Alliance for Democracy and Development(ADD) President Charles Milupi has denied media reports insinuating that his party has been approached by the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) for the position of Vice President .
Mr Milupi was reacting to some unconfirmed information from some section of the media alleging that the ruling party is considering appointing him as Vice President ahead of the 2011 tripartite elections.
Mr Milupi who is also Luena Member of Parliament told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that information circulating in some sections of the media that he was being considered for the position of Vice President in the MMD government was just rumors because nothing of that sort has been discussed with the MMD.
He said his party was currently just working on consolidating itself.
The ADD leader however, said if approached, his party would be able to about the matter with the ruling MMD.
Mr. Milupi said currently, ADD would continue working on its agenda of consolidating and promoting it’s manifesto ahead of next years’ elections.
“Those are just rumors. As far as am concerned, the ADD has not been approached by any political party for the position of Vice President. When approached, the party would then be able to give its’ position over the same matter ” ,Mr Milipi said.
He said as for now, his party would not respond to rumors but would continue working hard to sell and promote itself to the electorates.
Recently, some sections of the media alleged that the ADD president was being considered for the position of Vice President by the ruling MMD ahead of the 2011 elections.
just admit you have been aproached.
Milupi, smart move. Resign as an Independent, re-contest the same seat & win on your OWN created party. Bingo you are on same footing with the other political party presidents. I rememeber George and RB were telling the pipo of Luena that Milupi never talked about development in parliament and that he is a dreamer persueing his own utopia dream. Now they are after him to join such a person they deemed useless. ala unga funtre.
mpangula, thats politics. look at obama and hillary clinton or even recently cameron and clegg in UK? come on when you compete for votes you speak against the other and promote your own agenda and person. there are no permanent enemies in politics
On ““Those are just rumors. As far as am concerned, the ADD has not been approached by any political party for the position of Vice President. When approached, the party would then be able to give its’ position over the same matter ” ,Mr Milipi said” just tell us that you are interested in the MMD making you Vice-President and do not reject the offer. Insist to the MMD that you have to be appointed Vice-President as soon as possible so that you are not cheated in the 2011 elections.
Hon Milupi you did well in campaigning for MMD’s Rupiah Banda in the 2008 election that saw him become Zambian President and now is the time for Mr President RB Banda to reward you by appoiniting you Vice-President of Zambia.
There is not time to shy around but demand what you…
Come on Milupi dont be si.lly RB is 75yrs just accept the appointment after the state funeral you move to Nkwanzi house , cool as a cucumber what can possibly go wrong. Obviously you wont be any worse than ‘mr holiday is for-ever’ and red lip. Please just accept we see what Red lip will do because it seems power has gone to his deseased head and has stopped reasoning rationally.
Awe let Milupi continue as opposition it is the only way MMD will be defeated. With Milupi grabbing the MMd vote on the western Province both PF and UPND have a chance of defeating MMD. People dont see it this way but i do. Just analyse all the elections after 2001 , they were givingf MMD their vote. Thats why we believe Mazoka won.
LT, – It’s appointment, not ‘apointment’
Milupi not ‘Milipi’
#7 Freelance Proofreader
Stop it ! go start your own blog to proofread. You dont pay a kobo to read news here so where do you expect LT to get money to pay editors to lazy about reading through articles to sad lives like yourself. Give credit where it due, i doubt if LT generates meaningful income from these ‘salaula’ car dealers for them to stop their day jobs to satisfy sad lives. VIVA LT, ABASH ‘Phds’
#8 made mistakes deliberately to prove a point to sad lives like #7
If it is true MMD are in dire need of Milupi to reclaim back Western Province for their survival to continue ruling. We shall wait and see sometimes rumors become truth.
Indeed, I see this chap taking most of the seats in Western Province come 2011 so if the MMD does not cede the veep position to him they are doomed.
