Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Arrest Changwe over bounced cheque – NRP


National Revolution Party (NRP) President Cosmo Mumba

National Revolution Party president Cosmo Mumba has called for the arrest and prosecution of gender Deputy Minister Lucy Changwe for bouncing a K10 million cheque.

Dr. Mumba said the same judicial powers that have been exercised on former Defence Minister George Mpombo should be applied on the Deputy Minister.

The Ndola magistrate court yesterday sentenced former defence minister George Mpombo to 60 days simple imprisonment on one count of issuing a cheque on an insufficiently funded account.

Dr. Mumba said the judiciary in the country should not be seen to be selective.

He said the nation is watching closely to see what will happen to Ms Changwe.

Featuring on Monday Nite Live last evening, Dr. Mumba said though what has happened to Mr. Mpombo is fair and justice has prevailed, the same should happen to erring government leaders.



  1. Welocome to Zambia! Full of selective justice. We still need to wait out the processbefore we conclude how fair our judiciary is. Please enforce the law so we we can all live in peace.

  2. Police are still gathering evidence,then wait for DDP who is out on holiday,immediately he comes he will wait for Alaa-bee to tell him what to do but by then he will be attracting investors in Mongolia.

  3. No point bickering or making a GOOONNNGGG noise over the obvious. That case is already with the Police and as soon as they have done their work the law will take its course. We don’t shy as MMD in following the law. We just did that recently with Hon Musonda. We have institutions in the country and let them do their job. What is the point of having the police if Cosmo Mumba can just scream arrest that one and the police move in and arrest. Let’s be civil headed. This is Zambia and not Matero University playground. This is Zambia, a country. Wish you would live up to your title Matero University graduate DR COSMO MUMBA..

    And I challenge anybody with Information that Hon Changwe bounced the cheque AND MMD gave ORDERSto police not to arrest her, to step forward please.

  4. This MMD has selective punishment, but time and again, they are also caught up in their own web. Lucy Changwe is a test case. The MMD failing to take action over her for bouncing a cheque. What are they still doing? the police have a cheque but failing to take action because havent been authorised to take action by uncle Sam (RB) and his brother Kabonde (IG). Well, we might wait forever.
    When we effect regime change next year through a ballot, the people seating on her case will go to Prison, to Jail together with Mchenga Chalwe. Let they be warned.

  5. # 3 mmd chief bootlicker that is how the situation should be. cosmo mumba with his fake doctrate degree is nothing but a goon. the case is before police and as soon as they are done with investigations the case will go to court if it merits.

  6. It does not take a grade three to understand what a bounced cheque is. I expected learned MMD cadres to cry foul why the police are taking their time in reacting to the crime committed by a deputy minister. What information is the police looking for when the writing is on the wall? We want a clean and fair Zambia.

  7. Thumbs up cosmos, this is a timely and correct observation. no selactive justice and Lucy should face the same law. Cosmos, dont listen from MMD hassie licker, he is a fool. Check out his photo, he looks like a lost baboon.

  8. MMD chief hasssie licker ulemoneka uwa fimba, obviously walilwala insala or tu jilijili. napamenso pobe pala moneka ati ichichipuba. ? what is the example of a foool? ans: MMD chief haassiee licker

  9. Where the Leopard is made judge the goat will never get a fair judgment. What we ought to bear in mind is that, he who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own. God bless Zambia.

  10. MMD Chief Bootlicker you are just demonstrating your ignorance because there is nothing meaningful you are saying. Where people enjoy ignorance like mmd chief bootlicker, it is difficult to advise. one did not need to apply any intellectual capacity on what chief bootlicker wrote because his statements are hollow. Chief bootlicker’s statements shouldnt be taken seriously.

  11. “A good way to change someone’s attitude is to change our own”.
    Because, the same sun which melts butter, also hardens clay!

  12. # 3 so why is it taking forever to go to court- a simple matter of bouncing a cheque does it need the might of OP to investigate? R.U.B.B.I.S.H. MMD. Cases involving opposition see the light of courts over night and those MMD goons drag along! By the way what is changwwe still doing in RB’s govt of “laws”? Shaaaa!

