Friday, March 7, 2025

We don’t need alliance to win 2011 polls – VJ


PARLIAMENTARY Chief Whip Vernon Mwaanga says the MMD is strong and will win the 2011 general elections without entering into a pact with any party.

Mr Mwaanga said the MMD does not need to be in alliance with the United Party for National Development (UPND) or any other party to scoop next year’s general elections.

He said the MMD is not panicking like other parties because it has massive support across the country.

Mr Mwaanga said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that whether or not the MMD forms an alliance with another party, it is confident of winning next year’s elections.

Mr Mwaanga said the party is disappointed with the statement by Chilanga member of Parliament Ng’andu Magande, who accused him of implying that the party cannot win next year’s elections as it wants to be in an alliance with the UPND.

Mr Mwaanga said the MMD is not lobbying to be in an alliance with the UPND, but that it is the latter that wants a partnership.

He said the fact that he delivered a message from some UPND members in Southern Province who prefer their party to form an alliance with the MMD does not mean he is championing the idea.

“I was merely delivering a message from some UPND members from Southern Province who said they prefer an alliance with the MMD.

“I don’t understand what Mr Magande is talking about when he says President Banda and his leadership cannot win the elections without an alliance. We are still a strong party and we do not need to be in an alliance with another party to win next year’s general elections,” he said.

Mr Mwaanga said the statement by Mr Magande is malicious, adding that he should desist from wrongly interpreting statements.

He said Mr Magande, whom he described as an amateur in the political arena, should be mindful of the statements he makes.

Mr Mwaanga said he was taken aback by the statement Mr Magande made, adding that he is behaving like an opposition MP.

He said it is saddening that some MMD members with personal agendas have developed the habit of attacking the top leadership.

“I am extremely disappointed with Mr Magande’s remarks…I expected that to come from the opposition and not a member of my party,” he said.

Mr Mwaanga said the party is not short of people with leadership skills, adding that members who no longer agree with the constitution and policies of the party should resign.

Mr Magande was quoted as having said Mr Mwaanga has admitted that the current MMD leadership of President Banda has failed to run the country and cannot win the 2011 general elections.

He said Mr Mwaanga’s comments that the people of Southern Province prefer an MMD-UPND alliance as opposed to UPND-PF pact revealed lack of confidence in the MMD.

Meanwhile, Government has described as unnecessary the decision by Zambia Sugar Plc to report Chief Mwanachigwala of the Tonga to the police over his alleged threats to burn the company’s cane fields.

Chief Government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha said in a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday that government’s findings revealed that the reported threats by the chief were stretched beyond context because the matter was conclusively resolved.

Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha, who is Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, was reacting to a story in The Post in which the company has reported the chief to police over his alleged threats to torch the company’s cane fields if it continued conducting business with the Mazabuka District Business Association.

“As Government, we are happy that this issue was conclusively resolved and we see no need for further concerns by Zambia Sugar Plc,” he said.

Lt-Gen Shikapwasha said contrary to allegations, Chief Mwanachingwala’s guidance during the meeting called by concerned contractors and suppliers in Mazabuka recently was one of progress.

“The chief meant no harm in his guidance during the meeting,” he said.

Lt-Gen Shikapwasha said the chief merely sought to amplify the need for the company to ensure that there was equity and fairness in its business dealings with all the contractors and suppliers of goods and services.

He said the meeting was about advancing the interests of both Zambia Sugar and the residents of Mazabuka in deriving maximum benefits from the important investment.

“The chief’s remarks were about Zambia Sugar spreading business opportunities to all contractors and suppliers in the district as part of its social responsibility,” he said.

He said Government was informed that a meeting was held last week involving the district commissioner, members of the Mazabuka District Business Association, concerned contractors and suppliers and Zambia Sugar at which the issue of contracts was discussed.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. True boss we don’t need no alliance to win polls and they know that. The three upcoming by elections, Luena, Chifubu and Mufumbwe will surprise a lot of people. With our new drive and focus, we are certainly bagging Lusaka and copperbelt as we have seen an increase in the number of card carrying members and our members don’t just talk but they register as voters and show up on the polling day. All the stars are aligned for the 2011 onslaught.

    I wish Hon Magande can realize his high standing in the party as a NEC member and stop being used by a newspaper that lost $3 million in a bad investment in a useless airline, and got blinded in the process to objective reporting. They still believe Magande will be president one day and give them a $3 million bailout. Crooks!!!

  2. Boot licker,U will one day eat feacal matter.What makes you feel the MMD can win Chifubu? we know you get paid for posting useless things on this site which even you know.Its sad we have such pipo on earth.People who can do anything as long as they are rewarded.Shame on you Chipuba!

  3. #4, Tell this leaking chief that MMD must not think about getting Chifubu as it is a no go go area for them. Can he tell us what he does for a living? Reading his post is always disgusting.

