Patriotic Front (PF) says that Zambians will not allow Former President Dr Fredrick Chiluba, government, and the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to rig the 2011 elections in favour of MMD.
PF Spokesperson Given Lubinda who has repeatedly accused Dr Chiluba of being at the centre of rigging some of the past elections said that Zambians would ensure that the MMD government through ECZ fails to not manipulate their votes.
Mr. Lubinda said the PF supporters have since advised their Leader Mr. Sata to go on a self imposed exile so that his supporters are left to directly deal with the ECZ if they attempt to attempt to engineer the 2011 elections.
He said the people have told the party leadership that their votes will no longer be secret because the secrecy element would be manipulated ECZ.
He added that the people would ensure that they vote transparently so that they could estimate the number of votes that the party President has in particular areas before the official counting is done by ECZ.
He has since warned government not to allow Dr Chiluba to rig the elections as it had done in the past to avoid anarchy in the country after the 2011 elections
please warn them please…………VIVA PACT=d>=d>=d>=d>
for sure we will not allow them, it they do any rubbish this time someone will be kicked off by force. they must remember what happened at Mwanawasa election, it was Sata that had to tell people to get cool down and get off from streets. this time it will be ten times more and if not careful someone will pay heavily.
They wont rig….just make sure you sort out the pact issue properly otherwise you will split the votes and cry again
I wonder how MMD manages to rig the elections when Sata was at the centre of the rigging team, of course rigging for Chiluba…Sata worked with VJ, with Danny Kalale & all purpoted master riggers. Just where is the problem? Instead of threatening violence (using brainless cadres) let him work towards sealing all the loopholes he was using when it favoured him most.
He added that the people will ensure that they vote transparently
This is really shallow coming from Lubinda, a lawyer for that matter. And I bet my behind that MMD cadres are going to shred this guy to pieces on this blog. Secret ballot is meant for people to independently vote. What makes him so sure that all PF all people want to vote for Sata. Maybe people are just happy to come to your rallies and drink free beer, but when they are in a booth, their choice should be secret and independent, if you take that away you will kill our democracy. I think the PF is being desperate here. Keep secret ballot please
The call for a transparent election process in Africa is easier said than done. In Zambia, particularly, we have long practiced acquiescence in the name of ‘peace’. It has been said that Chiluba (during his tenure) said that Zambians are easy to lead because they are so docile. Unfortunately he’s right. The vast majority of us are quick to talk and point out the wrong in the ruling MMD but so few of us are willing to proactively do something about it. The time has come for us to wake up from our slumber. We need an ‘attitude revolution’ in Zambia. Come 2011, we must send a strong message of historic proportions to the ruling MMD. It will not be easy. We’ll sweat and possibly bleed a little bit. No pain no gain. THE NEXT GOVERNING AUTHORITY OF ZAMBIA WILL BE CHOSEN BY THE ELECTORATE!
# 5 that statement is debatable and can mean alot things. your interpretation may be different from what Lubinda meant. afterall we know the reporting skills of LT
Kaunda cried foul when lost election in 1991.Kaunda controlled the Army, OP, police and vigillante but he lost.he thought MMD rigged election 1991 but it is difficult to rig election in Zambia.Our system is the best in the world better than the U.K system.Lubinda just work hard. Charles Milupi has spoiled your chances of winning the election next year.Milupi is popular here on the copperbelt it is even worse in Luena consituenncy watch out in 2011.
SATA for president…it always sound like a big joke to me. The man is pathetic, too opinionated, intolence, No social etiquetes, chain smoke, bearing children out of wedlock, violent/thuggery behaviour, untrustworthy ( we can all recall how he supported the 3rd term in order to expell potential presidents like Miyanda), bad language, outdated politics, too old( you can’t teach an old horse new tricks), lacks skills to motivate people ( of course he’s a man of ‘action’, we all know that)..Honestly Sata is NOT inspirational to me. He can rule by instilling fear not by inspiring his followers. Mark my words. if he ever becomes president…disaster. I feel pity for HH…having yoked himself with Sata…He has also become violet and slowly losing good manners. Rupiah is worst among the…
Actually, this time around no rigging. But u never know with VJ,FTJ and DK. They are engineers by birth.
