Sunday, March 9, 2025

Dr kalumba’s attidute over his conviction dissapoints HH

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema

The United Party for national Development UPND has described as disgusting and shameful the unremorseful attitude by Movement for Muilty Party for Democracy (MMD) National Secretary Katele Kalumba after his conviction by the Magistrate courts last week.

Party President Hakainde Hichilema who could not hide his displeasure said that the attitude that followed the chanting of the MMD Slogan after his slogan means a lot.

Mr Hichilema said this at a news conference organized by the Press freedom committee of the Post.

” it is so hurting that a person who has amassed public wealth instead of being remorseful to the Zambians should go ahead to chant MMD slogans outside the courts as if to tell the Zambians that the MMD would rescue him,” Mr Hichilema said.

He charged that Zambians were tired and watching what is going on stressing that Dr Kalumba and his co-convicts should not further attempt to ridicule the Zambians.

The UPND leader also advised Zambians to avoid another mistake to vote into office a Government that harbored thieves in its key financial positions.

And UPND President says that the UPN/PF pact is a serious business.

Mr. Hichilema who was responding to a concern on how the two parties would merge what he termed as brilliant ideas into one manifesto with that of the PF and that the parties have differences but that their common interests was to save the Zambians.

He likened the pact to a family of members of different characters said that the party is currently holding successful meetings under the umbrella of a joint national council to try and work out a way to merge the ideas of the parties into one manifesto.
[ QFM ]


  1. HH did you honestly expect remorse from Katele???? In some cultures people dont steal, ‘batolafye’….’ubomba mwibala, alya mwibala’ When Richard Sakala was convicted, I never heard a chief protesting.

  2. Stop talking about Katele a political giant who has put his case in the independent justice. How do you preoccupy yourself with his appealed case when yourself have never shown remorse to the people and employees of Luanshya mines-BInani mines, Lima Bank and inded Livingstone Hotel now Sun international whom you betrayed and stole heavily?

  3. HH you have failed to respect and defend the sacrifices of late Nkumbula’s deal with Northerners that saw KK ruling for 27 years. Instead of claiming the deal when it is Southern province’s turn to be supported and rule in a reciprocal agreement, You HH decides to betray it. Its not surprising that you are bundling yourself in this marriage with the people of Southern province stuck with their UPND and in serious search for a leader to honor the spirit of Nkumbula,Mazoka, Hapunda, Shamabanse, Shamujaye, Mainza Chona, Daniel Lisulo, Mungoni Liso, General Haimbe, Simaponda and many more that sacrificed.

  4. Mojo you sound like a pathological tribalist,whats with you tonga people and your cuzns from the people need to rise above tribal politics,it must hurt to be a tonga hey!!

  5. Interesting list in coment 5 but Shamabanse was a Lenje from Chibombo District and can only fit on that list when we talk about the Bantu Botatwe. And in comment 8 a thief will thank God…. True. I’ve known people who thank God for having an opportunity to commit adultery and not be caught. Just shows how much God’s name is abused.

  6. #6 Muwelewele uwatikama pa menso….much as am not Tonga, I find your line of debate a bit off the mark. Just respond to #5 without generalising the Tongas. Will it be right to say Bembas are thieves just because Katele, Chungu et al were convicted????? Dont stereotype others when it suits you and refuse it be stereotyped when it harms you…..kind of hypocritical eeeeh!

    Lets stick to issues countrymen.:d:d:d The issue is: Katele was convicted and HH says Katele should have shown some remorse….whats your comment?

  7. #6,
    Please be honest with yourself, Is there anything about tribe in Hakainde’s statement or are you simply guilty conscience? The topic here is about Kalumba’s attitude after conviction and not about tribe.

