Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Week in Pictures (part 2)



Suspended deputy Health Minister Dr Solomon Musonda at Woodlands police station after he was arrested.


Second republican president Frederick Chiluba and his wife Regina leave the Lusaka high Court after a hearing.


Second republican president Frederick Chiluba and his wife Regina leave the Lusaka high Court after a hearing.


Home Affairs deputy Minister Richard Taima on left after a press briefing address with Minister Mkhondo Lungu in Lusaka


Western Province Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya visits her Royal Highness Mbwanjikana at her palace in Libonda-Kalabo - Corrected Caption


Western Province Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya speaking to a patient at Kalabo District Hospital during his familiarization tour in the District


Western Province Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya speaking to his entourage whilst inspecting Malondo Bridge in Kalabo District, during his familiarization tour


Western Province Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya with his entourage inspecting the Bridge that is almost diminishing in Kalabo


Western Province Permanent Secretary Seth Muleya speaking to Kalabo DC Jeff Matindo at the new site of Prison in Kalabo whilst Regional Commander Colonial Martin Mumbi on left and Major George Kamboi


Information deputy Minister Angela Cifire interacts with some people from eastern province who participated in a fund raising campaign by walking to Lusaka.


  1. 🙂 Do not watch the new cleopatra movie. Alek Wek should play cleopatra. Ask me why and I shall explain. Cleopatra was a Nubian queen. Great pictures. Dr. Musonda those that live by the gun die by the gun. Blessings family repent and praise Jesus, ask for protection and blessings. He shall never leave you nor forsake you.

  2. The Regional Commander is he Colonial or Colonel Martin Mumbi? Mrs Chiluba is wearing dark stockings – tights (most do, you know).

  3. I am cognisant of the fact that LT is giving a free service to its online readers and I couldn’t be more appreciative. But that shouldn’t be an excuse for mediocre journalism. Is there no editor to pore over the captions that go with the pictures to correct the numerous errors that are becoming a blight on this paper? Week in pictures #4 and #5 (pt.2) is a case in point. What exactly are you trying to say. Always love your pictures.

  4. It seems the photographer for LT is on hiatus today hence the recycled pictures.

    As for you criminal in pic#1 – Ulelala namatwi panse.

  5. Zambia is praying for Dr. Musonda and it is a well known fact the majority of Zambians are saddened by how PF/UPND cadres are bribed to harm our elected government officials. Seriously lets ask ourselves this important question; if you were attacked by a group of kaponyas what would you do? If you are truthful your answer would be to defend yourself to the fullest and this is exactly what the honorable did without hesitation. Until we hear the whole truth once court sessions commence in Serenje, it is wrong and inhuman to treat one of our brother Dr. Musonda with malice and prejudice. Stay blessed Dr. Musonda and will be seeing you this weekend.

  6. Senior Citizen

    While Musonda was inside a vehicle what fear did he have?
    The car could of ploughed thru the road block without the use of a firearm.

    So it took the minister to make a decision to use a gun instead of an accelerator?
    Strange choice you call honorable.

    The gun was used to kill or mame and not a warning shot.
    First choice was to shoot!!

  7. Senior Citizen … you do not have to comment on every story and on every Zambian web site. You make me sick with your vomit.

  8. # 10 (Senior Citizen says) its true Zambia is praying 4 this killer Musonda to be imprisoned with hard labor 4 his attempted murder on an innocent and unarmed youth. Facts are that this murderer ( mr Musonda) was not even attacked at all as his body showed no sign of any attack and even his vehicle was very clean. All the youth did was 2 block and question this non- performing former d/minister as to why he was using a road which he had never bothered to work on which the youths thru their own initiatives had repaired, period!! Pipo had the right to ask musonda why he had failed 2 perform. All musonda was supposed 2 do was 2 explain why he had failed to perform and not shooting the voter in the head? So how does he go back to the same pipo he is shooting 2 lobby 4 votes? Abash murderers!!

  9. I feel pity 4 this dangerous serial killer a mr solomon musonda. He political career has come to an end faster than quickly. Thats why they say bola, panshi. Boasting na njala is not good. musonda is worse and more dangerous than bank robbers who atleast fire warning shots in the air but him fired two shots all in the head. The 1st missed but he continued firing until he got his target (head). Thank God the victim has been saved by God’s mercy. Few pipo survive head shots. So let this dangerous killer face the full wrath of the law. Chimbwakaila prison suits him best as he is a danger 2 society!!

  10. LT You mean you have nothing to show? This is another nonsense. [-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-(

  11. What is so special about this Seth Muleya to have his pictures shoved down our throats, bushe nipa facebook pano!

  12. I have enjoyed today’s pictures LT.
    # 16 Mo Taim you have made me laugh about your comment on FTJ…nevertheless, I do love FTJ & Regina’s picture above…they look great as a couple.
    Poor Dr. Musonda, I feel sorry for you…in any case, justice should seen to be done.

  13. By the way LT…I am a resident of the United Kingdom…can you therefore kindly adjust the flag showing above & show the Union Jack which will be the correct representation of where I live?

  14. # 10 Senior Citizen….quite often goverment officials especially ministers have POLICE around them….!!! Your self-defense argument in relation to this matter is simply boo….! Go ahead and pray for this moron if you like. Look at the Country where you are, this incident would have seen severe consquences from day one. A responsible person in Musonda position would have resigned soon after the incident. Unfortunately Sir, you analysis clearly lacks intellect. ‘Never point a gun at someone if you do not intend to pull the trigger….you point to shoot with the intent to kill.’ Now, this case does not justify the action taken by your minister. Our politicians know the score when they are dealing with public and for this reason they go prepared….not armed! :-w

  15. I am happy to see a bunch of
    PF/UPND sponsored hooligans on here trying to keep up with the debate! Chibuku will give you the illusion of an intelligent man for a short while and then drop you dead on reality. MMD is an internationally recognized government world over!

  16. Iwe #18 watch your ka small tong mwaiche.Cant u c th@ his one of the few people th@ sim to be working in western province

  17. #22 MMD Chief Boot Licker…have you been relocated to USA? On your statement “MMD is an internationally recognized government world over! ” what exactly is your point? when you were in RSA, you were much wiser! Of all the MMD i d i o t s who blog, I read your comments at least so dont stoop so low. By the way, MMD is a political party and not a government. What is internationally recognised is the Zambian govt!

    For your english lesson, you dont have to use the word ‘internationally’ and the phrase ‘world over’ in one sentence as ‘world over’ also means ‘internationally’ albeit in a broader way.

  18. # 22 and 24. You guys have really made my day. Check this:”MMD is an internationally recognized government world over!” :)). And “Of all the MMD i d i o t s who blog, I read your comments..”. Can’t exactly figure out the idi0t.=))

  19. I think “#22 MMD Chief Boot Licker” was a bit intoxicated when he posted that message. I am sure he is not yet used to drink the US liquor. He is missing SA beers….

    O’ yea; MMD is a political party and not a government. So do you work for MMD or GRZ? What do you actually do?

  20. Bufi, Cleopatra ali musungu. Cleopatra was from a Greek line of royalty so I don’t see the big deal. People should not just think all africans were black… Sudan also had its own great kingdom and the pharoahs used to travel there to actually be coronated… should do some research on the pyramids of Sudan

  21. kachiluba ala ukachula sasa just wait because you think you are clever.even if you are acquicted by the corrupt court of this land and instruction from your friend. God will punish you kakabwalala akepi.after selling all the zambian companies you were not sasified you went aheard and sold your wife vera to the late matriboy.shame on the most careless and kabwalala president in the world.

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