Friday, March 7, 2025

We have enough tools to silence those insulting RB – MMD


President Banda pleads with the people of Milanzi to vote for the MMD candidate during a campaign trail

The Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) has warned that it has enough tools and machinery to silence all those insulting President Rupiah Banda.

MMD Lusaka Province Information Publicity Chairperson Greenock Lupambo said the opposition have not seen any reaction from MMD cadres yet but warned that what the party will do to those insulting the President will be regrettable.
He said the ruling party will not continue to have the President ridiculed in the media, stating that they are ready to protect, at any cost, the President from being insulted.

Meanwhile, Mr Lupambo has said the MMD Leadership in Lusaka is optimistic that the party will this time win back all the lost parliamentary seats in Lusaka Province during the 2011 elections.

He said the ruling party is working hard and seriously to ensure that they win all the seats at all costs.
He added that the party is receiving a lot of both financial and moral support from its partners to facilitate the party’s success in the 2011 elections.

[Q fm]


  1. :(( What a country!! Cadres always busy outdoing each other by seeing who will threaten the most violence in the name of protecting RB, sad for Zed, beware 2011


  3. Yes, they have failed to use abandants at their disposal to develop this country. The best RB can do is to fire a person like Lupambo for misleading him.

  4. I guess they are refering to the 300 prisoners who were released and recruited as militias in addition to the existing militias who participated in the Mufumbwe massacre…those are RB’s tools of destruction!!!

  5. What is interesting is that Sata has vowed to go into exile this year after taking a 5th rejection at the ballot though he will not reach his destiny of exile. He has vowed to leave Zambia so that his kaponyas can start a war against Zambians. Unfortunately, there will be no war though they will only manage to exterminate his own family and burn all his properties to ashes. Tough luck for him that come rain come sun MMD and RB are retaining power and him will be drawning in shame and usual deeper debts at the hands of foreign financing mafia now pressurizing him for their monies. He wants to run away in hope he could hide from these hitmen who have been bankrolling PF b.l.o.o.d.y money. There is no sanctuary from mafias they will still get him dead or alive as long as he doesnt deliver.

  6. Veteran you will be exposed after 2011. We will ensure you are exradited from where ever you for economic genocide.

  7. #12, ‘MMD cadres’ is plural, and therefore should read: MMD cadres bawelewele. It is true bawelewele sana, kabili too much!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. If the MMD was a serious party they will concentrate on work instead of getting insults–they should be like Levy who forgot about insults and started working-today we remember him as a hero the best president after Kaunda(I dont want to compare with KK-his goal was independence)

  9. Zambians wake up-we should not even insult RB and just respectfully vote him out-thanx to him for representing us in all in international forums but he has failed us at home–too bad for him but treat him now with respect as we bid fare well to MMD especially if they maintain him.

    Remember I am non partisan but a sincere zambian crying for my beloved country ZAMBIA

  10. This cadre is an angry sweet dreamer. There is no way MMD can win in Lusaka or in any urban area. The only hope for MMD is Eastern Province for obvious reasons. MMD is now a salaula party full of ineffective turncoats.

  11. Sum1 pliz wake this man from his dream, alafwila kutulo coz next he will have a heart attack in his dream after dreaming that its 2012 and RB has fled to Zimbabwe seeking asylum…iwe Lupambo pliz buka and come back to reality yo president won by 30 000 votes last time stolen from Village pipo.

  12. Low, low, IQ. A disgrace and an embarrassment to the ruling party. This man should be locked up, his whole family ought to be locked up because someone will soon hurt them.

    Iwe Lupambo, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen – you are not doing RB a favour by saying such nonsense. You have actually hurt his chances at the polls. No one in Zambia wants the likes of you, you are a thug and a criminal.

  13. #14
    Senior citizen what would our weak malnurished police force and Armed forces( that go for 2 months without pay = no eating) do if we did it a Mauritius, a Thailand or Haiti style. Probably you think you would replicate the Mugabe madness in Zambia but bare in mind that Zimbos didnt push him enough we are capable of shoving him out, pafwabantu pashala bantu we are ready to go back home and defend our young democracy. Force will be met with maximum force. You may be young to remember but RB remembers very well what befell KK dispite the obsolute power he enjoyed as a dictator. Just continue yapping from a safe distance Mbwana mkubwa.

  14. #19, 20 Given that the PACT is no more (just a question of a few weeks, not more than 12), which opposition party will come to power in 2011, PF or UPND?

  15. We ain`t seen nothing yet? This man walks on fours. He is showing us his predatory feral instincts and we need to release him to his natural habitat, the wild before it`s too late and end up the Rwanda and Burundi way

  16. This is rubbish from lupambo. you are trying to fool people by giving them tea and bread for just one day. The money mmd has is donnor money. I would appeal to the donnors not to send money to zambian until after 2011 as all the money is going tobe used for mmd. The whole sysyem of mmd is collapsing under rb. So wake up and smell the coffee it is like unip in 1991 holding on to power without realising that the people do not want you

  17. ChiLupando. Chi RB. Fipuba. You take after Julius Malema of South Africa. Empty tins making dangerous remarks ceaselessly. Wake up and smell the coffee. You can never spend your life as a professional political cadre. not in zed.

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