Monday, March 10, 2025

Can Zambia learn from South Africa Hosting FIFA world Cup?


Jo’burg Soccer Fever

By Augustine Chisembele – Professional member of Project Management South Africa (PMSA)

The 2010 FIFA world cup has ended with Spain crowned as the world champions after beating the Dutch in the final game. After so much criticism especially from the foreign media, South Africa has hosted this edition of world cup with resounding success. South Africa has spent in excess of R33 billion to put together this global show piece. According to President Zuma the 2010 FIFA world cup has brought ‘priceless’ benefits to South Africa.

South Africa now boasts of improved infrastructure in transportation, communication and sport facilities among others. The country has ten (10) world class stadia spread across the country. On a social from, this rainbow nation has seen all races unite behind the world cup. This has triggered enhanced sense of patriotism, pride and achievement by South Africans. The economical benefits are just immense. VISA reported nearly $566 million spent on its debt and credits cards among a million visitors to RSA in June. South Africa has also positioned and marketed herself as a desirable destination to potential investors. It is often said success breeds success. RSA has now talking of hosting Olympics in 2020 even before the FIFA world cup dust settles.

Without a doubt the preparation for 2010 FIFA world cup was a huge undertaking by South Africa. And RSA was up to the challenge and successfully delivered.

Green Point Stadium Cape Town

Now the question one would pose is; can Zambia learn from South African hosting the 2001 FIFA world cup? Allow me to pose a few more questions just to spice-up the debate; What position does Zambia desire to occupy on the global scen? Where does Zambia see herself in 2020 or 2050; Is Zambia a country which enjoys tackling huge challenges? The clue to the answers of these questions may lie in the past. 46 years after independence, we seem to align ourselves with largely World bank, IMF, UN, AU, Nepad, declarations. While these global entities assist us with the universal obligations, we need home-grown vision to stand-out as a nation. South Africa had myriad reasons to host FIFA world cup cardinal of which was to enhance her global image. Zambia too needs a dream around which everything must be anchored. If we need to create a Zambia our future generations are going to be proud of like the South Africans are doing, it can never be business as usual for GRZ the key primary stakeholder.

Mandela Bay Stadium – Port Elizabeth

Don’t me get wrong, one cannot honestly expect Zambia to contest the right to host the next installment of world cup after Brazil in 2014. What is anticipated is that Zambia must start punching within or even above her weight. Like host the Africa Football Cup or All Africa games. But again we have failed to host these events. Just a while ago Zambia threw in a towel to host All Africa Games.

The bottom-line is that Zambia requires a strategy that must direct our policy formulation, inform our desired position on the world map, and track our progress in decades to come. Hosting of a global event is by no means the sole yardstick to measuring Zambia standing on the international scale. It is however a litmus test regarding our country infrastructure readiness and availability. Because it this infrastructure that benefit the Zambian citizenry. To answer the question. Yes, Zambia can learn from RSA hosting of the 2010 FIFA world cup.


  1. You chased away the whites…’Zambianisation’

    Now you are 46 years backwards which is 46 years of independence
    You will never catch up…

    How many times do you have to learn
    You have already been to schools
    You can apply what you learnt in schooll unless you copy?????
    If you want to hide anything from a blackman, put it in a book…LOL…am a nigger by the way

  2. I think we can only manage 2 host such a world event if we have leaders who r interested 2 invest heavily in infrastructure bt if we wil continue wth the current govt, i seriously dnt c it happening.we need leaders who have a vision 4 ths country nt these tourists we have.

  3. I think we can only manage 2 host such a world event if we have leaders who r interested 2 invest heavily in infrastructure bt if we wil continue wth the current govt, i seriously dnt c it happening.

  4. Very impossible especially if people continue to vote for shallow minded candidates who put personal interest first

  5. Your English is bad n the article very poor coz you can’t stat talking abt hosting world cup nw before hosting under 20 cosafa!!!!

  6. Zambia is like a 100 yrs from hosting any event half the magnitude of the world cup. The passport renewal process is just another example of how incapable this country is. We have a lot of skilled people who end getting swallowed into cheap street politics. You would have thought Zambia was going to take advantage of its position and attract more tourists during the World cup. If it wasn’t for Victoria falls no one would have heard about Zambia. I bet you those tourists that visited the vic falls remember the name Zimbabwe than Zambia. South Africa shamed its critics and put up a World class show.

