Friday, March 7, 2025

Pardoned Mukuka hails RB


DARIUS Mukuka, the man who was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment with hard labour for insulting and defaming the
President, has thanked President Banda for pardoning him, describing the gesture as fatherly.

Mr Mukuka has advised people against insulting President Banda because he holds the highest office in the land and deserves respect. Mr Mukuka, 36, a driver of Ndola’s Chifubu Township, said this in an interview yesterday.

“I would like to thank His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Rupiah Bwezani Banda, for the fatherly act he has shown and done for me because my conviction has greatly affected my family,” Mr Mukuka said.

He said his family would have suffered if he had served his entire sentence. “I have been praying ever since I went to prison and God has finally answered my prayers, I am grateful that the President has helped me in this matter. I knew that God would answer my prayers, praise be to God.”

Mr Mukuka said it was a joyous moment for him, especially that being a husband and a father of four, his family would have suffered if he had served the entire sentence.

“It is not good to insult the President because he holds the highest office of the land. Whatever political differences you have or if you are bitter with the President, it is better to use the right channels to be heard instead of insulting,” Mr. Mukuka said.

He said people should refrain from insulting leaders because life in jail is not good.

Mr. Mukuka is one of the 350 prisoners President Banda has pardoned by remitting the remainder of their sentences. Mr Banda ordered Minister of Home Affairs Mkhondo Lungu to remit the sentence slapped on Mukuka by Ndola Chief Resident Magistrate Kelvin Limbani on March 17, 2010.

This was in a matter in which Mukuka was charged for defaming the President. Facts of the case were that Mukuka, on March 22, 2009, uttered words with intent to bring the name of the President into ridicule.



  1. # 3, please do not call that Mukuka s.t.u.p.i.d, nothing was wrong to call RB by that nam. It is only that we have no freedom of speech in Zambia. And that Mukuka is not rich, this is why was arrested-other wise, it is nice is out- Thanks.

  2. Shut up Mukuka! You shouldn`t have gone in in the first place you fo o l. So what if he holds the highest office in the land? Until you know that what you said was not wrong, you will be worshiping this man!

    Bushe mwelesa what is wrong with this inkanda kanshi? Some of you people should visit the k k k and B N P websites for you to appreciate how pathetic Africa is.

  3. Pansi pa mutima, Mukuka is swearing hard. Otherwise, That is how its suppose to be done. Praise RB for now until you are given a job, then do it again after he has left office next year. Now do it publicly. Oh! how about the ones who reported you??? wont you sort them out one by one. Kwa Mununga , they can do it !!!

  4. Ala nobe pali nefyakutotela apa.Just call it unfair treatment,the whole thing was a joke to your existance.I won`t be surprised to hear that olochichishemo ukumutuka.Anyway luck you that your wish on a star was fulfilled.:-?

  5. Mukuka li ball law sir na. When is he going to realise that you don`t go in for that? He comes out singing RB`s tune. May be he is of the rails some one check his head please!

  6. Mukuka li ball law sir na. When is he going to realise that you don`t go in for that? He comes out singing RB`s tune. May be he is off the rails some one check his head please!

  7. Some of you bloggers just amaze me.Why insult Mukuka for what he has done? If you think you can do better than him get over to Zambia, insult RB in public and get arrested. Then do your heroics in the deplorable Zambian prisons! Cowards! You insult Mukuka but if you happen to find yourselves in his situation you will do the same…maybe even worse like licking RB’s nose!

  8. Vitali yaba ibol o. What is an insult and how many times have you heard an American President or British Prime Minister showered with “blessings”? You are missing the point akabu colour. That is what you get taken to cells for, in the morning they even give you breakfasf and ask you to pay an on the spot admission fee. You are litreally given a slap on the wrist. Draconian laws and you say yes? Wembushiwe.

  9. #Vitali ni MMD cadre. The kind who despite being learned still sees flashing a Red Card as a breach of peace. A black man will always be a black man. They never learn.

  10. IWe Chimukuka, sure you have to go prison to be born again. Now what did your ”Husband” say when you left prison? wasuka mune because Rb nibambuya bako boi.But ka-HIV test kana uchite ukalibe kupasa moni bamulamu.You are driver, can you drive a tractor?

  11. I am beginning to think this is all politics….I think this was all staged….so that the chap would come out praising and calling fatherly words and warning pipo like bwalya father….mamamama….there is political engineering in zed.

  12. If what Mukuka did was not wrong, give your real names and addresses on this blog and deliver your insults so that the law can visit you.

    In civilized countries, we know that insults do not bring development. What brings development is educated debate.

    In Zambia, its primitive culture only calls for insults and ignorant outbursts. It’s no wonder the opposition MP’s make a fool of themselves in parliament when they fail to elaborate on policy developed by intellectuals in the ministries.

    Like the bulk of the bloggers here, Zambians need to grow up and start behaving responsibly!

  13. Sad to see how ignorant the general population is. Mukuka did not commit a crime. Instead of starting litigation for unfair imprisonment among other things, look at what he is doing! God help us. Lawyer bloggers, please help men like Mukuka from the tyranny of evil men. Mukuka is a citizen who has the right to say anything he wants to say, to who ever & for whatever reason.

  14. Mukuka was never wrong, he now has a brilliant opportunity to stop such unfair practices by Govt. He should sue the govt for damages and he should shout the loudest. Even the UN can hear his case,


  16. This guy ena lit ole if it was me next time i can even crimb on a anti hill and insult more.Am sure Chansa kabwela must be laughing at this fool and so is RB and his tandiwe.:d

  17. Sala amano Red Card, Red Card Kabonde and Tontos keep on hurling insults at me but I stand by what I have said. You come over to Zambia and show how brave you are muppets. Can’t you just blog without using vulgar language like ‘yaba ibol o’ and ‘akabu colour’. Like Anthony Lloyd – PhD Anthropology – Oxford UK says:If what Mukuka did was not wrong, give your real names and addresses on this blog and deliver your insults so that the law can visit you.

  18. Vitali easy don`t cry mwana zambia chalo chesu nizi.Otherwise if you take it too personal kuti waya nempanga.Havent you heard about your friends in mufumbwe ? So osalila daddy these are just politics.Deuces:)>-

  19. Thank you Mr Darius Mukuka. It takes a real man to realise his mistake and to give praise where it is due. The rest do not learn and continue blindly into destruction even when they can sense danger. This is typical of the 90 days clique, up to now they cannot accept that this is a myth designed to woo their vote.

  20. Thanks Vitali comforter, indeed these are just politics…but who says politics should mean insulting each other… Come to think of it those who insulted me don’t even no my political inclination. However, let them know I am no fan of RB and all his agemates and supporters be they MMD, PACT or whatever!!!

  21. # iwe mukuka . . . . i urge you to take advice from #26. Don’t waste this golden chance to be a hero. go to The Post’s offices tomorrow and take back your words. We will support you in spirit

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