Lozis are just too cheap. Milupi can accept to be vice president, MMD can use him and dump him after elections. He can become a vice president for five years under Banda but when his turn for him to become presidential candidate comes he will never become one, if you doubt come and cut my finger after 6 years. Milupi is Lozi and us Bembas cannot allow him to rule us, on our dead bodies. These are the same chaps who want to have western province as their own country. Lozi Bemba, it cannot work, we need MC Sata to rule and not these Lozis.
The biggest tribes in zambia are Bembas 43%, Nyanja 19%, and Tonga 18%, therefore, since Lozis just make up 7% of our population we can do without them. PF just need UPND Tonga vote of 18% to make 61% and win elections in 2011. That is mathematics take it or leave it, thats a fact.
#13 you are very correct!!! excellent. i am not bemba though i am a soli
Talking about tribes is retrogressive. There is only one tribe and that tribe is ZAMBIA. Anyone thinking otherwise has not read what the freedom fighters fought and died for. One ZAMBIA, One NATION.
In politics you can talk of the whole province, but the question is how many people? Western can be for MMD but pf can still win elections. Viva Pabwata bane. we are unstopable.
Tumbwe, if we focus on which tribe a particular candidate comes from, we will end up voting for a tribesman who turns out to be a disaster. Maybe you are very proud of our last Bemba president, Chiluba. I am Bemba, but at this point I am more concerned with a progressive country which has peace and prosperity. We cannot afford another Rwanda, which came about from this kind of rhetoric and mentality.
Pf can worry to lose Southern because it has the third largest number of voters from the Copperbelt and Lusaka. So since we have managed HH we are home and dry anyway.
Uti real Bembas twaliya sana! Na Balozi bantu besu kabili! I am both but I do thin this Milupi chap is well advised and he knows where he is heading to! We need real powers at Provincial level and hence each province deserve a Premier who will look at the interest of folks at Heart! Chiluba and his Luapulans stole loads of Money because of the current government structure. RB is doing the same! So Milupi is looking at diluting the Presidential powers so that all Provinces can govern their resource, whatever little they have, instead of MMD giving all to the Chinese!
Tumbwe, it is only in your dreams that Lozi’s or Western Province is not a factor! Without Western Province RB would not have been in State House today, Levy would also not have sailed through in 2006 as well without Western Power. In Politics every vote counts, your bitterness stems from the fact that Sata is not popular in Western Province. At this stage you will also be naive to bank on Southern Province to back PF seeing clearly the cracks in the Pact. HH is being urged to pull out of the Pact. Come 2011 what if Milupi and HH are invited to an alliance with MMD, where will that leave PF. It will be the 3rd time your old-man will be left with bitter taste of loss. The way things are going Sata is certainly heading for another loss and will he have the energy to re-contest 2016?…
“….some sections of the media…” so it is the Post. Some people are so outdated that they believe that mmembe still has ears to the ground and in the walls of govenrment offices. And mmembe takes advantage of such gullible Zambians and churns out all sorts of hallucinations for consumption by such people and in the process continues to pack his pockets with loot. It is just another way of plunder of the gullible Zambians by mmembe, what is the difference?
When the last votes were counted in Shangombo last year the most worried Zambian was Michael Chilufya Sata. He even told his supporters that there will be no need to petition the results. Dismiss Western Power at your own Peril. What Michael Chilufya Sata needs to do is to find a way into the hearts of majority of Tongas and Lozis’ otherwise my dear Tumbwe your mathematical formula of numbers will fail you yet again! I am no fan of RB as I would like to see change, but will not support change that is designed to belittle other tribes in which case I would rather RB continues!! Sorry Tumbwe musa!
I am just stating a fact bane, as things stand the pact is winning come rain or sunshine. The southern vote is much better than the western because we know that Tongas are one of the majority in our nation and that is what pf has been looking for thats why we have been losing elections in the past. Tongas being hard core guys we know we have the right partners.
FACT: Nyanja is the most popular language in Zambia and thats why we were the 1st to rule and we are back to rule.
Zambia & Corruption
I just took a look at the Levy Mwanawasa Foundation website and it has some good information!
