohya,. You make it worse when you become frustrated because those ngombes are too tired and can`t meet you targeted plowing distance for the day, as a result as if that bad mixture is not enough, you vent your anger on the ngombes by adding to the cocktail some puffs of ganja and then screw them ngnombes from the back and the repercussion of that ecstatic moment Is what you have just exhibited on the blog.

  71. the divide between those in zed and those abroad is laughable. firstly, we all visit this site because we are somewhat concerned with what’s happening in zed, so thats a commonality. the point is mad ron is talking s h i t. and let’s not base development on having a car – the world has progressed much. congestion on the roads is an indicator of a lack of investment in infrastructure. people are commuting long distances to get to work in lusaka and yet there is no development with rail infrastructure. i would have loved to live in kabwe and commute to lka by train if there was a reliable train system (before i learned that it is possibly the most polluted city in the world).

  72. If that is the case how come there are no traffic jams in the rural and remote areas since Zambia is experiencing this perceived economic boom.

  73. If that is the case how come there are no traffic jams in the rural and remote areas since Zambia is experiencing this perceived economic boom.


  74. transport liberisation is one of the contributing factor to jams. It was a good idea but there was need to put up regulation to allow a certain number of combis that meet demand. Looking at jams in LSK, you will notice that it Is the taxis and min buses causing all this. It is not a good development to have jams bwana minister. Would you call spending 1 hour from chelstone to town a development? No becoz time is money. Make a survey you will note that a good number of people have lost opportunity because they arrived late for an interview or deals which is all as a result of jams.

  75. Hey Senior Citizen whats your take on this i.d.i.o.t? No wonder you havent commented or supported this lumpen! Anyway, as must as having a lot of salaula cars on the road being a sign of a growing economy, it may be true in Botswana, Namibia, RSA (where you see young people driving brand new cars, it is off course a falacy to think that is a yard stick! Msana wanzili goes on to comment on how ‘his daftness comes to an all new level’. Yes inndeed how somebody say ‘traffic jams is an economic indicator? Yes he- Shikapwasha and you Senior Citizen are beyond us in your own worlds!

  76. Another display of utter idiocy. You old people never learn do you? Was Shikapwasha trying to crack a joke or are his brain cells scrambled? well I will tell you one thing, the traffic jams are not due to economical development, but poor road and communications planning in the city! people migrate to Lusaka by the hundreds in the hope of finding better employment, job security and housing. what happens to the places they leave behind? total neglect thats what. And this old man says its all because of economic development, you are so lame.

  77. Ministers in Our Govt;, annoy us daily. Shikapwashya without shame as a rev is busy telling us crap. What boom in economy is he talking about?? Look at the conjestion along Kafue Lusaka road near Misisi Township.

    There is an eye sore brigde being constructed over the dual carriege way, gateway and out from CBD Towncentre, it has taken more than 3 months to construct such a tiny over head substandard bridge. No wonder we cant reconstruct Independence stadium, no wonder if we can fail such a small bridge as a country what can we ever do right!!!. It has inconvinienced a lot of travellers.

  78. #61 HAAMBWILI-ABANA. The fact being that we are outside does not mean we dont know whats on the ground. Some of us are in Zambia more than twice a year. I dont know what Choma you are bragging about. The fact is Choma hasnt been developed as well as other towns in Zambia. Having a car is not development. Most Zambians have really come to accept substandard living conditions. A life span for car in Zambia is very short due to poor roads. The population has been growing but the infrastructure has not been improved. So dont live in denial,Zambia is in a very bad state at the moment. Its good you are farming but accept that your government is not doing anything to support you. How do you manage to transport your products? I bet you have high maintenance on your trucks if have any.

  79. #78, 79,80 I love you all.We are now more civilized here.We don’t insult on our blogs.#79 my Chiyanga i love you too . for your own information there is a new song now paZed called ” Ichipuba chandi” yes I enjoy Mabisi,Chibwantu and musozya.This food is very healthy unlike some of you my brothers who feed on fast foods.Please try to be objective in your opinion on what Ron has said.Ron is not 100% right on his statement but there is some gain of truth in it.Iam happy my brothers out there that you are concerned about Zambia.Please I am not aTonga but a Zambian.I speak 7 major Zambian languages.Yes, Iam a farmer but but that does not make me aTonga.

  80. In my opnion traffic Jams are only common in Lusaka and not other towns like Kitwe and Ndola. This situation may only be due to poor economic planning in this country.That is to say loopsided economic deveploment. What you are seeing is that people are migrating from other towns country wide to Lusaka.This in turn has caused congestion in the capital.If we are not careful we might find Lusaka setting itself on time bomb due to pressure being put on the resources in the Capital

    My suggestion to the minister is for him to find ways of inducing economic development in the whole country and that way you might just decongest the capital.

  81. # 90 we are also glad that you are a patriotic Zambian. I am also glad you have finally agreed that Ron is not 100% right. When you refer to your comments # 21 you were so sure he was 100% right but i think you have now realigned your thinking. Thats good too. the song icipuba chandi has been there for atleast 4 months now so its not a new song. Are you able to tell us your tribe so that we can stop speculating. We know you are a proudly Zambian but pride starts from home, be proud of your family, your tribe then your country

  82. #93 A E I O U .I know you are in South Africa, good morning.The icipuba chandi song was a reference was to #78 Chiyanga. Chiyanga means icipuba in Tonga or a fool in English.although my parentage is from one part of Zambia was born outside that part.Iam born in Town on the Copperbelt .I have never being to my parent’s village.I am on my farm. So far so good for me than my friend who still believe in white collar jobs.I use Toyota 4×4 vans on my farm. I have about 20 workers on my farm.all my farm workers have at least 2 bicycles. #93 I rest my case.

  83. # 95 Haambilwi-Abana. May you explain how the TRAFFIC JAM explains that you are doing fine as a farmer?

  84. HAAMBILWI-ABANA……….ha ha ha.A farmer ain`t you ? Well i like it that you like what you do,but don`t think that is the end of the road there is more to life my brother stop living in a bubble.Everyone has his or her own life to lead so don`t let our self idolization and pride go to your head.Bless you:-?

  85. Chi Shikapwasha the question is what is GRZ doing about it.[-(. You can just seat back and smile economy is booming so its ok to suffer from traffic jam.*big fyolad *>:p

  86. #45 Employing a white person is nothing special that is just color my friend and don’t forget that we had a lot of them working for the mines those days, those people can not find work here and tell me which colleges they went to here in England dispite being a Zambian i’m British eduated till my i finished my medince at oxford University you can not employ me i can asure you i work for very big hospitals my friend and very sr, Doctor you read uk Zambians and you will know more about us.

  87. Greece is looking for billons of dollar bell-out from europe at least zambia has some dollars in the reserve bank.please our friends out there,we have less suicide cases here than where you are.We must be proud of Zambia”s scores.

    The person who made this comment must be crazy.
    ZAMBIA is one of the poorest countries yet this fool thinks Zambia is in the Black on its accounts.
    What a F.O.O.L!!

  88. Chiluba had already exposed it to the Zambian people that in Lusaka you have tunnels underground,why not make use of them this time to deconjest the city.Here is a plan to cutail yr traffic jam woes.Remove the rail line from ngwerere to chilanga and place down in the idling tunnels.Then you will create space to build a highway road that comes straight from chilanga and join Kabwe road somewhere after kabangwe.Only those motorists who want to get into Lusaka town can remain using the usual road network.

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