Monday, February 3, 2025

Sondashi HIV/AIDS Formula goes for phase one clinical trial


Inventor of the SF2000 Ludwig Sondashi

New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency, the Southern African Network for Biosciences (SANBIO) has submitted a study design and a report for a phase one clinical trial protocol aimed at establishing the safety of the Sondashi Formula (SF2000) formulation to Government.

Presenting the two reports to Science Permanent Secretary Sherry Thole at her office in Lusaka today, NEPAD Agency Director Luke Mumba said scientists have found the SF2000 to be useful in clinical trials for HIV/AIDS.

Prof Mumba said scientists have found the SF2000 to possess particles that can be used in clinical trials for HIV/AIDS.

He said the reports were a significant milestone in the country’s discovery of an HIV/AIDS drug.

Prof Mumba also said there was need for the world to deal with the global HIV/AIDS crisis, which was one of the greatest humanitarian challenges of this generation with the seriousness it deserved.

He said a combination of indigenous knowledge and the rich biodiversity with the application of scientific and traditional knowledge may just be the answer to the AIDS pandemic.

And speaking at the same occasion, Science PS Sherry Thole expressed hope that the SF2000 would play a critical role in the health delivery system in the near future.

Ms Thole however said that for the country to realise the goal, a lot more research work needed to be done.

She said the immediate task was for the nation to look for funds to support the clinical trials, adding that her ministry in liaison with other stakeholders like the Ministry of Health and the National AIDS Council (NAC) would work on finding ways to do this.

And inventor of the SF2000 Ludwig Sondashi said the report of the effectiveness of the SF2000 in fighting AIDS had proven his critics wrong.

Dr Sondashi urged Government and other stakeholders involved to ensure the formula was not taken away from the hands of Zambians because Zambia stood to benefit a lot from the discovery of an HIV cure.



  1. This is great news. I hope the Sondashi formula works as it will be a milestone in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

    There were many critics (mainly PF Cadres, bloggers, sympathizers and affiliates including myself) who thought this was just a joke but thanks for proving me and PF cadres, bloggers, sympathizers and affiliates wrong.

    This is a step in the right direction and your efforts must be supported. This has the potential to save a lot of lives. PF cadres must also respect this news.

  2. Wow this is indeed some good news.Let`s hope it will prove to have good efficacy unlike the Edgar Ngoma swimming pool detergent cum drug.

  3. Hope this is different from what he(Sondashi) sold to some patients in SA in the late 1990, this did not work at all as all those that took it died of HIV. If it has been improved that would be good news otherwise this news should be taken cautiously.There is really need for abreakthrough in HIV treatment including our traditional medicine adminsters.(Traditional Doctors).

  4. If half the professions in Zambian could work hard at becoming an inventor, entrepreneur or innovator, without waiting for the government, as Dr Sondashin has done, then Zambia’s economy will start to turn around. But we are in this mode of putting the blame on the government as the cause of our ineffective to be inventive, entrepreneur or innovative in our professionals even when we know that our government is busy helping foreign investors siphon the only profits Zambia needs outside the country in the name of global involvements, free trade, investment opportunities etc.Dr Sondashi has shown reason he needs funding for his research and deserves support.And it is high time the government officials took him/this serious instead of the run around they have been giving him the past years.

  5. He does NOT look to be ‘in a stable condition’ like his colleague VJ. So it might be that he has some anecdotal evidence, however we need scientists from the appropriate field (medicine) to look into it further before jumping to conclusions or wasting money testing some rubbish.

  6. Provided it undergoes rigorous scientific testing, this herbal formula could prove helpful in managing the virus. I support clinical trials conducted by independent medical researchers so we can prove whether Sondashi is indeed a gifted inventor or a joker smoking weed!


  8. Sondashi has been fighting for the legalisation of his SF2000 Aids drug. What I fear is that it is yet not clinically proven nor fully supported (I dont know why up to now). But if it proves potent and a “cure” I fear his formula might be stolen and cashed on by others. However, let us all not raise 100% hopes and be careless but we can be optimistic. We shall celebrate when one of our “OWN” discovers a cure. Remember, the developed world would not like to be beaten on this one, they have been researching for years. Sondashi basepe.

