Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mangani opts to remain mute


Former Home Affairs Minister and now Science, Technology and Vocational Training Deputy Minister Lameck Mangani has chosen not to respond to his critics.

Mr Mangani has come under criticism from different sections of society following his demotion by president Banda last week for his failure to perform to expectations.

Mr. Mangani told Qfm that he would rather keep quite than keep on responding to what other people say about him.

He said this while trying to jump onto his new official vehicle with a big smile on his face at the Ministry Headquarters this morning.

And earlier, the reporter had a tough time with Mr. Mangani’s secretary who could not allow him to talk to the deputy minister.

When the reporter asked the secretary to talk to the deputy minister, she vehemently refused saying the deputy minister had not yet officially reported for work but was merely passing by his new work place.

She told the reporter that he could only see him when the minister assumes his duties as deputy minister.
[ QFM ]


  1. Hon. Mangani already gave an interview with the Post last Friday. Why can’t LT just copy and paste the interview from the Saturday Post?

  2. Principles won’t feed his children, bloggers seem to be expecting too much from Lameck

  3. No wonder Sata had said he is like a village dog.Before being fired he was barking at everything
    even parading villagers from the stone ages.Now when he should talk after the damaging indictment from RB he chooses to be quiet

  4. Well, Ithink the person to have fired was Kabonde. Anyway if U are have different opinions in RB’s governmrnt then U are an enemy. Look at Magande….etc

  5. This chap had it coming.He became so pompous and untouchable. He’s just ashamed and feels degraded. From number four in Govenrnent ranks to a mere deputy minister. Uzachiona mambala iwe next you will just be fired.It’s a big lesson to all blind followers.Next it’s GK and mukulu mpuno shikapwasha. Ron is a pain in the .A.S.S and deserves to be sacked.

  6. There izn’t a lot that Mangani will miss despite the “demotion”, and that’s why the man would rather remain silent. Ideally, this man should have been fired.

  7. If Mangani has any principles at all and believes he performed well at his previous job he should have opted to step down rather than accept a demotion but you hardly hear of any of them with principles and integrity and however they are humiliated they will stick on without shame. KK used to fire his erring ministers at a press conference and they continued licking his boots regardless, hoping to be recalled.

  8. This “Mr Mangani has come under criticism from different sections of society following his demotion by president Banda last week for his failure to perform to expectations… Mr. Mangani told Qfm that he would rather keep quite than keep on responding to what other people say about him.
    ” new approach, I would lik to congratulate Mr Mangani for now behaving as expected.

    I also wish to advise him to resign from GRZ as opposed to wait to be demoted again by being completely fired by possibly President RB Banda.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  9. The man has been criticized and has also been demoted and therefore, to keep answering to critics, will not serve any purpose to him and the critics so why answer them. He has learnt his lesson and now he is taking a different approach to work and so forth. It is time to move on instead of playing hide and seek with the critics which never come to an end in Zambia. Move on and give some real stories not Lameck am sure even bloggers are tired of that sh*t!

  10. Finshi fyacitika kuli Mangani kanshi bane twebeniko finshi alanda pali ba RB nangu nipali Chiluba mwa?

  11. Rupiah banda has transfered a failure from home affairs to technology I’m sure even there he will fail. He could have just fired him instead of demoting him. We the tax payers are not ready to be spending our hard earned money on failures like mangani.

  12. Mangani so useless a person. He was so out spoken but now he is humbled. Kumozi kumawa has failed to work. well done RB though you also has a red card come 2011.

  13. Mangani did not opt to remain mute. He has no response considering that he cannot develop an idea of his own. What can he say after failing like he did? Even rewarding him with position given to him is a travesty and huge mistake. So, after failing somewhere, he must go and fail in another office. What a crazy government.

  14. The unsubstantiated rumour ( or story because all rumours are unsubstantioned) I have heard is that Mangani was unhappy at being sidelined by RB during the Mufumbwe bye-elections who opted to work with William Banda. William Banda organized MMD cadres to go to Mufumbwe dressed in police uniforms dealing directly with the IG. It may be true because UPND members claim to have an MMD cadre dressed in police uniforms..

  15. Hey, he has learnt how to stay mute after that lot noise and mistakes he made while he was his most Senior the Chief Defence Minister in civil attair.Well done that you have now known what are the does and don’ts

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