Monday, March 10, 2025

Chifubu by-election: Issues at hand


PF Leader Michael Sata (Picture Courtesy of The Post Newspaper)

TODAY the people of Chifubu go to the polls to elect their new Member of Parliament (MP) who shall be representing them for the next one year before the country’s 2011 tripartite elections.

Chifubu Constituency, which has a population of more than 100,000, with 29,198 registered voters in six wards and 39 polling stations, is largely under-developed in many areas. The by-election is as a result of the death of area MP Benson Bwalya who died some three months ago.

Four candidates are contesting the Chifubu seat, namely Frank Ng’ambi of the governing Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD), Susan Kawandami of the Patriotic Front (PF), the United National Independence party (UNIP)’s Poko Mambwe and political freshman and academician, Brian Banda of the Alliance for Development and Democracy (ADD).

Over and above, the campaigns have relatively been peaceful until lately when pockets of violence shored up among cadres in different areas of the constituency. Cadres have been mocking each other over which party is more popular in the area that is still grappling with serious developmental challenges.

The recent high profile violence involved alleged PF cadres who blocked Vice-President George Kunda’s motorcade on Monday afternoon as he headed for the Ndola International Airport from addressing a rally in Kawama.

President Rupiah Banda waves the MMD party symbol when he arrived at a rally in Limulunga to drum up support for Luena candidate Mwangala Maopu

At the time of the incident, the PF leader Michael Sata was from the airport in a convoy going to Chifubu, where he was going to address a public rally.

The incident has since been roundly condemned by various sections of society, who argue that violence has no place in a civilised society that subscribes to democratic norms.

Every peace-loving Zambian should abhor any form of violence, which is obviously retrogressive in a democratic society. There is need for political maturity from political players.

As though this is not enough, suspected opposition cadres also descended on MMD candidate Frank Ng’ambi and stopped his vehicle, which had MMD campaign posters on Ndola’s Kwacha Road.

Mr Ng’ambi, his daughter, Lukundo and a driver, had to be rushed to Ndola Central Hospital, where they received treatment after being beaten.

MMD and PF cadres have been fighting running battles in Chifubu Township ever since the PF leader addressed a rally in the area on Monday.

Police had to fire teargas canisters to disperse the charged cadres. Four people where injured in the fracas.

These kind of incidents have almost become commonplace in Zambia’s elections. Every time there is an election, political parties and police make a public commitment to avoid any form of violence – but they almost always fail to keep that commitment.

If elections have to be free and fair, political party leaders have a duty to ensure they discourage their members from engaging in violence.

The people of Chifubu constituency need more than violence. They are in dire need of development. They need food for their stomachs, a roof over their heads, employment for the youths, clean water to drink, a modern market to sell their merchandise and a good road network.

However, the duty and responsibility lies with the people today to elect a credible candidate to represent them effectively in Parliament. It is all in their hands to determine their destiny, as far as development is concerned.

The constituency, despite having had parliamentary representation, largely remains under-developed.

Some of the major developmental issues in Chifubu include poor water reticulation, poor road network, lack of recreation facilities for youths and several other social amenities.

For example, spaced areas like Kaniki have one health centre, which makes it hard for people to access health services because of the distance they have to cover to reach to the health centre.

There is also need for a secondary school in the area. Currently, there is only one basic school and those who qualify to grade 10 have trouble attending classes, as they have to sometimes hike and walk to attend school in Ndola central.

Temweni High School, the only secondary school in the constituency, is out of reach for many in various parts of constituency due to its distance.

Poor road network and water reticulation in places like Kawama, Chifubu and some parts of Pamodzi remains a serious challenge. People have no access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation.

Chifubu has traditionally been an MMD seat since the country returned to political pluralism and was once held by late president Levy Mwanawasa and later Matthew Mulanda.

In 2006, the tables turned and the opposition PF swept the Copperbelt to become the dominant party with the late Benson Bwalya taking the Chifubu seat after beating three contenders.

[pullquote]There is also need for a secondary school in the area. Currently, there is only one basic school and those who qualify to grade 10 have trouble attending classes, as they have to sometimes hike and walk to attend school in Ndola central.[/pullquote]

The area, which includes Pamodzi, Chifubu, Kaniki, Sakanya, Kawama and Overspill, is largely under-developed and is presented with challenges such as poor water and sanitation, bad road network, unemployment and poor health facilities.

MMD Candidate

MMD candidate, Frank Ng’ambi, a successful business executive, is riding on his corporate experience to bring development to the constituency.

He believes he is better placed to develop Chifubu as he would be a direct link between Government and the people.

Mr Ng’ambi, who also has an accounting background, is currently studying for his Masters degree in Business Administration with Northrise University and wants to bring accountability to the management of the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) – which were recently increased from K600 million to K666 million.

His areas of priority include employment creation through establishment of business ventures, water reticulation, road network and building of a modern market. If elected, he would also want to build a secondary school in the constituency.

PF candidate

PF candidate, Susan Kawandami, a farmer and business person, has her priories set on empowering women and improving the water and road infrastructure in the area.

Being a woman, she argues she is better placed to understand and empathise with people’s struggles in the area.

Ms Kawandami is not new to politics after previously taking part in a hotly contested election in the constituency on a Heritage Party ticket in 2001. She came fourth out of 10 candidates but fell far short of beating the winner, MMD’s Matthew Mulanda.

ADD candidate

ADD candidate, Brian Banda, a freshman in politics and an academician, is focused on wealth creation, youth employment and women empowerment. He also wants to improve the road network and create recreation facilities for youths most of whom have been victims of alcohol and prostitution.