  13. This is not fair when others can steal US$2.5 million from National Airports Corporation and they leave them to go scot free just because they happen to own newspaprers??? And we have Rajhan Mathani arested for money laundering when the same Newspaper men got US$6 million loans from him with no security and this money has disappeared!!!! Wake up Zambians! You have real thieves amongst you.

  14. # 19 Mwamoneni Tell us more, these mafioso think people are not aware of their sins. This explains why they want to put a stooge in state house. Shame!

  15. # 9 & 10 Fumboo you have made my day. Ala wansekesha sana you know best how to describe the Chife bootlicker chatile fimo fimo.

  16. Listen friends: Lucy & other MMD personnel’s cases always take time in the police till the media & zambians pressurise. Even the shooting by Solomon Musonda had to take investigatios. On PF cadres they are arrested at lightening speed process without ivestaigations. In mpombo’s case we knew the verdit because the judge was merely comparing his notes with RB’s so that they tally.This is surely tilted & misdirected justice. The police investigating Lucy will take time & need authorisation from RB otherwise he will instruct Kabonde to transfer them! Till RB visits zambia (has he come from botswana?) nobody knows what to do with Lucy. When RB visits Zambia, the police transfers will be completed & things ‘ll move. For now things are standing, expect MMD defending his trips in press

  17. #19mwamoneni walasa and #21 sure walasa also thats why these pipo are want to put a bum in state house so that their crimes are put under the carpet. you can see how some tabloids have hoodwinked you such that we have stopped talking about zambian airways, BDZ, NACL and the billions of money they got in unsecured loans. we shall not forget but follow them up to logical conclusion

  18. MMD Chief Bootlicker,you seem to have some insight on “Matero University” Shed more where is this Campus and what are the Entry Qualifications?
    Zambians let us not succumb to petty talk,we all know that credentials are backed testimonials which are subject to scrutiny by employers,How then can a sane educated being think that they can go unpunished by using fake certificates from the so called Matero University like the graduate MMD Bootlicker put it.
    Bootlicker,I have been an interested reader of you contributions and from “My Conclusion”you either are a Cadre/ Are disgruntled grade 12 drop out or one that was denied to sit for exams due to having been Caught with Leaked Examination papers hence have nothing else to do but intimidate pipo who are doing what is right for mankind…

  19. Last I checked writing a “bad” cheque was a civil infraction and not a criminal offense. Sending someone to prison for that looks unfair unless some sort of fraud can be proven.

  20. Uncle George has gone and this same thing will happen to those who bounce cheques. Its unfortunate that the whole issue has become a political cake. RB left for Bechunaland after Mpombo got sentenced. Its a matter of time a lot of some of us will go in jail over such issues. The question of selective justice will not work in favour of Hon. Lucy Changwe its just a mattr of time. What happens now that uncle George has been put behind the bars is there going to be another by election in Kafulafuta. Can some one please shade light on this issue.

  21. Lucy will not be arrested. That comlainant has cases in Serenje which people have already brought out. This has been a scheme to distroy some Ministers like they are trying to do on Dr. Musonda, shame on you. We have witnesses who know Musonda’s(complainant) true motive on this matter. Some of his relatives are coming to testifiy how he has been working with Sata to bring down Lucy and other ministers. Shame on those who think Lucy should pay for Mpombos’s problems. Change doesn’t come in a simplistic manner we are ready for you dissgruntled Citisens. Be rest assured. Watch!!!

  22. #32 Lucy may not be arrested now but in future whether she is your mother or you have any special interest, she will still have to face the law that Mpombo faced. ukalaenda namatulopiko lolela mwaiche. if FTJ the politica engineer can dance what about juniors like yourself bamungulustic. kaffer!!!!

  23. #22 Fumboo says:

    Awe I dont have any issues with the Post if thats what you mean. But if the thieves own the Post then I have issues with them because they dwell on other peoples issues leaving theirs covered.By the way, who owns the Post? Is using someones money without their authority not a criminal offence infact worse than bouncing a cheque I think. If thats what you didnt get across from my post???

