State House has launched the Zambia Diaspora Survey which is a study designed to find out more about Zambians living abroad. The study is aimed at finding out wishes that Zambians in the Diaspora have in the context of contributing to national development.

This is according to an article that has been pasted on the Zambian State House website. The results of the survey will be used to inform the development of Diaspora friendly policies and legislation in an effort to make it easier for members of the Zambian Diaspora to play an active role in Zambia’s development process.
The survey is further aimed at maximising the development impact of migration and the resources of the Diaspora community. According to the article, members of the Zambian Diaspora would be asked to complete a brief questionnaire targeting to gather information regarding the demographics, professional skills, available resources, interests and experiences of Zambians living abroad.
It stressed that the results of this survey would provide policy makers with information to aid the formation of effective national development strategies.
The survey will in addition, serve Zambian individuals living abroad by providing an opportunity for individual Diaspora members, in various geographic locations, to share relevant up-to-date information.
It will also help improve information sharing among and between members of the Zambian Diaspora and strengthen existing their networks and associations.
According to the State House website, the survey is also aimed at providing opportunities for the Zambian Diaspora to contribute to national development and to also create a foundation for the development of future programmes and the promotion of policies that make it easier, more convenient and less expensive.
The article stated that all personal information contained in the survey will strictly be confidential and will not be released without prior consent of the respondents.
The Diaspora Page is intended to provide a communication avenue to Zambians living abroad.
They already know there’s Senior citizen and his same s’ex partner Mr capitalist, what else will the survey be used for apart from what they are saying. count me out.
You cant even serve us with simple things at embassies. What is this survey going to do for us? You just want to spy on us. Ask Mwape dot com, he has the list of VIPs who want to publish their achievements.
You will never know about me. Sorry.
The most important question and the one with the obvious answer is “why did the Zambians in the diapora leave Zambia?” If you can answer this and fix the problem then every other survey is irrelevant and a waste of money.
Utter nonsense. These same nitwits never listened to anyone on the constitution now they say they will listen to you on this issue of no irrelevance to all Zambians? First they have to undo the mess caused by the CDC. Numb skulls.
I meant NCC and not CDC
Zambians living abroad are treated with suspicion by politicians who view them as a threat. Why must this list be with state house and not ministry of foreign affairs?:-? Personally I would not advise anybody to forward their information since there is a political agenda. My advise to the current government is that they must clean up their affairs, get rid of corruption and restore good governance. People in the diaspora do not deserve any special treatment from government since most of these people went without government blessings. All they need is their full citizenship to be restored unconditionally
Why have people gone into Diaspora?? Do a survey in Zambia, not in the Diaspora. Just ask a few Teachers, Nurses or Doctors if they would like to go to Botswana, given chance!
Hahahaah nice try!
Im with Nubian Princess on this one,count me out, whats the job of the embassy or the immigration department back home
Here’s what im going to do…create a new email address,use a different name, address and see what they come up with…seems these people read too much LT and they have felt the opposing vernom coming from the diaspora
Give me dual citzenship first or i am binning the questinaire. RB and the MMD are runing mad. How come now you want our names and all our particulars. Are you to give us loans as well. Mhhh , if really you want our contributions on policies just read LT, there we have put all the good policies or just creat a policy web site so we put our policies there. There is no need of asking for our particulars.
Mhhhh, really you have felt the diasporan stings…..just work hard baba.:o:o:o
Someone is thinking about us …we will help where we can….
The reasons we left Zed outweigh the diaspora scope of work. It’s a no brainer. The zambian embassies abroad know this very well…I’m not sure whose idea this. Sounds suspicious …
To hell with those stupid surveys.I am in the diaspora not by choice but because i was forced out due to bad or even lack of policies.Nobody cares about nurses,Drs etc.The staff in Zambian embassies look at us as enemies of Zambia,They behave like They are the only true Zambians and the rest of us are not.Zambians deserve better health care and education facilities.The little money that is available is given to politician and their families to go to RSA for medical treatment.They send their children to British schools and universities instead of providing even just the basic decent infrastructure for all.Given a choice, i would rather be home sweet home instead of being in the diaspora but then how will i survive.No one will give me a job cos no one knows me in the state house.Shame onyou
We know, always towards election, they bring useless programs to plunder public funds. This is just one way they will do it. Zambia open your eyes & hears!
