Chief Government Spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha says Republican President Rupiah Banda deserves to be given credit for taking time to watch the Fifa World Cup games in South Africa.
Lt. Gen. Shikapwasha said the President has been working very hard for the country and deserved some relaxation by taking time to watch the world cup game involving Brazil and Ivory Coast.
He said President Banda has worked so hard to grow the economy, and that condemning his trip to South Africa is unfortunate.
Gen. Shikapwasha told QFM that it is surprising that Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata is condemning Presidents Banda’s visit to South Africa. He added that the President has worked extra hard in keeping the nation’s economy afloat and his trips outside should not be politicized.
He said Zambians should debate real issues and not trivial issues that do not add any value to the growth of the nation.
[ QFM]
ba reverend be real, what was he doing in mfuwe kanshi…?
What hard work does Rupiah do. Can we please get serious. The man does even have a progressive vision for the country.
There goes the dull big nose chap hallucinating again,i never believed when people said this chap is dull, what has Bwezani kamwendo Mujila done apart from wasting tax payers money,what relaxing,he just came from mfuwe,big nose you should be ashamed of yourself.Its a shame to have big people as lairs in our society its a shame.Not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of God.Its true.Shameful old man,shame on you big nose.you stink.
You are the biggest fool i have ever seen
The i.d.i.o.c.y of this man knows no bounds. Surely what have we Zambians done to deserve such a brainless nitwit for an information minister. This guy is a twit!!! he has the IQ level of a GOLDFISH, goodness me, what have we done, lord what have we done.:((
Namibia’s National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) has petitioned visiting Zambian President Rupiah Bwezani Banda to help establish the fate or whereabouts of several Namibian freedom fighters who had disappeared without a trace to date on Zambian soil between 1976 and 1978.
could this be the reason why the President is enjoying the world cup in South Africa? Maybe he is giving time to his boys to dig up the facts.
he had just relaxed in Mfuwe. Anyway Ronnie has told the truth, RB was relaxing. Not all the nonsense Senior Citizen and other MMd dimwits were trying to peddle us that he was selling the country to investors. How? by sitting in the VIP lounge at the stadium? Anyway Ronnie has clarified, he was just relaxing (wasting money).
Sometimes its prudent to keep quiet than to ejaculate in public. Shikapwasha should be taken to the museum
I bet by my own pubic hair-whoever honoured SHIKA with the title REVERAND regrets or is not alive. For RB-he is a tourist having a feel of what he never had at the point of ‘spent grain’. At this age like BOB in Zim, they care less about anyone but themselves. Thats why its not a wise thing to pick people into vital positions.People must earn there worthy by many individual credentials.
Chief Government Spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha says Republican President Rupiah Banda deserves to be given credit for taking time to watch the Fifa World Cup games in South Africa.
Sometimes its better not to say anything bwana minister
Umuntu aya mukwangala, ati give him credit. What is wrong with some minds?
His Excellency President Banda is right to take advantage of the world cup to rally business partners for the Zambian investment and partnering opportunities. Zambia will not eat the menu of insults and utopia of Sata but economic prosperity that come with open door policies of RB. The country is exponentially unfolding prosperity for all under RB’s watch because such strategic moves of the administration. Just the other day a brand new Hospital was opened in Chongwe District among many under developmental projects in the country. For the first time Northern province is in bumper harvest which is set to give peasant farmers revenue of over ZK 100 billion in export. No country thrives on isolationism and utopia of threatening investment.
Big nose and mouth, you really talk as though you dont reason, or maybe u dont for sure. We are all entilted to relax and do what we want BUT at our own expense. Everyone knows that Ba RB uses tax payers money to travel with a Huge Entourage. He must be accountable to the Zambians. And what makes him think he deserves a better life than all of us? Cant he watch the match on TV, ubututu!!!
#2. RB has done quite a lot for this nation. Talk of mines, talk of roads, you mention it! RB has accommodated every Zambian to come together.RB listens to common people. What else do you expect from a great man who has only ruled for 3 years?
This I.D.I.O.T never cease to amaze me, do this man think??????
Like never before today all National airports are being upgraded to international standards towards an agrarian, tourism, manufacturing and export driven enterprising economy. Schools and a network of feeder and commerce roads are being constructed. For the first time Zambia is seeing some ambitious PPP.More Zambians are building properties such as mansions office buildings while PF kaponyas you are vainly busy rehearsing insults 24/7. Steadily the train is leaving PF kaponyas trapped in generational poverty because of your myth and belief in fanatical world that Sata will ever rule. Keep waiting until heavens come.
