Tuesday, October 8, 2024

MMD is an honest party-Veep


Vice president George Kunda

Vice President George Kunda has described the MMD as an honest party that had ensured prudent expenditure of national resources which he said had resulted in donors having confidence in the country.

The Vice President said Zambia’s economy was too small and only managed to raise a national income of about K17 trillion which he said was not enough to execute all the pressing needs of the citizens.

Mr. Kunda however noted that with these limited resources Government was trying to improve the living standards of its citizens.

Mr. Kunda said Government would continue taking development to all parts of the country through projects such as construction of schools, roads, and hospitals.

The Vice President has also assured the people of Mufulira that Government would work on the Sabina-Mufulira road and the Ndola-Mufulira roads which were in a deplorable state.

Mr. Kunda also promised the sitting tenants in the Kankoyo mine houses that they would be given those houses.

He said he would make recommendations to President Rupiah Banda to decide on how sitting tenants could be given ownership of the houses.

Meanwhile the Mr. Kunda has disclosed that the MMD was revising the party’s manifesto and was also strategising on how to approach the 2011 general elections.

The Vice President was speaking when he addressed scores of MMD members at Mufulira Municipal Council Chamber today. And speaking earlier, MMD Copperbelt Provincial Chairman Joseph Chilambwe said the party in the province was steady and intact.

He said party officials in the province have embarked on a strong campaign journey to recruiting new members.



  1. Number 1, I thought you believe the PACT is dead, why do you flog a dead horse? U are dead terrified of this PACT, shows clearly!

  2. MMD is an Honest party


    a Honest party??? please correct me am learning English I thought we use the word an when we are using vowel???

  3. Mr. deadman walking, if donors have confidence in the country, why is your president busy denouncing them and saying he doesnt need them? How is it possible for a president and his vice president to contrqdict each other like this – not eeven 24 hours apart????

  4. Bootlicker tell me: At such metings are members of other parties invited or they are only opeing to MMD members? Even at the airport when welcoming the state President are other opposition members allowed to attend?

  5. #7 Please do not twist words – the president did not say that we do not need donors. He said aid should not be used as a tool to recolonize us.

  6. Funny how the Vice President can call his party honest while making 2 very dishonest statements. He lies when he calls his party honest and lies when he more than insinuates donors have confidence in our government. Bottom line is this, the MMD has shown a trend of using politics to benefit them and their families primarily, at the expense of the common Zambian. They assume it should be acceptable to use public funds to accumulate wealth for themselves and a few ‘yes boss’ people while sending the country into turmoil. The play blind to their severe failures for as long as they are making money or stealing from us. So disappointing when a man holding a position this high ascribes to making political remarks that are entirely the opposite of the reality on the ground.

  7. RB and Kunda belong to different camps. They are contradicting each other. Kunda says donors have confidence in them while RB and his disciple Kafupi are saying to hell with donors. They are also saying its fine to steal from donors because they stole from us and they are just paying back what is due to RB and Kafupi. These are dangerous “leaders”.

  8. Other African leaders are meeting in South Africa for a Forum to market respective countries resources taking advantage of the World Cup, but our leader just goes for a game between Brazil and then off to Namibia and all we see are pictures of him standing behind some mountains, things are really bad in Zambia and our leaders should not fool the poor Zambians as the gap between politicians and ordinary Zambians is too wide, gratuities, cars and so on. It is really an “animal farm”. I saw KK on CNN yesterday as he was featured on African voices for half an hour-I have respect for this old man irrespective of the mistakes he made, he had a vision for Zambia.

  9. Ba LT, what benefit is the story to Zambians? Kindly inform us about real stories. I am tired this game, why dont you find stories about farming,how youths can start small scale businesses, life in rural areas etc. Together we can make the site better and not everyday reading about politicians. Please tell us if the site is about politics.

  10. lord this guy dumbass he just thinking of winning coz he knows that wonce they loose he got no job be wise creat jobs such that wen u out of that sit u can become a director or company instead of bragging bout winning stupid ass.

  11. Kunda you are finished and can not see right or wrote. I suggest you take a rest. MMD is a party of thieves just as the leadership has shown. So you can not tell zambians that mms is an honest party. Every week you flying out the country and yet a lot of people are poor and leaving poverty environment and those in mmd are the ones eating the money. Each time kunda feels better he comes back with wrotten things. The ARVs must be damaging your braing.

  12. mmd has a party has good constitution but has been taken off balance by this power greedy people interpreting it to their taste.

  13. number 4..you are some how right but letter H is silent thats why we say half an hour not half a hour. iits silent thats why the next letter is taken 4 H. MMD WILL NEVER AND HAS NEVER BEEN HONEST, SOME ONE TELL ME: WHERE IS THE REPORT FOR THE GABON AIR DISASTER?

  14. MMD was our honest party in the early years (first 3 years) thereafter its been undemocratic, full of selfish people and making its voters in rural areas poor

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