Transparency International Zambia TIZ says the conviction of former Finance Minister Katele Kalumba and his co-accused is welcome and was expected.
TIZ president Rueben Lifuka said it is hoped that the conviction of the MMD National Secretary and his co-accused would mark the end of corrupt activities in the country.
He added that the convictions should also serve as a deterrent to would be corruption perpetrators.
Mr. Lifuka noted that the judiciary in the country should be commended for the work it has done on the case.
said the judgment should also send a message to the government workers that corruption has ill effects on the country.
A Lusaka magistrate Court yesterday convicted former Finance Minister Katele Kalumba together with six his co-accused on corruption charges.
Lusaka High Court deputy director of court operations Edward Musona sitting as magistrate sentenced Dr Kalumba,former finance permanent secretary Stella Chibanda and former Acess Financial services directors Aaron Chungu and Faustin Kabwe to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour.
He handed former ministry of finance Chief Economist Bede Mpande, former secretary to the treasury professor Benjamin Mweene and former director of Budget Boniface Nonde suspended sentences.
Dr Kalumba has since filed the notice for bail pending appeal to the High Court.
Mwachepa bane!!
Theres no way in hell Katele is gonna stay in prison as long as RB is still president
I certainly concur with your observation Mr.Lifuka. Next in is Chiluba, after a new government is sworn in next year. Like him or hate him, that thieving bustard is going to prison.
I hope RB has also learnt a lesson…because soon he will not be in that seat…and all the cases will resurface including his woman Dora Silly-ya’s case.
If RB learns, he might let this one pass and let justice take its course. After all, it might avail him a chance to take charge of the party completely as he can nominate someone he really knows well and can trust. In politics, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. Did you ever imagine Chiluba working with RB if you remember the Black mamba story and RB and co being incarcerated? But here we are Chiluba says UNIP’s RB is a better leader than LPM!!!!
From a Honourable Ministry to a jailbird…mingling with kabovas, he even risks being sodomized in jail. Wasted PhD!!!.. Ours is a country of wastage….
KK panse KK Mukati
Ni Kaunda na Katele Kalumba!!
Nafiseme mu Chimuti nawila pa Chitakataka camu Chimbokaila…
kc, senior Sitizen,MMD chief bot and other sitting gvt cadres , what are you comments over “Katele’s jailing should serve as deterrent-TIZ”?
Katele is already out on bail I am told someone to confirm please
Damend are the disbelivers. This is still a GRZ of law. Damed are all the kaponyas.
It is a surprising i need a profesional lawyer to interprete for me as to why those junior official been jailed while their master ka FJT is walking scott free. Pls dont use legal language. I think Magistrate Nchinyama received some bribe and nowadays he is not been heard in courts.pls help i am lost!!!!
It is a pity that highly educated people (academically) like Kalumba who should have known better the adverse effects of corruption were the ones in the forefront raping the Zambia’s meagre financial resources. I don’t know whether to sympathise with his wife and children or not. I learn that Mutembo Nchito was responsible for this conviction. No wonder the people in power disbanded the Task Force and trying hard to block Nchito before appeals such those of Regina Chiluba are heard.
The MMD government under the able leadership of RB believes in the rule of law ,next in is George Mpombo ,no barking please.TIZ can you please initiate some investigations in the operations of councils especially the allocation of plots in Lusaka.The councils are been run by kaponyas ,they are busy stealing from the people every day and no one sees anything wrong because they are all benefiting by building toilets in prime areas ,we need to bring to a stop this illegal practices sooner than later .This day light corruption bane.For Katele tough luck ,you reap what you sow.