Sunday, March 9, 2025

Release of Draft Constitution a mockery-PF


PF spokesperson Given Lubinda confers with UPND vice president Richard Kapita during a press briefing in Lusaka

The opposition Patriotic Front PF has described the release of the Draft Constitution to the public by the National Constitution Conference NCC as a mockery.

The NCC on Tuesday released to the public the Initial Report of the Conference,the Draft Constitution, and the Summary of the Resolutions of the Conference, giving the public 40 days in which to make their observations and contributions towards the draft constitution.

But PF Spokesperson Given Lubinda observed that the rush to release the draft document to the public has not been done in good faith but merely to justify the huge expenditures National Constitutional Conference has incurred during its deliberations.

Mr. Lubinda told QFM in an interview that the NCC has spent colossal amounts of money deliberating over recommendations of the Mung’omba Constitutional Review Commission.

He also stated that it is clear that the whole process of the NCC has been marred with a lot of inconsistencies that has led to the failure by the delegates to come up with a people driven legal document.

He added that Zambians expected so much from the NCC that the huge resources invested in the process have not yielded anything to meet the expectations of the people after making progressive recommendations to the Mung’omba CRC.

And Forum for Progressive Politics (FPP) have welcomed the newly launched draft constitution. FPP Secretary General Charles Kafumbo said the forum was happy with the 40 days given to the public to make submissions which would be considered in the final document.

He said the period given was long enough for people to read and understand the document but expressed worry that very few were likely to submit because they had no access to the document especially in rural areas.

He said the decision by Government to allow the District Commissioners’ offices to avail the draft constitution to the public would disadvantage the rural community who could not manage to travel to a district to access the document. Mr. Kafumbo noted that Government should have taken the document to all constituency offices, if the rural community was to fully articipate in the exercise adding that the process would not yield desired results failure to avail it to people at the grassroot level.

He observed that the National Constitution Conference (NCC) process has cost the country huge sums of money which he said could only be beneficial if all citizens added their voice to the document. He stated that at the stage the document had reached it was irreversible as huge public resources had already been spent saying Government should be prepared to spend even more to let every Zambian access the document.

He said Government should consider printing more copies and also translating it into local languages to enable more people
to read it. In another development, Mr. Kafumbo said the voter registration was faced with low turn out because of lack of information on the exercise to the community.

He said people in the community did not know where to find the centers adding that Electoral Commission of Zambia should do more publicity in the community. He said the people in the community could not afford to buy a newspaper in order for them to ascertain the centres saying advertising in the papers would only reach selective individuals.

He advised ECZ to use the vehicles they have been given to sensitise people in the community as the only way to improve voter registration turn out. But when contacted for a comment, ECZ Public Relations Manager Cris Akufuna said the commission is doing everything possible to publicise the exercise around the country.

Editor’s Note

Due to many requests, LT has created a link for people to download the full Draft Constitution Document as it is not clear on where to download it from the NCC website

Use the link below to download the 301 page Draft Constititution report


  1. When am President, i will again have this rewritten…only that this time around you the people will have say, finally the WE THE PEOPLE will mean something!

  2. But again i know by that time this product of NCC will have been rewritten three times…by three different presidents (note the small ‘p’)!!!

  3. Hallucinations of inconsequential losers perfected in mouth diarhea only.They have a parliamentary presence but have lamentably failed to impact or define the destiny of a people’s constitution process.Too late its going to the people and set for enactment asap. Then ask yourselves what Zambians have benefited from your stint of hallucinations in the august house as opposition. Its nothing. Now Zambians are saying go to hell and hung you legion of losers.We are moving forward with the nation.

  4. Senior Citizen why are you blogging as Veteran again? You said if MMD loose Kasama central you would not blog again.

  5. Keep dreaming PF. Do you think the majority of Zambians can allow kaponyas to lead them? Think again. The people are happy with RB and the MMD period! You can talk all day long but we will scoop the general elections at all costs.

  6. People of Zambia look at what progress we’ve had just in one week! TV2 going to southern province, Cheaper phone call rates down by 40%, Roads being constructed, and Now to kick out measles! We are a working govt! Oh there is also the draft constitution circulating around for everyone to participate in! Whooooo Yahaaaaaa! MMD MMD MMD MMD MMD MMD MMD MMD <MMD MMD MMD MMD MMD!

  7. Mr.Lubinda read and understand after which make your observations and contributions towards the draft constitution.Your critisism is not adding value,it is to early to start complaining.

  8. What is HH’s stance on the release of the draft constitution? Isn’t telling that this statement is being made by PF only?

  9. Sansakuwa and other MMD bloggers why the obssession with the PACT?
    # 8 seems to be having a lousy day cos HH hasnt said anything about the so called draft!!! what a collection of political retards.

  10. #9 So you think my question is not legitimate? Pact up to now have no constitution, rally in Chilanga by Sata without UPND representation and now silence by HH regarding the draft constitution and you have the nerve to call me a ‘retard’?