We know, always towards election, they bring useless programs to plunder public funds. This is just one way they will do it. Zambia open your eyes & ears!
How come we so important now but the constitution will bar us from standing as presidential candidates. Rupiah you fired me today and watch how you gonna go down. I have been behind you 100%, I have risked my own life and that of my family for you and all you can do is let me go? This is now between you and me! Now you want want support of Zambians in the diaspora? We have struggled on our own to make it here. We walk these foreign streets without your support Rupiah! Shame on you, shame on you! You fired my boss in South Africa and now going after anybody? Shame!!!!! MMD should be voted out right now!!!! Early elections now!!!!!!
can RB go and survey my grand mother in my village and give her fertilizer. you don’t need my survey because am good and get better education at the expense of other people tax money while you and your cabinet are busy going over the world. please ba zalwane (friends) never fill those forms. if embassies in our countries can’t even organise us, who are they to do us any better? fuc.k you RB. red card and kuyabebele
MMD Boot Chief Licker says: for once am proud of you. welcome home
Its really sad to learn of the entire Washington DC embassy staff being laid off! These guys gave up their lives for our country! Rupiah can you explain why these guys have been recalled back to Zambia or remain in the states by their own? You have just signed your exit papers come 2011! Chiluba and urself will be sharing the same f.u.c.king cell block in jail!!!!! Thief Plunderer!!!!!!!
They are just thieves on the run. Improve your Dem infrastructure in this rotten country you pagans & we will stay. Not to hide. Am leaving this country soon. why should the government pay its people nuts. what more of the investor, wont they mistreat them too? “you cant stop a thief if you are a thief” You evil minded leader. Dull old generation heading for destruction. see how you have made my people suffer in this country. Heartless aged fox waiting for death..
They are just thieves on the run. Improve your Dem infrastructure in this rotten country you pagans & we will stay. Not to hide. Am leaving this country soon. why should the government pay its people nuts. what more of the investor, wont they mistreat them too? “you cant stop a thief if you are a thief” You evil minded leaders. Dull old generation heading for destruction. see how you have made my people suffer in this country. Heartless aged fox waiting for death..
I think the real news here is that the State House website is FINALLY up and running after years of errors. Let’s see how long it takes until it goes stale with outdated news and broken links.
You want to pander our remittances as well, and then say you did not force us to fill those questionnaires, I will not fill the dam thing. I have straggled and pushed my way this far and you want to reap where you did not sow. Bakabolala, we know you.
better invest those resources in educating those at home and sensitizing people to register as voters.
Bye boot licker now u will be licking the real MMD in Zed…I told you fool….We are laughing at you! Haha Heehehe he chekecheke chekecheke!
Is Boot licker spinning a different way or simply employing a different tactic? I said this before and I will say it again, the Zambian embassies are not serving Zambians and for a number of reasons. 1. They are preoccupied with trying to please the president. 2. Are seemingly appointed from a pool of very arrogant and pompous individuals (and we all know the proud don’t serve, they wait to be served). 3. At some point someone gave them the idea that being appointed signified success and forgot to inform them of their duties once appointed. It is a joke to say they serve Zambia because they do the exact opposite. What is funnier is that if they could align themselves with the average Zambian, their jobs would be more secure given that we would push for non-politicizing of their…
PF/UPND is the pact that I am throwing my energy on! I am a true politician and the replacement of staff at the Washington DC embassy will not deter me from doing what is necessary to my country. Im a fighter, a winner, a hero and will do whatever it takes to protect my country and my government! Rupiah, we were behind your foolish thinking 100% even when we knew you was not the right person to occupy State House! You have shown us that you are just one big fool without vision! MMD will be just as history as UNIP. We need new blood from the PACT! I have burnt my MMD card awaiting my membership card from the PACT! RB should go now!!!!!!!!
