Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Rupiah blames Police for Veep’s blocking


President Rupiah Banda receives a bouquet from young Memory Lilumba

President Rupiah Banda has condemned the violence perpetrated by suspected PF cadres that blocked Vice-President George Kunda’s motorcade after he addressed a campaign rally in Chifubu Township in Ndola yesterday.

Mr. Banda said it was incumbent upon every Zambian to respect the Vice President regardless of which political party he represents.

The President blamed police officers in Ndola for allowing members of two political parties in Ndola to meet in the manner they did.

He said this when he addressed journalists at Livingstone International Airport,shortly before departure for Ndola to campaign for the MMD candidate in the Chifubu parliamentary by-election, Frank Ng’ambi.

Mr. Banda charged that police were careless for allowing MMD and PF members to meet resulting in PF cadres who were in the company of their party president Michael Sata, disobeying traffic police orders to stop to give way to the Vice-president’s motorcade which was heading to Ndola International airport.

According to media reports, female police officer who tried to block the PF convoy was almost hit by the vehicles.

Meanwhile, President Banda has called on Zambians to pray for him in his endeavors to lead the country.

Mr. Banda said leadership came from God as and that no one could be elected to lead without God’s involvement.

He said there was no need for opposition political party leaders to fight over the national presidency since Zambia is a democratic nation characterized by peace, without any room for hatred and strife.

President Rupiah Banda was in Livingstone for a two-day official visit during which he graced the Bene Mukuni traditional ceremony of the Toka leya people of Kazungula district.



  1. This is honestly very sad, does this man ever stay in that state house or does he ever have time to preside over cabinet meetings to know how his ministries are tackling woes that bedevil this nation? Even that jet of his, does it ever have time to be serviced?

  2. I wonder who is more important a president of the most popular opposition party or the republican vice president. The constitution or is it the law seem to be silent about such issues so no one was wrong it just happened. It is also wrong to block highly charged cadres otherwise you can just attract real attention from them. So the police should also have common sense and read the mood of the cadres – they don’t take the answer NO unless its a no in their favour. This man should have been missing flying!

  3. Well, all the fool does is ill talk the opposition, threaten them in parliament and waste our money with his incurable sickness medication in South Africa and now his boss wants us to give him the right of way on roads whose maintenance is paid for by us, no ways. Besides, these chaps are always on the road and in the air, if we were to give way every time, is this not stationery we are taliking about here? Well, they should cut down on trips, ba mambala!

  4. As VEEP was in Chifubu on a campaigning mission, there is not need to treat him as veep cos that trip was not official duty… His party should meet travel expenses plus security. No hinding into veep umbrella when not performing official duties.. You get treated equal like ordinary citizen or trading insults with other party cadres is justified.

    I strongly disagree on republican president to campaign for any party.. He must be like a refere contronlling his players (MPs + ministers) from all parties as they are working helping him run the gvt. How can you govern when favouring one party??? What does gvt compress of?? Nothing will come out as long as a republican president continue being involved in political party’s culture of insulting each other.

  5. Bachimbwi no plan! What is this kind of dressing all about? Tizaona how they will shine in those shirts and hats on Friday after losing both seats. Where’s kabonde? What happened to Liato’s gun totting who was wielding gun last month? MMD= MalabishiMalabishDoti, PF=Patriotic Front, UPND=United Party for National Development. So which parties are for the interests of patriotism and developing Zambia ehh?

  6. The police, just like most other civil servants are so feed up with this MMD government. Please listen to Mpombo in your own party and fix your loop holes. You are banking on FTJ and chief wip to steal the votes. I think this time, people know that they want change!! You can only steal in Eastern province. If i was RB, this is the time to make positive changes, otherwise you will be stripped off immunity and go to the courts at your young age! Listen and act now!! Fire all who tell you what you want to hear! The hour for change has come and if you do not change, forget it!!

  7. The truth is that when they travel to a party meeting they (MMD) will be met head-on as simply another party eg UNIP, BWMwila Party etc. If he (Veep) decides to come to a PF meeting as Veep, we will accept him as long as he doesn’t talk about MMD. It’s simply like the little man (FTJ) when he goes campaigning- we will boo him, but when he goes to church to pray, who are we not to allow him to ask God for forgiveness!

  8. I agree with No. 7, he went there to campaign and not on govt duties, so he should be treated like any other ordinary citizen. People its time to wake up, let this govet know that its time to go. No rigging!! yes even the police are tired of the MMD. There is time for every thing, MMD its your time to Go!!!!

  9. Why have both the Republican president and his deputy go campaigning for parliamentary candidates? This is a misuse of public resources … I rest my case.

  10. Double standards from Bwezani why blame the police now when he failed to blame the police for their poor performance during the violence in Mufwumbwe? Rupiah should know that police or no police you cant surpress the wishes of the masses. People will ALWAYS remain powerful!!