  7. Mwanawas (RIP) started the idea of Zambia hosting the All Africa Games in 2011. They even started building facilities at UNZA. Then came the imbwa RB, his plan was nothing! He had none. He just scraped off the idea. Twalichula mwe bantu! We can’t learn because our leaders are dull

  8. Maybe in a 100 years! Your leaders are too greedy to invest money for all to prosper, they’d rater go somewhere alone and watch it in secret!!
    That is why they keep you busy with the bible.

  9. Zambians have fundamental problems. 46 years after indeppendence, they still don’t know how to put their best person in State House to take the country forward. They continue to recycle failed politicians and then continue wondering why we are where we are. Shame!

    • Thanks Ramon!Just rieeazld that several of you are already present I’m really looking forward to follow your progress!I wish there was a fablab near Bayreuth seems to be an awesome place to create cool stuff.Cheers,Flo

  10. correction… must read… they’d rather… not rater

    Ooops guess i should have read #6’s comment before posting mine, we both agree on a 100yrs, that just how useless i think zed leadership is!Ma rubbish yeka yeka. Atase

  11. Everything is possible with faith, discipline, direction and priorities. which non of the Zambian GRZ has had any of these. One thing is for sure though Zambia is not a poor country but the leading minds are!!!!!

  12. What learning can Zambia must be joking,with a President like Bwezani and he’s clones..the sugar daddy is ever in the air,admiring what his working friends have achieved.This man is a shame.

    • when you mean a seddun fast reversal this is a software bug.with the knowledge of 3 or 4 small testprints so far, the mechanism itself seems to be reliable.

    • I’m flneieg surer that my decision to can my G+ account, telling them exactly why in the exit statement not that I expect anyone really looks at those and refusing to go anywhere near it until or unless they resolve this satisfactorily wasn’t an over-reaction.It’s a shame that something which *could* be quite good is being mucked up by something so boneheadedly simple.

  13. Writter, you are shallow minded, you should have spoken about Zambia developing atleast 4 stadia 1 in livinstone, Lusaka (not independence stadium), Ndola and something in Chililabombwe: then we could be talking about all frica games or Afcon.Thats how we need infratructure developed/shared across this nation.
    …and not this unresearched topic you brought just because you have the hunger of typing articles!

    • MrsDaniel / Hi, quick qiestuon, I remember you saying you would pick up, Unbreakable Machine Doll’ but it seems Village ***** Scans have picked it up again. So, does this mean it’s dropped, or ?

    • Just sahred this over on Google+ With an aside about disability accessibility. And minute or so afterwards had a notification that someone who’s name starts with an L had sahred a post at me discussing accessibility issues. And pointedly not mentioning anything about the rest of the post.Make of that what you will.

    • After I lost 35lbs last year many ppoele at my office were intrigued by how I did it. For some it was just interest but others used it as a license to scrutinize what I ate. I got a lot of You eat that! or Of course she’s not going to have that . It was difficult to be under the microscope all the time. Some ppoele went so far as to assume my weight loss and subsequent lifestyle change allowed them to talk about me and my former and current body without discretion. It was difficult for me but I realized that for every inappropriate comment I was receiving many more positive comments and words of encouragement and it allowed me to shrug off the less appealing discussions.

  14. Zambia, the real AFRICA!!Indeed, we told all those whites to leave after they had taken away our resources instead of telling them to stay and develop the country.Now we have to eat oranges imported from SA.Shame!Now whos laughing…………….

  15. #6 Ba Zambia,
    I like the way you have put it, ‘we can’t even process a passport renewal’. At the rate Zambia has been governed over the years we can only manage to DREAM about ever hosting an event like the world cup. We only specialise in frustrating our educated and highly skilled professionals through tribalism and petty jealousies. We also spcialise in electing dead wood and corrupt plunderers into top positions at the expense of qualified and dedicated young brains.
    The president is now 73 or so and still wants to cling on to power at any cost despite declaring that he would be in office only up to 2011. Public service is non-existant because everyone wants to make a quick kill and get rich.

  16. # 5. I very much agree with u!! Who ever came up with this article must consider English extra lessons coz the kind of english used is very poor!! check below:

    “Don’t me get wrong, one cannot honestly expect Zambia to contest the right to host the next installment of world cup after Brazil in 2014.”

