The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) says it is deeply concerned about the recent harassments of The Post newspapers,worsened by the prosecution and detention of editor in chief Fred M’membe.
In a statement released to QFM today, MISA Regional Director Kaitira Kandjii said MISA views the prosecution and detention of M’membe as a deafening attack on media freedom and freedom of expression.
He said MISA’s regional secretariat and its 11 chapters throughout southern Africa outrightly reject the judgement by Magistrate David Simusamba and regard it as a betrayal of media freedom and freedom of expression.
Mr Kandjii said the words used by the Magistrate Simusamba when passing sentence that the sentence is meant to reform M’membe as well as to deter would-be offenders are a threat to every Zambian and are meant to instill fear.
He said The Post Newspaper has been a major critic to Zambia’s bad governance and that its prosecution is a sign by the Zambian government to avenge dissenting voices.
Mr Kandjii added that it is disturbing to note that The Post and M’membe are being prosecuted for giving a platform to a citizen to express himself on an issue of public concern.
He stated that the Zambian media has a responsibility to publish and broadcast news and information and that in this case The Post had the right to publish an opinion article by Professor Muna Ndulo, adding that the fact that the Kabwela case was before the Court did not override the rights of people to express their opinions about the ongoing trial.
M’membe was last week sentenced to four months imprisonment with hard labour after being found guilty for contempt of court.
M’membe : four months imprisonment with hard labour
Chiluba : acquittal
what a sad country….!!! 🙁
MISA, is that a fact in law? Did you condemn the journalists who were preaching hatred in Rwanda just before the onset of genocide? There should be moral responsibility by everyone in society – and journalists get away with a lot of murder.
MISA ,you have no moral right to say The Post has duty to speak against bad governance in Zambia,you are supposed to be educating your demon driven Fred about responsible journalism .The sun in Zambia does not rise from Fred’s bum ,Zambia is country made up of laws not dreamers .MISA. Not long ago Jacob Zuma was awarded huge sums of money by a British court for refering to him as corrupt am sure you agreed with that judgement because it was delivered by people you perceive to be Holy like your useles Mmeembe.
Useless MISA . Who told you journalist should not obey the laws of the land in which they are? You should go back to journalism school and learn responsible reporting. Here in Zambia there are laws and those laws should be respected period. Contept of court is contempt and nothing else. This M’meembe should know better since he is a lwayer (any way we are told his law degree and practicing certificate from NIPA were not really studieed for and hence the failure to understand simple law and respect for laws). As an engineer in this country under the Engineering Act of 1992 I respect the clauses in this act and so journalist should accept that laws are for everyone. Stop abusing you freedom of press. Press freedom has a limit just like any other issues under the sun.