Monday, March 10, 2025

Simbao refutes Global Fund reports


Health minister Kapembwa Simbao

Minister of Health Kapembwa Simbao has refuted insinuations that donors have suspended the Global Fund facility to the Ministry of Health. The Minister however said the Global Fund instead delayed disbursements of all grants to pave way for the Global Fund audit. Speaking at a press briefing at Ministry Headquarters in Lusaka today, Dr Simbao assured that the Ministry of Health was still enjoying a cordial relationship with some donors such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as well as World Health Organisation(WHO) among other co-operating partners.

Mr Simbao said Government with the Global Fund partners are currently working on modalities which will enable the Ministry to start accessing funds through UNDP. He added that the Ministry will then be able to access the funding directly after two years.

He said the current position is that, instead of being the principle recipients, the Ministry of Health has now become sub recipients. And Mr Simbao further stated that the Ministry of Health has been invited to apply for Global Fund round 10 since the country has managed to qualify in four rounds namely rounds 1,4,7, and 8.

He said the round four grants for malaria and HIV which were due to expire in October this year have been extended for one year to make up for the delay in disbursement. Mr Simbao further revealed that the Ministry will continue working hand in hand with some co-operating partners to build its capacity especially in procurement and finance as per agreed joint governance action plan.

He added that the Ministry of Health has so far accessed Six million United States Dollars from the Global fund saying out of this money, only three million Dollars has been used and the remaning three million dollars was yet to be accesed. Mr Simbao said the Global Fund allowed the Ministry of Health to continue procuring life saving drugs namely anti malarial, anti retro virals and Tuberculosis (TB) drugs.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported today that Global Fund had suspended disbursements of grants to the Ministry of Health in Zambia



  1. SIMBAO is your government surely not humiliated and embarrassed by this Global Fund Action. News has gone around the world that the Ministry which you oversee is so corrupt that donor funding has had to be suspended for more than two times in the first 6 months of the year! It is a scandal. The fact that you haven’t even apologised to the Zambian people for embarrassing the country just goes to show how low your level of standards are. You are the worst government since Zambia got independence in 1964.

  2. Zoona, where is our credibility, the legacy LPM(MHSRP) left gone to now. Mr. Hon simbao is hiding somethingh big and fishy. Why have we suddenly changed status from principle beneficiary to sub receipients. Theres is a bigger issue than meets the eye. We now have to go through the same process of image building for a minmum 02 years before they can trust us if at all they will. God help mother Zambia.

  3. I am just from listening to this f.o.o.l on ZNBC saying its not true, while the thing was even on BBC interviewing the Global Fund. Some one should tell him that we live in information age, where information is easily accessible.

  4. Yeah, until all cordial relations are done and gone. Just a big bunch of failures. How has the trust or cordial relationship with other doners? Your corrupt policies are now killing the common man on the street and still the whole bunch of you still think you will make it come 2011. What good have you done to prove to the masses that you can be trusted when you even habour a bunch of criminals like Dr Musonda, FTJ to mention but a few?

  5. Iwe simbao, you chaps are indeed there with noi direction. Even the most credible people like you have all lost it all. We dont know where this country iis heading for sure. Anyway days are numbered, very soon wina azalila

  6. As government ministers, please learn to accept the truth at times. The Bible says ” The truth shall set you free” Defending everything will not help us in any way. Let’s face it our MOH has a lot of thieves who needs to be fished out. Unless we do this, we are going nowhere with our good health reforms which are so good on paper. People call it corruption, but I refuse to call it that because a lot of government workers have simply become thieves especially those at MOH. Look at the big houses which are coming up every month in Lusaka, they are all owed by government employees. Unless we stop stealing our Doctors, Nurses etc will never provide better health services as they do not have the equipment or medicine they would like to have. Mr. Simbo, please spare us.

  7. These people,they are just a bunch of illiterates pretending to know better.Shame on you.Imagine, even countries like Tanzania are now doing far much better than Zambia.It is very annoying.

  8. Guys, rather than venting your frustrations on this website, can I suggest you ALL email Hon. Simbao asking whether he will release an official communique from Jon Liden at the Global Fund confirming that it is just the method of distributing funds that have changed?

    His email addresses are: [email protected] , [email protected]

    Rather than just moaning, please can we take forward a policy of affirmative action to make sure that ALL politicians (both in Govt and opposition) are working for the people? We are victims because we allow ourselves to be victims.

  9. You are all such naive people. Why do you think I have not bee convicted up to now? Because me and Simbao and RB twalelya bonse.:d

  10. Really, its bad enough that corruption levels are terrible enough to result in loss of donors, but to insult our intelligence and try to sugarcoat the whole thing brings me to a whole new level of annoyance! A rep from the Global Fund confirmed to the BBC funds had been withdrawn and WHY. Whats 6million dollars when you’re being asked to give back 8 on top of the over $100m being withheld? Tsk.

