Thursday, March 27, 2025

Chiluba is breaching the law- PACT


FLASHBACK: Dr Chiluba, holding a brown envelope with Bishop Peter Ndlovu outside BIGOCA Church in Lusaka.

The Patriotic Front (PF) and United Party for National Development (UPND) has charged that the second republican president Frederick Chiluba is breaching the law.

Pact co-spokesperson Given Lubinda said that the former president is breaching the law of the land by actively engaging in politics as former head of state.

Mr. Lubinda said that Mr. Chiluba is breaching the provision of the former president’s act which clearly states that former head of state will not engage in politics.

He said that Mr. Chiluba should not deny that he is engaging himself in politics when infact he is.

Mr. Lubinda has since stated that the movements that Dr. Chiluba is making in de-campaigning the PF/UPND pact will not have any bearing on the 2011 elections.

Mr. Lubinda said that Dr. Chiluba can go anywhere in the country, and his not a issue to the pact.

He was speaking last evening on Monday night live on qfm radio. But recently, Second republican Dr. Chiluba has denied that he is campaigning for republican president Rupiah Banda.

Speaking through his spokesperson Emmanuel Mwamba, Dr. Ciluba said that he is merely practicing his democratic right.

Meanwhile, The MMD in Kalulushi has appealed to some opposition political parties in the country to stop insulting former president Fredrick Chiluba whenever he goes to Copperbelt Province because his visits are non political.

ZANIS Kalulushi reports that Kalulushi MMD Vice Constituency Chairman Amon Kafwali said opposition political parties should leave former president alone as he was free to travel to any place of his choice.

Councilor Kafwali told ZANIS Kalulushi in an interview today that Dr. Chiluba was an MMD man and would always be in the ruling party.

He said some opposition party members who talk bad about the former president should not take his movements political whenever he was on the Copperbelt because he has relatives there whom he would like to visit.

“Can seeing his relatives be a problem or can elections stop him from coming to the Copperbelt?.” Kafwali asked

He urged some opposition party members to respect the former head of state.



  1. I can`t agree more.The guy should just retire to his fatima farm and concentrate on farming.He is supposed to play the role of a peace maker and not a peace breaker.

  2. what does the law say about ‘active politics’? i have a feeling that tsome sections of the zambian political scene just get excited about seeing chiluba in public.

  3. he never bleached the law when he supported your chisilu president, heh, Given?

  4. Ba LT why the emphasis on ‘Dr Chiluba, holding a brown envelope with Bishop Peter Ndlovu ‘ .The man is simply returning his tithes in the envelope to the man of God.

  5. # 1 Mo taim.Chiluba has no farm anywhere,thats Regina’s farm.
    The Pact should just use the Mapatizya formula on the midget.

  6. (1)-What new thing is FJT doing today which he didn’t do in the formation and election run of PF in 2006????

    (2)-What constitution clause is FJT breaking? Cite, copy, and paste it here or refer the readership to it.

    (3)-If he has broken the same constitution clause you are failing to cite, why don’t you take him to court or move a motion against him in the August House?

    Can a PF Kaponyas here detail us on these threads?

  7. Chiluba, pick on an epidemic to fight for the benefit of humanity, like regulation of drug abuse. Go around the world and fight this scourge. You will come back home a hero.

  8. Mr Former President, honestly start fighting drug abuse in Africa and Zambia in particular. You will certainly come back home a hero.

  9. In law adjudicators deal with substantiatable facts not heasy, emotions and Kachasu tarven gossip synonymous with this embattled Pact shell profusely bleeding inside out. Cite the law being broken and how its being broken. Vest your time in redeeming this so-called pact publicly gasping with craters on every front.You cannot afford wasting time on FJT a none political player on the 2011 ballot. Meet expections of your delusioned cadres like Afraid Membe, Kabanda, Fractured Bwalya, Giftless Rasheed Lubinda, Actress Sejani and trolls here.Deflation from the challenges at hand will not do you any good when the pact is bleeding in ICU.