Zambia deserves a multilateralist leader of RB prowess to thrive in the troubled world. Isolationism and absolute nationalism does not work. Even America’s most determined isolational President in time history Harry Truma backed off from his idealism of isolationism. The world is an interdependent system where the populist utopia of chasing investments, capital and business partners for absolute nationalism Sata stands for does not just hold on earth.
Yaba pa zed! ok but if i was the president knowing that brazil will go all the way to the finalsi would have reserved my seat for the finals unlike the group stage!!! but any way Brazil is Brazil:d
Sembe iwo. Literally, this means if it were them enjoying they would not have mouthed. History!……Kaunda used to do the same.Chiluba did the same.Mwanawasa used to do the same……
What is wrong Zambians.Let us be objectives and discuss real issues.
Ronnie instead of saying RD deserve a break becoz he has done wonder, why don’t u say RB is a soccer fan and will just watch one game and get back hone to attend to pressing issue such as bad roads, corruption (Chinese only road works), poverty, poor school etc…. Pls spare us all these bull S”””t
#20 I pray that you are not doing things your great grand pa was doing…….
I will not say anything good day bolggers, :((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:(( I have bought a ticket to go and vote am ready.
Senior Citizen,
I challenge you here and how – Tell us one single penny’s worth of invest RB has attracted by being at the Fifa games? None!
I further extend my challenge for 10 years. Let us start counting now and see if in the next 10 years any investor will come to Zambia saying had it not been for RB watching fiitball and relaxing in RSA they would have not come to Zambia.
Stop being shallow by trying to defend the undefendable. Ronnie has already said RB was in RSA relaxing and not working. Just after Relaxing earlier in Mfuwe. Shameless waste of money
Let’s look to 2010 election. RB has been relaxing for the last 3 yrs.. so this is not new. That’s why we need the PACT to work so that we change the direction of our mother Zed.
A couple of days ago, a reliable source hinted that security guys are once again having a good time, just as it was in FTJ’s time, since the 2 presidents are more into intertaining themselves. Mwanawasa was too much of a workaholic and they hardly found room for childish manouvres.
Don’t comment on these blogs, but reading through Senior Citizen’s comments I’m left wondering whether he/ she is not an intelligent expert with mandate to give govt position, and defend RB and the MMD at every turn, even when such positions are indefendable.
Ron you call yourself Rev for what?? Who can you preach two?? Your thinking capacity is so low that even a grade 4 thinks much because he/she can reason!! You eat lies in the morning,afternoon and sleep on them. Are you married?? may be you wife may assist you in this area.YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Crap!!!A lot of bull….what relaxation and what hard work?How can you be judge in your own court.Let the Zambian people judge if RB has been working hard.The man was in France,from there straight to Mfuwe,guys,lets get serious as a nation.Before,RB left,he had a big pwando with the ex-army generals,kanshi bu president ubu bwa kulyafye noku kolwa.Sad indeed for Zambia.I gues we are to docille will always consume bullshit from our leaders.
Money spent on RB relaxing in RSA could have been used to mend potholes.
%-(%-(%-(%-(%-(%-(%-( What a shame! Guy was in Mfuwe for a Holiday,what relaxation does he want?
Reverand Shikapwasha does not seem to be making sense, is he really normal? Its either he’s going insane or he’s becoming a chief boot licker
I think Senior Citizen could make a good but s.t.u.p.i.d. minister of misinformation than Shikamphuno….
This man is a shame not only to himself but to the nation and to who ever gave him the reverand tittle. He is such a dull and empty minded creature!! I now realise why people from his constitutuency calls him all sort of names. The man has no good image from his people because of his conduct, he sees no bad to see his own people in Kembe’s Liteta area doing business in a NEST like kind of a Market and to him that’s great job. SHIKAPWASHA, you are a disgrace to society why should it take an entire president to go and watch soccer when he just returned from another holiday in Mfuwe?? Why didn’t the Brizillan president go to watch his boys?? Kwata amano Shikapwasha ulesebana abana bobe na bakashi!!!!
Ah well. Who cares?
Ronnie, you mean squandering of national resources by the man who should be ensuring their proper use and equitable distribution is not a real issue? How s.t.u.p.i.d can some people be?