  11. My silence has compromised my conscience. It is a duty and obligation of every Zambian citizen to speak out on national issues without been intimidation from those who hold opposite views this is what we were taught in Civic as school. Every Zambian citizen has rights, duties and obligates to question the government. The currently happening in our country is not benefiting at all looking at Mufumbwe violence, the conduct of entire police service, the conduct of those who are trained to serve lives one does not need to be a professional to denounce this threaten to peace and security of our country.

    The government should be reminded that the people’s mandate should not be abused by those discharged with the responsibility of governing this country. The people have the mandate to…

  12. My silence has compromised my conscience. It is a duty and obligation of every Zambian citizen to speak out on national issues without been intimidation from those who hold opposite views this is what we were taught in Civic as school. Every Zambian citizen has rights, duties and obligates to question the government. The currently happening in our country is not benefiting at all looking at Mufumbwe violence, the conduct of entire police service, the conduct of those who are trained to serve lives one does not need to be a professional to denounce this threaten to peace and security of our country.
    The government should be reminded that the people’s mandate should not be abused by those discharged with the responsibility of governing this country. The people have the mandate to change…

  13. I wonder at what platform the ruling MMD will convince the people to give them another mandate in 2011 when they have failed to respect the people’s wish. I advise the President to allow the people’s outcry that Mr. Chiluba’s questioned acquits be allowed an appeal in High Court and enforcement of London Judgment. The President should also fire Kabonda, the cop has betrayed the trust entrusted to him the people of Zambia. Mr. Kabonda’s conduct is very unprofessional and denting the entire police service. There is no public confidence in the entire police force because they are applying double standard in application of law on ordinary citizens and those who belongs or are close to the ruling elite.
    Dr Musonda, did not deserve the title of Dr because the man was a dangerous…

  14. Dr Musonda, did not deserve the title of Dr because the man was a dangerous criminal to society and deserves to be behind the bar not in society that uphold human rights. It is embarrassing and insult to Zambians over the conduct and manner the police are mishandling this serious murder attempt issues. Arrest Musonda and Kabonda they are both birds of same feathers. How do you rush to arrest ordinary Zambia for mere stealing a chicken and those who have robbed Zambian huge billions of dollar would walk the street with their heads higher?

  15. Caught with pants down, now Engineer Simbao trying to clean up.. it is on BBC and Clinton also insinuated on such. Baba, Kuya Bebele.. ARV withdrawal due to you pipo stealing from the sick..You are a useless thieving govt

  16. The fact that the Ministry of Health will has been relegated to sub-recipient is humiliation enough. What it means is that you have to justify your expenditure at two levels, the UNDP level and the Global Fund level. Mwatusebanya!

  17. Good Evening

    Who is to blame for this precarious state of affairs? Instead of creating opportunities, it looks like donor funding has eventually ended up in a car-crash – or Dead Aid if you like.

    Oh Africans! Many more will have to suffer… and many more will have to cry… cry blood!

  18. In September 2009, the OIG began its own in-depth audit of all grant programmes, covering all four PRs in Zambia. During the audit, the OIG uncovered what it believed to be further evidence of irregularities and fraud within the Global Fund grant programmes in the MoH. In particular, the audit team found what appeared to be multiple fraudulent allowance claims by senior MoH personnel. In November 2009, the OIG referred comprehensive evidence to the ACC.

  19. Just imagine all what our govt plans for is to sell companies, and steal money and wait for donors to give them more, also just to allow money to be stollen ;; no focus at all for the future of the nation;; we are like babies who only wait for mum to put food in their mouths , what a shame Africans must wake up,, you must learn to solve your own problems

  20. #8 “a regime of vampires”

    unfortunately well summed up…

    but your ballot will be your oak stake in their heart…!

  21. Simbao must not tell us lies the global funds have been withdrawn according to the BBC, because of corruption and misappropriation of funds, period.

  22. The Global Fund To fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria has said it will suspend aid to Zambia’s government because of worries over corruption.

    It said the government had failed to provide assurances that it was taking action over alleged fraud affecting the its aid programme.

    Jon Liden, the fund’s director of communications, told BBC World Service that it has also asked for a refund of money already paid.

  23. # 10.

    May all bloggers take note of what Wisphers has said.I will certainly send emails to this so called leader.How sad and pathetic.

  24. I ve just emailed this so called minister.hopefully other bloggers will do the same.
    Check # 10 for this ill heath minister email addresses.
    Plse guys lets bombard his inbox.

  25. Haha. Delayed my behind. Ba Blogger if you have not already done so you can access the story on the BBC website. May I suggest we email him a link to the article so that he understands that we know what is going on. Ba kabolala aba ehh.

