Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Patriotic Front Chifubu MP dies


Patriotic front PF Chifubu Member of Parliament, Benson Bwalya has died. Mr Bwalya is reported to have died in the early hours of this morning in Chililabombwe.

PF spokesperson, Given Lubinda confirmed the death of Mr Bwalya to QFM this afternoon but could however not state what caused his death.

Mr. Lubinda who is also Kabwata Member of Parliament expressed sadness at the death of Member of Parliament who he described as humble.

He said Mr.Bwalya was a gullible and quite man who could not allow anyone to push him around. Mr Lubinda added that the late MP had never engaged in any verbal attacks on the Party leadership and that he will be missed for his credibility.

And PF leader Michael Sata said Mr. Bwalya’s death has left a very big gap in the party.

And Luapula Member of Parliament, Peter Machungwa described Mr. Bwalya as a principled man who never bowed down to pressure even if it was from the top party leadership.

He said his contribution to the works of the National Constitution Conference NCC will be highly treasured and held in high esteem.



  1. His soul be rewarded according to his tenure here on earth. May the family find solace in christ.Its sad that like all PF held constituencies he has died without doing anything for the people of Chifubu.

  2. Condolences to the family and may the soul of this principled man rest in peace. Indeed he was a man of his own and an independent thinker who would not just go with the crowd.

    Not to start a flame war, but suffice to say that I find the comments of Mr Sata and Hon Lubinda very hypocritical regarding the way they treated this man when he was alive as noted by this except from Lusaka Times story dated January 10, 2008 and titled Sata prodded to convene a convention;

    Scores of PF members and leaders who stormed ZANIS offices in Ndola today and expressed shock that their member of parliament Benson Mwamba has been expelled from the Party because he was attending the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) currently sitting in Lusaka.

  3. His only achievement is a constructive role in producing a people driven constitution about to be adopted for 2011 elections.

  4. MHSRIP. Our prayers are with the family.

    So he was also a rebel, well ,well, the show is on, Chiluba vs Sata I cant wait. So PF in Chifubu, UPND in Luena. Very good, lets see who the stronger party is after all, PF or UPND, from the results of these by-elections please choose the candidate to lead the pact. Remember that PF has stood three times on pact ticket and has already lost twice, UPND has stood twice on pact ticket and has lost none. So the odds are 2-1 to PF, 2-0 to UPND.

  5. On my own behalf and indeed that of many progressives who may not have the time to mourn with Hon.Benson Bwalya’s family on the ground i say condolences. Zambia has lost a selfless progressive who had his own defined place in best national interest. He stood with Zambians against Sata’s thuggery and impunity. He is part of rationalists that have delivered a people’s constitution without circumbing to sycophancy Zambia wished of him.

    May the good lord receive your soul and spirit Hon. Benson Bwalya as the family find strength in the unfailing God. Thank you for your days on earth.

  6. My Seniors -#1, 2 and 5 have spoken on my behalf. MHSRIP. However its sad that these PF MPs are banking on the desparation of those who are strugling to make it in life which has in a way made PF popular such that even if they haven t done anything they think that PF is so popular that they will continue wining. Shame indeed.

  7. it sad at the rate our leaders are dying. We need to heed the call to go for medical check ups and live a healthy life. Being fat is no longer a symbol of wealth but a ticket to the grave. i wonder how the honourable died but in any case RIP, Hamba Kahle

  8. May his soul rest in peace. Anyway, we have had a lot of these bye-elections and we are yet to have many more for old heads of states. We are now used to being nation mourners for these people who just want to die in comfort. Next it will be a presidential state funeral the way things are turning in zambia. Anyway this man was not looking healthy, to be honest enough.

  9. Small little people I wonder why you fear Sata so much. Really the man is just great. He started the party alone and now its a national party. I understand your sleepless nights. Go go Sata….show them how tough tested you are. Ba chepa sana .

  10. How come I never heard from this Rabel M.P. May his soul rest in peace! How come the MMD stooges sound to be more affected by the death of the PF?? M.P?

  11. So he was part of the rebel, i hope Mr Sata’s and Lubinda’s condolesces are genuine. In any case lets go to Chifubu and test FTJ’s popularity, in the event that he fails to deliver Chifubu(being he’s childhood compound) someone has to take the initiate and analyse his performance thus far. It would be pointless for MMD continue bankrolling him if he fails to win that seat for them, advertise his consultancy post on LT we’ve brilliant minds here that never sleep nor go to work all they know is blogging blogging and blog some more. The only thing that gives us a breather from their rubbish comments is the stubborness of call of nature, they can do without a shower or a bath easily no problem. Ok back to the bye- election, this time there’ll be no mufumbwe nonsense, ni panga na panga.

  12. #7 Ibange Libi where death occurs, a bye-election is unavoidable. May the Soul of the departed MP Rest in Peace.

  13. # 21 you are right although it makes us feel that since we are alive we are bad people. since all dead people are good and its a great loss. While alive you are not a great asset

  14. I don’t know how anyone can both be gullible and not let people push them around. Do you people think about what you write or at least proof read?

  15. “Easily deceived or duped” is the meaning for gullible, so i think there is a contrast in the sentence attributed to the deceased by Mr lubinda

  16. Is there anyone who can tell us the total number of MPs who have died since 2006 parliamentary elections?

  17. Gullible indeed!! For all those that criticise being criticised for not using proper english on this fora, these are the results you get! Without hearing from Lubinda himself, we wonder whose “semantic gymnastics” are called into question. Is it the “Master Cut ‘n’ Paste Plasterers” that we have come to know or someone else??

  18. ” He said that Mr Bwalya was a gullible and quiet man who could not allow anyone to push him around”
    If you are gullible, then likely anyone can push you around because you easily take in/ belief anything given to you

  19. “gullible” oh what a disgraceful description!

    Very sad for PF who have lost yet another rebel MP.

  20. 1
    Patriot – Wali tumpa sana as if you are not a Zambian. What has MMD MPs done for their areas.? Wembushi Mabwe

  21. Sad news here, MHSRIP. However, here is another chance for the MMD to prove their popurality which Goerge Kunda, is singing wherever he goes as a political tourist!!!

  22. The PF can reclaim this Seat from the Rebel faction-PF. this is PF walkover.. the batterfornt will be in Luena

  23. GULLIBLE can also mean the following……….1.Trusting 2.Smart 3. Uncritical 4.Innocent. So give Lubinda a break mwe ma fontini mwe……….In other words he was smart (intelligent) and couldnt easily be pushed over.

  24. Zambia cannot afford all these by-elections,why cant they put a system in place whereby if an MP dies,resigns or ceases to be one for whatever reasons,then the party to which he belonged HAND PICKS another replacement (from within) as we wait for a presidential & general election.Bcoz seriously,too much “unbudgeted for” money is being WASTED .

  25. Chitambo,Solwezi Central,Mufumbwe,Kasama Central,Milanzi,Luena and now Ndola…come on guys we cant afford all these by- elections REALLY.

  26. I would like to send my condolences to the Family of Mr Benson Bwalya it is relly a sad notice to me and to chifubu people. I would like to end my simpathy words of sorrow to the great man because he was a noble man not has you are discribing him truly he was great and hard working MP of chifubu. who could listen to his people at all times and responsible for his duty. may his soul rest in eternal peace. truly a big loss to PF and chifubu constituence.

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