  17. its simple if every Zambian wants Zambia to move forward elect a young person as president who will be able to see how so backwards we are and not the same old recycled politicians please. Because old politicians still think affording a microwave oven and a cell phone is still a wow thing……aweeeee you dont need a miracle of a space scientist to achieve such things

    • Welcome back, StavrosTheWonderchickenStavrosthewonderchicken is back, linedag off his return with a great post on the situation on the ground in Korea, Cloudy, Strong Chance of Rain and a screed about our legal drug pushers. I discovered the wonderchicken 6 months or so ago, when he crack

  18. The engine of groth is ENGINEERING. To emprove any country in infrastracture, the gvt needs to put up a delebarate policy of rewarding engineers more than pen pushers and so called Leaders. Look at how Enginners are renumerated in civilised countries! This brings up seriuos minds to concentrate on real issues such innovation,invention and such like. Workup Zed, and stop rewarding IFIKWAKWA


  20. The problem is the kind of leaders we have they are very greed, selfish and vissionless e.g RB, Shikapwasha, Mulongoti, Goerge Kunda, Vera Tembo chiluba, Chipingu, VJ some of these chaps have been in government for years but don’t even own a village chicken………. do u think they can make Zambia a better place?? Those with some leadership qualities such as Mutati and Kapembwa Simbao are also shameless cowards!!

  21. Zambians stop day dreaming. With RB and gang of thieves u think u will be able 2 host anything? Dont make the world laugh at u with yo silly dreams.


    • / we ctenrruly do not have plans to resume scanlating Demon 72, Kami Kami Kaeshi (gave away the raws to FwPA), or Asu no Yoichi at this time.

    • Man, work etnriovmenns are so tough! We spend so much time with our co-workers! I’m sorry your work environment is being made annoying/difficult by this guy. He sounds like a jerk

  23. We will never be ready for anything! If we can fail to harness the Northwestern province for proper Mining activity and proper infrastructure how can we dare do such a Megastructure. People are just sqatting and staying ‘who knows where’ And yet the mines are busy making money which is externalised. Councils arebusy getting personal levy which they cant plough back into the community by giving/selling civilised plots to prospective builders. They are waiting for a white man to tell them when its time to give out plots! Shame!

    • Aug01Holly So crazy that you beggold this. I literally just watched Picnic and Rollercoaster last week and was thinking about her. I will find it and read it.

  24. We must first worry about hosting the East and Central Afrika Senior Challenge Cup and or indeed the COSAFA mini-tournament.

  25. Yes zambia can do it we’ve got the chances to do it.All these people commenting on his excellence they are think less he is achieving alot this term he just started.Go zambia,Go Rubiah Banda

    • on twettir just now, if the gag only applies to those advocating on behalf of G+ users then that’s even worse.Liz has been at all times professional, careful, and balanced about what she says wrt G+ identity. She’s been signal-boosting official policy and statements from G+ management, trying to reach out to users and gather data about what’s happening, and asking for feedback from people who support the policy/are anti-pseudonymity. If that’s what gets you A Conversationtm (to the point of not being able to even say that you’ve been told not to say anything) then I’m pretty horrified.

    • I\’ve had the same eexreiencps as both commenters above, and eventually had to stop participating in our monthly company lunches. I work in a small company and since we are more like family, people feel entitled to make comments like Oh you\’re so thin of course you ordered a salad . Apparently last month in the lunch that I didn\’t attend our CEO listed the people who have lost weight since coming to work for them. Not only did I think that was entirely inappropriate for the people he named, but what about the people he didn\’t name? I know at least one person who he didn\’t mention took it to mean that she\’s gained weight.

  26. I think with good leadership, the options are endless. If you ask SA about how many zambian Engineers where involved in this World Cup project, it is laughable. All the money spent Educating expertise and the GRZ cannot even have a policy to entice them apart from “send-money-back-home”. RB said in SA as well as Mutati.
    Zambians in Zambia have got no chance to develop that country. You need come and recruit us from all the world and pay us £40K per annum and we will develop you. South African government always come over here to recruit African professionals and pay then what they are worth. Zambia can do this but they need young leaders, not chi RB.

  27. #19
    Shallow minded! Thats why we will never develop because of people like you! Am simply calling a spade a spade. The truth hurts my nigger!

