Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Weekend in Pictures



Zambia Revenue Authority workers on go slow


Zambia Revenue Authority workers on go slow.


Former ministry of Finance permanent secretary Wamundila Mbikusita Lewanika captured at Lusaka international airport


Commerce minister Felix Mutati and European Commission head Derek Fee launch the Moggobo Sugar project in Mazabuka


Finance Situmbeko Musokotawne inspects government construction projects.


Hichilema addressing his supporters


A female youth member of the UPND tries to give flowers to Hichilema at Lusaka international airport


UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema meets COMESA secretary general Sindiso Ngwenya at Lusaka international airport


Hichilema sorting out his travel documents at Lusaka international airport


Hichilema when he arrived from the USA


Information minister Ronnie Shikapwasha reads a statement during a press briefing while Permanent Secretary Ngosa Chisupa listens


Information minister Ronnie Shikapwasha with Bishop Joshua Banda in Lusaka. Shikapwasha is also a Reverend


President Banda addressing guests at a home for deaf children in Lusaka


Late Levy Mwanawasa's pastor giving advise to former first Lady Maureen Mwanawasa to be a humble person in society


President Banda and First Lady Thandiwe interact with deaf children at an orphanage in Lusaka.


President Banda swearing in new Home Affairs minister Mkhondo Lungu at State House


Some passengers walk on the tarmac at Lusaka international after arriving


President Banda with new Home Affairs minister Mkhondo Lungu at State House


UPND supporters protesting outside the Zambia Police headquarters in Lusaka.


UPND supporters protesting outside the Zambia Police headquarters in Lusaka


Zambia police spokesperson Bonnie Kapeso addressing protesting UPND supporters who were calling for the sacking of Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde

Miss Africa, Moscow Style


Tilenji, a first year student participating in Miss Africa in Moscow, came Third . By Samuel Mulongoti


Zambians performing during miss Africa 2010 By Samuel Mulongoti


Miss Africa in Moscow Mwansa Mulolo By Samuel Mulongoti


Miss Africa Mwansa Mulolo (R) and miss Moscow (L) By Samuel Mulongoti


  1. Pic 24-Umwaiche mwansa nimbama even tilenji in pic 22 is equally a imbama awe we have untapped talent pa Z kanshi hiding in the diapora.Nice pics ba LT:-?

  2. Too much of this Miss…ntwanikane… so on and so forth going on around 😮 Can’t you people get a life and do something productive? 😕

  3. H.H is the answer to Zambia’s future.

    He just went to Washington embassy to say hello to the MMD bloggers.
    They all scrambled for a photo opportunity.

  4. So even the late Levy Mwanawasa’s pastor was not pleased with the former fist lady’s rubbish statements i missed that one i hope she got the advice from the man of god because we such alway watch that mouth of hers when ever she opens it since we now know her line of thinking hope she has started man searching so that tax payers can have a break they have their own problems to think about.

  5. #9 you are 100% right that new minister is a very old finished thing don’t we have young talent in Zambia?

  6. who was best dressed? R.Shikapwasha when meeting Bishop J Banda. RB was ok. I don’t see the composureness in HH, to be a president. Why does he insult, can’t he humble himself. Mr Laptop is fwiti and corrupt/thief but he’s gentle, humble and careful with use of language

  7. We have nice girls pa Zed that’s one thing that we have got right not the Politicians. If we have to choose from the people available to be president the only new and promising new material is HH.

  8. Lovely pics! Congratulations Mwansa for winning Miss Africa, but I personally think Tilenji (pic 22) looks more attractive. Beauty is in the eyes of the booty holder…:d

  9. Miss shani shani uko! If it were all about beauty, I think Tilenji nika ‘bullet’ maybe Mwansa has other qualities. But looking at Miss Moscow, she looks like she is 50yrs old awe sure!

  10. Pic 18….I think these UNIPists cant believe their luck of having a second life at the reins of power. This is surely a dramatic come back of UNIP. We saw what UNIP 1 did, lets wait and see what UNIP 2 will do. As for MMD, good riddance as only the name remains. What a promise it gave to the Zambians in 1991 and what a disappointment it turned out to be.

    Good luck UNIP 2… will need it :d:d

  11. legacy Chi*k*8* then u dnt know shit about beauty…mwansa is da bomb,muleyipusha ifwe fwe bamwishiba bawishi

  12. Pic #5, Musokotwane inspecting a GRZ construction project, and then what?
    A few months ago a minister of state for education was shown inspecting a dilapidated ‘classroom’ in North western province, it would be interesting to know what that inspection has achieved.