  8. #10 & # 11 you people should ask Mojo @#5
    my comment was in response to Mojo who brought up the issue about HH and southern province,,,and who doesnt know that bembas are crooked anyway,tongas are mumbwa mumbwa,dwanzi,easterners are just dull fontini’s just like malawians

  9. Muwelewele you are a disgrace to as the Bembas and to the Zambians. Leave other countries out of this. This is our mess and we should fix it by being rational. So stop being such a D.. k

  10. ka bwembya tyoko, who told you im bemba, stop being such a sad mofo,atase kulibonesha,go fcuk yourself,bloody cretin

  11. #12 Muwelewele uwatikama pa menso… you are one of those that think your tribe is clever than others :)):)):)):))

    #13 Bwembya … now thats sense….I feel you

  12. I am getting different views on our president’s death. Please inform us if you have any information on our beloved president’s death in Paris. Is it true that RB has died?

  13. The pact we are behind you never give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! viva HH
    Working together
    Read Exodus 17:11-13
    These verses give examples of what can be achieved if we work together as a team.
    • What would have happened in this situation without cooperation?
    • Can we think of any similar situations in the present day?
    Read Judges 20:11 (If you have time, read the whole of Chapter 20.)
    • What happens when people unite behind a common purpose?
    • How can our group help to unite people in times of peace?
    Read Matthew 18:19-20
    • Why are the prayers of several people more pleasing to God than one person praying alone?
    • How often do we discuss situations and pray about them in small groups?
    • How could we do this more…

  14. #15 The Legacy
    Whats my tribe? ukazitekanya chikili iwe, i havent even mentioned what tribe iam, there you are already concluding,,,,you people have an inferiority complex for sure,even something simple makes you jump out of your skins

  15. Please HH I scared with these people from liverpool.start praying hard. I have just lost my information from laptop for making a comment on these abena Luapula. Unknown “virus” has invaded it.

  16. On “The UPND leader also advised Zambians to avoid another mistake to vote into office a Government that harbored thieves in its key financial positions… And UPND President says that the UPN/PF pact is a serious business” president and 2011 presidential candidate HH is very right and I hope all Zambian voters will vote for him to be Zambian President in 2011 elections should he stand by God’s grace.

    Have a blessed day all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  17. Surely in Zambia we are big tribe called Bantu.Take the name Hichilema,Chilema.ichilema,probably silema one and same name and meaning.The only problem with some people is” umwana uushenda mentality”.At this time and age to depend on tribe to take you out of poverty of the mind and body is Utopian thinking.And buloshi bwafitafititi.look at a person on what he can do to change the lives of other Zedian bantus.It is after we have changed our minds that we shall development in ZEd.

  18. Do you think we can develop with people like muwelewele. If someone who has been to school can be so dim what more the uneducated. Muwelewele you are a low life creature and you should be caged. Let those who want to focus on rebuilding mother Zambia contribute sensibly on LT wonker.

  19. iwe ka bwembya
    what have i said kanshi that has made you throw your toys out of your pram…ine i was responding to Mojo with his comment @ #5,he brought up the issue of HH betraying southerners, which to my understanding is typical tribal rantings,then you start spewing your drivel on me, ukazitekanya. So you think i should be caged for voicing out my opinion,ndiwe kapuba iwe,,,ok im a low life creature just because i have my opinion,i can only be a high life creature if i think like you hmmmm,you are a DOUCHBAG

  20. Katele’s issues are being dealt with within our own MMD ranks! This is a PF-UPDN issue period! We as MMD are behind our beloved servant in the name of Dr. Kalumba. This is an internal issue and should not be taken as ridicule for all malicious and short sighted outsiders who are just on here for the primary reason of just blogging. Dr. Katele my brother be assuredly encouraged that the whole nation is behind you!

  21. Senior citizen,
    you now wish RB dead I DON’T WANT HIM DEAD BUT TO SEE HIM HUMILIATED IN 2011!!!!!!!

  22. Whats the difference RB dead or humiliated..both ways he is out, I wud prefer what takes him out of our way quicker..I guess if dead if true which is not the case is most welcome

  23. Senior citizen you are doomed ,2011, you are out . How much do get for writing nosense.stupid boy. the top 6 are sick just adise them to tabletsthan writing shit

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