Chief Boot licker..
Remember I told you that God humbles people like you. So today you have been fired by RB after he fired your uncle in south Africa. We knew that Chief bootlicker in South africa was Mr Mbula who upon his being fired gave you the ID , but it is unfortunate that you as well has been fired. RB is uprooting the whole Mwanawasa family tree. Its like even Senior Citizen has been fired, guys well come to the world of reality…I told you to study at least a degree but alass you were blinded by MMD stolen money. hehe ba Chief MMD bum licker…:o:o:o
Now on to the issue at hand; This RB government needs to demonstrate a level of professionalism worthy of people’s trust, before they can start blowing their trumpet of claimed innovativeness. Still, I can’t say the idea is not a good one, for several of us have been calling for recognition given the contributions that Zambians living abroad avail to Zambia. I hope the call is a sincere and non-malicious one.
I now understand why Zambia has not developed! Why did Mwanawasa put this fool as his vice president? He wanted someone dull so he can look good but forgot that his presidency would come to an end and a f.o.o.l will take over his dead body! RB is a f.o.o.l period. We threw our weight behind him but all we can get is a stupid typo correspondence that we are recalled to Zambia with immediate effect just like he did to our SA embassy staff? I am no longer MMD but PF/UPND member immediately and im going on a campaign right now! ABASH Kamwendo Munjila! ABASH!!!!!!!!!!!
This son of a bitch deserves no vote!
Good bye Boot Licker!!!!! Welcome to Zambia the home of Rupiah Banda!!!! Now lets see if you can Lick MMD here!!!!
Chief Bootlicker, at this rate the whole nation might come to find out that you are no better than the people you insult. I mean only you must have been blind to the fact that every rant and blog you put up on this site in the last year only further hurt the MMD. Now what you might want to do is not insult the corrupt hand that has been feeding you in the hopes of securing another hand, but rather alter your ways and start using hard work to earn both a living and respect. This won’t happen overnight so easy on your embassy rants. And goodluck retracting the statements you have made in the past.
On the flip side, why don’t you go on a campaign to expose the many evils of the MMD having been on the inside yourself? You could even write a book. Hehe. Lesa ni malyotola.
Chief MMD Bum Licker
Please we cant accept you in the PACT coz you are useless and without principles. You support who ever gives you money even if that person akunyala mukanwa. Thats what you behaved dear and you are the same person, you have not changed. Just go back to Zambia and suffer dear. Thats really good for you and your wife and children. Remember I told you that God humbles people like you. Now dear your wife will be taken away from you by people with money…people like Chiluba.
Senior Citizen is also fired it seems, good may be LT will be good for us coz you useless people will not be there.
Hehe haha hoho…well done RB.:)>-:)>-:)>-
What did we do wrong Mr. President? We defended your minions and your corrupt government from day you stole the election to date and all we get is a letter with broken english that our services are no longer needed? Is this what has come about our country? 2011 is here and we shall see!
Ummm thats no Chief bootlicker nor Senior citizen,someone is impersonating them,chief bootlicker is still in SA but this blog is coming from an IP in the states
only #13 sensible
You guys, what going on at our embassy in DC? Have all the staff really been fired? Chief MMD Bootlicker and Senior Citizen, are you for real? Details someone!
Wait the embassy staff are being recalled HAHAHAHAHAH serves you right you bunch of useless incompetent sycophants. It’s about time yougot wht you deserved, I hope more sensible hard working people will replace them
Can someone confirm the DC embassy total recall story? I don’t want to throw a party for nothing.
Ok The Impostor of my name and Picture has now gone out of line and it is time to act. I have let him be my impostor for a while because he was towing the party lines. But he has committed two sins. 1) Attack Senior Citizen 2) Attack our president. Anyway It looks like Zambians here in the USA are good at being impostors. Anyway am here for a short course which ends next week and am going back to my base station in South Africa. I will not blog till then. So treat the current MMD Chief Bootlicker as an impostor until you see the real one in mid July blogging with a South African Flag.
