Lucky Msiska has said he is satisfied with what he has seen today in Zambia’s training match against Nkwazi.
Zambia came from behind to beat the Faz Super Division team 2-1 at Edwin Imboela stadium in Lusaka.
“We were one-down in the first half but we came back strongly after the break with two goals,” Msiska said on Wednesday evening after the training game played on the eve of the teams departure for Botswana.
Msiska said the 22-man team leaves for Botswana by road tomorrow ahead of Saturday’s friendly against their hosts in Gaborone.
Personally I think Msiska is nothing but an opportunist. When we needed him he never wanted to come back to Zambia. Now that he is grown too old and tired working in nursing homes in the diaspora, he took the offer with the speed of light. I respect Kalu because he has been there all the time. Msiska is just after free money.
MMD Chief Boot Licker and Msiska are the same. What are u doing in USA when Zambia really needs your services?
I have confidence in Msiska: he is a visionary. I wish you well Mwana Wakwitu!!! Go Zambia, Go!!!:d/
lucky see now, don’t say i did not warn you. you have n’t even started and detractors are already on your case. get out now before its too late!!! what wrong have you done to start recieving insults? honestly, i don’t think its wise to put yourself through this. i will repeat this advise to you; free of charge. like a number of us out here looking at making it back home one day, i am sure you feel your time has come, please go ahead but leave these people alone and establish your own system/ club which i belief will have the professsional from the years of experience that you have acquired. i believe this is a more constructive way of giving back to the country that getting entangled with frustrated losers. you have done it all and as such you don’t have to proof anything to anyone
Ba Msiska just save urself from shame and retire in peace. You worked too hard to make ur name and time has come for it to end in shame! Mark my words. We understand life was hard for you in the diaspora because in developed countries age matters more than skill. Im sure u agree with me that even if you can still dribble some old tricks, no sane person will let u play and compete with teams consisting of people the age of your grand children. It becomes unfair competition. If u cant work in a nursing home anymore, just retire in Zambia and build a small house and a katemba at the front and u will be surprised how red tomatoes sale here!
Ignorant People.What’s wrong with one working in Nursing Homes?much better than our dilapidated UTH,KKitwe or Ndola Central.Its for vulnerable people:Elderly,disabled,challenging Behaviour etc who applies to grow old?don’t these people need Care?Kenofye ukwiba nama seminar ayabufi tuma potbelly!nishi emulechita ifya mano!Msiska can do anything with his life belongs there and belongs here as well if it doesn’t work he will come back to Europe and leave all you the bickering lot.Shame on you.
Its a shame 2 see how jealousy these chaps in the diaspora are over Lucky Msiska success. Leave him alone. U have yo own lives. Dont compare yoselves to this successful man Msiska. Msiska is known and his works are still and will stand 4 ever in Zambia.The fact that u are struggling abroad does not give u a right start issuing rubbish statements over this succeful man. What have done yoselves to Zambia. Msiska we love u and we wish u success. Shame these little devils who have nothing 2 offer.
The fact that FAZ invited Msiska to coach Zambia shows that they have respect 4 his capacity and CV. U are jealousy coz u have nothing 2 offer. What advice can u offer Msiska when u just failures in life? U are failures. Who doesn’t know Msiska “mwana wakwitu” in Zambia? Shame we dont know u. Let yo friend do his job. Go Msiska.
Ba Zamule kona you can talk without facts. No one is jealousy of Msiska its just that the chap ran away from his reponsibility. If he was that good he would be coaching our main national team. The fact is tyhe guy is finished and asking for the little money that Zambia can spend on him. We know how you uneducated soccer players are. We hope to see you soon back home too Zamule!
Whether the Gentleman worked in a care home or not is none of anybody’s business. I would do it anytime and without shame if it means paying the bills and my kids never wanted for anything. Zedians this false pride where you look down on other people who do jobs which are blue collar should stop. Respect!
Msiska has done more with his little left toe than the whole clan of some of the *****s on here trying to desrepect him. Whyskey Tango Foxtrot is wrontg with some of you!
Please leave MSISKA alone. He has started with a team we know nothing about. lets start judging him from the first game in Botswana. Zambians in Gborone and surrounding villages and towns come and support the boys.
We have not even see what Msiska can do we have already started pulling him down-PHD- today we say we need locals to be in charge of the Team, tomorrow we say whites- what are we upto kashi in Zambia?, EVERYONE WANTS MONEY- kALUSHA YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, HE DOES NOT LIVE IN ZAMBIA and is never helped young ones to find nice clubs outside Zambia.When he was coach, he was paid too much money and did nothing- Maybe am wrong, hep me mention anyone alusha helped? even is own brother, so please let us see what Msiska can do.
Ba # 3 what visionary? Just get a proper coach and stop wishing, that ka chap is an opportunist.
Ba Zambia ukulanda landa.This is why we don’t go far.