    • Liz Fong rceently linked to a post by Trey Harris on what he can’t talk about, saying that that’s what she was getting at with the gag order post: . My guess would be that commenting (unfavorably?) on name policies is being called a controversial issue that Google hasn’t officially commented on , though I have nothing to back that guess up with. I’m also not sure how the it’s more effective to go through the official channels! line squares with the greater success people have had getting accounts reinstated after asking a Google employee they know to be reasonable and push internally.

  28. Am I dreaming, someone pinch me. Zambia hosting what??? I think I need to wake up. This is a bad dream and a comedy errors. Am I reading upside down. Zambia being considered for hosting what?

  29. there is nothing to learn here its need money to host period when you even failed to host simple all africa games.take the rubish somewhere else.

  30. Nice article home-boy. Most zambian prefer to discuss politics …the pact, HH , Sata etc. We don’t want debate real issue hence even our elections are not about real issues like this one. By the way the author could have written in Bemba, Tongo or any zambian languege.. just get the context of the debate and air your views.

  31. just looking at the comments from fellow Zambians- I guess the answer is no.Every president voted in is obtained from the pool of Zambians not Mars!It shows the calibre of the people- negative,good at pulling down others,corrupt etc Ofcourse if Zambians change thier attitude the sky is the limit.

  32. Bane, why do we want to pretend that things are okay in Zambia when they are not. Cafu, most people from the diaspora visit Zambia frequently. I visit Zambia every year and I see the lack of development in our country. The roads are worse of than they were five years ago despite the number of second hand vehicles improving. There is no parking space in Lusaka, Kitwe, Chingola city centres. We dont have stadiums, look at woodlands stadium, its worse than a secondary school stadium in the developed world. How is our country going to develop when Engineers, Doctors, Nurses, Accountants are frustrated in Zambia and the so called expatriates are treated like kings despite been less educated than the locals?

  33. The way people talk, it seems that they forget SA is the only country to have hosted the WC on the African continent so far. Before we start bashing Zambia and hating ourselves as some of us like to do, why dont you ask about countries such as Nigeria, Kenya and the DRC to name a few? These things cost money and due to a number of reasons including colonialism and an unfair global trading system, no African has been in a position to host such big events. If RB had gone ahead with hosting the All Africa Games a number of years, the same people would have been asking ‘why are we wasting money on these stupid games when the miners are losing their jobs’. To even pose the question as the author has done is just a waste of time in my opinion. Have Malaysia or Thailand ever hosted the world…

    • Your novel pmrsiee sounds engaging. YA is hot go for it! Traditional publishing or self-publishing? No worries. The world is waiting for your story, and you have options.

  34. The only comparison between Zambia and South Africa is that they are both African nation states, other than that nothing my bro…

  35. Good article mudala.You’re an engineering graduate from CBU so I’ll forgive you for your seemingly poorly edited article.The idea shared is rather excellent! Good to read something from my former high school chief librarian! :)>-

    • I’m now tetempd to sign up for a Google+ account (I don’t really want one) just to see if I get banned for my name. I have an IMDB entry as Smylers; wonder if that provides sufficient evidence of being known as that.

  36. #36
    Am wondering what you are doing out there! Your analysis is so, so shallow. My nigger, you need more than money…Brains…management skills! Actually, if you have brains, money is not a problem!

  37. Some fellow Zambians back home are surprising, they are so full of hate for those abroad and I don’t understand why. Did we need to seek their permission to go abroad, why does it pain them so much? It is weird to hate someone who has done you no wrong, someone you don’t even know. Is it a question of poor upbringing or just inferiority complex? All they know is malice and insults to others and am sure they do the same even to their own familes, they are beyond redemption. Leave us alone and mind your own business!

  38. #40 Distant drums and fellow bloggers. forgive #19 Cafu. am sure in the world in his head he’s doing better than Dambisa Moyo who he probably thinks betrayed Zambia to wash dishes abroad.