  9. May God raise more men like Sondashi. HIV has the power to wipe out an entire generation. We are “sick & tired of being sick & tired”

  10. Anywhere, every effective drug bears good results and if the drug can be proven, then smiles will cover most faces in Zambia and the infected and affected families globally.But let us put all our hopes in God because he can not fail on what is impossible to humans eyes.
    L Tembo.

  11. Me and my colleagues authored one of India’s most extensive reports on clinical trials. Drop me a mail if you are interested in a copy. My email is [email protected].

    Some of the topics we included are:

    – Market Trends
    – Growth Drivers
    – Regulatory Bodies and Framework
    – Major Players.
    We interviewed over 200 individuals and firms to collect the data in what we believe is one of the most detailed study on the subject in India.

    [email protected]

    • Thanks l would love to read your extensive report on clinical trials.
      It is clear worldwide that there dictators to all clinical trials and once they are allowed by any one to have an influence on anything the so called third world countries are trying to invent,it might be discouraged and named a failure.
      This is my little understanding of what’s happening today.

  12. Science began in Africa!!!!!!!!!!!! So Let this be a new breakthrough to curbing the HIV virus. Bravo Dr sondashi we need more inventions. Africa can save the world better believe that….PSM

  13. Am afraid of the authors of hiv. The treatment is there patented by America but is not put on market to save people why. we know the origin of this problem. it is africa based disease, planned. The research started in 1960s till 70s Dr Gallo succeeded in finding this slow killing virus but in turn Dr Antelman of Israel has something that can reverse it approved but hidden for a purpose.job creation economical gain and targeting africa for future occupation will kill us all.mainly africans suffer from virus why? lets hope our formula wont be overlooked. being burgers also we have become voiceless. sondashi thanx for your efforts. politicians keep quiet.Docs give support.

    • want to get treatment for someone,kindly give me Dr sondshi’s email so that i learn more about this cure.i ll appreciate.

  14. I need Dr. Sondashi’s e-mail address or land line number so that I can get in touch with him.

    Some one informed me that he also has cure for diabetis and I also need aids medicine for my brother who has just started taking ARV’s.

    Please help.

  15. I need Dr. Sondashi’s e-mail address or phone number so that I can get in touch with him.

    I love my girl friend and she HIV positive and she is taking ARV’s.How should i access Aids medicine?

  16. I need Dr Sondashi’s email address, the sister to one of my work mates is HIV positive and she is already on ART treatment but there is no change since she started taking ARVs in 2001.

  17. My question still the same. . .what happened to the formula? Are there any other people cured? If not that is the more reason why Africans will never be taken seriously

  18. Go to Design House, Opposite Main Post Office, Lusaka. Enter through the Catholic Book Shop on the 2nd Floor you will find the office written SF 2000 for the CURE OF AIDS. Or call 0977778212 and you will be warmly welcomed.

    Any details emails [email protected]

    • mr kabonso great works indeed by the grace of God. This is lucy from mpika, av been on art for 6 years now but my cd4 has never gone above 90. please advise. can i be put on sf2000?

  19. I doubted that there’s no a man who can cure the HIV disease. Not until I
    met a great spell caster (dr. ogensurla), I promise that I will give the
    spell caster far too much credit. For everyone who is corrupted with the
    disease theirs a person superior and pure of heart, Come out of the
    slave days brothers and sisters, realize that there is an intelligent
    great spell caster, I was diagnosed with this disease until I met this
    great spell caster online, I saw a testimony on how he helped people in
    curing their HIV disease, so I asked myself how could someone heal a HIV
    disease, then I asked my self to give it a try, first he asked me to
    buy some items, I thought it was fraud, I sent him the money, he bought
    the items and cast the spell within 45 minutes. Simple logic, he…

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