  4. There waz a time I clozed my eyez to VJ’z “Extraordinary Life”, and thought the man would just be ideal for the prezidency. Now am not sure even if my eyez were removed altogether.

  5. Mwanga is another person who of late alesabaila sana. Please understand him he is in the red stage of AIDS a very fatal stage leading to death. Remember Tentamashimba in his last days he sabailad so much. Its the effect of the medicine they take day in and day out. So dont pay much attention to them.

  6. VJ is telling us something here. we know you ve stink manners of rigging elections thats why you ve all that confidence. this time its either you die or u live and see us win rubbish danda head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. # 7. Kabobgolo, u are right brotherman! Infact it is not only natural death which is hunting them but also their exit from GRZ next year is something that is making every MMD Kaponya, worried leading to the diarrhea of the month. Veron Johnson Mwanga, MMD is going wether u like it or not come 2011!!

  8. This UPND is becoming anaza. Now MMD want to start punching each other over it! Go ahead boys, BOX! VJ thinks he is still a heavyweight! I see them starting the elimination bouts soon and then the end will be near.

  9. Why dont he just die and leave Zambia alone. Mwanga is a confessed drug trafficker who has lost touch..his only skill is to rig elections and slaughet women

  10. please my brothers and sisters forgive our chief thief / drug pusher becouse the last kicks of a dying horse are always confusing .The man knows without MMD [ Many Marriages and Divorcies] Our PACT will not spend tax payers money to send him to morning side for BLOOD TRANSFUSSION. UKOSE MWANA .VIVA PACT

  11. Since when did VJ become newsworthy after a digraced fallout with one Levy over his lies in Parliament.So he claims he was delivering a message from UPND members in SP,since when did he become a UPND messenger? Yokels are dead scared of the PACT

  12. # 13 No wonder your comment.whats wrong with # 7s comment? Is it kambongolo who told to have multiple sexial patners? blame Ka little boy who was their master minder.

  13. As a chief rigger you can say that. It is your big mouth that started it all. You said 11 southern province chiefs wanted HH form a pact with mmd. MMD is dead from the roots. MMD can only win if you the rigger play your part fully. Don’t you think you have done enough damage to the country for the 50 years you have been in politics lying every corner to get by and do your drugs as the others are still sleeping no wonder Levy dismissed you.

  14. Magande in experienced,what has over experienced VJ done for the good of the nation other than himself.What would you call Nikk Clegg and Cameron then ba VJ?tired of you Guys we need a new lease of fresh blood in Politics and not those who are busy working for their Tombstones.

  15. Iwe chi venon mwanga just die! u,a such a worthless chap ! u,a very useless!! incase venon dazent read this,MMD Chief Booklicker #1 u can pass on the message to him. tel him(VJ) that he,z very useless!! VIVA PACT!! by the way u chi chief a.s.s licker hope u red 2dez MIGHTY POST where HH has assured the nation that the PACT is unstoppable !!

  16. # 13 Destroyer,

    What is your problem. AIDS is a deseace killing people especially you guys who want always concubine. Mwanga and Kunda have AIDS thats why they go to south Africa for blood changing. Tetamashimba died of AIDS and many of our friends have and are dying of AIDS , and we have seen then enter the red stage where they sabaila every minute. This is the stage Kunda and Mwanga are in just like the late Tentamashimba. So my brother if you have AIDS just continue toping up che ka!!!![-([-(

  17. Hichilema assured the nation that everything had been taken into account and the pact was unstopable ‘I can assure you that we will not disappoint you. In fact our governing committee has been meeting to harmonise our two manifestos. And the last time they met was Wednesday this week (last week}. So, we will not give chance again to the MMD to continue stealing our money,” Hichilema assured.

    Hichilema said the UPND-PF Pact government would boost the aviation industry in order to promote tourism.

  18. On “Mr Mwaanga said he was taken aback by the statement Mr Magande made, adding that he is behaving like an opposition MP” I am very disappointed by MMD uncle VJ since he is experienced in politics and then does not know that in intra-party democracy and a national democracy people must air their views without pressure or intimidation from the top leadership.

    This VJ confusion shows that the old-aged politicians in Zambia do not understand democracy and hence their MMD autocratic rule of the country.

    Have a blessed day all as u reflect on supporting president HH for 2011 Zambian president.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shal be added unto you.

