Tuesday, October 8, 2024

MMD will rule beyond 2030 – VEEP


Vice president George Kunda

Vice President George Kunda says the opposition has no capacity to determine the destiny of the country.

And Mr. Kunda has declared that the ruling MMD government would continue ruling the country beyond 2030.

The Vice President said it is unfortunate that the opposition political parties have continued criticizing government and thereby cause confusion in the country as opposed to helping finding solutions to the many challenges facing the country.

Mr. Kunda attributed the situation to the non availability of convincing manifestos in the opposition parties.

He said unlike the opposition , the MMD is the only party which can practically discuss development because most of its works are there for all to see.

The Vice President was speaking at MOMBO Basic School when drumming up support for the MMD candidate Mwangala Maopo in the August 5th,2010 Luena Constituency bye-elections.

[pullquote]“ We also have Vision 2030 and we are determined to implement it and achieve the goals we have set for ourselves because we can see where we want this country to be,” he said.[/pullquote]

Mr. Kunda said currently government was working on a number of projects in Western Province including the construction of High Schools in Mwandi, Mwayukwayukwa, Nangweshi , Sikongo, Libonda and Nakanya Girls Technical High School.

“ All these projects are being undertaken because we are serious when we talk about development and this is not only going on here but in other parts of the country ,” MR Kunda said.

The Vice President said the government was not just finalizing the implementation of the fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) and was now working on the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) with a view of evenly taking development to all parts of the country.

He said this situation does not only happen in Zambia but that all governments the world over have development agendas for their countries.

“ We also have Vision 2030 and we are determined to implement it and achieve the goals we have set for ourselves because we can see where we want this country to be,” he said.

And the Vice President has declared that the MMD would continue to rule the country beyond 2030 whether or not the opposition likes it.

He said this is because the people of Zambia have confidence and trust in various development plans contained in the ruling party’s manifesto and other national development documents.

Mr. Kunda said the MMD was the only party in the country that has proved to be serious and competent in handling the i8ssues that concern the welfare of the people.

“ We can boast here that we are in control of the affairs of the nation including the budget.

“ We are also serious to talk about issues of sectors such as mining , agriculture and now we are also exploring for oil in North Western Province , “ the Vice President said.

Meanwhile, the VICE President has directed the ministry of education to immediately start planning for another high school in Luena constituency. The area has currently one high school called Limulunga Day High School.

Mr Kunda says it is important in ensuring that the project is budgeted for in the 2011 national budget.

He also directed Mr. Maopo to immediately follow up the projected once elected as new area MP.

The Vice President and his entourage has since retained to Lusaka.



  1. 1 that is irrelevant, even you may be dead by that time. The issue is that MMD has no shortage of leaders both young and old, they just pick the most suitable at a given time from the rich reservoir. Who expected HERB to become president? Veep is being modest, at the rate the opposition UPND and PF are going we may even see MMD beyond 2030.

  2. I agree with # 2, the opposition have just selfish and hell bent to just serve their stomachs. We might as well be ruled by MMD mad Dogs than have PF MPs who are busy trying to steal from Government even when they are in opposition. What more when they come to power. And Non of the top leadership of PF has condemned or fired Mushili , which just goes to show that they condone his behaviour. I just can’t seperate UPND from the tribal tag. And doubt if they will ever rule Zambia.

  3. These words dont come from some one with democratic tendencies. God the arrongance of these people is beyond belief, how do you take Zambians for granted like this?
    All you needed to say is its our intention and hope that we can be in power for as long as the Zambian people still elect us. No mature democracies will come up with this kind of statement and this comes from a lawyer and VP. God have mercy on this country you blessed with natural resources but som how has been hijacked by greed, evil self centredness and arrogance.

  4. #4 This has nothing to do with taking Zambians for granted but the fact. Infact at the pace the Opposition parties are operating, lack of vision, full of confusion etc, indeed MMD will rule far beyond 2030 most likely till Jesus Christ comes

  5. *5. Agree with you as in a lot of cases elections are lost rather than won, they need to get theeir acts together.

  6. # 4 well said, unforyunately, some bloggers we see on this blog have a tendence of just posting comments without thinking through, so one wonders what kind of popultation our nation has, if such come in to coridoes of power,the result is the imature,undemocratic statements such as the VP is issuing, such a shame. some come on the blog to find vulnarable people to attack. what a shame.

  7. Please Veep dont skip any ARV’s so that you take over in 2030 hehehehehehehehe.hahahahaha.Are you God to say what will happen in 2030.Anyway why am i even bothering with you,you are the greatest hallucinator who ever lived..

  8. I DONT REALLY AGREE with some of you blogars who seem to agree with Kunda statement basing your position on what was happening in the opposition. People should no that no man had the power to determine or predict the future unless God himself uses him. Or has God used Kunda???? Nobody knows.

    In any case people should know that pride usually comes when one is about to fall. God knows everything that happens before it happens and if a man will pompously say something without saying “God Willing” then that person is a fool for he knows not what might happen to him the next day or year.

  9. MMD is now getting cocky.

    If only the pact held strong. But no, UPND had to go sell out, go to bed with the enemy. Its a shame HH has failed us this way.

  10. Zambians ??’????”’??????????????????????????’ look that man is there becourse there are by-elections and busy giving support,,fellow zambians try to be logical.

  11. ~Wishful thinking RED Lips. Every time you feel better you come out and talk rubbish; I hope you will get there.

  12. This is all because of the selfishness of HH. The guy lacks experience and boasts of being young as if those old were born like that. Even him was not born so called young or old now I dont know what to say because he is just being sillyy. The pact could have easily booted out MMD in the next elections. Anyway lets not lose hope because PF can do it single handed! The PF can take on MMD/ UPND pact with ease. The mandate the MMD are celebrating today about next term and the later years will seriously ruin and murder this country. Sorry I may not be there to witness it. Lets just continue being economic refugees where ever you are guys and well in advance. Free advice!

  13. That’s what happens when sickness goes up to your head…Chainama cases are plenty, we need to have a mini chainama in independence road.

  14. you pipo who are laughing at VP and his imagined illness you may find that you die earlier than him. Have you examined him to conclude he has HIV. have you done tests yourselves. do screw live or get screwed live. as long as you are exposed then you have it as well

  15. #1 – It is not a question of living by that time, but continuation of good leadership by whoever will be ruling MMD by 2030.

  16. KK and UNIP had the same notion. Only difference is now we have subtracted A in KAUNDA to make it KUNDA. 2011 is far off, who knows Milupi or another person may become more popular than SATA

  17. The problem is that we have politics of poverty in Zambia. All these people supporting MMD just want to eat and that is all. Soon after the elections, those brown envelopes will disappear and they will be back to square one. Why can’t people see things the way they are and that Zambian politicians are a very selfish lot? Do you need to be a Minister to help? Why can’t they facilitate civil servants to perform their roles effectively? Do you need a president to commission a Milling plant? I thought most of us are exposed, do we see these practices in some developed Countries?

  18. I’m not surprised that we have *****s with imaginations such as numbers 1 and 2 above supporting George’s illusions. What leadership can you talk about in the MMD? And if indeed it’s there, why do they rig elections? The most comforting thing is that neither those two *****s nor the red-liped snake will be there that time. God has a time for everything, and the time for *****s is now. Let them dream on and think that we are foolish. Wina azalila mu 2011!

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