We will vote secretly as usual.
I have said it and i know that ADD has brought confusion in the MMD and the PACT coz manje Western Province iza vota Milupi came what may……muzaona so ma votes ya sookonezeka mu country. Ba PF want SATA at all cost , MMD with their RB UPND can never allow HH to give SATA a chance …ya wa ma…………………
# 8 i can see you have no idea of what you are talking about. I dont know what system of voting you are talking about and which UK you are talking about. Do you know how the Mazoka lost his elections? more recently how PF lost? do your research and then come back on the blog, other wise you sound like a joke
As much as i agreed with you concerning the secret ballot, logic clearly points to rigging in relationship to the last elections (2002-2006) we have had in Zed, unfortunately we cant do anything about that…they are sunk elections…However, Given is correct in suggesting that we put our finger on this issue as Zambians, again agreeing with you-that the ballot should not be stolen from us…we all have a duty to protect it…but also for PF to suggest sorting out ECZ using their own means is purely zoo manners and must be condemned in all manner of sense.
Laughable to read the hallucinations of PF kaponyas. They are a load of simple minded unpatriotic sore losers who keep missing the norms of democracy and competitive elections. These are the same whiners that have been crying loud but in vanity when their delusions and threats on Zambians fail them flat. Who cares should they all hibernate selves, their, concubines, sired kids and leave their Kaponya in behind in fantasy overdrive if ever they will have a rite of passage? As arsonists they are free to even burn off to ashes all their identified properties so that noble Zambians can take over their plots. Their rants with threats on Zambian democracy, mothers and children who will never risk with them because they are haters not debaters is not winning option. Bluntly their hatred has…
Munali counterpart finshi ulechita uko kunuma, are you watching eclipse nangu shani?
Bluntly their hatred has failed to make dividends in the ballot where power is derived hence the reckless unpatriotic useless talk. They think they can scare, intimidate and force Zambian voters to risk with them by venting threats.
Let him go into exile but he must remember that he may be extradited to the hague for rape,murder and armed robbery.
Ba PF this time you have stife competition, u actually think you still hold onto Lusaka and CB mwandi musaona mu 2011 next year..yesterday we were just reminded of the inconsistencies of the PF on windfall tax….i hope time of Zambia has posted the extract of that…………..ku wama ku zed next year.
Ba PF we still waiting for the Council reports chili bwanji?
Let me tell all PF kaponyas here something cardinal for your hearts: those desperadoes masquerading as your leaders that will deliver you heaven on earth by going in exile first then let you start murdering each other behind are not the only ones that will have their names on the ballot whom Zambians will be voting for. At your own risk you can join the fringe militia crazies who don’t love Zambia and the Zambian progressive people, but you are heading nowhere with these sore losers you think their running in exile if fortunate is the genesis of your economic miracle. The majority of Zambian voters understand that the world is more complicated and grey than the black and white that these simpleton make it out to be and that my friends is the point.
So it’s only fitting that your delusional leaders are Bangladesh-Zambian Given Lubinda, Michael Sata, Guy Scott, William Harrington, Ex-Priest Frank Bwalya, Mumbi Phiri, Willie Nsanda, Chishimba Kambwili, Ruff Shenton, Simmon Kabanda, Augustine Mwewa, Fred Mmembe and Telesphiore Mpundu. So if you are bothered that there are some misconceptions of your group, well then I think you need to be more careful who you misaddress the leadership robe and giving you these unpatriotic self alienating speeches.
The writing is on the wall. A good example is the riot at a church in Lusaka. Try it and see what will happen.
