Wednesday, March 26, 2025

UNZA radio is not political – Station Manager


The University of Zambia UNZA radio has dismissed assertions that it has become a play ground for politicians. Education Minister Dora Siliya disclosed to QFM that UNZA Radio station at the country’s highest institution of learning is being abused by politicians.

She said that the station has become a playing ground for politicians as opposed to its intended purpose of being a training ground for students at the University of Zambia. She said government will soon move in to intervene in the situation which she described as getting out of hand.

But UNZA radio station manager Macpherson Mutale has advised the Minister not to make the whole matter political. Mr. Mutale wondered why the Minister is insinuating such allegations when she had always turned down invitations to feature on the radio stations.

He said that as much as the radio station is a learning station, it strived to serve the surrounding the community. Mr. Mutale said that the radio station has never in anyway been influenced by the politicians in the country.



  1. There is nothing wrong with UNZA radio being political! This snake-looking Dora was once at a politically controlled media called ZNBC where politicians control the news and programs watched by Zambians! This snake Dora is a shameless hule excited to be in government! What a hule we have!

  2. Yes Madam just close the damn thing. Zambia is desperate for quality graduate and that radio station is a stumbling block being abused by wana bes from School of Chikwakwa

  3. The bird finally landed but in SA this morning. This is the real MMD Chief Bootlicker reporting for sector duty. I could not defend the cause of my party while I was in the US because these Dish Washing, Toilet Cleaning, Old People Bum wiping, Street Gabbage collectors kaponyas where impersonating me left right and center and saying things normal people Know I would not say. Anyway, Am back to base and I still see some toilet cleaner Kaponya in #3 still impersonating me, ha ha ha ,, you have been dribbled. and layed bare. Shame on you.

  4. #5 ignore impostor in 5 I was in the US and blogged from there and all these dish washers jumped on my ID and picture and started abusing it. But Am back to my base in SA where we have civilized people who are value what they say and don’t have to hide behind anybody’s ID. I guess in SA, we don’t have many Dish washing and Toilet cleaning Kaponya who got to the US on a green card lottery and just can’t articulate their position.

    Anyway back to the topic at hand the Hon Siliya has a point. Student go to school to get education and not to become mouth piece for the opposition by using government resources. That is just common sense and unacceptable. If people at UNZA don’t know the use of the Station we shall take it away ..FINITO

    Who is this Kaponya in South Africa posing as me? Are you one of the losers still clinging to the lost party MMD? I have realized that MMD is just wasting Zambia’s future! If you want a real fight you are welcome you fake boot licker! Just like you have run away from the USA and now insulting Zambians here in the USA, we shall come for you even their in Africa. You are a loser thats why you keep running! Lets see who wins in the end. My eyes are on you Bootlicker and you will be shocked soon! Get some rest coz you need it! Im the Omega and finisher of Zambian politics and I got you by surprise! Prepare for war!!!!!

  6. What is wrong with being political anyway? What does Dora want the station to be discussing? Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry? Who told her that when you are in training you cannot discuss politics? Is this the girl MMD say is smart? Her statement of government moving is exactly what has killed Times of Zambia and Daily Mail. I really don’t even remember the last time I opened websites for these government run so called papers.

  7. #8 Good night loser, everybody body know my position on this blog and where I worker and they can clearly see you are a fake. Good nite anyway I need to catch some sleep. Enjoy washing old white people’s bums in the nursing home where you work. No wonder your self worth is so eroded that you just can’t even recognise your identity. What a shame. Do you really have to sink so low to just earn a living. What a pity. You thought a green card would give you access to free money. Sorry my dear, welcome come to the real world. You must feel ripped off, hence your manifestation of attention seeking behaviour.Any I have no time for such crap you can impersonate all you want. I will defend my party at all cost because it is a great party and we have a great president.

    You have no idea of how UNZA runs because when your time came, you refused to go to school and now you are holding fast inside Dora’s pants licking her rectum so you can remain feeling important! Soon MMD will pass diarrhea after elections and see how you will suffocate while licking their b.utts! When you came to the USA you thought you can bring with you you cheap blogging but I have taught you that here we have gone to school and are equiped with knowledge you can only dream about! Your capacity of thinking can only be prompted by any MMD member coz you have no backbone to stand on. I have made you run from the USA and I will keep you in Africa for the rest of your life. Thats how I want you to live ur life! Watch your back

    Now that you got fired at the embassy we are very happy to see you go back to the dark ages! The young man was excited to come to America but we can no longer have this kaponya just walking around the USA. He looks like a monkey and it was embarrasing explaining he is from my country Zambia. We had to convince RB to recall these baboons who have no education to be walking around the embassy! This guy is an a.ssh.ole and every Zambian should find him and have a good meeting with him. The chap has no educational background and will call anyone a kaponya if you have different views from his! No wander you got fired! Soon you will be shocked!