  19. Mwanga nad your MMD team, you cheated people in the last presidential elections that Banda will just rule for only 3 years to finish Mwanwasa’s term of office and you think people have forgotten?. It is you politicians who are too forgetful not the general public. We were cheated and cannot allow you to cheat us for the second time. Mwanga was the same guy who said se cannot put Magande because he is so strict on money, we will not have access to GRZ campaign funds. As such no one can believe you, hust lose peacefully not kusabaila. This time around MMD is loosing hence this desperation. UPND guys are so principled they cannot be swayed by Mwanga’s dreaming and yapping. Sorry ba Mwanga no money for going to south Africa for review and blood transfussion. We cannot suffer for…

  20. VJ chikabolala cha ma vote. We know who you are you only appear and become very active in politics when its voting time. This time around we will not spare you because time has come for change in Zambia. We are tired of suffering.

  21. My friends in the PACT I am very sorry and I feel for you. But you don’t have to be so desperate and insult people the way you are doing on this blog. Please learn to pray and not to hate. God will not hand over the country to people like you. That is why VJ is so confident in the power of God to make sure that the country will be in safe hands next year.

  22. My dear friends in the PACT I am very sorry and I feel for you. But you don’t have to be so desperate and insult people the way you are doing on this blog. Please learn to pray and not to hate. God will not hand over the country to people like you. That is why VJ is so confident in the power of God to make sure that the country will be in safe hands next year.

  23. Iwe ka VJ, ndefyaya ama drugs, kuti wampela pali shinga? I am told you are a self confessed drug trafficker? Do not ever step your fu——-ng foot on American soil. They will cage you the way Noriega was caged. It is only in Zambia where people like you still enjoy full rights and even hold cabinet posts despite being confessed drug traffickers. Do you realise that you destroyed thousands of lives as a result of your drug business. Please if you have nothing to say, SHUT YOUR A——S UP.

  24. MMD Chief Booklicker like yourself, VJ is in a picture that was taken 30 years ago when he was the foreign minister. Today, VJ is a skeleton of himself! Why do you want us to have people who are over 70 years? Even yourself why dont you retire and go and farm in Chipata?

  25. Well, well, since everyone here seems to be tired of these old recycled politians, where does that leave my beloved Sata? Does it mean he should also rest? 😕

  26. #32, The Legacy…. That is exactly the point, but people on this blog can not tell that they are contradicting themselves

  27. VJ, the picture above trully as #31 has stated was taken a long time ago. Nowadays VJ looks by far older than KK, who is actually by far older than VJ.
    Why is it so? Ans:because VJ is/was fond of of marrying-divorcing,remarring-redivorcing(x40 times). Pa last, ba VJ banyanta pakapendelo!

  28. From ze LT of 28/05/2010

    In an interview, in Livingstone Mr Mwaanga said only an alliance between the MMD and the United Party for National Development (UPND) would produce a Republican president from Southern Province in 2016.
    He would personally support a pact between the MMD and the UPND, as it would be for the benefit of the Zambian people.

    “If UPND shows interest, I would encourage the MMD to enter into an alliance with UPND as it would be mutually beneficial to the Zambian people. It is not about personalities but the interests of the Zambian people,” he said.


  29. #32 and advising you two to watch and learn.MMD is long gone, what we are waiting for is time.Come 2011 the PACT and its supporters will be rejoicing while MMD LOSERS will be scampering in all directions coz all these acquitals will be brought back to court for justice.All the evil doers will be brought to justice.

  30. #36 Chilolo, I am sure in your blind psycophancy you have began to believe that Mr. Sata (who is still wanted by South African Customs over the US$27,000) is the cleanest politician in Zambia. Wake up my brother before massive dissappointment kills you. Don’t put so mush faith in politicians. Maintain some balance and some sanity before you become a laughing stock..

  31. #36, Chilolo, let me do you another favour by reminding you that Mr. Sata was the greatest supporter of the the Third Term attempt by Chiluba. Don’t put your eggs in Mr. Sata’s basket. I assure you they will all be broken.

  32. MMD Chief Bootliker Kindly check pot # 35, Am not suprised coz VJ is aging so his even forgetin what he said the other day but if you Bootliker is just following him blindly Lobe.

  33. #36, Chilolo, To conclude let me tell you a well kept secret, why every President of Zambia (Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa and Rupiah ) has appointed Vernon Mwaanga to his cabinet. It is not because of rigging (no one can rig elections in Zambia – the system is completly fail safe). It is because Vernon is very experienced, sober, very well spoken and has a very good head on his shoulders. In politics you need such people. That is why Obama nominated Joe Biden. He knew he would need the experience and counsel. Of course no one who has any sense will ever appoint you.

  34. #38 & 37 Recycled Politician try respect People opinions, we all know Sata was fully Behind the Third Term coz he thought he would succeed FTJ but alas isn’t your RB Rubbing Shoulders with the same FTJ who stole Millions of US $ and has sumhow been acquited coz RB is using him to get a second term, tell us something we don’t know my brother am sure deep down yo heart u know FTJ Stole so RB is equally a disgrace by associating with a thief..makes me sick ggggrrrrrrr

  35. His big mouth always get him in trouble and he doesn’t seem to learn~VJ. We are tired of you and some how wish you death you fool.