  11. Mr. MMD Chief Boot Licker, I really appreciate your commitment on this blog, you seem to comment on everything. I am really impressed with your sense of support for MMD. I have never read a comment which is critical of MMD from you and I am of the opinion that you are a really patriotic Zambian. However, I would suggest that you stop calling yourself a “Boot Licker for MMD” because it is somewhat degrading of your personality character and your knowledgeable inputs you contribute on this blog. It said you have chosen to reduce yourself to a “Boot Licker,” it says something about your sense of self esteem. A “Boot Licker” is a moron, and a clown. I would suggest you change your blog name and maintain you photo ID. Keep blogging; you keep me reading your blogs, though I do not…

  12. A Few Facts
    Zambia: Fred M’membe Takes Dan Pule to Court

    Post Newspapers Proprietor Fred M’membe and his wife Mutinta have sued Dunamis fire Impact ministries clergyman, Pastor Dan Pule for defamation.

    The couple’s lawsuit filed in the Lusaka High Court Monday morning, relate to comments by Pastor Pule at a press briefing he convened on June 24 this year to defend his controversial new marriage to third wife Tamara.

    At the briefing Pastor Pule is alleged to have referred to Mr. M’membe’s recent marriage to Mutinta as a bigamy.

    And in a separate lawsuit, the couple has also sued The New Nations newspapers and its editor Mcdonald Chipenzi for defamation over an article entitled “Post Editor’s Wife’s ex Husband to speak out” published in its June 16 edition of…

  13. This story was published by LT in 2008. My point is that we need to be fair in life. Fred sued Pule and he was sent to jail for a more serious case. Let us reflect on our acts and strive to be good citizens.

  14. MMD Bootlicker,

    It seems you can not think beyond you tongue licking MMD boots. The things you have mentioned are not as you say done in just one week, but have materialised in the same week. Each one individually has taken more than 3 years to materialise. MTN (former Telecel) has been operating in Zambia for 11 years. So the drop in internalional call (only) is not a one week thing, but a long overdue thing, still telecom costs in Zambia are still high, only cheaper than Zimbabwe. This price drop is only inernational calls and will not befefit the ordinary Zambian that sruggles to eat one meal a day. But more to the foriegner to call his family bacj abroad.

    Try something else to sell MMD, you dont have anything here.

  15. Mr Lubinda – If the Draft Constitution was to be released later, it would be a mockery; not released – a mockery; not drafted – a mockery; not reviewed – a mockery; compiled in your home – a mockery. Before you read it – it is a mockery; after you read it – it is a mockery. You fellows have become so cynical that you are now irrelevant to the aspirations of our people.

  16. Ka # 15,
    Whats your problem? So its a miracle that all things from 3 years happened at the same time? who was in power 3 years ago? was it PF/UPND? Ati ka blogger kamafi! Think iwe ka kaponya! RB is working and people in rural areas will vote in masses and your pact will be no more watch!

  17. Veteran is daft and cannot see that the Republican constitution that will come out of NCC deliberations will not stand the test of time. If another political party wins the Republican presidency in the 2011 general elections, there will be yet another constitutional review commission. It is a pitty that some Zambians like BK / Veteran / Senior Citizen pay their allegiance to political parties than to the country. Each time I see his comments, I am often reminded of the allegations he made some time back about my former CBU lecturer, Henry Kyambalesa, that the article Henry contributed to LT was lifted from RB’s speech in Eastern Province. I found out later that the article was actually excerpted from the Agenda for Change (AfC) party’s Manifesto. Too much MMD falsehoods!

  18. For the first time I will condemn the uncalled for attacks on Veteran’s blog. It is unfair for people with mediocre sense of diligence to attack someone who has fairly articulated the most attributes of the Zambia democracy from its inception to present day. Blogging can be a habit sometimes but people should stick to the LT standards. I am personally launching a vigorous campaign together with my colleague Veteran to ousted the wrong seed on this platform. MMD has done nothing but improve the lives of our friends and families both in the diaspora and back home. If you wanna make this forum into a clandestine and mythical altercation of our country’s stance. We need to be out of the inferiority complex in our own analysis. MMD is second to none and only first in Zambia.

  19. Suzanne Musonda (17),

    May b news 2 u, but 3 yrs ago LPM was in power, not RB, also Pact has not bn in power yet incase u r unaware, so dont ask if/when the pact has run government.

    What work can you show RB has done in the rural areas? Nothing. The MTN reducing INTERNATIONAL rates will not benefit rural dwellers. 4 u 2 shamelessly say RB wil get more votes in rural areas than pact may b true, but ask why? Not because of governance but our rural dwellers are not enlightened and poor. So vote buying is easy for any ruling party, period!

    If the Zambian electrol system was anything like the USA electrol college where votes are weighted, Michael Sata would have won both 06 n 08 because of the urban area votes he got.

    You avatar is a US flag, I guess u r there. Do some basic…

  20. # 19 . Boot. A.s.s Dont confuse your personal gain from MMD to that of the nation. How have we benefited from your party? You have just been transfered from RSA. What have you done for many Zambians? Zambia is just going backwards. And stop bragging about your so called wealth from being a shushushu. Most of us have made it without being kamucheka. Zambians are suffering and you are proud that your kids are in universities in RSA. What about those who cant make to UNZA,CBU etc because of limited places and they cant afford private institutions? We are watching you and thanks for giving us leads on where to find your family.