What these careless, uncalculated anti Zambian people, anti Zambian peace and anti stability vents of so called PF leaders clearly confirms to Zambia voters that senseless unpatriotic radical left-wing extremists do exist in PF ranks. If you listen and analyze these slobbering sycophants of the PF desperadoes you would never miss their delusional unpatriotism .All you PF Kaponyas blindly following Sata to hell, I say congratulations for your lack of analystical and comprehension skills. And in going out of your way to truth and democracy, you been made to believe must support the illegal activities suggested that come with exile of Sata first. Always the Creme rises to the top, crap as yours sinks to the bottom.
you are right man:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/:):):):):):):):):):):):)
Ba Lubinda,”anti bwa”,you are scared of your own shadow.put your house(PF) in order.
Paranoid sublevel propaganda, lies and delusion.Anarchist Sata, Lubinda, Ichilema, and Ackson Sejani are beyond delusional if they think for one minute any of their inane, insulting, class war mongering, race baiting, encouraging illegal acts filled diatribe will pull their embattled and fragile PACT to the winning side. There are lots of people out there who oppose their tribal and anti-Zambian agenda. Zambians know that these radical left-wing extremists promoting violence, targeting law enforcement and encouraging other various illegal activities are no drivers of stability and hope for all but anarchy. But hey, those pesky PACT losers are the real useless instigators!
Senior Citizen
When writing your comment try not to be immotional and too personal.
With 2011 elections being so far away, cant PF be persuing ways of making sure that elections are not regard e.g holding interpart talks with Electoral Commission to come up with ways of protecting the integrity of elections in Zambia. This could be more beneficial than drumming up war cries. It is possible to have elction monitors that represent all parties at polling stations. Let’s talk solutions, not anarchy.
Progressive Zambians now know very well that the socialism of 90 days miracle wealth in the pocket of every kaponya and the anarchy being propagated by these professional ballot rejects in the PACT only creates slaves and refugees than national hope. Why would anyone want that lot in life? It is a slippery slope people’s rants, at the risk of sounding trite, if treasonously risked with them on the ballot and we ever slide down that road, before long their kaponyas will be controlling every breath we make, and every step we take and r.a.p.i.n.g and insulting the beautiful and dignified Zambian mothers with impunity.
Dear PACT, Good luck with that little fantasy. You will need it in exiting Sata out of politics than out of the country!
There are already party representatives and independent monitors in every polling station and when counting takes place and even at ECZ where results from Constituencies are received. I don’t know what the PF want. May be they want to do the counting themselves. At the last elections the EU monitors, FODEP and other local obsevers declared the elections free and fair.But Sata insulted them all. PLease suggest what you want, which has not been done. People like Lubinda just disgrace themselves. He won the election in Kabwata under PF when he was a ULP member and could not stay with ULP out of principle. Let us respect our institutions. That is the back bone of all civilised societies.
MR. Scott 30, perhaps you could indicate what reforms the PF wants. The last I heard, they wanted 50% + 1 because they could not win with simple majority. This is the same issue with the Liberal Democrats in the UK. You have to campaign for the reform.
Is that Mumbi Phiri and Guy Scott in the picture? Welcome to Lubinda’s Saudi Arabia dreams.
what rubbish. this is the speech of a loser. in 2006 FTJ backed sata so how come FTJ did not rig then. Sometimes our politicians are either so dum or they think zambians do not have any memory. Given is a total buffoon
and these are the people we can entrust our nation to?? so if MMD rigs how did Given become an MP??? and how did PF win the kasama bye-election and also UPND others. so does it mean that its only sata who is standing? what about HH, Milupi, miyanda and chipimo, will they also go into exile? what rubbish and myopic thinking. declaring a LOSS even before the votes are cast and making threats about anarchy. when those kaponya’s start trouble the first person to arrest must be Given himself
Chiluba is the most devastating enemy to the PF, if we are scared of anything its FTJ. I can not explain this well enough in english but put simply if PF was Fire, FTJ is water, he scares the sh1t out of big bwana Cobra.
I have missed his point and can’t make head or tail out of his statement. What was Given Lubinda ranting about? Does he realise that he carries the title “Honourable”?