Otherwise this announcement shows that Our great president Rupiah Banda is a man of action and really want to engage all Zambians in the development of the country and I support this move
Fake and sturborn governemnet take your surveys somewhere, you selfish and allogant leaders,
I might be interested if dual citizenship is dangled in front of me. Emphasis on “might be.”
What happened to senior citizen, I am surprised he is on our side. I used to tell him that this government is full of foolish and selfish people. Thank God his feelings have been hurt by these shameless people. If I were a son or daughter of Rupiah, I would be living in shame. Unfortunately he doesn’t get it because at age 72 hewon’t be answerable to nobody when his time is up because in Zambia you are even luck to be alive. It is for this reason that this man is on the loose.Leave people alone is diaspora you idots, you suck. You are people with small brains as HH puts it are a nonsense.
That is not MMD Chief Boot Licker nor is it Senior Citizen! Those are just Impostors.
# Is that really boot licker, what has changed?? I really feel sorry man, any way welcome home, as Malema says, ” COME BACK HOME ITS COLD OUT THERE”
This is a good idea that has never ever been entertained before. KK just grabbed people’s passports so that they do not leave the country. Chiluba was more interested in Tuntembas, Mwanawasa was dismissive of Prof Chirwa, calling upon him to be an MMD branch manager first before he can be President!
Now RB’s government does this, and what response does he get? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
People in diaspora, you are already participating in the Zambian economy through WUoney Gram etc. Serenje land is waiting for you. Do not be cynical and for once, please do the right thing by Zambia!
i have been abroad b4 and for a long time. zambians in the diaspora are suffering and would like to come back home but they are scared bcos their friends are settled have homes and good jobs or businesses. pipo go in the diaspora go blindly thinking they are going to be rich. you cannot be rich on a salary anywere you go to in the world. you burst your working long hours and doing donkey jobs. in USA the only jobs available are those of looking after the aged and handcapped pipo who have to be fed, bathed and cleaning their ass,es. all this tuma hundred dollars coming in from abroad is matuvi cash. the pipo in the diaspora cant even afford to build a house back home. yes when they send fotos they look good but thats it they live like slaves. they want to come home but were to settle
diaspora pipo fail to even attend funerals of their beloved ones back home bcos they are illegal were they are once they come out thats it while others dont have enough money for an airticket or simply cant afford to miss work bcos of bills rent, gas, refuse collection, phone, car insurance, visa cards, medics, parking tickets etc. they will work till they are too old. you die abroad your body wont be brought back home bcos of costs. they end up being buried in unmarked graves. its rough tobe abroad you cry. usa is not a country of milk and honey their is no freedom as your fone is tapped and you kept under check thru out. a lot of zambians abroad are in jail bcos of theft, murder and forgery. they have to do all soughts of things to make it. they are better of home suffering peacefully
How can a simple Diaspora Questionnaire be more confidential and important than a Zambian Passport, when GRZ/Passport Office/High Commission have allowed new Zambian Passports to be distributed by non GRZ officials in the UK. So tell me you guys at State House, which document is more important, a Questionnaire or Passport?
Just another misuse of tax payers money. This information can be found at the Passport Office because most oZambians had recently obtained/changed to new Passports. If GRZ can capture a sample of 50%+ data from Passport Office, this is good enough for planning, projection and what ever! The other cheap and more efficient way is to create an online form on the missions abroad websites for individuals to fill at their own leasure. If you need assistance, just whistle! Secondly, Home Office in the case of the UK have this information and GRZ can easily obtain is as soon as RB stops behaving like then president of Uganda ‘Field Marshall Doctor Idi Amin Dada’.
Hi, kindly capture my names. I’m Mpangula Mputyu, from the democratic Republic of East Kalingalinga. I have just migrated from the democratic peoples republic of west Matero.