  10. Precedence is everything in law. While KK was active office holder in UNIP as party President, FJT is neither holding nor aspiring for any. If free speech has become a constitutional breach, then FJT was in a breach in his PF support in 2006 and Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, George Bush senior in the USA are all in breach every day. Take him to court. May that is the constitution of your country Afghanstan Mr. Giftless Rasheed Lubinda. Please read our constitution not yapping based on your country where after learning from those Madrassas.

  11. Chiwamira galu kuluma mbuzi – osati mbuzi ilume galu! Ignoring Chiluba may just be the panacae for the pack – if he is not a factor why factor him into the legal jargon?

  12. #2 The law is clear. Active politics means running for political office, e.g standing for an MP or Presidence. FTJ is not doing any of that. KK has campaigned for UNIP before, here in SA Mandela campaigned for Zuma, in fact Chiluba campaigned for PF in 2006 Elections, so we really don’t know why these cadres are rattled. And as Lubimda puts it, if Chiluba is not really an issue , why make the noise about his movements. Are you not contradicting yourselves. Anyway it is to be expected of a confused PACT without a leader. Lubinda, don’t make noise about him breaking the law. For goodness sake you are a Lawyer. I hope you did not get your degree from Matero University.. and your eyes and mind, learning ended with your graduation.

  13. “For goodness sake you are a Lawyer. I hope you did not get your degree from Matero University” end quote

    # 15 MMD Chief,

    No no nooooooo Gifless Rasheed Lubinda has never been a law student anywhere in the world to be a lawyer. He has never gone beyond his NRDC verterinary Certificate education. Yes he may have read the Shariah law whilst in his country’s Madrasa endoctrination classes but never vested his extremism on studying law to be a lawyer. Did follow his extremist calls yesterday calling on PF Kaponyas to murder FJT in Ndola for his right of speech?

    He is just an extremist who suffers mouth diarhea in our civiil society.

  14. I don’t even know why we have to discuss this common thief every other day.

    Kafupi is a thief and only those who are equally infected with this pathology will listen to him. He’s a waste of space.

  15. Sure,that is besides the point.. Na Ba Pola Bushe?? What has happened to the ill health that we heard about. If this man collapsed in Luanshya(God Forbid) It will be yours and my taxes, Air Ambulances to take him to South Africa. While others go to die UTH Casualty wing while waiting for a Doctor, who by the way is working in South Africa bcoz FTJ initiated policies when he was busy trying to stay president of this Country. Campaigning is okay anybody can do that.But the law about active politics and such is so “grey’ it can be manipulated. If President Chiluba goes to Kitwe or whereever, he will have a security detail provided by the state on Tax payers Money. Mandela campaigned for Zuma only once during a campaign circle. what Can FTJ say or do that he couldnt when he was in Power??

  16. SC you are right.May be it is Winter Kabimba who is a lawyer. No Lubinda. Here is the Full Bio of Bo Lubinda from Parliament

    Educational Qualifications: Form V, Diploma in Agricultural Business, Certificate in Strategic Planning, Certificate in Natural Resources
    Sessional Committee membership: Committee on Economic Affairs and Labour (Chairperson)
    Profession: Agriculturist/Consultant

  17. this thief should just be killed..why did he do that to KK when he was ruling..and why shud the stinking mmmd defend such a dwarf thief..?

  18. # SENIOR CITIZEN 10, 12 AND 13… Before you called yourself senior citizen what was in your mind? , the seniority should be seen in how you are growing mentaly not in how big is your body, honestly how can you make such senseless statements publicly, please i wont critisis you but rivisit your thought,,,if
    you are a politician then i would advice you to attend a three day course on LOGIC…becouse in zambian
    politics LOGIC is missing too much…when someone makes a mistake tell him dont look at the chitenge material gave your grandmom in the village…how older are you? mr sinior citizen ,,,do you have children? anyway better leaving zambia like this than having senseless leaders like you….please think twice before you make any comment here. am not blemming you but just dissapoint..