Given puhleeeze be reasonable for once or shut up. Aren’t there better things to plan for Zambia? Please tell us how u will run the country after 2011 and we will vote for you. Stop scaring us. We have businesses to run and don’t intend to go into exile. How will u handle the economy? our safety? and interact with which country? Who, internationally are we going to be aligned to seeing our businesses that have been dependent on China will collapse? How are you going to mitigate my business after the confusion of fighting for your choice president? I have a life after 2011. If u will disturb it with war then sorry, you ain’t getting my vote.
Oh I see, it’s part of the PF/UPND/PACTcampaign to condition the minds of people for the big loss that is certainly coming in 2011, so that the people do not accept the results. We may see this campaign gather momentum in the Post.
But on the other hand the way that the Post is exposing Sata in the name of marketing him, e.g. the oil solution in 90 days at the Post press conference, I am beginning to wonder what the king maker Mmembe is up to. I would not be surprised if the Post made a devastating statement disowning Sata at the critical time, as they did in 2006. After all the battering that Sata has received of late, obviously Mmembe must now be critically examining which side of his bread is buttered.
I think these are just kicks of a dying horse. Mr Lubinda is now sure that victory has slipped off their hands now that HH is seemingly challenging Mr Sata whom they thought would be the Pact’s automatic choice for the presidency. The PF is shocked that despite having been together on bye elections with UPND, HH does not trust Mr Sata to be his boss. So, I guess the only option remaining in view of the impending ceremonial and usual splitting of votes is to start crying foul over what is not. Too sad.
It is just a pity that as HP we are no more looking to be winners at all.
…..”Given Lubinda who has repeatedly accused Dr Chiluba of being at the centre of rigging some of the past elections”…
Does that include the 2006 elections when Mr Lubinda would accompany his boss to the airport to welcome FTJ whenever he returned from RSA for his treatments? I think these guys really take us for fools to think we can fall for such statements as quoted in the article..
You are still singing the same song of election rigging. I am still yet to see any evidence of election rigging. Without any evidence, I am to believe that Zambia has never had any rigged election.
Just accept defeat instead of using violent cadres. Before the election is even set, you already start singing the song of election rigging. PF is surely full of sole losers.
Also note PACT supporters that once again, Mr. Sata has said PF will not allow….and not PACT will not allow….
I’m guessing right there you can see where the sole called PACT is heading.
Can someone also remind Mr. Lubinda that we are still waiting for the PF report on PF led councils. They cannot be mocking us like this. We want the report.
#41 These guys cannot stand by their own words. They have even found excuses for their failure to launch the PACT when the facts are clear for all to see: how do you launch something which is already dead? PACT, for once please respect our intelligence.
interview of former chairman of The Task Force on Corruption, Maxwell Nkole in Financial Times, January 16 2010….. to understand
“…I was sacked and the Task Force has been disbanded. I suspect it was all part of a political deal between the current administration and Chiluba. Mwanawasa’s successor won the elections by a slim margin and his ministers seem to believe Chiluba can help them win the 2011 elections. There was a choice between supporting my job and Chiluba, and they chose Chiluba.
At the time, I was surprised – I had not expected them to be so ruthless. But then I looked back and realised these people had divorced from me a long time before. I used to brief Mwanawasa every month. I didn’t even meet the current president for the 11 months before…
( continued)
my removal.
I went from being a corruption hunter to being one of the hunted. Chiluba and his people hate us. My team has been smeared; the president has suggested we overspent. They are welcome to examine our accounts.
People are realising now that corruption is a far bigger problem for development than they thought. In Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia, all the specialised units set up to fight corruption have been undermined. The question is, what do you put in their place?
The good thing is that Zambians are up in arms. Before, they didn’t understand the elite had acquired so much wealth while there was so little development.
Mr capitalist, I ‘m always waiting for your comments about this interview… LOL LOL
“I was sacked and the Task Force has been disbanded. I suspect it was all part of a political deal between the current administration and Chiluba.”