  11. Yes police were wrong but that goes to show you what happens when you have an incompetent and corrupt command. Displine to duty should be above party lines.

  12. you would expect worse things ifi ba kaponya went to state house. lawlessness anarchy and zambia like uganda under idi amin. indians and zambians of light skin mwanya

  13. As much as we do not want MMD anymore but blocking the Veep’s motorcade is TOTALLY WRONG believe you me bloggers one of us will be VEEP one day, then how are going to feel and take it this thing you are supporting.

  14. The Vip decided to hav another campn same day as Sata coz his campn was full of kids only in kaniki. the cops wer not ready to guard PF & Vip same. Like RB has said the police ar to blame not PF. The roads in ndola ar all single lanez the man got wat he askd for. PF rally in chifubu MMD rally in kawama, its the same route from hospital till chifubu. it was foolish and still foolish of any1 to think u ar rite on this matter that MMD had a rite of way

  15. Peace maker, if kunda was part of a working government he would not be treated with contempt. Should you become vice president work for the people and you will earn their respect.

  16. #18 Peace maker. If you worship a veep, not all the people are like you. Why should some one be a demigod? He had his lane to use and so he stopped off road. Moreover he was not on National duties but a MMD carders duty. Please read what others have said you may get a little beat of education. To be a Veep is to be on National duty. Do you mean George is a Veep to his wife at home? He is only a Veep on duty and this time he was not on duty but on on campaign trail.

  17. Haha he is asking us “to pray for him in his endeavors to lead the country” and “leadership comes from God”. Surely the sign of a losing horse

  18. ‘ And an opinion poll conducted by a non-governmental organization Leadership in Development has suggested that Mr Ng’ambi would win tomorrow’s by-election by more than 60 per cent of the votes cast, followed by Patriotic Front’s Susan Kawandami with 38 per cent and the remaining two per cent was expected to be shared by UNIP and Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) candidates.
    quote from ‘ Times of Zambia’

    We shall see which newspaper is accurate on friday…..

  19. Zingilila uku tikumane

    So are saying His exc MC Sata or HH if they come into power next 2011 we should not give way whenever they go for by election because to you they not on duty and please tone down we are zambians ,yes we may not like GK and RB but are we setting a path?

  20. RB welldone. You have exonarated me. I was condemned by bloggers for saying it was the Police not PF to blame, well heads have started rolling within the copperbelt police command. The POLICE are PF, they know the deep suffering they go through.Up to today, they are not paid. Hence they made it a point to have the PF and Sick George to collide head on along the road. Thats why the left female police officersa few of them to mann the road The Police planned it that way to allow the PF entourage to push off the road the VP as a protest. The Police used PF without PF knowing. Well done the POLICE.

  21. The fact of the matter is, Sata is much more popular country-wide than the nonentity Kunda. Kunda’s motorcade was not blocked as such but he was totally eclipsed and overwhelmed by Sata’s multitudes.

  22. #18 Peace maker, I can see from the Flag that you are not in Zambia – I hope so. In civilised societies, prime ministers are pelted with tomatoes by angry farmers. In other lesser societies Presidents have been missed by a shoe thrown at them. That is art, a form of protest, even enshrined in some cultures. So what are you telling us. When you are busy offending people in their stronghold what do you expect?

    MMD in Ndola should work hard and open closed companies (in Ndola) and not plan to shut down Indeni, when these are done then you will be welcomed as a hero, period. Chiluba used to stay in Ndola lets see what his campaign trail has achieved.

  23. I hate those vima shirts chi RB likes wearing. And those tuma henchmen next to him wearing the same cheap material need good tailors or maybe they are just hungry coz the other one can hardly stand.

  24. :):):):):):)Was George Kunda on state mission in Chifubu or on political campaign for Frank N’gambi? If the later was his mission then he was not to enjoy VP status in fairness to Susan Katongo Kawandami, period. :d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d

  25. Don`t mess with Ndola boss tulapona.Will be waiting for your motorcade aswell.We know you have instructed kobonde to bring all the units to Ndola.

  26. # 30 “I The Jury” I can’t agree with you more. The current constitution permits the Veep to perform parties duties using government resources, check it up. I am so disappointed, it’s like we have gone back to the ‘vigilante’ days. Yangu ichalo ubusuma tukashila ba kabolala! Even the seemingly enlightened people appear to be taken up and have taken leave of their senses. God help us. God bless mother Zambia.

