Government is studying the letter sent to President Rupiah Banda by his Rwandan counterpart Paul Kagame requesting the extraditing of Rwandan suspects of the 1994 genocide who fled to Zambia.
Chief Government Spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha says the Zambian government has always been called upon by the International Criminal Court Tribunal in Arusha,Tanzania to help the Rwandan government to expedite the cases pertaining to the 1994 Genocide.
Rwandan President Paul Kagame has written to the Zambian government through counterpart President Banda seeking the arrest of those suspected of involvement in the 1994 Rwanda genocide which claimed the lives of 800,000 Tutsis and Moderate Hutus.
Lieutenant General Shikapwasha says the government will not hesitate to hand in the suspects once investigations are instituted to track those involved.
Lieutenant General Shikapwasha disclosed this to QFM in an interview.
[Q FM]
l-) That will be a tough one ba Reverand Lieutenant General Ronnie since most of them are now MMD cadres on whom you will have to rely for that single vote next year. One Zambia one nation bane :)>-
Amazing isnt it that Rwanda knows that suspects are living in Zambia and yet our Govt is not aware. They have to investigate and then track them down. I dont think it will be an easy thing to do 16 years is along time some one can easily reinvent themselves and like # 1 has said even become an MMD cadre. This is a non starter we should just say no before we start spending money on unnecessary things.
Take them back. One prominent one is Dr Augustine Cyimana working at department of Obstetrics and Gyanecology at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka. just google his name to see how dangerous he is.The man has now built a huge house and stays in Meanwood, runs a chain of businesses sponsored by his criminal activities.His a danger please extradite him to go and face justice.He knows everything about the Zambian security system
# 3 awe chacine mwe!! whenyou google this doctor you find a whole lot of things, i wonder what Comical Ali wants to study because this is a straight forward thing. Unless we dont have an extradition arrangement with Rwanda, i wonder what this doctor is still doing in Zambia
I SMELL ARAT FROM SHIKAPWASHA. People kagame is a foreigner, he shouldn`t interfere in our affairs. shikapwasha your duty is to protect your citizens not to offer them 4 slaughter. Ba so called reverand, his a God of Forgiveness and i beg when u injure one catholic you injure us voters. Red card.
I SMELL ARAT FROM SHIKAPWASHA. People kagame is a foreigner, he shouldn`t interfere in our affairs. shikapwasha your duty is to protect your citizens not to offer them 4 slaughter. Ba so called reverand, his a God of Forgiveness and i beg when u injure one catholic you injure us voters. Red card.
Allow the Rwandese elite squad to case some areas of interest, shadow and wreck the criminals. Give them an operational rite of way for 3 months in the country without intervention.We all know that
Simon Kabanda, ( served under a pseudo name during the Genocide)
Augustine Mwewa ( served under a pseudo name during the Genocide)
Frank Bwalya ( served under a pseudo name during the Genocide)
These chaps were in Kigali before and during the Genocide.They left Rwanda after their errands only to mutate under some dioces in Zambia.
Today Fred Mmembe and Frank Bwalya maintains closer links with some nterahamwe groups.
I Googled “Dr.Augustine Cyimana”, It Is Threatening. Does Our Govt Know About This:”..Zambia, as noted earlier, has the largest concentration of Rwandese in Africa outside of the DRC, including hundreds of genocide suspects, as well as FDLR activists, both military officers as well as civilians. Members of the FDLR in Zambia travel regularly between the DRC and Zambia, and also move with ease to Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. Zambia is also home to the wives of many FDLR officers serving in the Kivus. The presence of so many Rwandese, many of whom have done extremely in business and in the professions, has made Zambia an extremely important source of political and financial support.
The military officers who are part of the official structure of the FDLR in Zambia include Col…
“..Some of the men at the helm of the FDLR in Zambia helped to plan and carry out a highly successful genocide in the commune of Mugina, in the préfecture of Gitarama. They were themselves either from Mugina, or from the neighbouring commune of Ntongwe. They include:
• Dr. Augustin Cyimana, a doctor at Kigali’s main public hospital, the Centre Hospitalier de Kigali (CHK), who comes from Ntongwe. He is now a doctor at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka and was, and may still be, the chairman of the FDLR in Zambia;
• Chrisostom Budengeri, a medical assistant at Mugina health centre. He was responsible for a program of vaccinations in both Mugina and Ntongwe and was therefore also well-known in Ntongwe. He was, and may still be, the 1st vice chairman of the FDLR in Zambia…
Plz, take them back. They have enjoyed enough of pa Zed. Bloggers, these people came during whose term if i may ask? Uyo wine ewishibe bwino.