OK, So he suspects it was all part of a political deal and he has no evidence to back it up. This is simply speculation as one can tell from his use of the word suspects. What we need is concrete evidence if we are to make such accusations. When was the deal made, where was the deal made, how was the deal made and who made it? We need some answers to this. Who was present when the deal was made? Do you have proof an actual deal was made. We cannot rely on speculation when someone is making accusations like this. We need concrete evidence.
“Mwanawasa’s successor won the elections by a slim margin and his ministers seem to believe Chiluba can help them win the 2011 elections. “
There is a difference between actually believing and seem to be believing so which is it? do they actually believe Dr. Chiluba will help them win elections or do they “seem” to believe Dr. Chiluba will help them win elections?
“I went from being a corruption hunter to being one of the hunted. Chiluba and his people hate us.”
Of course it is expected that Dr. Chiluba would hate you. That is very much expected. It is not clear however who his “people” are? This is taking us into riddles. Who are Dr. Chiluba’s people? When did they declare themselves to be Dr. Chiluba’s people? What evidence do you have to suggest they are Dr. Chiluba’s people?
“the president has suggested we overspent. They are welcome to examine our accounts.”
Here is the definition of “suggest”: imply as a possibility. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with the president implying as a possibility that the Task Force on Corruption overspent. The case did run for a long time. It is possible that the Task force on corruption might have overspent though it is not clear. There is simply nothing wrong with the president suggesting that.
“In Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia, all the specialised units set up to fight corruption have been undermined. “
Is this a fact or an opinion? I am not clear on this statement.
“Mr capitalist, I ‘m always waiting for your comments about this interview”
I have given my opinion and comments on this interview. What next?
So what he is saying is that if they dont win then we will all be macheted in 90 days. If it means that Sata will go into exile if he loses the next election, then I for one will not be voting for PF.
What these bitter PF and UPND extremists now foreseeing only a clear MMD victory in Decision 2011 don’t realise is the fact that a Zambian is a voter you cannot threaten with war drums, death to his children, murder to his household, arson to his home and properties.Immediately you do that, you foreget about ever wiining any election democratically or otherwise. In whose interest are you vowing wars against a Zambian for? For Sata or Ichilema to become President? And who cares if you ever find a route to sneek out of Zambia and seek refugee status there out of your shame of losing for the 4th time? Zambians know that the likes of Sata are trying to run away from their foreign debts got from the G.a.y societies, land chasing boers of SA and Taiwan capitalist loaders he owes millions…
We know that Given Lubinda is an islamic extremists without loyalty to the country. His alegiance his to his native country of Bangladesh.
Sata cannot take the shame of losing for the 5th time when he is drawning in heavy contracted foreign debt for a pledge of concentioning our land, minerals, national parks and waters to his capitalist loaders.
He knows that if he fails to win the 2011 which he will be the case, the economic hitmen who are international mafias he owes millions will just take him down in unsecured mafia style. He is scared to death over the blood money he has been chewing without a conscious untill now when presssure has hit the ceiling.Whoever cheated him that there is a safe haven in the world from mafias must have been taking sata for a pighead.
Although I have found it hard to back up what Hon. Lubinda has said, the onus is upon Zambians to really think about what we want our country to be like in five year. The choice either more of the same under RB or try out something different and see where we end up under UPND / PF pact. RB had no vision or the capacity to steer this country towards the path of accelarated growth. The man failed to deal with small crises such as the floods in Lusaka or the nurses’ strike last year. The country is currently in “auto-pilot” without any clear direction of what and how desired outcomes / targets will be achieved. I really regret having voted for this guy. I wish i followed the advice of The Post Newspaper.
#46 “…We need concrete evidence….” LOL
Hundreds expensive shoes, accounts in the UK, Switzerland, the Caribbean…
and Justice (of MMD) cleared him…
Don’t take the Zambian people for retards, you and those crooked politicians !
Kulima Tower Kabova ,
Yours is a pure personal opinion of an indocrinated to the leadership of unpatriotic tribalists and radical extremists. You fail to articulate any line of what you would do better than progressive MMD that has united the country and place it on the road to Grand scale development. Now tell us how you want Zambians to risk their country and lives with extremists who are drum beating war against them. Do you expect Zambians to be seduced into such risk losers on the precise of threats?