  27. On “The President blamed police officers in Ndola for allowing members of two political parties in Ndola to meet in the manner they did… Mr. [Zambian President Rupiah] Banda charged that police were careless for allowing MMD and PF members to meet resulting in PF cadres who were in the company of their party president Michael Sata, disobeying traffic police orders to stop to give way to the Vice-president’s motorcade which was heading to Ndola International airport” it is not right to blame the Zambia Police but to put all the blame on Mr PF/two-university-degrees holding-claimant MC Sata for his anarchy behaviour. Mr MC Sata should have shown respect to the Office of the Zambian Vice President by telling his drivers to follow Police orders.

    This is an eye-opener to HH.

  28. This is the result of having a minority Vice President, you see Your Excellency we suggested for a running mate in the previous Constitution review, this was not going to happen. Can you give us a Constitution which will be respected even in 2060. We are no longer in the stone age but in a computer age.

  29. 35 continued

    It is a serious eye-opener to the UPND Team in the PF-UPND PACT so that they carefully negotiate their things very well especially the position of 2011 PF-UPND PACT presidential candidate since PF leaders and cadres have no respect for the Office of Zambian Vice-President.

    Thus, I support the “Mr. Banda said it was incumbent upon every Zambian to respect the Vice President regardless of which political party he represents” and PF should be asked to apologise for the confusion they did in Ndola.

    Mr UPND president HH, this incident has given you a cue that you will not have any National control if you become Mr PF/two-university-degrees holding-claimant MC Sata’s Vice-President in the possible PACT GRZ Administration.

    Be blessed all.
    Matt 6:33

  30. It is a serious eye-opener to the UPND Team in the PF-UPND PACT so that they carefully negotiate their things very well especially the position of 2011 PF-UPND PACT presidential candidate since PF leaders and cadres have no respect for the Office of Zambian Vice-President.

    Thus, I support the “Mr. Banda said it was i n c u m b e n t upon every Zambian to respect the Vice President regardless of which political party he represents” and PF should be asked to apologise for the confusion they did in Ndola.

    Mr UPND president HH, this incident has given you a cue that you will not have any National control if you become Mr PF/two-university-degrees holding-claimant MC Sata’s Vice-President in the possible PACT GRZ Administration.

    Be blessed all.
    Matt 6:33

  31. Gentlemen G.K is nothing now but just a typical kaponya cadre. Everytime he opens his mouth its either insults or use.less political language not befitting veep status comes out. To me G.K is now just a liability to the nation. A shameless & good 4 nothing lawyer!

  32. Zambia has taken over the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA) Forum for the next one year following an African Ministerial Consultative Group meeting held in Washington DC. This is according to a statement released to Lusakatimes by First Secretary for Press at the Zambian Embassy in the United States of America B.e.n K.a.n.g.w.a.Bloggers(this is your MMD Chief bootlicker)Thats why he posts nonsense cause he is comfortable.

  33. Like him or not, GK is our veep and his motorcade should be respected. But RB and co must remember that most of these cops are PF. Remember LPM was beaten at statehouse by PF in 2006.

  34. I wonder what would happen, if the roles were reversed, if MC was the republican Veep and the opposition cut him off as veep, better still as minister of health. I recall an encounter with MC in kabwe at a Gas station (Petrol/filling station). My father was filling up and this guys pulls up in a blue toyota crown super saloon and demanded to fill up first because he was a minister, those of you who know my fathers intolerance for northern mischief did not even offer the man a response and he grudged and grumbled the whole time. The police are not to blame. PF and sata should be cited and fined for not following the “move over” laws of the land.

  35. I agree in having an orderly opposition, but Sata should never have been evacuated to RSA by LPM. They should have let his health run its course, a lot of the violence and nonsense that is happening now, would not happen. Warning to The PF, what will you do when the electorate turn violent as well. your days are numbered!

  36. and to the dumb azzes who think the veep is on MMD duty so no security detail…. think again. the veep is the veep no matter what. thats just how the system works. respect the system, PF should be charged as a whole party and barred form the next election. oh no but that would be unlawful…. so follow the law.

  37. Mr Prez please give me one good reason why I should pray for your baseless endeavours? Every man for himself. If you are praying to retain the Prez seat in 2011 believe me majority of the Zambians will be praying for the opposite.

  38. This man is surely looking for death. God, or whoever is in charge of death, why can’t you let this PIG’s plane crash on his way to Botswana?

  39. # 48Chengelo Alumni – According to our laws only the President is allowed to use official/GRZ facilities on party duties. This does not mean that I support what happened, but even the President has admitted that the police were to blame.

  40. Why did this same Veep go right in the heat of the opposion’s way? Its a pit, some people have been given the status of piety even when they are merely as demons as we are. Ni ma se tting. He was looking for that kind of treatment. I can not go into my neighbour’s house at midnight & ask for a way to the other side of my journey when i can always find other ways elsewhere for the sake of respect. Trouble is we give them too much authority even to trample on our balls,p.e.n.i.s.e.s & v.a.g.i.n.a.s, echo bale lwa lila kwati ni hang wire.

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