  24. Mr. Mumba must explain why he is asking the police and the judicary to ignore procedure with handling Madam Changwe’s case when they followed procedure with handling Mr. Mpombo’s case. Let us not be selective with justice and let the institutions work.

  25. “one did not need to apply any intellectual capacity on what chief bootlicker wrote because his statements are hollow. Chief bootlicker’s statements shouldnt be taken seriously. “

    Explain why his statements are hollow or should we just take that as your opinion? If so then why is your opinion much more important than MMD Chief Bootlicker’s opinion or statements?

  26. “# 3 so why is it taking forever to go to court- a simple matter of bouncing a cheque does it need the might of OP to investigate?”

    Like I said yesterday, Mr. Mpombo was reported to the police on Jan 6th 2010 as reported on LT under the story Findlay drags Mpombo to police over bounced cheque. Madam Lucy Changwe was reported to the police on July 27th 2010 as reported in the Times of Zambia under the story Police Open Docket for Changwe.

    As for the length of time it took Mr. Mpombo to appear in the courts in comparison with Madam Changwe, I leave that to you to assess in accordance with the dates Mr. Mpombo and Madam Changwe were reported to the police.

    Now who here is being selective with justice?

  27. “In mpombo’s case we knew the verdit because the judge was merely comparing his notes with RB’s so that they tally”

    Is issuing a bad cheque a crime in Zambia or not? Did Mr. Mpombo issue a bad cheque or not? Wasn’t Mr. Mpombo dragged to the Police by Mr. Findlay or not?

    “The police investigating Lucy will take time & need authorisation from RB otherwise he will instruct Kabonde to transfer them!”

    Where is your evidence? You cannot make such an accusation without evidence. Present your evidence.

  28. “Last I checked writing a “bad” cheque was a civil infraction and not a criminal offense. “

    Section 33 of the National Payments Sytem Act of 2007

    33. (1) Any person who wilfully, dishonestly or with intent to

    defraud issues a cheque on an insufficiently funded account or causes to be issued a cheque to be drawn on that account and which cheque when it is presented for payment is dishonoured, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both.

  29. Wise words 4 Mpomboooooh in yo jail cell…………..
    You are like an iceberg trapped in a fire & you won’t melt
    You are like a foetus that survived an abortion & you won’t be killed
    You got the infrared dot, bustin them gullible suckers like mulongoti
    we shall put a dot on their ass like www. in 2011
    Luena & Chifubu caught their pants down….
    we shall Baghdad ’em ****erz like Iraq
    better watch 4 2011

  30. RE: Mr Lungu’s observation in the Times of Zambia: the rule of law should and must be applied to every citizen. LAZ, as a legal body should seek to address any matter that is contrary to precedent. It is not uncommon for lay men to comment on a case even if it is before the courts because ultimately the decision should be free of bias (hence the sequesting of jury during an especially volatile/controversial trial). You don’t need a law degree to notice the anomalies in 2 almost identical cases, except that in one case the woman is a serving member of parliament while the other is openly opposed to the current administration. There is no point in insisting that the judiciary is ‘independent’ of government when all actions and decisions seem to suggest otherwise. If LAZ is powerless to…

  31. If LAZ is powerless to do anything about some actions, the best next thing is to just keep quiet; but the worst thing is to insult people’s intelligence by adopting a high moral ground when there is none. The opposition (PF) was right in calling a spade a spade and unless LAZ has anything substantial to refute this claim – IN LAYMAN’S TERMS – best to just let people express-SOME CLEVER ANALYSIS

  32. #19 It’s more serious than that this dude Dr Mumba might be a relation (maybe son) to the fallen Dr Nevers Mumba. So soon each household will have more than one political party.

  33. FAZ under the current leadership is toothless. When they go for another general election they should vote for someone who will represent them as a distinguished body. The current chairman is so prone to manupulation by the ruling party. He has no say on important issues affecting the nation. Ever since he was appointed as LAZ chairman, he has not brought value to an institution. He is a hopeless young man!

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