#47, u r too harsh, is it because u were deported thats why u are saying all these bad things about ur pipo is Diaspro, All these pipo doing cleaning or looking after the old are earning the money legally, so why do u think it s not good in diaspro, dont blame the pipo who had nothing to do with ur deportation, u steal u get deported , u deal in drugs u get deported simple , stop hurtin ok. so its true u were deported ka.
What survey? This is a simple issue. They only need to get in touch with the embassies in different countries and get the information. The embassies would be in a better position to carry out this task. I don’t think there are millions needed here to make this so called survey. Why try to make this simple task so complicated when it’s not. Apart from this, there is Every Voice Counts on Facebook. On this palttform Zambians locally and abroad have been given an opportunity to contribute, give suggestions or debate. So, Zambians check out for Every Voice Counts on Facebook.
Where strengthening the networks is concerned, I doubt it. Zambians are insanely jealous of each other. Not only is this the case in the diaspora, but locally, too. It’s the mind-set that needs to be changed.
this is c.r.a.p. a simple money making venture for some wonnabe intellectual at state house. why the freaking hell should you ask a few people out there what they want when you can’t ask what a Zambian here at home wants? R.u.b.b.i.s.h! Just stop those holiday trips and do something constructive for once. Has Alabee even ever visited a school or college in Zambia? Or has he ever been to UTH? Just get back the money your new callboy chiluba stole and build even a little market. No bother putting a toilet coz the zambians don’t have any food to eat, thanks to your useless trips.
There is someone impersonating SENIOR CITIZEN and CHIEF BOOT LICKER on this blog. I have done content analysis by comparing the first submissions made by Senior Citizen and Boot licker on other topics and my conclusion is that this is not them but one person totally impersonating them. in fact senior citizen said he was some kind of a teacher and not someone working at the embassy.
So i advise that you treat comments from these fellows with suspicion
For starters, give those in the Diaspora the right to VOTE in the presidential election.Afghanistan, South Africa and Iraq have not been “independent” for that long and yet their citizens outside their country are VOTING.No crap about logistics.
RE: #26 & #34
There is someone impersonating SENIOR CITIZEN and CHIEF BOOT LICKER on this blog. I have done content analysis by comparing the first submissions made by Senior Citizen and Boot licker on other topics and my conclusion is that this is not them but one person totally impersonating them. in fact senior citizen said he was some kind of a teacher and not someone working at the embassy.
So i advise that you treat comments from these fellows with suspicion and don’t be fooled
That is not Bootlicker and am sure not Senior citizen!!! as for that diaspora thing, the Zambian embassy in Germany failed to renew the passports on time they have the information about people living in Eastern Europe why cant they get information from there??????????????
Its just another Shushu trick aimed at getting those who insult big nose kamwendo munjila, so gusy watchout and enjoy yourselvies in diaspora. its not everyone doing bad jobs out here.
#47 hahaha you sound like the typical zambian who didn’t have papers and got sent back home. I have noticed a lot of former diasporians who are back in zambia are the same ones putting out these malicious stories. Yoour life experiences are yours and yours alone, if you jamad here then thats on you. Whose fault is it that you did not have papers? This bitterness you zambians harbour is why you will never progress and wallow in dust. If you came here dishonestly or couldn’t stay legally what do you expect to treat you like?
The issue here is simple. No one is compelled to fill in the questionnaire. If you think that it is a waste of money then dont fill the damn form in, those that want to contribute can. Simple. Why all the hooha and song and dance about nothing as usual? God, Zambians are something else. Any simple thing has got to be complicated. Sakala refuses to shake the hands of Satan, you would think the sky has fallen down and the earth has been engulfed in perpetual darkness. Some of you need to GET A LIFE!
Sounds like shushu misplaced priority,instead of carrying out an opinion poll to see whether they will retain power or could be booted out.Alas now have gone astray.