  19. There is nothing that PF can say which they are not guilty of. Corruption, bribery, adultery, fornication, thieving MPs, lies, thuggery, you name all the vices. How can Given stand on a moral anthill when his party is the very anti thesis of all that is morally good in the country?

  20. Imwe a chinya SH*Tzen , do us a favor, take an infinity vacation. Yr freak`n farts on the blog are too stinky. We`r tired of holding our noses every time you blog. U r taking too much garbage from “THE HOUR”. Hence Garbage in garbage out. Take a leaf from boot liquor who has toned down just a little bit.

  21. # 22 Given Lubinda,

    You are spot on! This is why fools like # 21 typical of all PF ng’wang’wazi disgracefully fail to par this Senior Citizen and his spins. He comes up with facts and scenarios that leave them brainless but insults. I have no doubt to believe this guy is a seasoned Kamucheka who knows the intellectual deficiencies in the PF camp.

    Look at this challenge: “Precedence is everything in law. While KK was active office holder in UNIP as party President, FJT is neither holding nor aspiring for any. If free speech has become a constitutional breach, then FJT was in a breach in his PF support in 2006” Quote SC

  22. In challenge he writes:

    (1)-What new thing is FJT doing today which he didn’t do in the formation and election run of PF in 2006????

    (2)-What constitution clause is FJT breaking? Cite, copy, and paste it here or refer the readership to it.

    (3)-If he has broken the same constitution clause you are failing to cite, why don’t you take him to court or move a motion against him in the August House?

    Can a PF Kaponyas here detail us on these threads?

  23. You PF Kaponyas scared of patriotic Zambians here tenaciously debunking those scumbags in the bleeding pact you call leaders, why don’t you start your own PF kaponya blogs where no patriot will blog? LT is not an initiative of and for your kaponyalism but Zambian patriotism by patriotic Zambians.You come here to insult LT for the chosen newsfeeds from ZANIS and other credible source engines, you come here to insult patriotic bloggers and just because you are being tolerated you think you are relevant? Start your own blog and stop wasting your time on things you are as irrelevant as you are.

  24. Dear PF Kaponyas:

    The so-called leaderless pact is profusely bleeding inside out in its ICU yet you are here busy trolling in insult instead of putting up an intelligent damage control. Haven’t you realised that insults and overboard insults have no dividends in politics? Sata and Ichilema have been playing with their menu of insults and lies against MMD since their third time ballot rejection in 2008. Have they realised anything out of those vices? Have lies and insults made the so-called pact any stronger? With all insulting skills and rehearsals perfected in, why today the so-called pact is nothing but a political shell in its death chamber. It merely exist on the miserable mouth of losers.

  25. chiluba has not broken any law. if he had levy would have hang him up by his b…. the time he was campaigning for PF and PUDD. In fact MMD behaved very well at that time and never stopped him moving around zambia even though he was facing courts

  26. More patriots speak out:

    “THE Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has said problems in the Patriotic Front and United Party for National Development Pact shows lack of maturity among some political leaders in the country”.

    He said what was happening in the PF-UPND Pact showed that political leaders had not reached political maturity to make decisions.

    The ZCTU vice-president said the development showed signs of political leaders pursuing personal agendas at the expense of national interest which was paramount in politics.

  27. Meanwhile, a survey conducted by the National Initiative for Citizen Awareness on the Copperbelt, Lusaka and Southern provinces to determine whether the opposition political parties were strong to provide adequate checks and balances, has revealed the pact has lost popularity.

  28. He said the random survey revealed that people had lost confidence and interest in the PF because of various factors which included alleged lack of direction as exhibited by the on-going confusion in the pact.

    Mr Sampa said the people interviewed alleged that the PF had no vision for the nation as seen from the attitude some leaders in the opposition had exhibited by the wrangles that had rocked the pact.

    He said the people claimed that opposition political parties had self-motive and they were no longer interested in vesting trust in the wrong hands.