Mr Banda sees himself as an agent of change to stir-up development in the constituency due to his vast knowledge and understanding of issues. The youngest of the four candidates also sees himself as a realist not one who would introduce textbook solutions to practical problems affecting the people of Chifubu Constituency.

UNIP candidate

UNIP’s Poko Mwambwe believes he has the qualities to represent the people of Chifubu Constituency in Parliament.

He is riding on his noble background as a teacher, arguing that he is better placed to understand the common man as he also is an ordinary human being keen to do extra-ordinary things. In addition, he strongly feels that it is time for the electorate in Chifubu Constituency to reciprocate his good gesture having moulded many youths in the area into responsible citizens as a teacher.

His major areas of interest are water reticulation and general infrastructural development. He articulated these two issues passionately during the campaigns.

Ultimately, the die has been cast. Each of the candidates is confident of scooping today’s by-election but the people will determine who will be representing them in Parliament before next year’s tripartite elections. Let the best candidates carry the day!

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Justice Deputy Minister Todd Chilembo told the House that government lost about US $7.7 million in the Carlington maize deal. Now again Zambia lost $20m arms purchase money loss linked to FTJ and ben Mwila. So all those MMD die hards Senior Citizen, these are issues that make us angry and the recruitment of inferior qualified personnel in the Mines on the copperbelt from outside Zambia. The MMD give these people work permits. Thats why we want the MMD to go. In the current set up, MMD is not the altenative or choice for 2011.

  2. Justice Deputy Minister Todd Chilembo told the House that government lost about US $7.7 million in the Carlington maize deal. Now again Zambia lost $20m arms purchase money loss linked to FTJ and ben Mwila. So all those MMD die hards Senior Citizen, these are issues that make us angry and the recruitment of inferior qualified personnel in the Mines on the copperbelt from outside Zambia. The MMD give these people work permits. Thats why we want the MMD to go. In the current set up, MMD is not the altenative or choice for 2011. Aah.

  3. Bloggers kindly advise me, LT has said or written that my comment which they have reproduced in No.1 & 2 though not numbered above is awaiting MODERATION. people stole, Zambia lost out and you tell me “Your comment is awaiting moderation”. What moderation you MMD sympahthisers. You lossing Chifubu and Luena today.

  4. there are alot of issues where i think the RB administration should have done things differently, they had no reason to continue embracing corrupt elements in their ranks. It just shows that they are very corrupt elements. I shudder to think of what would remain in zambia if they win next year, which is likely if the pact fails to unite. Its true we lost $20m in the arms deal and the peolple responsible are still embraced. shame on our future generations.

  5. Don’t tell them…noti ukulanda is the saying going round ndola…wonder who should not know and about what??? Wina azalila

  6. I still think they will lose in chifubu though i think they have a big chance in luena. if charles milupi doesnt get it again then MMD will.

  7. Mpangula Mputyu – Forget about the OLD and DULL Senior Citizen, he bolongs to the old school and has LITTLE or NO understanding of the modern society, and how we need to handle certain issues. If in his age they used to torelate BULLSHIT, our age does not torelate that. The DULL President will get ZERO votes in all the Mining towns this year. I grew up during the ZCCM times and we can not continue with this bullshit.

  8. chuu – Milupi will get Luena and the Copperbelt will go to PF. But the point is that we should not be content with lip service from the government. Sata challenged them to show what they have done in Chifubu not what they intend to do.
    Why show you embrace this Dull President and his KCM Indians at the expense of Zambians! We need to go out there and advise our fellow Citizens on the Copperbelt and Northwestern Provinces that they dedeserve better that the lip service the’re getting from the Mines now and work towards ZERO votes for RB in 2011. We need to start de-campaining him starting from your household. Let’s decampaign RB from now till 2011 and let him get ZERO votes

  9. PF need to win in CHIFUBU at all cost because if they lose to MMD then that will sgnal the end of PF on the copperbelt and MMD will capitalise on that loss.Again that WILL worsen M C Sata chances of leading the PACT assuming HH’s party win Luena or evean coming second ,remember HH in 2008 by election only managed to GET arround 605 votes and in Mufumbwe the results were almost similar ,and wining again or coming closure will cause trouble in the PACT.PLEASE MARK MY WORDS.

  10. What has happened to the old time bloggers like Jamaco, Baby C, Nine Chale, Ms. Daisy, Ba Moze, Ms. Stevens, 3Rqu, Nokia, Matworld-Nice guy, Sharp Shooter, Rashid Jones, Ba Mwinsho, abena Lady chiza’s legs and the rest? have you changed your names or mwaliposamo itaulo muli ba LT?

  11. :(( :((:) Its high time the RB is shown that u dont mess around with the masses. Show us chifubu and luena. The man has messed up. I like the ndola saying of -donchi kubeba. they cant listen, they are incorigible, untrainable. We need a revolution like the one in Kenya over the constitution where the yes have won. The majority has won not here where the corrupt elements wins all da time.

  12. :)>-wina azalila,i jst wish the elections will be free and fair, hope for peace during and after elections and hoping that the election results will be accepted by parties involved. I put everything in Gods hands.

  13. :) @ Moderator in 06 and 07 08 as well in LT’s infancy I feel as an oldschool blogger This site was about us the people. Issues and the then simple layout spoke to our creative, wise and also laughter consciousness. It now is a political site for PF, upnd, mmd and the constitutional making mess. How we long for simpler happy times LT. When you were middle class like we are. Moderator we still exist and pray for all LT family members, one day we shall return when this site does so too :)

  14. Latest!! Votes counted so far indicate ADD commands a massive lead in Luena. In Chifubu, PF is pulling away with an ernomous landslide. MMD lelo…..!

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