#54 Lets not be myopic. Floods happen everywhere even in the so-called developed countries. Also lets us give credit where it is due such as the re-opening of the mine in Luanshya and the fact that the country has just recorded its highest maize harvest ever. These things did not just happen.
#55 Where were you and what were your thoughts When PF were supporting Chiluba to the extent that they used to send him off and welcome him back from his MEDICAL TREATMENTS in SA (that all of a sudden the PF are against despite Sata’s life having been saved). What do you think about Sata’s inconsistency regarding Chiluba – he wanted him to go for a third-term, then he was going to free him if elected and now he is his worst enemy. Is that the kind of man you want to lead Zambia?
@ #55 MikeTe
And how am I taking the Zambian people for retards? You said and I quote, “Mr capitalist, I ‘m always waiting for your comments about this interview” and you got them. I asked you what next? You have failed to answer that. What is next after you have read my opinion and comments on the interview?
If PF are making these kind of threats before they even are in power, then what kind of govt will we be burdening ourselves with? Do you think what Lubinda has said sound like the words of a party that would give up power voluntarily if they were to lose an election? Yes we can all dream about change but change to what, thuggery and dictatorship?
@ #44 MikeTe
Concerning whether Dr. Chiluba stole or not. I am not going to dwell on that. The case is available on the internet for everyone to download. It is about 150+ pages. You can read it from there.
The evidence I do want however is whether there was a political deal between the current administration and Dr. Chiluba. If you make such a statement, you better have evidence to back it up.
sorry, should be #55 MikeTe and not #44
I continue to believe that at the moment we do have leaders who are genuinely concerned about moving the country in the right direction.Concern is not about being the one to lead,by and large in our environment, it’s about changing the way things are done. We need to protect ourselves from ourselves.Much of of the damage has been caused by ourslves.Despite the fact that Lubinda realises that there is something wrong in the way we do things, they still want to go into leadership maintaining the status quo.It’s not for the Zambians but for themselves.You are puting pressure in the wrong places.The next meaningful milestone will be one that focusses on CHANGING THE WAY WE DO THINGS.The guys on the scene lack capability in the in the subject matter. Agenda is ACCOUNTABILITY, INTERGRITY,…
Senior Citizen……..Looks like .today you have smoked the strong one……..:-?
Mr Lubinda, We are tired of your statements that are just about politics and other silly personal issues. In this regard, you are the same as MMD. When are you going to start discuss personalities less and talking more about poverty and the policies that affect development? Try to ignore the daily petty issues and focus on the important matters. This will set you apart from the rest of the jokers pretending to be national leaders.
Lubinda is trying to equate Mr Sata to some kind of a ‘Taksin S’ of Thailand. He is obviously aware that the croc, sorry snake is no match but wants to draw the comparisons as a way of scaring Zambians into voting PF to avoid violence/war. Scare tacktics have never worked in Z, Given, however can be credited as the first Z politician to deploy them on this scale. He is unlikely to succeed in getting the scare-vote and is equally unlikely to be able to influence enough levels of violence to scare the MMD. As for Mr Sata, I can invite him to join us here abroad to start his ‘exile’ without anyone pursuing him, I know its a bit like bolting from own shadow to many people.
How come some *****s on here post in BOLD? Are they LT mods? Chi Capitalist, Chi Nine (9) Chale bull color bwakwe Maestro Mee mee mee. Ba fi colour nimwe ba shushushu?
Senior Citizen, your shallow attempt to douse down my thoughts on the current political situation with cheap comments such as “Yours is a pure personal opinion of an indocrinated to the leadership of unpatriotic tribalists and radical extremists” is disappointing. Unlike you who chooses to blow your trumpet of emptiness from afar I live in Zambia and speak from a well informed background. My opinions are based purely on the assessment of the political climate. I sympathize with you for your ill informed frame of reference upon which you base your arguments. It is a well non fact that MMD is a tribalist party especially RB whose tribal sentiments were expressed during his second campaign rally in Chipata where he told people to chase away opposition leaders who do not hail ffrom there.
