Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Week in Pictures



Mrs Thandiwe Banda checking her hand bag to get money to award dancing MMD cadres in Mutendere township


Mrs Thandiwe Banda giving money to dancing MMD cadres in Mutendere township.


Mrs Thandiwe Banda dancing with pupils at Mahatma Gandhi Basic School in Lusaka


Mrs Thandiwe Banda captured during the tour of Mahatma Gandhi basic school in Lusaka


Mrs Thandiwe Banda bids farewell to her hosts after visiting Mutendere township in Lusaka


Mrs Thandiwe Banda about to give money to dancing MMD cadres in Mutendere township


A youthful dance troupe in Mutendere township in action


Mrs Thandiwe Banda waves as she leaves Mutendere township


Science Minister and technology Brian Chituwo helps a pupil of Nampundwe to wear glasses donated to the public in Nampundwe


President Banda with Togolese president during the French Africa Summit


President Banda with vice president George Kunda at Lusaka international Aiport


Post newspaper editor-in-chief Fred Mmembe saying his last words before being ushered into the Lusaka central or Chimbokaila prison



Post Newspapers editor- in- Chief Fred M'membe being escorted to Lusaka Central Prison after he was jailed for four months with hard labour by Lusaka magistrate David Simusamba on June 4,2010-Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza


National Milling Corporation managing director and public relations officer Esther Chilala during a press briefing in Lusaka.


Local government and housing minister Eustarkio Kazonga inspects the ZAIN Zambia housing compound for winners of the SMS promotion in Lusaka


Former Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo with his wife Maria Sung captured at Lusaka international airport when they arrived in Lusaka


First republican president Kenneth Kaunda plants a tree to commemorate the World Environment Day in Lusaka


Education minister Dora Siliya visits the poor in her constituency in Petauke


A trucker stands helpless after his vehicle that was used to transport cement flipped


A peasant farmer drying his agricultural produce in Mongu.


Some pupils in Nampundwe pose for a photograph after receiving free eye screening from Konkola Copper Mines


  1. speechess..the 1st lady is really pretty but this thing of giving out money all the time should came to stop…and ba LT why so many pics of thandiwe ha??

  2. Too many pictures about the first family. why? Ba Milingo seems to be enjoying his marriage life. Ala nga tawakosa tekwesha bu monk bane! At least him he chose to marry rather than being Paedophile. Anyway let me not talk too much about other people’s affairs. Kuti ba bashalikapo naya bane!

  3. Iyeee mwe bantu! Ati Mahat Maghandi, bushe te Mahatma Gandhi mwe bantu? Ati drying his agriculture produce, doesn’t the produce have a name mwe bantu? Iyeee!

  4. is this thandiwe’s facebook page? i am sure there is a lot happening in zambia for us to see not aka kamubili kauma ngomuasmbo.

  5. I think LT does not have qualified Reporters, The first family makes the pictures very Bad. where the pact pictures for lunching

  6. OK mwe bantu, I agree that the captions could be a lot better but hey, why do we forget that this is a free site with free services? For something that you paid for, you have the right to complain :-t but for something that someone else #:-s sweated for, you have the right to remain silent. :-$

    Instead of fretting over the pics, simply tune with me to the World Cup, which kicked off a few hrs ago. At first I thought there was something wrong with the sound on my TV because of that terrible buzzing sound which sounded like a billion bees and then my boy told me it was the fans blowing their Vuvuzelas.<:-p Thank goodness I am not there... I would definately need a serious ear check up afterwards. :-j Happy World Cup Weekend y'all!<:-p

  7. Fred M’membe looks sick, is just me but the well to do people in Zambia need a little bit of glooming. Look at Sata, GBM, RB , Chiluba, Siliya kwati tunama. Whatever happened to those Barbershops and beauty saloons at Kabwata market. I am serious though ba Fred nifwa kwenda

  8. #9 Hey you are right. #13 Nine Chale sometimes you sound so defensive of LT. Is it because they gave you $50 last year? People have the write to complain even on free things. Why do you think they should not express their displeasure? You sound like an enemy of democracy some times. If you don’t have something to say, don’t just fulfill your presence on comments. Ichilaka cholemba makoments tu?

  9. Ba LT, its like you have soft sport for Tandiwe, shes always in your pictures, can you clarify b4 we conclude.

  10. #17 Zingi point taken. Whether you believe it or not, I can assure you that I still have a mind of my own and I’m not afraid to say what I think. Anywhere, anytime. Isn’t that democracy too?

    Now if you’ll excuse me… I’ve got to go back and join the World Cup ravers downtown Stuttgart.
    Siyabonga! :)>-

  11. Thanks for the Pictures LT…they always remind me about home in Zambia. I will plan to visit in the near future. Meanwhile, keep the pictures coming.

  12. Can anyone tell Thandiwe that the are other places to do good shopping of clothes. If she cud wear nice clothes she would look very nice a lady. these chitenges make her look very old like the husband. The shoes mayo:o Banda also over size suits. What is wrong with the couple really? They can go to Paris, London and do good shopping. They want to give us an impression that they are not stealing any taxpayers moni:d.

  13. Thandiwe and Banda are a case of taking someone out of the village but not taking the village out of them. Poor them too villagish mwe. What shall we do? I suggest we send them back where they belong. Give ceasar what belongs to ceasar.

  14. #22 I think Thandiwe Banda looks good in chitenge outfits. Shows she is proud of her African heritage. Why should she dress like a muzungu when she is the first lady of an African state? Some people even in this day and age are still brain washed and they will be the first to start complaining when she goes on shopping trips to Paris in the manner of Grace Mugabe. Here she is visiting a school, so why should she be dressed to the nines so that she will be criticised for being insensitive and displaying her wealth amongst the poor? Some people just like to criticise for the sake of criticise. Sometimes it is better to keep quiet rather than spout negative and poisonous rubbish.

  15. LT`Please tell your people writing that this paper is being read by so many interlectuals abroad and it must be writen properly.
    For example when you say Mr.itis official such that you can`t use the first name in connection to Mr\Mrs. What I am trying to say is that it sounds confusing when I read, Mrs Thandiwe, this is not correct because she is not married to Thandiwe, so the correct way of writing should read Mrs.Banda Thandiwe. But you seem to be like Banda himself who doesn`t listen from any advice. THINK.

  16. I recommend RB to wear safari suit in honor of the guy on the Zambian coats of arms. As Thandie she should wear the house maid’s dress to honor the woman on the coat of arms ,too. Grey Zulu still wears them lol

  17. Thanks for sharing photos from the GRZ photographers. Now can we get a glimpse of what’s actually going on in Zed? How about the launch? 😕

  18. Chitenge is the best. Keep it up Thandi. You only need to visit Mama Betty Kaunda for more patterns.=d>
    It would be interesting to know how the money given to dancers country wide is accounted:-w

    LT do not put pictures on the site for which you have no names or specific description.

  19. Thandiwe’s dressing is quite bad, I think she should come to me so that I can teach her some good dressing

  20. Chitenges can’t be worn every day of the week. We know she is an african but that’s too much kwena. She needs to dress up like a young woman. Can someone advise her on what to wear please?

  21. banda shouldnt have married this girl if he had any moral standing. she is even younger than his children. so what can he tell me about morals?

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