  29. We implore patriotic Zambians to mourn with the so-called pact in their season of mourning and rejoice with those whom God has blessed with leadership to keep ruling our democratic country of Zambia with wisdom, compassion, discipline and humility. We pray for the leadership of our country.

  30. V.E.R.N.O.N M.W.A.A.N.G.A. (Senior Citizen),Drug Baron,Marriage failure what sense can come out of your filth rotten mouth..When MMD loses,no more ARV’s for you..

  31. Senior citizen
    u simply dont make sense.i have stopped reading ur comments,they are just 4 chiluba,hes a non factor.he can campaign the whole zambia n he wont even manage 2 fool even a single kid.

  32. This is a very simple issue. Did Chiluba in 2006 campaign for PF or not? Did Sata not say he would drop all charges against Chiluba or not? Did Sata campaign for Chiluba’s third-term or not? If the answer to the above three questions is ‘yes’, then PF and all your kaponya supporters should shut the f**k up. Next!

  33. Mr senior citizen have read your comments with close attention, while the may be substance in your views am afraid on the other end you may luck cohesiveness in the end reasoning. youv written about patrionism of which i agree there a lot of patriotic zmbians but before we go into detail whats the defintoin? what does patrionism intend to capture? is it by you shilding a man who stole a handful of money from the public in turn displacing a number of zambians including

  34. myself to other countries for work after he ruined the economy and yet today he goes on shamelss indulging himself on the shortcomings of the pact freely speaking in all the regions of the country and has senior as you are am despointed you had to compare such a menace to nelson mandela. a defination of madiba is integrity, love, humanity and self respect which your chiluba surely lucks. dont mistake me for pf/pact member am not i know thev got their short comings but i would advise you be more ptriotic just like you clamied to and if you relly senior pave some diginified way for some young bloggers.

  35. # 38-39 ba kamba,

    In the first place kindly write in any of the main Zambian vernaculars or Spanish language if you can because i can hardly get anything from your incoherent english.

    I will surely answer you if i understand what you are struggling to communicate to me.


  36. “Kagame say Diaspora are National excrements”

    The statement below is by Rwandan President General Paul Kagame made publicly today at the Rwandese Parliamentary buildings. It has shocked me and alarmed every peace activist around the world. How can a leader of a bleeding country desperate for healing outer such words when the same words triggered genocide. What is fascinating is the fact that Kagame himself grew up in Uganda as a Kinyarwanda refuge where he served Muzeveni’s rebel movement as a US base trained IO and military officer. He has since fallen out of favor with M7 leaving him a fierce arch enemy of his mentor in proxy wars. This is the most reckless and provocative if not explosive statement ever head from a leader of a volatile nation where ethnicity is a big issue.

  37. This could be a classic case of a progressive leader losing it because of overstaying in power. After a 10 year rule though without term limit, Kagame should have passed over the mantle of power instead of pulling his legacy in such vicious crusades. His party should have allowed dynamism of leadership through a democratic window of internal change. In the USA I recall attending college with some very smart Kinyarwandas in different Graduate school disciplines. No doubt Rwanda has enough leadership materials at home and overseas to take over from Kagame and buttress the peace process.

  38. Kagame: “Rwandan exiled officials are like excreted human waste”

    In a speech Tuesday afternoon at the Parliamentary buildings, President Paul Kagame took a few minutes to talk in perplexing terms about those officials who flee the country.

    He was swearing in: General James Kabarebe, former chief of defence staff who has been appointed to be new defence minister, Lieutenant General Charles Kayonga, former Army chief of staff who has been promoted to be chief of defence staff, Lieutenant General Ceaser Kayizari who is the new army chief of staff, and Lieutenant General Charles Muhire, former commander of Rwanda air force who has been appointed to be commander of the reserve forces.

    In the strongest comments so far on officials who have been fleeing the country, the President…

  39. In the strongest comments so far on officials who have been fleeing the country, the President compared them to human waste which the body expels because it does not need it.

    “Those fleeing are like [the waste] being excreted,” he said amid applause, before he had even completed the idea he was advancing. “It means the country has sieved.”