  13. Slum dog, its definately a blanket! I just love Lusaka International airport [Pic 17, the miss home love] Dry grass, poor infrastructure but i Just love that airport… it silently tells me welcome home!!!

  14. #23 kasman….I dont understand your attack on my comment. Anyway, I suspected from your flag that you have a personal connection with Mwansa so your defence is personal….wait a minute, this is not worthy arguing about! Beauty is a construct of the human mind…..your mind and mine are not the same.

  15. Did y’all notice Shikapwasha is spotting a solid red iridescent silk tie? What is HERB’s chief spokesperson saying?

  16. Did y’all see picture #12. What’s spiritual about Shipya.May’b. Is that Rev B with Shipya? but even then he sold us over the unending NCC. Seems pastors now are a bit sheepish and shy when they are with politicians.God save us from the sheepskinned.

  17. :Point of correction Tilenji came out last of the competition not third.
    beauty she has but nothing. miss is beauty + intellegence.
    And thats Mrs Russia not Miss Moscow.

  18. Shimaster nsugileni umwaiche uyo opo nshila geta.I don`t want abana bwakwa putin bakangipaile nga lancy.I want ekesalyako chikeni and chipisi yamu

  19. #32 shimaster… and your fellow Unza/CBU rejects who were shanted to Russia, you should grow up and have a life. Why should a simple topic like this bring about insults? Check what #15 Nine Chale said. Baiche dont think we are all ‘kasukulus’….I know the tuma allowances that they give you there are meagre but that should not turn the whole bunch of you into frustrated and insulting kids.

  20. Calling a spade a spade.Tilenji is more beautiful than Mwansa.She lost probably cos she is a first year and not much acquianted with Russia.Shimaster,u are a liar,she came third and she was crowned as Miss Talent 2010.Check the fotos on Facebook Zasaru.From your tone,it seems u r bitter obvious kalimikana!!

  21. guys come on beauty is in the hands of the beholder your argument is out of hand stop it Mwansa won its congrats to her learn to move on:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@

  22. lets stop fighting ova useless things, instead lets congratulate comrade sleeping sickness Shikapwashilila on extendin da red card campaign to Lusaka, only eastern province is remaining :)>-:d/

  23. @ 32 wat boss!! finshi natukana apapene ayi??? ni one zambia plz Mwansa emuntu she got the first prize.
    @37 truth>>> wat r u arguing about i was there and am the maker of ZASURU so u cant tell me no shit!! takwaba ati 1st yr or wat last yr a 1st yr student won this competion and was contesting againg ama 5th yrs so u hav no data. u sound as if Tilenji is your bulul and she justified herself to you. she came out last place number three was a gal from Angola sexy Lwiza!! but ni zii ka Tilenji elo teti kankane u have no data iwe.

  24. hey guyz mwansa came out 1st nd tililenji last next tym she shud nt partipate ! we wait for new pat fak @ kasman were did knw mwansa?guys mwansa ni z very cute cant u c the smile thats wat made her win white teeth she use colgate tooth paste daily @ numba 36 the legacy hw many points did u get we are on bc we get free money that ur mother pays wen she buys tomatoe

  25. @legacy grow up! u r a flop we knw tht u sweep in streets there zambia does nt offer scholarship there!!!!!!upyanga!!

  26. @ The legacy… dnt think students in Russia r UNZA/CBU regects…thats so shallow of you!! u r so ignorant chikala chobe:d/

  27. @ THE LEGACY cahchine a be bolo chinyo chabanina !MATAKO YAKO CHIKALA Y R U SO IGNORANT KULA CHINYO MKWAPA!!!!


  29. 🙂 Greetings Nine Chale long time my brother. Greeting Slum Dog I thought the exact same thing about Joshua Banda’s suit lol hahahahahahahahahaha.

  30. Wechimbe zankalewa!! boi ulatukana zoona but am behind u this mother f#### legacy is really ignorant for shizzle!!

  31. Guys come on….there is no need to sling about insults, be civil about this. It doesnt show maturity to show that you know the ‘biggest’ insults. If you insult me coz of my comment…..well right back at ya!!!;)

  32. Useless chaps have learnt hw to blog and have started giving us unpalatable and un Zambian language.This is childish. Lets grow up and be constructive.

  33. #51 and 52 I hear you my friends….thats the calibre of some of the ‘experts’ zambia will receive from Russia….what a waste. Competing among themselves as to who can issue the most insults on a thread like this one. On threads that discuss real issues they are hardly there…..come on folk, you can do better.