Yes RB has been tired all along, How? Thandie is young and energetic what do you expect??? ba Reverand so the President went to relax. Oh my foot. This is crazy. Again only pa ZED can you find really crazy reverands.
Imagine Obama saying he is going to France to relax while there is a world cup there:d
Senior Citizen is a damn cadre who has been given a mandate by MMD to be counter reacting what people are observing in our beloved country Zambia. Shame upon you Senior cadre! Shame upon your family! Shame upon MMD!
Enjoy your stay in SA his excellency RB. You deserve time to rest after hard working his excellency.
The only way to stop this madness is to tell our people to register enmasse and send this ever tired man into retirement in 2011.
# 37. u made me laugh.There s a point there,the age difference is awesome!!!!
What rest does RB need when he was in Mfuwe a few days ago?Ronnie is an empty tin always making noise. RB is using our money to fly around the world for his pleasure. I dont recall a month going by without him leaving Lusaka. Shame on this Reverend!
Pipo,what rest indeed!How do you expect me to keep calm and give him credit when the poor tax payer has to foot all these bill.Espeacilly with the irrelevant delegations!This money can be diverted to move important issues than mixing with some Brazilian fellows over a game of soccer!
We know RB will take the opportunity to sip some excellent whisky but is it worth the poor Zambians’ tax!!!!Gosh,Mr. Rev.,what’s up with you!Olo ni muzungu ani konde!
If i were Senior Citizen, the best i cud do is print all responses posted on LT whenever Shikampuno makes a comment or clarification as we may call it, so he may know how people really regard him but again knowing how MMD Cadres behave senior Citizen can’t do such coz MMD likes pretending as if everything is well that is why the OLD man Muzungu outwitted in Mufumbwe.
Shikapwasha is really a f**king blind follower of RB. How can this I D I O T come tell the nation that his boss needed to relax? RB was recently in Mfuwe for a holiday and that is the time he needed to relax and not what this Shikapwasha is trying to justify. Damn what a bunch of garbage we have leaders. How do we even expect the country to develop with these kind of leaders really?
Ba Shikapwashsa ifyabupuba naimwe. honestly wat relaxing are you talking about. The man was barely relaxing in Mfuwe a few weeks ago and you say he needs to relax. you mean he cant wacth the game back home at state house where it will even be cheaper as compared to him being in the stadium. I guess you have looked into the cost of allowances for those chaps who are in his entourage. are they also relaxing and if so, what have they also done in order for them to deserve such relaxation. we know you are the info minister but at times if you have nothing to inform the nation you better keep quiet, we’ll appreciate you more than just yapping about just because you have to say something even if it will amount to nonsense. Shame on you hopless reverand.
Why do we always have RUBBISH presidents?!
Senior Citizen time is running out for you.God is with us.
Ba Rev, Mwapapusha indola. Learn to keep quiet
We all need rest! Why cant the President get some rest? You guys are just jealousy that you cant afford to go watch even a soccer training session in SA period!
Envy will lead you to the grave! Why all this fuss from kaponyas? If you have issues with a Republican President being invited by President Zuma to enjoy some soccer then you have npo brains. Kaponyas you need to talk sense sometimes!
Shikapwasha really annoys me, he is so careless in his talk, it is so sad that a man of his caliber has no wisdom. If Zambia had qualified to the world cup, RB would have camped in South Africa for a month. Fellow Zambians I think we are being taken for a ride by this administration. It is time for us to make the right decision come 2011.
#51 – My brother just forget about Kaponyas. You will just be scratching your head for nothing. Once a Kaponya always a Kaponya. They will never change.
Why does he need to relax,when he is on holiday all the time??? Or is it because Hon. Dola is tiring him out??? Honestly Rev. Shika you really an image builder and you shud ve shut your big loud mouth!!! watumpa sana kolwe,wasting impya ati relaxing;wat type of investors was he looking for??? ama hule yanakwe?
stating from chief boot licker to his assistant….you are fu@ken stupid.
Why does he need to relax,when he is on holiday all the time??? Or is it because Hon. Dola is tiring him out??? Honestly Rev. Shika you really an image builder and you shud ve shut your big loud mouth!!! watumpa sana kolwe,wasting impya ati relaxing;wat type of investors was he looking for??? ama hule yanakwe?:-?:-w
MMD spin doctors (SC, Veteran,Chief Bootlicker, etc) are busy making statements in defense of RB and his minions. What I find troubling is, very few people in cyberspace buys into their crap. To me most of the people passing through here have a bone to chew with RB, no matter what propping he gets. So what is the point! Should we say these spin doctors are fighting a losing battle?