  21. And this is the party that thinks it can govern? They refused to be part of the NCC. Now the draft is out, whether they like it or not. Now any progressive party shld be taking time to interogate the document and make inputs, not talking about cost which have already been incured. Is the money going to be paid back? PF show some maturity, even the followers now think like the granny, SATA. Take on what is provided for in the document, and let us look at the “rights and wrongs” in there. This is not going to wait for PF. Its moving forward. Zambian opposition!! Low calibre. In the States Republican did not want Obama to inact certain laws, but they rather looked at the legislation itself and debated the pros & cons, in it. Not nyioooo nyioo about cost, which is the past. Is this PF…

  22. lubinda are you pf or upnd. LT thanks for the draft and lubinda the constitution will rule you and pf you stayed away without thinking abukaponya party. stay away from the draft but sinyangwe, machungwa, bredt sampa, musonda will make a lwa for you to govern you

  23. The US constitution is generally acclaimed as THE model constitution. But who exactly were the people who appended their signature to the document that preambles with “We the people…?” First of all, it was not a ‘people’s’ document because only 55 people took part in the framing and all of them were from high and middle status in society. This constitution was a meritocratic production. The constituent assembly was not representative. Our NCC however, is more widely representative. It is not the ideal, but it is better, as far as representation is concerned. On the other hand, the majority of the US constitution framers were learned in law. That quality may be missing in our NCC, but we accept that ‘ALL men are equal before God’ so they must participate.

  24. Secondly, the US constitution preambles with a declaration of the equality of all people but for 400 years, it denied certain people rights to participate equally in the affairs of the Union. Any constitution that any humans can draw will be flawed in one way or another. Indeed, there is no such thing as a constitution that ‘passes the test of time.’ There will always be ammendments. There have been more than 20 ammendments to the US constitution! Is a constitution necessary? No, it is not. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland does not have a “written” constitution as such. The laws passed by the sovereign Westminister parliament are the supreme law. Whatever we choose, let us stick to and support it.

  25. So then, what should pass the test of time is our belief in ourselves as a sovereign nation, our respect for one another as equal human beings before God, and our subordination to authority in the presence of God. This will make us a great nation. When we think so little of our great nation, when we deny each other equality before God and the law, and when we do not respect those whom we have democratically appoint to lead us, then, there is no amount of ‘a properly written constitution’ that will save us as a nation. Sooner rather than later, we will be confined to the dust bin of failed States!

  26. Not sure why you’re refering this BOOK EDITED by the NCC as the Consitution, a constituion is made for the people and not the other way round. This book will never be a constitution of this country, let’s face it, we chose to respect the Consitution as a people and if this booklet does not make any sense, we will chose to DISREPECT IT (We have chose the DISRESCT root). Come 2011, we should re-visit the recommendations from Mungonba and for a change start been serious about making a consititution for the people.

  27. Dr. Charles Ngoma. I salute you. You contribution is great value to those who would like learn. However, we will always have people who would like to be in opposition. Don’t worry they are part of life. You give hope for this blog.

  28. Dr. Charles Ngoma. I salute you. Your contribution is of great value to those who would like learn. However, we will always have people who would like to be in opposition. Don’t worry about them,they are part of life. Keep it up.

  29. It’s pay back time for the Patrioc Front for their myopic and unpatriotic (pun unintended) act of pulling out of the NCC. This constitution will be enacted whether PF kaponyas like it or not. They know this fact and that’s why they are now panicking. Remember the university degree clause? Well, it was supported by UPND representatives – Sata’s pact bedfellows and it shall soon be passed into law. One lesson gullible PF fans should draw out of this state of affairs is that it does not pay to swallow hook, line and sinker as espoused by your undemocratic and unelected leader MC Sata.

  30. While I understand that the opposition is here to keep the ruling gov in check, they should also find common ground upon which to build decisions for the future of the nation. Decisions made my the ruling gov now, will affect the opposition if/when they come into power. I feel they should come to common ground now and make positive changes.

  31. Chinese Eyes: As usual here you come as a short-sighted and ignorant muntu. The question we should be answering is whether or not the NCC draft constitution is up to any good for our country, not whether or not some opposition political parties and other organisations in Zambian decided to stay out of the NCC deliberations. We all have a right to complain about the NCC output if has fallen short of the people’s expectations..

  32. I have read it and it falls short of my expectations. So it’s not a “people driven” document as far as I am concerned as a person

  33. Red Card Sony Ericsson Phiri “what are the short falls ! what do u mean by people driven…95% of Mung’omba Constitutional Review Commission issues have all been included. So the 5% is going to the referendum so tell me exactly what is missing, i challenge Lubinda also and PF cadres what exactly has this draft lucked tell us.

    I would rather you tell me issues you think have been over looked and i get the substance of your argument than just criticizing.

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