Senior citizen on you comment that “Yours is a pure personal opinion of an indocrinated to the leadership of radical extremist” I want to remaind you of an incident that occurred last year. Chitimukulu (a staunch MMD cardre) made racial remarks against PF vice president Guy Scott and MMD failed to condemn him. So in your not so intelligent train of thought, whose leadership is unpatriotic tribalists and radical extremists”?
Senior citizen, in your comment that I “fail to articulate any line of what you would do better than progressive MMD that has united the country and place it on the road to Grand scale development” is laughable because you clear fail to make a distinction between a comment and an artilated idea or expression. Please understand my ill educated friend that I am an individual and not a political party therefore I only comment based on what a political party has articulated in their manifesto and their delivery. If your idea of “grand development” is having our mothers carry their placenta home in a black bucket after giving birth (as the situation is in Zambia), then I fear to fathom what your idea of comfortable living is.
#57 Zombie, your comment is at the most superficial if not a joke. My comment on the floods was used as an illustration of how useless our current leadership is. Do you know that it took well over 4 weeks for them to intervene? That was 3 weeks after MUVI TV had made televised reports on the same and The Post had covered them in their daily news. RB chose to go to china, for 10 days and soon after to Malawi while people were dying. Is this what you’d call a people government? Problem is you speak from an ill informed background as you are currenly abroad hence end up sounding like an empty drum. And on the maize issue, do you know that farmers are currently in a fight with government becasue the price set by FRA is not reflctive of the cost of inputs that went into growing that maize.
Bo Lubinda, if you can’t avoid smoking before addressing the press at least minimize even by some cubic mm. Your sentiments are not only full of emotions but desperacy, frustartion and an attempt to defranchise the Zambian electorates. Every Zambian has the same rights like you and you have no right to their privacy. This just goes to show that your anticiapted PF government will usurp all our democratic rights as it imposses itself and “godhead” dictator on the underpreviledged Zambian. You seem to have a high propensity to abuse power. Sir, I find it honourable for you to retract your sentiments and appologize to us voters or else, come 2011 try your formular and see if you wont be shamed.
The warning is timely. Kafupi should not try to rig in 2011. We are fed up and ready for anything now.
i feel let down by Hon. Lubinda. Iam at pains to accept that this came from him. I initially wanted to blame the PACT but quickly reminded myself how principled and honourable Given has been. If for a second he didnt agree with it, he would have refused to be used and quit. Now that it is certain he is party to this, i duly register my disappointment. Given was turned into FTJs cadre as he and his boss trekked to the airport to receive FTJ. FTJ campaigned for the PF and we never heard any rigging plans. What didnt work??? How can FTJ be a factor now that he is out of office? In fact Sata has on numerous occassions told the nation that FTJ cant do anything to him as he is no longer in power. This is a direct contradiction to his boss’ views. Is it desperation or what?
Hon Lubinda must be reminded that bullets dont discriminate neither does PF have the monopoly of waging wars. Who is going to vote for PF in 2016 if all PF cadres are killed? Hon am disappointed. You are killing the spirit of having youthful leaders into power. The old madalas in RB, Sata, are now laughing at us the young ones because of careless statements like yours. How can you sink so low as to preach violence? To you Sata’s life is more precious than that of my father in Lundazi. Who do you guys think you are? Your propensity to rule should not take us for fools. Explain to us how this Kafupi will rig, has rigged in the past and how he was going to help your PF to rig the last elections. You cant talk of FTJ helping RB without disclosing how he tried (& failed) to rig on your behalf
Senior Citizen,walanda sana…lolela first,tukakocha ichishiki pama tako.waba itiboz mwitobo
I didn’t know Given Lubinda is so shallow minded. This RIGGING business has been said every now and again for over a decade but none has come up with concrete evidence or atleast shade some light on how it’s done. SATA was in MMD and he claims to know that MMD rigs elections but how come he can’t point to a single lead?????? This is utter lunancy. The opposition just monitors elections in urban areas leaving rural areas vulnerable, so i expect these guys to concentrate in rural areas and stop crying foul……………..wake opppositons and give proper info instead of taking us for brainless voters……..to be continued
Sata failed the healthy sector that he very much wants to get credit for. REMEMBER the Junior Doctors that He & FTJ fired just because these poor fellas wanted decent working conditions such as availability of glooves (worth 2pin) to save lives. Accident victims were bleeding to death for lack of basic necessities while him and his colleagues used to fly to South Africa to be treated for a mere headache. They brought in Cuban Doctors at the expense of our locally trained Medics. Now he wants to turn around and say he’s an angel to save zambia………excuse me!!!