  34. There we go. I thought only the politicians are doing the thing! insulting. Hubris? Am tired of this hoary.

    There seems to be a spate of troghdytes on the streets of pa Zed. Very endemic of our political and social malfunction. A kind of break from the norm. Hallucinations or reality? Actually reality is hallucination caused by luck of alcohol.
    Lets drink and do the thing and sleep and let FTJ kafupi loot us.
    Aside from that-generaly Zed women a beautiful, look at both their jigz.With brains too. I think we are all intellegent except we misplace or misapply it for other areas of our lives like FTJ Kafupi did on the throne-looting.

  35. What would be more constructive about these pictures will be apart from praising these gals to do better, is to comment on the picture were Hon Shikapwasha is talking to Rev banda. I didnt know they are friends, i mean together. Rev Banda was the spear header of the unending NCC that is ripping tax payers money tricking down to his pocked, may be. He has let us down with his unfruitful involvements and mislead us on the pretixt of our belief in a man of God.
    God save us.

  36. @37.. guys wats with the comotion? @ 37 calling it a spade… dont criticise someone you dont know! you are there conderming the winner pantu nachikulya bululu wobe afuma last! aka kakashana ka mwensa for her to win pantu she has fyonse full pakage bakkalamba! olo wemuntu uli mubi for you to hate the winner en love the loser! my man you will never succeed! ulichipuba1 ulichipuba werever you are! tawakwata mano!

  37. sikalafi my man i need that lady mwensa pantu ine nifuna mukazi wanzelu noti chikopo monga tilenj… en i dont see any beauty were you dizz wen you were commenting?.

  38. @ LEGACY 53 were ever on earth u are man don’t pretend to be mature u contributed to the nonsensical comments my advice is criticizing were need is ideal in short change your attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to all you people what you bring out shows alot about whats in our minds think before u rush to comment,,,,,,

  39. # 37:(:d:d:”> twakwikata ulichipuba u r Tilenjis bululu alikubepa umwaiche that she came third. dnt justify things pipo. beauty peagents te beauty yeka,its about beauty plus intelligence and talent,Mwansa has it all and we saw it sam of us were there at the function!!
    @ legacy…kwena iwe ulichipuba ichalasti i dnt even know what u hav done bt frm yo comments we can tell niwebo zero pali zero.
    @ chainama….Naine ndefwaya mwansa boi kuti abana bawamako zoona!!

  40. kwena umwaiche mwansa kamuntu! she has coused all this comotion sure?? werever she is obviously kaleseka na ka smile kakwe ka super! gelo tillle mumapa kwati temukashana nowanda she was last!:d:o:)>-:)>-:)>- @ 61..diddy my brother then lets share mweh! kaba kwisa akakene kakashana/?:d

  41. :d/:d/ @ cHAINAMA…boi iwe uli muntu saana!! Ka mwansa nimpompo zoona ine kuti nafwilapo zoona she is so beautiful> chainama kaba pa capital pa moskva nga iwe waba kwisa ku gorod??
    ati Tilly mukwapa ifiko umwaiche taishiba ukusamba naka dressing ububi ilaya lyakwashima kekekekekekekek nowanda aluza

  42. Iwe Chainama ati kamano kamwansa kwisa? Who doesnt know that you fools in Russia use Shpagalkas(leakages) during your oral exams and you say tuli manano! Malabishi!!!!!!!!!!

  43. iweh mwaiche… ubupuba bwachila.. i know you trying to save your young sisters ass.. but youve gone too far! if that mwensa uses leakages then your ka sis also uses them coz she is also in Russia. actually for her to tell you that they use leakages were they are, then shes the one who has experianced that! why are you busy concertrating on insulting the lady who did you proud???? instead of you cogratulating her en telling her to keep it up, but you degreading her! this is rubish!!!! admit the fact that the lady won en your kid (brother)or sister if she is.. becouse we have no dakazatelstva! that shes dull for her to come out last! becouse the contest wasnt just for 2 girls but more than 5 girls en your sister came out last! mwaiche iweh kula mumano en dont maambo around like a marketeer!

  44. iwe @TRUTH u a fool taking things personnel mwaiche bobe aluza that means thats not her talent she may look pretty but lyk thy say not all that glitters z gold she looks pretty but the truthshe sucks let her stick with dick sucking and sperm chambering other than modelling thats wat ur family z good at we!!!

  45. Tili and Mwansa congratulations. Continue raising the Zambian flag in the far east. Its always good to hear about Zambia in a positive way. Hey, take care, its very cold there.

  46. Tili and Mwansa congratulations . Continue raising the Zambian flag in the far east. Its always good to hear about Zambia in a positive way. Hey, take care, its very cold there. :x:x

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