  10. MMD Bootlicker
    I told you to ignore anyone after you because this just makes you to be on the defensive all the time and not pay attention to MMD party! This is the reason you guys have been recalled and before you lose your SA visa please please focus on MMD and not bloggers! We all know it was sad to see you pack your katundu and leave the USA that you love most! We dont want to see you kicked out of SA my brother. Call me when you woke up and remember the time difference. Lata

  11. Its really embarrassing to see MMD Bootlicker in a panic situation! I thought he was untouchable but well Zambians in the USA mean business. You cant just push em around! My advice to licker is to continue licking harder coz he got fired once and next time RB may even send him to jail! I have started a campaign to see if the so called impositor can share the MMD Chief Boot Licker and the associated pic to every blogger just to show that here on LT there are no favors! Watch what happens in the next few days! Whoever is interesting blogging under the good name of the real MMD Chief Boot Licker from the USA drop me an email at [email protected] and we will mobilize from there!

  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAh! I am interested in blogging under the good name MMD Bootlicker! Mevis I emailed you and waiting to bootlick from the USA!!!!! Wapya munzi! 2011 is hot!

  13. Im in!
    I want the name MMD bum licker too! Its time we taught the bum licker a lesson! SUGGESTION what about the good name Senior citizen or Mwata or Ben Kangwa since its the same person!

  14. Bloggers thanks and no one can be an impositor on here. There is no Zambian with legal names MMD Chief Bootlicker, Mwata, or Senior Senior Citizen! My team will send the name and email so you can blogg under any of these names! If you live in the USA, the FAKE MMD CHIEF Bootlicker has just been booted out from the embassy and now hiding in SA coz he cant even go back to Zambia for fear of being disciplined! He has continued to insult decent people that we are all kaponyas! Lets show this boy the people in the diaspora dont play games! These are the chaps who have contributed to poverty levels in Zambia because of the s.tupid thinkin just like RBs!

  15. This boy called MMD bum licker was an embarrassment at the embassy. I still work here and his group was backward and caused chaos at the embassy until they were recalled. How do you spend all day typing a few blogs and forget that you have work to do! We all knew that the guy was gonna get fired. He boasts of things he dont have! No wonder his wife left him coz the guy is a wanna be MMD! I hear its the same work ethics from boys like him that got his previous boss Mr Mbula to be recalled from SA. I hear he has gone to SA to work at a supermarket. Its a relief to not see him here! Thank lord he is gone!

  16. Only people who failed to get to unza will call unza chikwakwa. Pleas lets not show us that u are a failure who even failed to get a mare place at unza. Unza has made Zambia.

  17. Hahahahahahaaa Sandra Phiri you’ve made my day,bring on some more infor lady,these guys need to be taught a lesson,how about you give me yo email address pls

  18. YES!!!!!! Im the Bum Licker!
    Now that I can blogg under this umbrella name of bootlicker, Im happy that as genuine Zambians we have by all means defend our nation at all costs. My number one enemy was this big head chief bootlicker and im now called the same! As USA bloggers I am happy that these overly excited people will not spend all day calling others kaponyas. We are in the USA working hard and sending dollars to our country. One or two individuals will not and should never be allowed to insult the Zambians working hard while MMD is busy flying all over the place. Im not mad at the chief bum liker but RB himself! 2011 is approaching fast and RB will be back at his farm or in jail! Time has come and thanks to smart and dedicated bloggers who are working hard to scare bumlickers!

  19. I like this already…we should have done this a long time ago. Senior Citizen aka Mwata aka Ben Kangwa will be no more. We as Zambians will blogg peacefully and show MMD that their heads are just as dull as their leader! Chief licker has to be fired coz the chap was just walking around at the embassy with excitement! This is what happens when ones head grow so big than their shoulders! Im happy the chap has been pushed back to Africa and he cant even go to Zambia and mourn his dying wife! MMD Chief Licker when are you going to accept that being over 40 years you need to settle down?

  20. Hee gys why beating by the bush?? Just nail it on the head of MMD chief bootlicker by naming him so we know him. What I know is that he is related to Mr Mbula. Yaa..this jobs of licking MMD thugs are bad for when you are fired you are gone into suffering, wive and children starve just like Chibombamilimo’s. So guys get papers just like me so that you can not be bum licking day in and day out. Any way , I am now visiting Sweden.