Lubinda should know that we haven’t forgotten all this and it’s such issues that should be addressed and rectified by the old man before he can start jostling for power. learn from past mistakes and be sincere…
Mr. Capitalist says:
May 25, 2010 at 10:54 pm
OK, So he suspects it was all part of a political deal and he has no evidence to back it up. This is simply speculation as one can tell from his use of the word suspects. What we need is concrete evidence if we are to make such accusations. When was the deal made, where was the deal made, how was the deal made and who made it? We need some answers to this. Who was present when the deal was made? Do you have proof an actual deal was made. We cannot rely on speculation when someone is making accusations like this. We need concrete evidence.
Where is the evidence of that topic that you mouthed off about as full 100% truth.
where is the evidence of rigging?how many times have these thugs petitioned without evidence.
So it will either be Mapatizya or Chawama! Opposition have run out of ideas. Instead of trying to convince the voters why we should support them, they try to make short-cuts with the so-called pact of nothingness. This is now breaking apart at the seems so the last straw is now to threaten the electorate with violence. If you go on youtube, you can see Sata insulting the international observers for declaring the electoral process free and fair in 2008. This man was behaving like a spoilt child who has not got his way. The clip is funny, but mostly embarrassing, surely Sata cant be the kind of man that I would want to spill Zambian blood for.
Does anybody know why the PF fundraiser in London was cancelled last weekend? Is it because they could not get enough thugs to part with their money and attend? It seems like PF cant run councils or organise themselves but want to be given the chance to ruin Zambia at all costs.
With the threat of violence coming from the opposition, would the govt be able to postpone the elections sighting the threat of violence as not being conducive to a free and fair atmosphere in which Zambians would be able to conduct their constitutional right to vote for a party of their choice?
i don t know why MMD thinks chiluba is still popular?.Wherever i go be it western, southern, n/western, luapula, copperbelt, central e.tc people talk bad about this man….i remember the time he had a press conference, people where i was in kabwe requested the bartender to switch to another channel describing the whole thing as disgusting…Its high time FJT retired from politics and concentrate on other
important things in life
Senior Citizen
in my opinion I think this guy is a danger to the nation ,this guy as long he is given a job by MMD he can even wholesale his own mother,father and relative.Plaese note I’m not talking from without I have really done my home work on this chap; actually he used to work for a certain public company before he was given Ka job in america,he even sold those who were capable of doing the job that side in america.At one time he even wanted to kill his own wife for support PF,but remember one you will be nowhere ask Mangani.DO NOT BE CHEATED THIS GUY IS NOT EVEN EDUCATED okay he is DONE a bit of ka first degree apart from that nothing.
Bo Lubinda is a goat.
Fanatism does not allow reason to take charge of situations. So you have Kitwe United supporters arguing vehemently that kitwe will beat Zesco United 3- 0.And he says this with real conviction.That is how PF cadre put it.They say they will win without thinking,actually.*****s.
Lubinda just like SATA are small brains, Zambians dont ask for too much from these jokers.
Madmax and senior citizen are stupid and useless bloggers,am sure they are benefiting from mmd, so keep your rotten ,stinking mouth shut.2011 SATA president of Zambia, VJ, FJT, RB,GK prisoners.