Tumbwe…i really dont know about your facts but what i will tell you is came 2011 there be no PACT ! HH and SATA will stand individually. The reason Chiluba is walking the streets is that RB thinks Chiluba will get him Luapula and that means your MC SATA has trouble wining there. Mind you the whole PF rebels and Katele and Chiluba came from there. SATA is not originally from Luapula….facts as you state so if he loses luapula what chances does he have to win the elections. In lusaka and the copperbelt the votes are being shared. Currently there has been apathy in registering for the elections so we dont really think SATA will get outright votes here. In Lusaka and Copperbelt we shall have splits….SATA, RB , HH and even ADD just wait and see.
but we wish everyone the best…not RB
At first UPND thought the would just ride over Luena to win it. Now they have known what Cuuuuuuuuuu has done to them. The whole western Province has been taken. This guy is taking advantage of the PACT splits to get as much attention. Whether we like it or not if we were not to be tribal i think HH is our best candidate followed by Milupi……..MC SATA still makes the worst candidate among the 4, but well just because his Bemba ……and as tumbwe says they are the majority…they will give him support came rain came sunshine.
Chaps like Tumbwe should be castrated so that he is not able to bear offspring that will contaminate mother Zambia with such tribal nonsense. It is unbelieveable that in this day and edge we still have such tribalist individuals. Common zambians be it lozi, tonga, lenje, bemba, nyanja etc let’s standup to such scum.
F.u.c.k you Tumbwe, you are a very s.t.u.p.i.d dog you hear me. Go to hell, makaka!!!!!! You disgust me as a bemba, and for your info, your Sata will never rule mother Zambia……His eyes will see the last rays of the sun just after the results for the 2011 general election are announced and i wish you could follow. How dare you attempt to divide peace loving Zambians you peace of s.h.i.t? Lets not waste tax payers money (my money) on another state funeral shortly after the elections
Tumbwe – You are right, just as a manager sleeps with his married secretary and when she is divorced he also abandons her- NAMUSONDA BY PK
Bemba **** Tone down, you reactions just show that you are already defeated. Put your points clearly not insults. Besides its the Zambian people who will decide whether Sata rules or not unless you are planning to kill him before 2011
Deja Vu..prepare urself , we shall not have MC Sata in state house…in 2011 and thats it let him forget and we dont want riots. when u are beaten clean by the ballot dont be naive and start throwing stones the mmd style…grow up!!!!!!
I really dont want us to be ever ruled by the lunatic (MC SATA) i pray Zambia never has this , RB can be this bad but i cant imgine MC SATA in state house……….just cant.
Our best candidates are HH and Milupi, then my good friend Chipimo not shi kulu SATA please………
Okay wapia munzi manje,so lozis and Tongas are not allowed to rule Zambia because they are too few to rule bembas.There we go again I ALWAYS TELL you that these bemba chaps can never never be trusted if anything these are the same chaps who plundered Zambia from 1964 to 2001.Do you know what they say when they steal? They say NTOLELEFYE.ZAMBIA OPEN YOUR EYIES
33 I agree with you this time around let us do away with these Bembas even though I have Bemba children who do not know a tonga word but for sake of creating a better future ,Im now saying enough.We will continue using bemba with my fimilly as officail language but not to allow them to make national decissions any more.
Please for us tongas,lozis , luvales,kaondes,lambas,solis and Mbundas we are saying to HELL WITH your MC SATA
There is no tribe called Nyanja in zambia.
Ati ukutola te kwiba………hahahaha very funny. I know there are great bemba men and women out there who know that Zambia was made by not only bemba but every other tribe in it. It’s a pity it’s what it is today (poor) because a few selfish thieves like Tumbwe who ‘think’ they can do whatever they want cause they are a bigger group, Muukose this time around, we are watching you closely. I wish Milupi could say no to MMD, if the allegations are true, then join forces with HH and all rebel PF and MMD mps so that together, they can shame these useless demons
#33 dogma998 – There is nothing to prepare myself for for no personal value wil be added to my well being by who ever goes to plot one. Iam in Zambia and I know whether you put your father in State House Zambians will not see any improvement except the relatives of who ever will be at plot 1. Iam not interstested even MCS, HH, CM(my friend) RB(my former FAZ VC). So it is you who is going to have a heart attack because you are so decided against one person so much that you are ready for Hari Kari
#24 if you ask kk wat tribe id he?? wat do you think the answer bemba or nyanja??