  26. The director of communications for the Global Fund, John Liden said the health ministry had failed to take the necessary steps since the corruption was first detected.” We have identified a set of individuals, we have alerted Zambian government authorities about this,” he said.

    “We have repeatedly asked for action, there has been slowness in action on the Zambian side.

    “That’s one of the reasons we feel we do not have confidence that the Ministry of Health, at this stage, can continue to channel funding of this magnitude for health in Zambia.”

  27. Senior Citizen where are you? What spin crap are you gonna come up with? This is the last nail in the coffin. There are many Zambians living with HIV and their lives have all along been sustained on ARVs just so they can at least see their mostly young children complete school before they die. Now, because of these thieving buffoons (RB and his minions) it has come down to this! Zambians are going to die en mass and we are going to a have huge band of young illiterate orphans with no hope for the future. See RB what you are doing! As if this is not enough this foolish RB was last week at Mfuwe sharing the loot from Zamtel. What a mess!!

  28. A bunch of blood-s.u.c.k.e.r.s who are not even ashamed of s.u.c.king the life-blood of the sick. God has a special place for all of you—-it is called H.E.L.L!—-and I hope you all burn for eternity when you get there!

    How can we continue to have “rumours” of corruption and mismanagement at the same ministry (MoH) and Mr. “Bwana” Simbao expects us to believe his phony justification? Shame, shame, shame, did I say SHAME? YES, SHAME ON ALL OF YOU WHO THRIVE ON SEEING YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS SUFFER DUE TO LACK OF DRUGS AND REASONABLE HEALTHCARE CAUSED BY YOUR DISHONEST BEHAVIOURS AND THINK THAT THAT IS OK!

    The International community have had it with you ‘African fraudsters’ in the name of govt ministers. Your secret is out. There taxpayers abroad are now demanding accountability!

  29. Mr simbao and mr mutati have fallen from grace and have been turned into nicompoops. You two and mr chituwo were are only hope in this maladministered, incompetent and blotted govt. Serminar after serminar, conference after conference, is this the way of fighting hiv and malaria? Or its a snitch of enriching yourselves? You can fool rb not the doners, mwanya!

  30. Hi fellow bloggers, can we have an update on who has actually emailed Mr Simbao? I know that a couple of you have, thanks for that, but we need more.

    Btw. How did this gentleman get bestowed the title ‘Dr’. The National Assembly website lists his qualifications as ‘O’ Levels and a BSc in Engineering.

  31. Am surprised SENIOR CITIZEN & MMD CHIEF BOOTLICKER have gone into hiding on this issue. Its even difficult to vent any reactions to this article because i take it all of us usual bloggers take SIMBAO the we he takes himself -a joker like most of his fellow MMD catoons.
    Take note of WHISPER’s comments #8.

  32. LT bestowed him, the title ‘DR’ like any other past presidents. FTJ’s was so simple-by himself and the next is DR RB.

  33. Very sad state of affairs indeed. Truth is even the ones coming into govt next year will be stealing because today they are ‘saints’ in some circles – especially the independent media!

  34. Yes lets email this minister and give him a piece of our minds.

    See # 8 for his email address.When we can we should go beyond complaining on this site.Lets flood his inbox.

  35. I guess we all know kapoko robbinhood who stole from the poor zambian patients only to bank role his political party. which party was kapoko funding definately not mmd or fdd. anyone of you who is unable to access arvs or tb drugs. if you are still getting the medicines then shut up bcos they are coming from global fund. trust membe and the weekly toast. minister i will listen to you and not any quack hooked to gutter journalism. why shud i belie ve the post and not daily or times. i

  36. Global Fund freezes Zambia aid over corruption concern

    More than $300m (£200m) of health funding to Zambia’s goverment is being suspended by the Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

    It said it was concerned about alleged corruption in connection with one or more grants to the health ministry.

    But some aid will be channelled through other groups, a spokesman told the BBC.

    It is not the first time Zambia has lost aid amid corruption claims: Sweden and the Netherlands stopped health aid and the EU halted road-building funds.

    ‘Slowness in action’

    The director of communications for the Global Fund, John Liden, told the BBC life-saving treatments would not be hit.

    He said the health ministry had failed to take the necessary steps since the…

  37. ba Simbao,you had the opportunity to put things straight but its like everything has gone to the dogs.You deecided to take responsible for puting the lives of millions poor women and children on the line, what a disappointment just because you still want to satisfy you apetites.You are human and have a conscious .You are there to save people and not yourselves.

  38. #43 jkk, thanks for that quote from BBC! So for this poor Simbao, John Liden (man from Global Fund) was cheating. What a shame this minister is!! These fools will never accept that they are wrong, even if they were caught pants down, they would find words to refute a fact. Even if you caught Simbao red-handed in the very act he would tell you “…no no no I am innocent I was just trying to resuscitate her because I work for ministry of health….”

