Former Defence Minister George Mpombo says Zambia has lost the vision of the One Zambia One Nation Motto because of the alleged ‘tribal’ politics of president Rupiah Banda.
Mr.Mpombo said it is a pity that the Rupiah Banda led administration has embraced tribal politics and sees nothing wrong with that.
He said President Banda should emulate his mentor, first republican president Dr. Kenneth Kaunda’s spirit of One Zambia One nation.
Speaking to QFM in an interview, Mr Mpombo noted that president Banda is slowly dividing the nation with the way he is making his cabinet appointments.
He added that it is shameful that president Banda has continued to defend his tribal appointments.
Mr Mpombo said president Banda should abide by the motto of One Zambia One Nation that has kept Zambia united instead of dividing the nation.
[ QFM ]
Sick and tired of seen this Mpombo and his utterences.What are you up to?
You should take development to your constituency(Kafulafuta) than day long politicking.
Doesn’t this deserve an “Enough Already” award. I agree with #1 and #2, please save us from this ancient tribalist relic. Can’t he talk about other things? Every time he opens his mouth it is about tribal and his useless tribe. Get a life man.
Ba Mpombo mukwayi just make a decision to leave MMD or stay.rather than make noise(as in talking WITHOUT action) day in and out!twanaka naimwe nomba boss.
Your personal decision to resign from Government is now paying off.You are a finished politician.Come 2011,we will have another M.P for Kafulafuta than you.
Why do you guys get hurt when someone states a fact? What better development can one offer than fighting tribalism? What Mpombo is stating a matter of national development. When a president does wrong, it is right to call on him what he is. This cadre mentality will really hit us bad when we don’t expect it. Mpombo is calling it what it is – tribalism. If all of you want to be quiet on the Banda wrongs, you will one day regret the outcome of tribalism. Probably you have suddenly forgotten Rwanda and the tribalism that affected it.
Ladys and Gents, Mpombo is Lamba he was in Mwanawasa’s government and there were so many other Lambas in there including lenjes and that was OK RIGHT. Come grow up Mpombo you are beginning to regret.
If Mwanawasa did it that does not make it right. It is wrong and it will always remain wrong.
What a waste of time Mr. Mpompo.
Tribalism should be not be mentioned among Zambians. Ours is one Zambia one Nation. I remember how the lozis , tonga went to work as headmasters in schools in Luapula and Northern the same applied to the Bembas. This is what we want in Zambia, we are one person. But alass our RB wants to take us 100 years back… RB please for ounce listen to the public. The Monkey babtised Mpombo is 100% correct on this case.:)>-:)>-
This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…This record is scratched…
Noooooooooooooooo, Ba Mpombo is right, cos this kud read to ethnic violence, like Ruanda n Burundi am supporting No #6, Mr. has spoke the truth n shame yu devils who are supporting tribalism now wait n see wat wil happen yrs coming, if we all remember no one knew in 1986 zambia can do the riots in (CB) aka copperbelt, so the bemba will say wy 2 much ngonis in Government, the Lambas, Nsengas nd so fourth fight wil start automatically nd we are saying its Christian Nation, Banda should just be fair to make things work, 1 ZED ! Nation is our Motto since we where borne, plse lets protect our Motto. Long Live KK , They wil remember yu nd they wil regret~X(~X(~X(~X(~X(:-@:-@:-@[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x%-(%-(%-(%-(:o:o:o:o:o**==**==
There is no such thing as tribalism in Zambia except by the people who mention it! Most of us have NEVER ever thought about what tribe a person is ‘and so on and so forth’ (to quote Membe). We just live FULL STOP!
Ba Banda tribalism in ZED[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x@-)@-)@-)@-)@-)@-)@-)@-)@-)@-):o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o8-x8-x8-x8-x8-x8-x8-x8-x8-}8-}8-}8-}8-}8-}8-}
i dont expect much from rupiah, same way i never expected from kafupi…these are both accident presidents
Please ba Duicker (Mpombo) save us the time. It was good for Levy to have ruled for 5 years without an Eastener in his cabinet which was packed by lenjes and lambas? Lets bring up real issues. You think we have forgotten how he shielded you when you messed up on the fuel deal? You are just like RB, retire old men and leave the stage we are tired of you all.
This guy’s mouth goes first before the brain, I wonder what happened to his studies for a Masters degree.
Lungu,Daka,Siliya,Mangani,Mbewe, Kazonga, Shawa,Banda…the list is endless. Out of 9 provinces, three (lsk, central and easten) have Easterners as ministers.
you made me laugh man. seriously mpombo should start by cutting that beard first, most of those things he says are stuck in the beard so they keep coming out everytime he speaks. thats why he keeps holding that beard
you yourself were appointed as minister on tribal line and it was right inyour site,you did not deserve that appointment as you know ,you had no qualificatication or experience as minister.Go back to your party,UPND i think your services will be appreciated more there,you finished dirty man.Do you suffer from oral diarrhea ?
Mpombo might have a point especially that he knows how he got into cabinet himself. The article didnt give a breakdown of our cabinet and maybe somebody can do that for us and point those that dont deserve to be there.
Waht goes around comes around. How many Lambas where in cabinet. Mr Antelope.?
Ba Mpomba Zambia stopped talking about tribes. we are Bantu people of central Africa. The only difference is some machona and others bakumushi. please sir amuleke kulibonesha ta. There is time for everything ta. Time to rule and time to be ruled. You can’t be all at the same time ta.You only say the truth once and the people will appreciate but if what you are saying is not true you must repeat it a 1000 times thinking you workup to be true.
The above comments are not inspiring, I believe this is the lost generation in Zambia. How do you even defend tribalism. WHAT A PITY FOR ZAMBIA. Are these the future leaders!
Most Eaterners he lists are married to Tonga, Lenje and the other I know is married to a Kaonde woman. Now thats tribalism alright. I am sure Mpombo is married to a Lamba woman and busy in breeding.
# Ba John, Sorry.We don’t have future leaders here Sir. We have The Now leaders Ta. Thats why we hate people who want to use a Tribe Leverage to fight for peoples cause. By the way when is tribalism but when you take advantage of it or when others take advantage of it.We are saying tribalism is bad in all the two cases.We know Mbombo should not the first person to complain about it when he used and ignore us when we complained during Levy’s era.Please join the Now Leaders to foster THE ZAMBIA WE WANT. Twaalumba ta.
we have a problem in this country,look at the voting pattern in the provinces,Government ministries ,corporate companies especially those run by individuals,if the owner is bembe or nyanja almost all the employess will be northerners or easterner,this cancer is growing all promotions basen on the same triba incrination,i hear even at Unversities it is there,enronlments in so called good schools
Tribalism must be condemned whether it is practiced by RB, Sata or Mwanawasa. Take Mpombo’s sentiments seriously and tell your president to tone down on his tribalism before Zambia becomes another Rwanda. His brazen tribalism is on many people’s lips in Zambia.
You know I have heard a lot of this RB’s cabinet composition, and I have been tempted to try and list it and see how it’s composition is:-
Eastern Province 5
-Dola Siliya
-lungu, newly appointed
Western 5
-mulasikwanda for gender
Central and Lusaka 4
-sports minister
northerners and luapulas 4
southern 2
-minister of community development
n/western 2
Copperbelt 2
-lands minister
Please if this is not the actual cabinet please correct me and also justify the biasness of this cabinet by bringing an example of a better balanced cabinet say of Chiluba or Mwanawasa or Kaunda please
Ba mwisho ba Mpombo, your friend M’membe has just been jailed, next it will be you. Learn to sober up, you tribalist! :((