    He added: “Those who do good for the country [as well as] understanding the role they have, the country owns them…they live in it. But for the waste, the country throws them out. These are things that are automatic. If that is how it’s supposed to be, so be it.”

  40. President Kagame did not make any specific attacks at any individuals but it was clear he was firing at ex-army chiefs Lt. Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa, Col. Patrick Karegeya – exiled in South Africa, and other officials like previous ministers or ambassadors.

    While winding up his 20-minute diatribe, pounding the podium and not reading a prepared speech, President Kagame reminded that whoever tries to “provoke the country into war” should be prepared to face the repercussions.

  41. I pray President Paul Kagame can reflect and withdraw this provocative unstateman statement. It is regretable that he had to politic below the belt. We can only condemn and keep praying for peace of mother Africa.

  42. #2 F.E.I.R.A- The law was enacted by Chiluba himself just to silence KK. This was when the MMD were becoming unpopular due to the policies which had affected people adversely.

  43. Chiluba is a comedian, without a Govt., pool of advisers Retired African Leaders make a mockary of themselves. KK did it once, when he started jumping up and down that ” Ndine wampamvu” FTJ is doing it now to champion to correct things he destroyed. Well it’s a circus only that it’s getting irritating and boring.

  44. Lubinda… forget about Chiluba…and concentrate on the PACT…. if PF or the PACT is such a force why worry about FTJ. In any case is FTJ not even allowed to move out of his house? I don’t support FTJ but PF could be barking the wrong tree. Sort out the PACT and take the fight to RB.

  45. #51 Deja Vu

    “what does the law say about ‘active politics’? i have a feeling that some sections of the zambian political scene just get excited about seeing chiluba in public”

  46. hahahahahahaha……Given ”know it all” Lubinda must be missing a screw or two. Does the PF have a different constitution from the rest of right thinking Zambians?
    The little thief openely participated in anti MMD politics under the PF banner,and they saw nothing wrong with that….so now that he has dribbled them, they start crying foul!!…Grow up.

  47. #54 F.E.I.R.A- A former is not allowed toparticipate in active politics. What Chiluba is doing is contrary to the law because he is going in public campainining for and decampaining politicians. KK keeps his preferences to himself. Chiluba is being partisan and therefore endangering his future. Because if a new government comes in they may withhold his benefits like he did to KK.

  48. #39 I have failed to understand what you telling senior citizen. Have you failed to get sense out of his writtings. Im sure you can ask him to write in your mother tongue as you appear to ve problems with the queens’ language. why dont you challenge him on the points he has mentioned. I take it you are a kaponya semi illiterate like other members of PF good for nothing but insults shamuchibemba

  49. That Gentleman who wanyed which Political Party is in charge of NCHELENGE DISTRICT COUNCIL. Nchelenge together with Mansa, Chiengi and Mambilima are areas in Luapula Province where PF are not in control- MP BY Mwila Party NRP, Musosha Party MMD MP Katele Party MMD and Chinyanta(father former Head Teacher Mulundu Basic) Party MMD currently D/M Northern Province. So that True Blue must apologise for peddling lies on the site

  50. That Gentleman who wanted to know which Political Party is in charge of NCHELENGE DISTRICT COUNCIL. Nchelenge together with Mansa, Chiengi and Mambilima are areas in Luapula Province where PF are not in control- MP BY Mwila Party NRP, MP Musosha Party MMD MP Katele Party MMD andMP Chinyanta(father former Head Teacher Mulundu Basic) Party MMD currently D/M Northern Province. So that True Blue must apologise for peddling lies on the site

  51. It will be a shame if HH sells himself to the most corrupt government we have ever had. If HH wants to be president using MMD, he had think again. I have no other words. And why involve OP. This explains why there have been this confusion in the PACT. It proves that those two Councillors contestants were sponsored by MMD/OP. PF knows they stand no chance of winning an election Kwa Bulozi and there fore cannot allow any one to challenge the UPND there. It is a set up gentlemen. FTJ at work.

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