  39. In a 100 years:
    1. We shall be re-writing a new constitution to make MMD the only party in Zambia.
    2. MMD shall still be ruling and rebranded as UNIP.
    3. There will be no opposition parties
    4. Everyone will have to buy an MMD party card and contribute 10% of one’s income to MMD
    5. Chinese residents in Zambia will be allowed to vote and Zambians will be able to hold Chinese citizenship
    6. William Banda (or his son) will still be MMD Chairman for Lusaka Province.
    7. Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha will be the only Reverend in the only Zambian church.
    8. ……………..Please add the rest ……

  40. #36 Makanja, what we are saying is Zambia is far from having the basics of even hosting such an event. What can we learn from South Africa ? If South Africa can do it we can also do it. You will surprised how Zambians were part of the SA 2010 World Cup success. If only we could use all the skills Zambia has available, maybe we could start dreaming of something like this. But you like you said, Zambians are too petty to worry about important issues. We all agree the current leadership is rotten, but look at what is about to happen. People want to recyle the same UNIP/MMD leaders and call it new government. We need young leadership and fresh ideas. The question is how many of us are willing to sacrifice for mother Zambia to go through such change ? Maybe 1 out of 5 2c

    • Interesting Liz has been, up to eerailr this past week, very helpful and responsive on the issue. I suppose a gag order’ would make sense though, as it is clear that Google is having an internal struggle with this.Personally, I have concluded that this decision should be made via a cage match. Whomever rises as the champion at the end, is allowed to have their opinion prevail .

  41. I agree with you brother #43. Loads of highly qualified zambians (now holding SA passports – Ex-Mplemebe and UNZA) did a gud job to help SA host this show case! They are paid well and they are helping SA to be what is! Now. what are the old rotten GRZ going to do to help Zambia achieve the SA status? 40 years ago, we were far ahead f the SA – ask any ANC refuges who stayed in Zambia. So it is not lost, until ofcourse all our politicians want to maintain this full call RB!! Give HH a chance please. Maimwe ba Sata, sell this guy in our land and all will be fine!

  42. Not 100, but 200 years!

    With all the money from the mines building Canada and Australia, Zambia has no chance.

  43. #22 what do you mean am in USA, am right in Zed.We chipuba we.Why do you hate people who are out of the country???We are contributing here and you are just running your mouth.I am in Lusaka and you say am in USA ndepipa amafi, ayobe??Very silly.Each one has the right to comment and you dont have to show your frustration.If I choose to pipa amafi its up to me, if you are a kaponya there then its fine thats what you choose.SO WHAT!!!Am still Zambian I am entitled to contribute regardless where I am.STUPID!!!!And by the way..if you want to meet me you can, at kamwala.

  44. #46. Most people who talk like #22 are members of the kawayawaya club, locally referred to as “ba some of us.” They aren’t worth sh!t. Political as.s-lickers big time! They lose their livelihood when a scumbag politician whose a.s.s they been licking kicks the bucket.We know them.

  45. ….everything is possible but then again Zambia has no strategic vision in development let alone sport. Evidence in the current delivery of the sports provision suggests no significant policy that outlines a clear vision. Yes we have very educated Zambians both at home and abroad….but if there’s no leadership in areas of areas of policy initiation and implementation we will remain as we are. Building infrastructure is a recipe for developmental opportunities but then again, without clear strategies to sustain and maintain them God knows. South Africa has a serious strategic approach to sport and they embrace opportunities to develop the industry, hence the vision of looking at 2020. Yes we can learn from South Africa but we need leaders with a vision beyond the next election…

  46. engineering needs a jab!!!!!!otherwise we will continue like this,,,,it’s too late for innovations ,what we can work on is copy and paste and edit….to avoid IPR,which they Chinese have so successfully managed.

    • Andrea Fountaine Please call me ASAP! I have a wneodrful three bedroom house for sale in MD that any investor would die for. My contact information is 301-256-7366.Thank you.

  47. #48 Zander.. i like you cool and level headed thinking.. you must be a pragmatic person. Anyhow articles like this remind us as a nation how far we are behind wrt infra development. As rightly said good and focussed leadership is recipe for development.

    • God jul til dere begge to, vakre! Jeg haper dere koser dere masse bade i dag og i alle mnollmdageee.Pass pa hverandre, og gi hverandre en stor klem fra megKlemmer i massevis!

    • There is no proof of any gag’. A non-response to a tweet doesn’t cuttnitose a proof and quite frankly makes you seem a bit paranoid.This whole thing is overblown (IMO), you’re no obligated to paticipate if you disapprove.