The amount of hate and petty envy displayed by bloggers on this forum is puzzling.Do we need to insult just to comment on RB’s watching footbal in RSA? We all know that RB has been and continues to be a very dedicated soccer fan even before he became President.Ask the Chipolopolo Boys what hes has personally done to support them in their pursuit for glory to mother Zambia.At the stadium where RB was watching the game,it is very likely that FIFA President could just pay a courtesy greeting to him and during this period a quick request could be made on FIFA or any other influencial persons equally attending the match to help Zambia.There many times people clinch deals outside office environment including clubs.Lets be serious when we talk or write.Many who insult alot might not be tax…
always blind supporting.:-?MMD Chief Boot Licker are u normal?[-o<[-o<
It is OK for RB to relax in his own time and at his own expense, but not at the expense of poor Zambians who rely on my pound taxes to fund their healthcare. By the way, who signs his annual leave form??? Equally it is wrong for a president to go to SA for a check up on his ‘knee’. The cost of his trip and stay in SA would have been enough to fund treatment for hundreds in UTH. I do not know whether Zambians are too timid or scared, but I know that we have been abused and treated with contempt by our ‘leaders’ for decades.
This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard coming out of an entire cabinet minister. The man was in Mfuwe only recently and he litelly spends half of his time every month travelling cluelessly on useless trips overseas and to say he deserves a rest for hard work is an insult to the intelligence of Zambian who have to endure the pain of watching his wasting their money.
You kaponyas are just jealousy period! If chipolopolo was at the world cup you will still find some stinkin reason why RB shouldnt go. You are all i.di.ots!
Rupiah behaves like a child without a father who can guide him. The are more pressing issues that need to be fixed in Zambia. Health care #1, with the with holding of aid by donor countries he needs to safe guard the little tax payers money we have in reserves, that’s if we do have any reserves. This president has his head over the skies with no brains. Improve your country first.
Growing economy in RB Government? I wish Shikapa…can see how people on the copperbelt are suffering under RB economy which is grown by Shikapa… standard.You are fooling us to believe that RB is too busy to deserve unnecessary trips abroad for fun.The man has no vision for this country that why is just moving up and down. Late president was a hard worker who had a vision.
What relaxing? After doing what?? Please just bootlick without justifying nonsense, thats the problem when you hire people who suck up to you. Whatever… malabishi
Shikapwasha why must you comment. You must learn to shut your mouth that way you do not get people criticising you. It seems you have lost it. It is high time you get your retirement package. You are not helping the government in any way. RB has just come back from Mfuwe where he went on a 3days holiday. He does not need another holiday expert to get allowance for his travel before he leaves office 2011 so the money is need. Remembered how he suffered before he was brought as vice president. He is trying to cover up for these. Cival servants have not been paid inthe country because the money has been used to travel abroad. Zambians you have to change the govt and get real. 30 days of working and nothing to show for it.
Shikapwasha, Zambia’s own Mr. T.o.i.l.e.t!! I used to think this man is a disg.race to the country. No, he is a disg.ra.ce to humanity! Banda is forever on one extended holiday. If he is not in Mfuwe he is abroad globetrotting. What economic growth have his endless jaunts brought to the country? Which other world leader runs out of their own coutnry at the drop of a hat? Zambia is NOT even in the World Cup!! Has this man no shame to defend the filth he defends?
Masilu beka beka.
i think his been travelling hard as opossed to working hard
Fellow Zambains,I think we need a serious analysis of all the Expenses related to the Presidents trips abroad since he moved to Plot 1.
I know there are Intelligent Bembas who can give us this data.we want to know how much in terms of development the travel costs may be translated to.
Number 17… You are mad, i think your reasoning is impaired…how do get investors at the world cup? is gone to get a national coach or thats his ways of stealing public funds…the government spokesperson is saying is gone to relax and yourself u ar sayin is gone to get investors…this man jst came from mfuwe. wat kind of a president is he? this country is on autopilot and there is nothing rupi has done. he has failed and he is a failure.
after relaxing in mfuwe, he still wants to relax, what a president!
Ba Banda honestly Dad! we are tired.
This is the wprst president we have ever had in this Country. May God save us from this curse. We do not desrve this
just wasting tax money for personal pleasure.
im sure he didnt pay it by himself..
Zambian when are you going to start thinking?