Sunday, March 9, 2025

PF MPS under threat


Mwense Central Constituency Patriotic Front (PF) Member of Parliament Jacob Chongo and his Kankoyo counterpart Percy Chanda are living in fear after receiving death threats from some Mufulira-based suspected members of their party.

The duo said some suspected PF members had been threatening to beat them up if they did not stop what they termed as destabilising the opposition party.

Mr Chongo said in an interview that some people tipped the parliamentarians last weekend that some PF cadres were plotting to cause harm to the two MPs and their property.

The two parliamentarians, who live in Mufulira’s mine area, said although they had received threats in the past, they were concerned with the recent ones which came after some PF members met at the weekend at a club belonging to a named party member.

It is alleged that some party officials had directed some cadres to “deal” with the two parliamentarians for allegedly destabilising the party.

Mr Chongo, who said he had reported the matter to Mufulira Central Police station, warned that the PF leadership in the district would be held responsible if the MPs or their property were harmed.

Efforts to get Copperbelt police chief Antoneill Mutentwa proved futile as his mobile phone went unanswered.

“I have been informed by some people who attended the meeting that some party members have been instructed to target us for destabilising the party.

“The truth of the matter is that we are being sidelined and it’s not possible for us to destabilise the party,” he said.

Mr Chongo said he was aware that some top officials in the PF were not happy that the targeted MPs had disobeyed the party’s directives to withdraw from the National Constitutional Conference.

Meanwhile, the family of the late Chifubu Constituency MP Benson Bwalya has appealed to PF vice-president Guy Scott and the opposition party cadres to learn to show respect to the dead.

The late PF MP’s widow, Maggie, said in an interview in Ndola yesterday the family was saddened by Dr Scott and some PF cadres’ conduct which led to the disruption of the burial ceremony.

Mr Bwalya, 50, a ‘rebel’ PF MP, who defied the party order not to attend the NCC was buried on Wednesday at Kansenshi Cemetery in Ndola.

Mrs Bwalya said her late husband, who served the country as MP and a Zambia army soldier deserved a befitting send off rather than being victimised by people like Dr Scott even in death.

“The behaviour of Dr Scott, who did not even take time to visit the funeral house before and after the burial does not portray the good picture of the PF leadership. The PF leaders did not make any attempt to restrain their party cadres from causing confusion at the grave yard,” she said.

Provincial youth chairperson Menyani Zulu threatened to beat PF ‘rebel’ MP spokesperson Peter Machungwa after he was given a chance to address mourners and disrupted the burial ceremony.

Speaking during the burial ceremony earlier, Dr Scott made remarks suggesting that the late MP was a ‘naughty, prodigal son’, who was ungrateful after being given a chance to contest elections on the PF ticket.
[ Time of Zambia ]


  1. PF are hooligans I tell you. How does HH think he will manage to grab presidency from such people, forgive me I forgot, he has accepted VP position. I liken these hooligans to the British or German football fans. You can’t reason with such, they understand no democracy. I guess this menatility comes from the top to the bottom.

  2. “The behaviour of Dr Scott, who did not even take time to visit the funeral house before and after the burial does not portray the good picture of the PF leadership. The PF leaders did not make any attempt to restrain their party cadres from causing confusion at the grave yard,” she said.

    Madam, what can you expect from these Kaponyas, Kabovas and Kadobies. And God help us if these are the people we want to put in power. Anyway let the people of Chifubu show them that as Zambians this kind of stupidity is not acceptable in our society. We have a culture to respect and live up to.

  3. Rebel M.P’s
    Quit and see how popular you are on the M.M.D ticket,

    Your all gone in 2011 anyway.
    There is no safe seat in Zambia these days.

    Whinge all you want about THREATS.
    Until MMD arrest Chris Chalwe for RAPE threats then MMD can go to hell.
    There is no justice for regular Zambians.
    If your not in MMD then you don’t get police help is how the people see things.

  4. MMD Chief booklicker your days are numbered the writing on the wall is clear. Let us meet in Chifubu and prove your worthy there. For sure Guy was write to call him a prodigal son it was better than a ‘rebel’ which was his right title MHSRIP

  5. ARREST MUZUNGU’s SON FOR MANSLAUGHTER and leaving the scene of an accident and failing to render assistance.


  6. thez MPs kno that time is not with them anymore,hence tryna say bad things about the PF, bt wait and see how the PF-UPND will win the Chifubu and Luena by-elections!! and tomorrow the PACT will be launched !!! VIVA PACT !!

  7. ARREST MUZUNGU’s SON FOR MANSLAUGHTER and leaving the scene of an accident and failing to render assistance.



  8. Bootlicker, you are correct, many Zambians overlook the point that the PF leadership is playing the back card by sending cadres to provoke peace loving Zambians. As for the Serenje case: I know Dr.Musonda quite well, he’s good personality and must have been tempted beyond what he could withstand. It is unfortunate that the Serenje young man sustained those injuries, but one wonders why PF cadres feel they have the power to stop and harass anyone including ministers. They have no respect for citizens. I wonder why Zambians fail to read between the lines regarding the PF and its desperate leadership.

  9. Son of Black Bull # 9 just shut up!! u,a very useless!! go to hell with yo mmd !! people like u dnt deserve life coz u such a useless chap!! VIVA PACT !!! MMD OUT—————

  10. The Mufulira rebel MPs are a disgrace, nobody would be interested to kill them, they are not worth it. If you drive on the road where Percy Chanda lives you would think you are in Afghanistan. a pregnant woman would deliver before she reaches the hospital. these are hopeless MPs, I wander why they have failed to resign if they are worth their salt. Guy Scott was right many times we want to give a wrong picture of people when they die, Bwalya was a rebel MP was that a lie. Machungwa you hypocritic, why don’t you resign from PF and join MMD.

  11. And so the actors carry on on the stage while the people die of hunger, disease and illiteracy. If they can do this in opposition, God help us when they are in power!

  12. MMD Chief Booklicker: You are always licking boots at a fee, we understand that you have to please your pay masters by posting nonsense on LT and ZWD. Whatever the PF youths did no one should blame them because their counterparts the MMD under william banda are worse, they even chase the IG into hiding! However provoked Musonda was attempted murder is an offence and he should be behind bars as they carry out investigations. Period. You do not shoot someone repairing roads and asking for payment in the head and say it is self defence!

  13. Son of Black Bull: who are you? people like you deserve to be in Chibolya in the rainy season to see how Zambians are suffering under your MMD. You are a disgrace to the Far East bloggers!

  14. Just resign from PF.If you dont want your wife what you do is apply for divorce. What are you waiting for. Your marriage with PF ended a long time ago. Dont say naikalia abana

  15. I personally dont believe in praising dead people. A person should be praised when he is alive. So call a spade a spade even at a person’s barial. Scott was right to say the truth about Mwamba in relation to the PF period.:)>-:)>-

  16. Are these not rebel MPs, if they are just send them with their families to the other side of the world and burn their houses and everything they own, and we will have peace there after…

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