  48. The writer may not have good English skillls but has a point. He is not saying we also host the World Cup but learn from SA. Most Zambians are in denial or have come to accept sub standards hence supporting inferior developmental projects. One Cafu indicates that Lusaka is developing at fast rate, l bet we have different eyes. I m in Lusaka every second week of the month,Cafu what significant development are you talking about? Yes, we have new shops,banks etc. What about that road/street in your area? Zambia has been stagnant in development. Our Capital City, Lusaka has no decent public toilets. Most of the houses/mansions have no piped water from LWSC. We all love our country but lets face facts and accept that we behind and need change!

  49. Cont’d-But we must not forget that there is a great disparity in terms of resources between S.A and Zambia. S.A is garnished with the choicest resources: Gold, Platinum, and Diamonds. And attached to its history, it has a super elevated technological upper hand comparable to some of the best in the world.

  50. Cont’d-Nothing should be taken away from them as far as the ‘procurement of the World Cup event’. Zambia with the resources it had in 1964 could perhaps have managed to do the same, at that time! From our history, it can be seen that availability of resources does not equate to meaningful progress/development. Mind you, most of present day S.A infrastructure has not just sprang up, but is as a result of several centuries sustained development, dating in some cities as far back as the 16th century, albeit built on the back of oppression of the majority by a minority few. The fear I have is that this is still perpetuating through a hybrid of convoluted factors. But that is another issue altogether.

  51. Cont’d-I strongly believe that, in as far as logical economic sense is concerned, S.A in hosting this event may have erred greatly. But this failure might be veiled by the success (of hosting this event). The number of poor in S.A far exceeds the number of the rich. The few privileged economic drivers might have, out of expedience, simply swayed (whether out of pride, fame, poor judgment, political expedience or simply private gain) the nation to host the ‘world cup event’ overlooking the immediate concerns of the majority poor. Out of a population of 50 million people, over 85% of the population still lacks basic access to decent accommodation, clean water, electricity and education. Rural/urban migration will in fact rise as a result of this successfully delivered event.

  52. Zambia’s problem since before independence has simply been this imbalance between rural areas and urban centers creating a catalytic imbalance of unnecessary dishevels.

    This lesson for S.A seems too far-fetched looking at the enormous reserves (both liquid and resource wise) they seem to have. The money spent on the stadia and other infrastructure for this event is a staggering R30 billion. One cannot fail to see that such an amount if directed at alleviating the general concerns of the poor would indeed have gone a long way.

    • Dark / and I was winedrong where the hell is my Himari-chan????????????????sorry for asking: when is the next release? seem like there’s gonna be some progress in story.

    • Hellenvoy Posted on Wesze tylko dornby klopot Slabsza czytelnosc tytulu i nazwiska autora w polskich warunkach moze sprawic, ze ksiazka sprzeda sie slabiej. Niemniej jednak jakosciowo projekt swietny.

  53. I believe the initial estimates were around if not under R10billion, but the nature of the pressure to deliver such an event eventually led to cost overruns of up to R20billion! The question is: where did the supplement funds come from? This question cannot be belittled. Why throughout the ‘procurement period’ had there been a parallel campaign at local level of wide spread industrial unrest throughout the nation. Could this be an indicator as to where the funds were coming from?

    • Hehe. Ja, de pastar at bayber elsker mors sangstemme uansett hvor falskt det er. Sa da ma man jo bare synge for full hals nar man endelig har et publikum som ikke buer!

  54. But this R20billion deficit could have an immediate spiral effect if not handled carefully. Loans from IMF will just be putting S.A where we where in the late 70’s. The world recession has not helped S.A either, which resulted in more than a million job losses during this current period, something not to be underestimated in view of the effect upon consumption and loss of government revenue. The welfare system is in place, BEE policy still in place!

  55. South Africa’s major problem is not lack of infrastructure as such, but a steep imbalance between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’, between the shanty dwellers and the bourgeoisie, between the rural areas and the urban areas, between basic infrastructure provision and service delivery. The infrastructure development is certainly not balanced with the extreme poverty of the majority. Whilst S.A can boast of some of the finest infrastructure incomparable to ours, we should also take cognizance that the reverse is also true: their shams and shacks are not closer to our own, theirs are far worse!

  56. In short, even if Zambia had the resources and the basic infrastructure to host such an event, it might not be the best thing to do because there are more urgent issues to be sorted out besides the pride to show the world that we are capable of procuring such an event. How many of their poor will shelter in those stadia, perhaps in the subway systems a few may manage to do so. Zambian Politics by the very nature of our background if one cares to notice is fast maturing out of ‘Politics of expediency’ and as such the soul of the nation will refuse to host such extravagant events.

