Sunday, March 9, 2025

Contempt law should be reviewed – Kabanda


Citizens Forum executive director Simon Kabanda talking about the arrest and detention of controversial catholic priest Frank Bwalya

The Citizen’s forum has called for the reviewing of laws surrounding the contempt of court in Zambia.

Citizen’s forum executive secretary Simon Kabanda says that lots of innocent Zambians have continued to be unfairly convicted because of this law.

Mr. Kabanda cited the media as one of the many victims that suffer at the hands of the Zambian contempt of court law. He said that the media in Zambia operate under very difficult conditions which if certain laws are not reviewed will make them go to prison on a daily basis.

He said certain laws need to be reviewed to favor the operation of the media unlike what is happening at the moment.

Mr. Kabanda has also added to calls for the President to have his powers reviewed in order to reduce the interference in the judiciary.

He was speaking last evening on Monday Nite live
And Mr. Kabanda says that it will be impossible for the Electoral commission of Zambia to achieve its number of 2.5 million voters as registered voters without addressing challenging issues.

Commenting on the Electoral Commission of Zambia’s announcement that the voter registration exercise will commence on the 21st of June 2010, Mr. Kabanda stated that the poor road network will be one of the major challenges that will hinder the progress of the voter registration exercise.

[ QFM]


  1. Zambia since 1964 has been at cross roards when it comes to constitutionl matters and we are paying the price.Unless people respect the law and the enforcers do their job professionally we shall continue running in circles and no meaning development will take place…..

  2. Nobody complained when Kavindele was cited and convicted. This law has been on our statutes since 1965. Prof Ndulo was Dean of Law school and a member of Law development commission for years. Now that a media personality has been imprisoned there is something wrong. Bad laws must go but courts must be protected.

  3. I am amazed when people say that the media in Zambia is muzzled! This is pure self flaggelation and glory seeking. Media must be sensitive to national security and peace. Idle words left alone can cause war in a country. Democratic institutions must be protected but corruption must be exposed. There is no media persecution in Zambia.

  4. Haaaaaaahaaaahaaaa…This Kabanda looks like a wizzard performing wizzardry in a Lagos bush!! Kodi bali mu cult yobwata bwata?

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