In the last 2 comments, FDLR stands for Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda. for more information just google “dr. augustine cyimana”, you will see how Zambia is Home to these Rebels who are still planning. And Shikapwasha tells us that Govt is still studying the letter written by Paul Kagame. If you harbour a thief, then you too are a thief, if you harbour a terrorist, you too are a terrorist! RB wake up and save us a military attack from Rwanda.
if i had my way, all Rwandan genocide convicts wud be killed. No reconciliation. No forgiveness. But then again, i dont have my way. As for Kagame, he shudnt hold his breath. The bunch of niconpoops we have in govt are rite now still looking up the word ‘Extradite’
I have seen and read most of the damning report when I googled Dr Augustine Cyimana’s name. GRZ should extradite him to Kigali right away. Let him defend himself in the Rwandan courts. This the danger with opening our borders to all and sundry. Some of these so-called refugees obtain Zambian passports and carry out all sorts of mischief all over the world as ‘Zambians’.
Be careful,NAPASA Cymana may be a decent young man. Paul Kageme knows nothing about democracy and there is no need to suppress the wishes of some Hutu who want to participate peacefully in the affairs of Rwanda. Stop telling people to Google Cymana or anyone when you are not aware of the true picture about Rwanda’s genocide. The Genocide, unfortunately, may be used as a tool of retribution & repression by those that took part in it first by killing president Habyarimana. To hell with persecution of an innocent doctor by tin pot dictators.
#8 Veteran- Wha is wrong with this chap. He finds a chance every where to insult innocent people. The topic here is why RB and Co are failing to send these criminals back home. 9-10 Well documented and one wonders what the OP is there for. Makes me believe that the OP is just there to hound non MMD members on behalf of RB.
Screw those habouring hatred against a hard working enterprising doctor. To hell with Kagame, a dictator who uses international sympathy for genocide victims to cling on to power and repress by fear and guilt all attempts by others not like him from contributing to Rwanda’s governance. By the time mankind realizes how manipulative this guy is, we will be deep into genocide part two. Shut up and leave Dr. Cymana alone.
# Ba Big Mule you seem very connected to Rwanda. Are you telling us that all the info on the net about the Dr. is wrong? Please help as this man is in our country and we dont want war.
Apart from those living in the DRC, detailed below, there is substantial evidence of complicity in the genocide against some of the representatives and members of the FDLR in Africa, Europe and elsewhere. For example Dr. Augustin Cyimana who was, and may still be, chairman of the FDLR in Zambia, played a significant role in the killings in his native commune of Ntongwe, in the préfecture of Gitarama. Esdras Ruremesha, also a supporter of the FDLR in Zambia, took an active part in the killings in the Nyakabanda district of Kigali where he was living. Michel Twagirayesu, the president of the Presbyterian Church in Rwanda in 1994, orchestrated the massacres in his home area of Kirinda, in Kibuye, as detailed in the report we published in December 1998, The Protestant Churches and the…
Move on!
I think it is wrong to send these people back, what method did they use to know that they were involved in the genocide? I feel that innocent people will be sent back and get killed by Kagame.:)
Big nose,its trick cause William Banda is one of them so what happens now..
Sad to see that many people are ready to judge people they don’t know or ever met. just googling someone and seeing some lies written about them don’t make them criminals. If you cared to actually do any intelligent research into African matters you’d see the havoc that kagame has/is caused in the great lakes region. he is responsible for the deaths of iver 6 million innocent lives, in easten congo as well as Rwanda. why don’t you say a word about him??? those who are quick to condemn like the jews did Jesus; just remember that everyone is innocent untill proven otherwise. FYI in Rwanda, there currently is around 200000 people in prisons who are suspects of genocide, they have been languishing there for the past 15 years with no trials or access to lawyers, is that JUSTICE or Democacy?
#3 why have you kept quite all this time about this chap at UTH,i googled and was shocked at what i found concerning this doctor,i hope big nose and his friends read lusaka times or someone can alert then,but they should not forget to include William Banda on the list.
