Sunday, March 9, 2025

Pact is a horse that doe not gallop, MMD


MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga

The ruling Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) has likened the PF/UPND pact to a horse that does not gallop.

MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga told QFM that there was something sinister about the PF/UPND pact adding that even its recent launch was largely attended by hired cadres.

He said Zambians should question the real motive behind the pact.

Mr Mbenga has also described this year’s party card renewal exercise as overwhelming.

He said the Party has recorded an increase in the number of members recruited in Luapula and the Copperbelt provinces.

Mr Mabenga has also attributed the high levels of defections on the Copperbelt by opposition supporters to the ruling party to the recent irregularities in valuation of land and property in PF run Councils.

He alleged that people of the Copperbelt have now realized that PF cannot be entrusted to run the affairs of the country.
[ QFM ]


  1. Chairman,

    This so-called PACT was unpacked before it got any form of life. Its a shell of losers to nowhere. Which sane and selfless bonafide patriot would offer to commit treason by risking a unitary and peaceful nation state as Zambia to those tribal warlords?

  2. PF and UPND Ichilema version constituting the so-called PACT are visionless contraptions masquerading as political parties, which in reality, are no more than social clubs formed to receive unearned and therefore underserved subventions or grants from unsuspicious prodemocracy western donor institutions. It is needless to state that the subventions or grants invariably end up in private pockets in the name of political parties. These dubious unpatriotic circus political formations, like bears, hibernate in the winter of politics only to reappear in the spring to collect donor subventions or grants; make plenty of political noise while it lasts, and quickly disappear on issues again into wintry hibernation for the rest of the political season. They’re seasonal preys without hope.

  3. #1,#3 what are you talking about .for mabenga to talk about horses is like talking about ships to a zambian.and your verbosity reminds me of when i was in grade ten at hillcrest ,when i thought i was impressing the iam an engineer and understands the importance of effective communication.ever heard of thomas jefferson ,he once said a black man has no soul.he is to today defined as an archtect of the american democracy .the pact or sata or hh is not about persons ,its about zambia trying to define crudely as it may seem the democracy of the future .please do not stand in the way of unfolds with time.

  4. fumbi,
    In your capacity as a strait jacket PF cadre here, kindly explicate before hand a minimum of 5 core values this shell of your so-called pact manifests on which it could build a voter disposition if not their usual menu of insults. Kindly take a sabbatical leave from insults and soberly engage us here on those core values if any. Trust me they’re seasonal preys without a national spirit, agenda or indeed character to talk home about. Its a case of 0 +0 =0.

  5. Will Zambians vote on the basis of the menu of insults Sata and his deputy Ichilema personify without issues?

  6. Just a year to the end of the first term of the Banda administration bound for second and final mandate, not much is on ground to suggest that the nation is on a road to different administration other than incumbent MMD. The road to 2011 for titular and internally breeding opposition is already strewn with thorns that may lead to another uphill attempt at organizing credible elections opposition performance but far short of victory as usual. There are already unsymmetrical power lines in vicious struggle for control of a fragile unbinding loss pact form on tribal than national interest.

  7. While RB and his administration are taking national development around the country, those in the so-called pact have lamentably failed to articulate any policy line to highly pessimistic voters. Instead for over 1 year voters have been treated to a menu of insults and rehearsals for insults by a fragile pact. Last Saturday they failed to exploit the Golden opportunity of a meet-up. No vision and no harmonization realized.

  8. Despite the optimism of anti MMD internet based arm chair critics, Zambians are not convinced that there are things on ground to show that the so-called pact project is strong enough to make the mass party MMD lose sleep on the aggregate National vote in 2011.

  9. senoir citizen.iam currently watching the world cup and cant help to admire how the South africans have organised themselves .one thing i realised political wise is that they invited the opposition leaders and treated them with respect.i think we can do better after all we were the front runners in their liberation.a political party should not base it values on issues that build voters list as think .voting is way of ligitimatising governance .political parties need to build their values on the PEOPLES universal aspirations and dreams -prosperity,peace ,happiness ,dignity ,self rule .so correct your views before u can ask questions.i amazed at ur rigidity

  10. fumbi,

    I’m getting nothing from your incoherence when you dive on voters list and democracy. I have already watched SA vs. Mexico game.Kindly rewrite what you struggling to communicate when you get some time later.

  11. I can see a rasta man in that photo i’m sure those are the people who supply them with stuff to smoke co’z some comments they make seem to come from mad chaps.

  12. This is not worth commenting!! The results are there even for FOOLS to see?? MMD has lost two of it’s seats to the opposition and the opposition is gaining momentum every passing day….BUT to my supprise, the Mabenga’s are pre-occupied talking about the PACT they refer to a gallop horse??? Why waiste time talk about something useless?? It appears the PACT has made all the MMD chaps into mad dogs baking aimlessly here and there!!

  13. MD National Chairman Michael Mabenga told QFM that there was something sinister about the PF/UPND pact adding that even its recent launch was largely attended by hired cadres.

    Senior Citizen
    Show us a RECENT image of a MMD party speech in Lusaka.
    I’m sure there will not be close to the same amount of HIRED cadres as Mabenga says..

    Hired Cadres.
    Come on everyone has seen the photo and there is over 5000 people there.
    Even if a couple of crowd stirrers were paid,NOT EVEN 1% of them were paid to be there.

    Even that old militia leader W.Banda could not draw such a large crowd.

  14. People do strange in things in the name of democracy, people are being shoot, money being stolen everyone can see the MMD is not liked by the real Zambians. A few paid MMD caders can not sleep coz PACT is making suffer wait till 2011 when you will want to join the pact and then people say. NALIKWEBELE TABULWAPO.

  15. MMD wake up and smell the coffee. The PACT will be the new government come 2011. Michael Mabenga you better start looking for another job. Why are you so concerned about the pack. You are giving them so much strength.

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