  36. As long as RB stands on the MMD ticket then we will have no chance of wining the elections next year. MMD is not a strong party at all, we have been wining elections since 2001 with 30% votes. The only reason we are in power is because the opposition are greedy and divided. As long as the Pact stays united and strong I can only see them wining next year. MMD is divided and fragile, we are fighting and attacking each other. the only province Banda is only likely to win is Eastern province. No president has ever one an election with one province. As it stands MMD has lost N Wetsren province to the opposition. Lusaka, Northern, Southern, Copperbelt and N Western provinces belong to the Pact. The pact will gain More votes in Western province. cont………….

  37. As long as you do not rig-we shall be grateful to see you guys out of power–You guys and bootlicker have no hearts for innocent zambians–you deserve a red card

    Remember I am non partisan and I am not political at all—I am just crying for my beloved country Zambia-Our only Zambia

  38. LT get real A.S.S.O.I.A.T.I.N.G is not an insult which school did u guyz go to????:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?

  39. #40 if wat u say is really really true, why didnt all ze above mentioned presidents appoint him at one time to be Veep? mwilatubepa wth yo blind loyalty realistic and argue debate to mek zambia a better countryy from these selfish ruthless politicians who cares nothing about zambia bt them and their families

  40. #21
    Kambongolo says: My problem is this: Attack him for what he is saying or doing. His being sick has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Ubulwele bulwe. Teti ulesekelamo iwe ukulwa kwamu fellow Zambian, kwati wali gomauka. Ule chita propagate stigma and I have an issue with that.Tebuchende fye ubulwalika abantu. Bambi baka ele fye. Walisambilila iwe, we expect more from you.

  41. Ba LT, be sensible!! Your overzealousness to censor everything has lowered your site to new depths of s.t.u.pidity: For example, every word that contains A.S.S. is being purged with the ridiculous result that bloggers cannot use such words as “p.a.s.s.i.n.g”, “a.s.s.u.r.e” , “b.a.s.s.”, “l.a.s.s” , “c.l.a.s.s.”, “g.r.a.s.s”, m.a.s.s and so on. This is r.i.diculous! Be real or shut down!!

  42. Nice to see VJ looking so young and fresh. His old self!! What? What, was that? That’s not a new photo? What do you mean that’s an old photo? Uuuum. I wondered when they had plugged that hole in the side of your head. But I’m sure the doctors at Morningside clinic in SA can fix that, since the Zambian government seems to think they can perform miracles over there.

  43. #48 Destroyer.
    Listen man. Thats why you guys are misbehaving day in and day out. You just fornicate without regard for your lives and the lives of innocent spouses. Why cant you stick to one partiner? And you have treated AIDS like a god which people should not talk about…no man. We have to talk bout openly coz we have seen how devastating it is. Our many innocent relations have died from it. You think we are happy? No man…if we can talk about freely people will know how fatal is this decease. As for mwanga, what do you expect a person who can sleep with Shala Mwana live? Mwanga is a ule and he is reaping what he sore..UBUCHENDE ALL OVER THE WORLD. You many MMD thieves are suffering from AIDS and many are in the fatal red stage where they sabaila a lot. We have seen such things man.


  45. #51 Yes, I agree we need to talk about it and how dangerous it is but to laugh and mock those that afflicted ain’t right. Nothing is gained from that.Tatuseka ubuchushi mwamunobe nakale nakale. Pali mailo. We have all seen what this disease does but ukusekana lyashi limbi iyo. Besides its not for us to judge each other. Tenchito yesu iyo. All of us will be judged one day so let’s not assume the Creator’s functions. Efwe kula chinkulana fye ati Boyi, eyo nshila tekanya kuli nkalamu. That single partner you are talking about could be tempted kunchito. She’s also human! Remember, kwaliba bakalapashi pakanwa.

  46. what a shame that MMD will be remember for drug traffickers like Mwanga, thieves like Chiluba, Kalumba etc

  47. Ba LT, the picture for VJ seem deceiving. VJ does not look like this healthy young and charming young man. The last I checked VJ looked like a door rag. We all know you have current pictures of VJ and the state in which he is. This picture looks like the North Korea propaganda that we see about their leader Kim Jong. If you don’t want us to see his condition, please just describe him but please do not give us these lies like this man is ok.

  48. True you don’t need a pact becoz you can rig the elections. Not suprised this is coming from VJ, the man who had opportunity at a young age and yet could not rise to the occasion to be a leader. Well spoken man but very dissapointing, your time is up sir, you have clearly shown a huge amount of irresponsibility that you have even failed to manage your financial matters despite the opportunities that you have had in life. So sad.

  49. VJ my man , this time we are rigging big time…………………………………………….:-?

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