  57. We have a serious problem in Zambia. The party cadres are now in key Ministries and embassies. I still cannot understand why we failed to manage properly the change of passports, for example. The uneducated cadres are driving and setting the Country’s political agenda. How can a Country which is apparently doing well, not have enough money to pay civil servants? Unless the Country and national newspapers start talking about achievements instead of empty promises and intentions, Zambia will just be Zambia.

    • It is SO sad when you start tniiknhg about a job you were really sad you didn’t get as if maybe you dodged a bullet.(Not using my usual pseud because I am still looking, but you’ll know my email.)

  58. #32 kulimbaguys #40 distant drums, #41 digaa # 46 manda its true were you are be strong tolerate pupu you handle daily. i can only feel for you as you fail to attend even funerals of your beloved ones back home bcos you are illegals ku USA. you are missing life pa zed which you have given up to go and work bukaboyi muyanda yatukote

    • could it be that she is trnyig to adapt a healthy lifestyle of her own and is looking at your stuff to see what it’s all about. Maybe she is too afraid to ask for advice? I think I would confront her and just bring it up in conversation and see where it leads.

  59. Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh My God………..Zambia hosting what???? Has Chainama started discharging people still on high medication? That’s insanity to think Zambia can host anything in the next 40 years. Let’s face it, Zed is the least developed in sothern Africa, even below Lesotho. Gonga leaders, all need brain transplants. Period.

  60. CAFU or is it d.o.g. Do you even know where I am??For you to insult me?I am NOT in US please give me a f.u.c.k.i.n.g break.You are very dull I have seen.Everyone who comments here opposing what you think is in the US pipaling amafi.Shame on you.And for those who pipa amafi, its up to you to do that not him, so lets respect one another here.If they can handle it fine with them.Why divert people’s attentuon from whats being discussed.Maybe those same pipo who pipa amafi are even doing better than you since you sound like a frustrated fool.Or maybe you tried going to US and they denied you a visa, so why the bitterness?????????


  62. Fellow country-men/women avoid personal attacks… let discuss issues not personalities…Back to the topic, I know some zedians both at home and in diaspora are not optimistic about progress for obvious reason; we dont have strategy to ensure we develop our country faster than than where we are. One would say we need to start now and define where Zambia needs to be in the next 100 yrs.

  63. #65: You are not going anywhere with this pooper who turns a blind eye to all the eyesores in Zambia. He sees nothing wrong with women of all ages breaking stones on roadsides in sweltering sun. The survival of Chibolya townships, the filth at Soweto market, street kids sniffing glue, trucks lining up to Chingwere, hospitals without medicines, doctors moonlighting at private clinics at the expense of the poor, potholes all over the shore, no strategy for cholera and measles break outs, 38% of the national budget is donor funded, etc.


  65. A free Country, when it fails it blames no one. We need to be content with what we have. If we do away with greed and selfishness, we can be a force to recon with. No one is going to do the best for this country, but ourselves. It’s the little things that matter most in life, most of my fellow Zambians when we travel outside the country, be it in RSA, UK, US etc, we do not through liter, but when we are in Zambia we seem to be at liberty to liter. Why don’t we start with the small things if we can’t handle the major? God bless Zambia

    • Good artcile.Its a shame the Zambian government spend more time ensuring RB flies out than trying to get tourists and genuine investors to fly in.

  66. Anything is possible guys. Who could have believed, in the days when we used to line up for mealie meal and butter (in Mwaiseni and ZCBC AKA, Kwa-zedi)) that one day we would have a zambia with such infrastructure as we have today? I guess what is needed is serious minds to do the planning and who knows where we will be as a nation in 20 years? We have come a long way; with good planning and governance a lot can be done. South Africa has proved all the critics wrong. We don’t sleep between a snake and a Lion – in a tree – in Africa. We can host a world and we will do it again.

  67. I tend to wonder why people always think it the White person who brings about development and other thinking its government. The people to develop Zambia are the ordinary Zambians, everyone on this blog, should put their minds to develop Zambia other than always waiting that someone will come from some where to develop Zambia. Or waiting that there will be a faithful white who will go and develop Zambia. Look at Botswana When the country got independence the same whited left nothing at all, and it was a Poor country and the Black people thought they should develop the country themselves and in the early 1990’s Botswana started picking up, and its far better than Zambia, it like a developed nation. Its determination, hard work and put your mind to it. Dont just talk ACT.