#47&48 MARX You are spot on ,it very true that most of so Zedians in diaspora pose like they are well to do while they are having it thick.They is no need to vent your anger on the MMD government ,they did not send you to go to those cold countries.I for one am going respond to the questionnaire and i hope i’ll get some land for farming so that i can start preparing for retirement now than later.Well done RB you have a heart of a real father .Do not pay attention to bitter people ,they are just a handful of failures who want to create an impression that all of us in the diaspora are against GRZ initiatives.They write on their own miserable behalf.
#62 you need to get life yourself. the embassies dont do nothing. a simple problem will take you ages to finish with our embassies. they ignore this and want to send us the damn questionnaires for us to fill in. hell no, let them start by thinking of how we can participate in voting RB out. there are better things to do than this.
What is this now???? Just come and join us bane:-c:-c>:d<>:d<**==**==We will welcome you with both arms!!! its never too late ka!!@};-**===d>=d>
Nine Chale say something kaili.Where are you?:)>-:)>-
Don’t worry, we are just compiling IP Addresses so we can track and trace YOU if you post nonsense on the blog :d
First of all the Govt need to take care of Zambians at home….ask them what they want to do for the country. You only seem to be concerned about us because of our Dollar…..ifimitwe. o:o:o
I agree with #63. Why do we Zambians want to complicate things which are not complicated. If you are suspicious of the move by state house simply ignore the who issue and go on with your life. If you believe there is something good coming out of it you register. Either way, time will tell. Whatever decision you make either you will cry or you be happy. Honestly, there is no need for all this name calling and insults. What type of nation are we becoming?
What are embassies for? If the State House can admit that their staff at embassies can not engange Zambians, since they are on paid holidays, then we need to contact State House directly! Government must just concern itself with the welfare of the people living inside its borders. Especially those paying tax! The diaspora will come to the party in due time.
This government treats Zambians living outside its borders with suspicion as is reflected in their new constitution. I feel that the government must concentrate on doing the job they were elected for. This will please everybody ie Ordinary Zambians, donors, diaspora etc. So go back to work instead of worrying about diaspora, most of whom are doing well on their own.
Will be based in South AFRICA Zambia in the coming weeks. Life doesnt end in Washington.
and I will fight hard to the bitter end.
Sorry, I meant that I agree with #62 i.e Sansakuwa; sorry for the mistake #63.
I would rather settle in South Africa than be recalled back in Zambia. South Africa here I come!!!!
#64 YAYA
Speak for yourself! if you are struggling with two jobs and double shifts,then dont generalize,for you even to salivate over free land for retirement speaks volumes
#65 That is why I said if YOU DONT want to fill the form in then dont. It is that simple. No need to keep going on and on and on about it.
The stu pid constitution already excludes Zambians in the diaspora from becoming president.The 10 year clause says it all.I suggest the people at state house shove the survey questionaires up their tweno!
Right now I have educated youth relatives who are even willing to come & be cleaning my house just to get out of Zambia. GRZ your priorities are always wrong and with no direction. Seat down and realy think about the best priorities that will boost the Zambian economy and bring more innovation, creativity and jobs (science & technology, agriculture, tourism, proper transport infrastructure i.e roads, etc
‘Survey or Questioneer’ on the Diaspora, This must be the biggest rubbish ever, I would never waste my time on it.
#3 Speechless and #7 Napapa have hit the nail on the head. This state house has now become an embarassing disaster.