  21. firstly smart Dora should learn to take things easy,the thing is not every radio station should sing praise songs to the MMD coz other pipo have other views which as a leader she should pay more attention to rather than try to silence and remain with ZNBC and cheat her boss that he is very popular.These are the type of ministers that led to KK’s down fall.Zambia built UNZA so let Zambia listen to it’s radio station and you Dora for once do what the zambians are paying you to do and that is your JOB and not politicising everything.PLIZEE

    MMD Bootlicker, Senior Citizen, Mwata, Veteran are gone!
    The end time is near! Who knew that there will be a smart one to bring these guys down? I for one thot these guys work for LT! Now I believe that a Zambian in the diaspora is as dangerous as a lion in a village center! Im looking forward to blog under the umbrella name of Chief bootliker, Senior citizen, Mwata or Veteran! This one individual has taken a ride on our backs for far too long and we are here to tell him aka Ben Kangwa that we can be dangerous and got him fired! Lets teach this little boy that we dont stay in the diaspora because of MMD/

  23. i wonder what our minister would do if the station featured mmd cadres threatening to gang rape women,maybe she would even make a donation for a job well done.if she is saying that action should be taken on the radio station then znbc ,times of zambia and daily mail should follow suit since what we are watching and reading leaves a great deal to be desired.Ba Dora it shud not always be about showing blind loyalty to your boss but listening to pipo’s views is also very important,mind you being in leadership does not make you the most intelligent person

  24. Anyone in the SA embassy where this Bootlicker used to work,please give us more details about this man, so far we know the wife left him and quiet sick back in Zed,bring more

  25. He who has the power of the parse holds a sledge hammer.There is no need to keep giving out Government grants to a station hijacked by political trolls for political fantasy. Divert the parse and let GCA jam the assigned waveband, it will be choked and die a painful death. I have done my undergrad and Graduate school studies in the USA for over 9 year at a 43,000 students research university yet i have never seen hard working students calling for a campus university. May be its because they are too busy researching students.They run campus newspapers but not community radios. Even community radio run thrive on public support and not Government grants as this UNZA radio has turned itself into. Systematically choke it right now.

  26. I have done my undergrad and Graduate school studies in the USA in over 9 year at a 43,000 students research university, yet have never seen hard working students calling for a campus radio station. Government grants cannot be used to sustain a campus radio which is being dedicated to political fantasy. financially and technologically jam it now. Let it suffer the challenge of worst ever reception and operational costs.

  27. I will be doing my political and computer work to see who is on the chopping board. These thugs thought by working for the embassies they are untouchables. They thought they had diplomatic immunity even here on the blog. Hell No. Ba Ben Kangwa was busy calling us in diaspora as kaponyas and charcoal burning, now we shall who will be burning charcoal soon. As some one says on this blog, “wina azalila”. When I called Ben Kangwa at the embassy he sounded like he was lost and world was ending the following day. Wina azalila. Nashala ndipe. Busy working on my research papers. Thank you guys for the support and fearless fight against these MMD cadres. Let us see who is gonna pay who now.

  28. Aaah guys you have got me, please i have repented, i have failed to take the bush out of RB. Please Zambians forgive me, i am too ashamed to even show my picture!

  29. What special about this boot liker that everybody is falling over themselves to impersonate him. Are there brow envelopes involved. Maybe I can too join the bandwagon

  30. # 21 – MMD Chief Bootlicker: Finish off this fake licker in RSA now. He is a nuisance and public enemy 1. He should go back to Zambia see how his party has destroyed our country.

  31. This is the real Bum Licker saying hello to my hardworking Zambians in the USA! ABASH FAKE ONE IN South Africa! His time to run around like a chicken has come to an end just like MMD RBs time is over!

  32. Dora shd just mind her own bootlicking business in MMD or rather introduce a clause in the draft constitution that will bar single individuals from being MPs or Ministers.

  33. PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda on Tuesday apologized to UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema and the Indian community over mwenye statement.

    In a statement issued this afternoon by special assistant to the President for press and public relations Dickson Jere, President Banda regretted the statement he made in Ndola in which he made reference to Hichilema’s wife, Mutinta, and consequently brought her name into politics.

  34. Who us this person called boot licker and what is he doing confusing bloggers on this site?Is this his play ground?

  35. iwe hule dora..whats ur problem..when you have the useless..znbc on ur side..let there be freedom of expression and press..atase…vimatako..

  36. Just close that bloody station. its so childish. the presenters lisp and cant differentiate between R and L. James simasiku ruined that crap!

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  38. obviously like your website however you need to check the spelling on quite a few of your posts. Several of them are rife with spelling problems and I find it very bothersome to tell the truth however I will surely come back again.

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