  39. Zambia is always on BBC for wrong reasons. Surely our govt must be ashamed of the report that donors cannot trust us anymore. I am sure even other donors will follow suit by making same pronoucements such us: Government workers are doing miracles with little delayed salaries. Musebanya sana especially to our fore fathers that fought tirelessly for our freedom hopping that one day we will rule ourselves. Mr Simbao must not rephrase the report from BBC as stated:
    More than $300m (£200m) of health funding to Zambia’s goverment is being suspended by the Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
    It said it was concerned about alleged corruption in connection with one or more grants to the health ministry.
    But some aid will be channelled through other groups, a spokesman told…

  40. Iwe Kapembwa be serious man. Why is the Global fund now going to be administered through UNDP? Namuduma money imwe. Simbao how do you feel when people call you and your govt thieves? You are setting a bad example to your own children…bana ba bakabolala, ba sakala nyongo!

  41. “sub-recipient ” …a prime government institution? Aaaaaagh, sends shivers down my spine. This is not good.

  42. musonda has been fired after RB has received a report. U dont expect the presido to act on reports from gutter scribes. tu pact you like jumping the gun nabola thats you lose like bafana bafana, you want to walk even b4 you crawl

  43. Yes Musonda has been fired….its a sad status on both sides. I guess and hope it was not intentional that he shot the youth…i have been approached before to pay money in the raniny season esp where they are pools of water…we end up paying them but them youth. But i must say they sometimes become very unruly but does not sumount to shottin them.

    lessons learnt Ba Doc please UTH is waiting. But i guess his still an MP.

  44. Yes it is true that the Global Fund has suspended its funding to Zambia. Well this article doesnt say why but i heard this news on 702 news this morning and they said its because of too much corruption in Zambia. They also cited another organisation that cancelled its funding to the Zambian Ministry of health following corruption reports. Its very sad indeed because a lot of Zambians are on ARVs and malaria treatment which are basically free in Zambia. I didnt know the consequences of the cancellation of this aid. Am so sad that innocent pipo suffer coz of others greed. I hold RB to blame. Even criminals are going scot free

  45. # 26, John Linden also mentioned in the same BBC interview that they would be claiming back from the Ministry of Health “their” US$8,000,000.00 that has been misappropriated – guess our PAYE will increase next year to compensate the Global fund for this amount.

    #42 Zoonaman – check your facts and read & listen widely, this item wasn’t on your hated Post but was a press release from Global Fund which BBC picked and then interviewed the director yesterday morning. Listen to BBC on your wireless on 98.1FM

  46. Fellow Zambians the rate of white collar crime is indeed frightening, what is wrong with our independence we had very few educated personnel running our country but there was financial displine but today we have thieves for Doctors,Professors, MBAs etc

  47. These MMD and its minions are useless chaps. They are stealing in the morning, noon, evening and night. I applaud the Global Fund and the European Union for their brave stand on the corruption of MMD , RB and Seliya. We demand accountability in this dull govnt of RB. But knowing RB, he will not take corrective measures on this problem. Our president is a joker….what a shame for Zambia.[-([-(

  48. As Zambians we NOW have to stop finding someone to blame!! we have to blame ourselves for not rising to the challenge of challenging MMD. We HAVE TO EDUCATE our rural relatives why voting for MMD is pointless BUT we also have to identify a VIABLE ALTERNATIVE!! We don’t have much time!!
    This might just be the opportunity to take A LEAP OF FAITH, & try something different, e.g. NAREP etc etc. At least aparty that is articulating it’s vision, but more so, ONE THAT HASN’T BEEN INFILTRATED by the same old poisonous names from the MMD/UNIP/PF/UNPD. People all around the world do it, some call it revolution others call it change, just as America did. The chances of losing are 50:50, BUT sticking with the same old thieves guarantees losing 100%!!

  49. With due respect to globe monetary institutions, let me promptly confirm that there is no corruption at our local Ministry of Health. It is a well know fact both locally and in the diaspora that as a world we are experiencing economic crisis originating from greedy investors in the west and central europe. Now that things have turned sour for the few greedy individuals and government officials, some countries and their govts. have to be sacrificed. The stoppage or blockage of such handouts is just a way to masquerade their inability to successfully solve the economic crunch. Many African and Asian countries will be accused and crucified in the name of fund suspension due to corruption. GRZ has been fighting corruption since the departure of the British regime in 1964. We are as resolute as

  50. Ba Senior Citizen u need your cranium checked quickly:o:o:o No comments so far from MMD faithfuls, they now can see clearly that their leadership is messed up. Surely how can this crminal even claim the statements are untrue. pathetic!!

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    Thanks for the post.

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