#75 Chief MMD Bum Licker
So you are saying someone was using your fake blogg name and you knew about and you didnt say anything because he was on the side of MMD? You are sick man! Its like someone sleeping with your wife just becoz they agree with your sick mind! Just accept it that you have been recalled. We had information about how you guys at the embassy was doing nothing. Go to SA and soon the same Zambia you are running away will be the ONLY place for you. You are a pathetic bum licker aka Senior Citizen
#52 joylyn #61 gizmo magazino Im now glob trotting bcos of my job here in zambia. I got out of the diaspora bcoz I was brave enough to come back home and face reality in my own country. I realised it was a blunder to go work in a foreign country. the only thing is that i enjoyed the exprience of being in the first world. you can neva cheat me i have been their doing a better job than joylyn and gizmo. its painful to live away from your own home. #52gizmo and#61 joylyn your own relatives have died and you have failed to come for funerals bcos you have no money for airticket. you are leading miserable lives thousands of miles away from home. you will be buried by bakaili prisoners if the misfortune happens. zambia is now glittering with wealth. most of the things you see that side we also
#62yaya and #70 I THE JURY tham
nks for being real men or women. this is a chance for you to go by the plan bcos you gonna benefit. those crying blue murder are bakaboke who know they cant make it here but would rather hold on to dear life in a foreign land. for how long are you going economic refugees. you will be given land to come and settle this is your dear country. when were you last in zambia always crying for latest music from zambia as if that makes you feel like u in zed. some of you are lost have been away for close to 5 years without coming to zambia. you want to come but you have no means. shame on you mwembutushi bakawayawaya. busy doing cheap jobs of cleaning pamusula patukote utusungu utunya every minute. you even go to eat without vomiting. no careers just chibombebombe
#79 kadoyo indeed you are kadoyo kanyelele what can you tell us about south africa we have been that side and understand the salary structure. you are just languishing cant even afford to buy your own car kano shankongole. your neck is yonked to loans. you wanted to come to zambia but failed bcos you dont have a house here. who can come and work in your home how much are you going to pay when you struggling to pay your bills. pa south africa dont cheat yes those who are in usa and europe can tell beta stories not mu jburg we see how you sreal from us when we come to buy cars you organise thieves to rob us
What research is this? .Which embassies are involved?
Can the state House do it ?
Embassies ? Absolute Joke
Marx am a DR here and enjoying it but will be caming home soon.The thing is yoursilly winging as you sound like spoiled child crying out for some just need to work hard.
This is a good iniative. One of Ghana’s biggest foreign exchange earnings is income from citizens abroad. Zambia should aim at harnessing this. I see a lot of sad digruntled pipo in the diaspora who look at Zambia as a shit hole, they need a chance to invest back home. This could be in the form of skills or money.
You must appreciate that RB has children, nephews, nieces abroad so he has an understanding of the situattion. Nubian princess this is what you should hope will change the scenario and not just dismiss every inititive . Chama stop being a dreamer a conspiracy theorist
Waste of time. Banda and his state house should concentrate on home issues. People in disapora dont need to be surveyed. Nikusoba vochita uku manje, I dont scare that easily – Just Buzz off!!!!
Who used to say “wainvela iyo, yamwana wa” – no morals, shameless old fool. Niza ulula. The survey should start in Ghana, Ahemn!!
82,83 and 84 Lucky you and God bless.Look,we have papers and qualifications and tell you what,I would rather be in Zambia but cant’t find a job in Zambia.I have a masters degree in Tourism management and would rather serve my Country but alas,no one even looks at my application letters cos am unknown to the people who matter .
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys don’t go to the State House website unless you know what you are doing, they are waiting to hack your computers. losers losers losers
Bashushushu!!! At primary school, you tracked my old folks and asked why they drove a nice car –Fiat 124. At secondary school, you investigated why I was brainy and whether foreign countries were involved. At university you labelled me a dissident and threw me in police cells all the time. Now here you again want to follow me? No way badala. You already have loadsof brainy people like Rupiah Bender.. Byeee byeee.
Is this a reflection of how incompented our Embassies and High Commissioners are. I bet you, each point of entry in countries (in the diaspora) we live and work have all our data.
Bambi twaikala illiegally ka. Mulefwaya mutusokolole when we are educating and feeding our people back home?
Zambian Embassies and High Commissioners suck…waste of time and money. These institutions serve no Zmbians at all and I see no reason for them to carry on!
#83,#84 Marx, whats your problem? You sound like an embittered person insulting others getting on with their proletarian lives…if you’re an example of the mentality of zambians in general it explains why our disabilities have become almost permanent. Zodwa is right, balanced and factual.
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