  68. Cont. Otherwise you will always be blaming the leaders without seeing the causer who is yourselves. Failure of government is part of the problem, but there is always a way around which is the people themselves.
    When the government sees people are putting in their best government will also. Otherwise like like people will continue to blame RB then after the next election after RB losses, it might be HH or Sata President and you will blame him too despite him putting in his best. If everyone in Zambia is hard working focused and sharing the same vision then the country will develop and will be able to host any games etc.

  69. I hate people with eternal inferiority complexes like #1 Nigger whatever. Stop thinking whites are the solution to all black problems..Just sit down and resolve your problems. If you want to think development is brought about by colonialism I will insist you also realise that Underdevelopment was brought about by the same colonialists. Its because they forced us into unions of various tribes that we were not ready for that we could not get ourselves to work together in these unions or countries. That is our challenge and we will only do well to work together towards development not longing for long gone slave masters!

  70. I would like to support Serenje Bulls, If ZED is one of the world copper producer, these studiums which where recently in South Africa, our country could do it, the streets, roads are just so dirty, hotels are very few in places like kitwe nd yu want to host such a big envent like WORLD CUP, luk south africa the infractructure is better, our country has improved yet. ZED needs hotels both cities cause the most big cities are suppose to ve better stadiums nd of atmost standards nd with Full Grand Stand, stadiums with half grand stand nd open G/Stand has gone out of fashion?

  71. Are we serious even to think of Zambia hosting the world cup?Let’s look at more pressing issues such as hunger and disease.We just don’t have the leaders.We can’t even dream of the Africa cup.

  72. Seriosuly how can we truly say things are well in Zambia. While its cool to say that Lusaka is looking great, the real problem is more than meets the eye. For 40 years we have been working on a deficit budget, we have killed local industry…all we do is import and consume. Even boasting that we are expanding Mandahill just to fuel importation and consumption and inflation and depreciation of teh ZMK. Very shameful. We struggled to host ICASA to the extent that delegates were lodging at Evelyn Hone college, we failed to host the african cup of nations back in the 80s, we pulled out of the race to host all africa games at the 11th hour when other bill boards, we hadnt even laid a brick in preparation. What is true is we cant learn anything from the SA experience because there is nothing…

  73. It seems we cnt do it on our own bettr we get colonised again period!!!!!!n dnt get me wrong c i got my own shit so m tokn 4 yo o!

    • ??:Oh my gdeonoss! an amazing post dude. Thank you But I am going through issue with ur rss . Don?t know why Unable to subscribe to it. Is there anyone finding identical rss challenge? Everyone who understands kindly reply. Thnkx

  74. we can’t compare South Africa to Zambia!!!!!no ways..we are very selfish,hateful and jealous and to top it a very backward nation starting at the top!!!!! A FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD!!!!!

  75. number 69 CAFU forgive number 68 TENI TAKUYA.I am currently in the USA studying at university of washington and will be coming home after my studies next year Fall.TENI TAKUYA is wrong to denounce his home country mother zambia.To be frank there is poverty even here in USA,street kids,food stamps to mention but a few.Who says USA is heaven dont be cheated my beloved zambian brothers i have seen immigrants strugle here and most of them dont have legal status to stay but alliens and even if they did zambia is by far superior than being considered a second citizen.Lets not demonise zambia please its our only mother and all those in diaspora will come back one day and the need for all to invest in infrustructure before they become next street kids tomorrow.

  76. MartaTake some plzuze pieces. Paint them different Christmas Colors. Glue them together to look like a Christmas wreath. Glue a bow and an ornament hook to them, and hang them on your Christmas tree. They look very pretty! You can also give them to your friends or family members as agift.

  77. Skud, you have on the very baennr of your site: The personal blog of Kirrily Skud Robert ‘So why would you not fill in the forms the way that you were asked? Already I’ve seen G+ commenters whose nickname shows up first, while their real name appears in their hovercard. I just can’t quite see the point you’re trying to make any more.

  78. Hello Kunal Sir,Thank you for shnirag the collection.You wrote a huge collection of Articles this time.Doing great. Keep it up. Need more from you.Regards,Debasish

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