Before you send them first Kagame has to be investigated for the role he played in bringing down that plane which was carrying the rwandan president. This is the source of that genocide and thats why France wanted Kagame to be tried at the Hague. Today he is jailing everyone trying to challenge him and wants to hide in seeking genocide suspects. What you should know is that a lot of people run away as refugees and not as potential suspect. stop this stupidity.
@veteran and other political cadres-be serious we not interested in your political comments-this is not political…Veteran when will you speak sense my friend–please be a responsible zambian that speaks the truth
#s 17,18,19- You have good points but unfortunately it who pays the piper that dictates the tune. 1) All African Presidents know what Gen Kagame as a rebel leader did to bring that civil war in Rwanda. Had Kagame lost the war, the same Presidents would be calling him a rebel. They do this in order to protect themselves from possible up risings in their own countries.
2) The war is over there and hence the reason why thse gentlemen hiding here should go back to Rwanda and reconcile with the aggrieved parties.
3) Shikapwasha can not make any sense out of this call by Rwanda until Rupiah tells him what to say.
Who is kagame trying to fool.One of his aides was arrested in germany not too long ago,there is that issue with that french judge who indicted his rebel movement for crimes against humanity – which saw kagame cutting ties with France and joining the commonwealth
no need to investigate un less you want to abuse the Zed tax payer again. Rwanda has a list. just have a look and see if they are in Zed. check with UNHCR in Zed. Voila.
And in case you diasporeans did not know, there has been of late, extra-judicial kilings of Rwandans in lusaka.
Kagame has sent out his secret service who are doing this work right under our noses, and this is reported as ordinary crime in our media.
Not too long ago, a UNZA student of Rwandan origin was shot in the head, but by Gods grace survived the ordeal.Kagame is not what he is potrayed to be.He is a blood thisrty tyrant.
The mainstream media has potrayed most of Kagames opponents as genocide perpetrators and hence one cannot be supprised at how the name of Dr.Augustine Cyimana, has been tarnished on the web.
I therefore urge our government not to involve itself in what it does not understand fully well.You may end up with innocent blood on hands.
Send them to face the music, these could be the same guys advising father Bwalya to behave the way he has been behaving more recently
VJ rigger, you seem to have an understanding of what might be going on in the great lakes region whereas Deja Vu needs a little bit more research before condemning people. why doesn’t anyone of you callling for these people’s heads try and read some actual facts of the Kagame gov from the human rights website, amnesty international and others who understand what’s going on? Mr Mwanawasa declined this same request (did you know this), he asked the Rwandan gov to request these people through the UN and he’d be happy to hand them over, but they do not want to go through the UN and u do know that UN has a special tribuneral for Rwanda in Arusha TZ, now why doesn’t Rwanda want to request them through UN if they are genocide suspects? think before u lush out
The last thing that Zambia needs is the likes of Dr.Augustine Cyimana. We are all aware of the bloodshed and brutality following Zimbabwe’s last election. Zim papers reported that members of the interahamwe/FDLR had been advisors to the ZANU-PF (wish I could find the link). Mother Zambia is a peaceful, beautiful country with such warm and friendly nationals, let it stay that way. Let Cyimana and his friends go and be proven innocent or guilty somewhere else, not on our soil.
RB, tread carefully here. UN route is the only way. Not President to president.:o:o:o[-([-([-(
people stop talkin bout things u dont know.
The said Dr Augustine Cymana has no mansion,he lives in a semi finished,non electrified house.
Dr was an ICJ witness in the trial then since the arrests of top govt officials there’s been a gov’t campaign against ICJ witnesses.
Those of u that actually research that but for presidential immunity Kagame would be in court or jail.
I’m one of the people that were investigating supposed suspects in Zambia and trust me,we did a thorough job.
President Rupiah must not do the president to president thing but instead offer asylum to the innocent otherwise if they are sent back they’ll surely be murdered.
And for those that believe everything on the net learn to research.
Wonderfully well written read…
Take them back. One prominent one is Dr Augustine Cyimana who worked at department of Obstetrics and Gyanecology at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka and now in chipata. just google his name to see how dangerous he is.The man has now built a huge house and stays in Meanwood, runs a chain of businesses sponsored by his criminal activities.His a danger please extradite him to go and face justice.He knows everything about the Zambian security system.The man has now befriended Mupezeni and got big tracks of land near Mwami border.The hospital is not renewing his contract because of his shrewd behaviour.