u were not the first to rule get yo fact correct…and pliz go back to sku history is waiting 4 you.
bemba is the spoken language in zambia, we are the mojority weather you like it or not
I can’t comment on this one, for the sake of mother Zambia, 72 tribes to me, means “Zambia”, if i can remember social studies and Civics of 1990″ when i was in grade 7. I wonder what Science has made these bloggers dimwit.
Deja Vu Thank you………..
Leave Tumbwe alone his stupid…u know one bad egg should not spoil the rest of the eggs. This Tumbwe has been put where his suppose to be.
I havent as a voter yet am still wondering whether to do so. On a lighter note is an Isuzu Bighorn good enough i dont have enough to get the prados am looking at. Range 1998- 2000
Do not insult me, I was just stating the truth bane. I was born Bemba and will die the most proud Bemba. Sata is my man and the best for Zambia, I do not care what others say. Bembas and Tongas are ruling next year come rain, come sunshine bane. 61% Majority Bembas and Tongas, our Tonga friends are so educated and intelligent and we will make use of their knowledge in GRZ. Our pact has men like HH, Jack Mwimbu, Gary Nkombo, David Matongo, Syakalima, Ackson Sejan and others, bane we are going to make the most perfect combination.
# you are 100% right i am with you on this one!!!
It is unbelievable that we still have people thinking along tribal lines in this day and age, like one so called Tumbwe. How I wish most people in Zambia were brought up in the most cosmopolitan province in the country, the Copperbelt. We are eligible to be presidents of this country no matter which tribe we belong to, after all no one ever chose to be whatever tribe. Tumbwe and your party, you are so backward and I urge you to withdraw your comments. Whenever was elected (or selected) president in 2001, your party leader is on record as having said that he comes from a small tribe and that there only 300, 000 Lenjes in Zambia, so it will not be folly for any one to rebel him a tribalist leading a tribal party. You clearly have no regard for other tribes, no wonder you keep losing election
This Ka Tumbwe is fool worth his shit.The Niga belongs to hell with his hopeless Bemba devilism.he may wish to know tat this so called Bemba tribe is made up of several small irrelevant domant tribes who have nothing to offer for mother zambia-they got absorbed and are being used in the name of bemba.
NOT WESTERN,NORTWESTERN AND SOUTHERN.these are independent,dignified,well informed zambians who shall never allow thugs,thieves to manage their affairs.watever plundering has been done in zambia affects the same bemba thieves to greater extent.Western ,south and N/West self reliant.
Tumbwa please advise your parents never to use the withdrawal method again. They should have used a condom maybe Zambia would be rid of you. Castrate this tribalist bemba cunt.
Imwe Zambians you are too dumb RAIN or NO RAIN RB will call it a day come 2011. Do you really think RB is too stupid to let go of the seat. Wait.
Tumbwe is one misguided ***** we don’t need to have as a zambian..i bet he’s chiluba’s careful with your language!
What beats me is if Mr.Milupi is aspiring for presidency,the rationale of resigning the parliamentary was to align himself for the presidential race.How come he resigns and recontests as MP when he should have left the seat to one of his members of his party if the idea is to win presido?Are there no capable members who should have contested?
Very clever move by the MMD if at all there is any truth to that. But if it is true, appoint Milupi as Vice-President, he helps RB and MMD win in Western. RB wins next years election, he finishes his term in 2016 and appoints Milupi his successor?? Meanwhile, ADD gets absolved into the MMD? VJ master dribbler at work again!
TUMBWE. Your foolishness is the cause of Sata not being in state house because he hates lozis just like you do. Yo Satan challenged the Lozis that he will meet them on the battle ground Where is he today after losing 3 time in a row? Yo snake will never rule zed period.