Monday, February 3, 2025

Landlord gruesomely murders his tenant in Livingstone


A 42 year old widow in Livingstone has gruesomely been murdered by her Land lord in unexplained circumstances.

Southern Province Police Commander Remmy Kajoba was not reachable for comment on the matter but a family spokesperson Martha Mwanamwalye confirmed the murder with ZANIS.

Mrs Mwanamwalye, who is the elder sister to the deceased said her younger sister whom she named as Veronica Mwase aged 42 and a widow was murdered by her Landlord on Friday 13th August 2010.

According to Mrs. Mwanamwalye , her young sister who was a resident of Dambwa Site and Service Kashitu in Livingstone knocked off on the evening of Friday 13th August, 2010 around 20:00hrs.

“When she arrived home from work, her land lord who is physically challenged in the company of his named brother assaulted her with knife for the simple reason of bugging on the door, “she said.
The murder took place between 21:00hrs – 23:00 hrs when she got home.

And According to eye witnesses the Landlord asked why she had banged the door when she entered the room she occupied, the Landlord who is a lame man on crutches then knifed her.

The Landlord had been seen walking with a knife the whole day. The Landlord was with his young brother who people suspect held the late Veronica as his brother knifed her.

The two brothers have since been arrested and charged with murder.
The deceased widow is survived by three children and one grandchild.

The grandchild is from her 15year old daughter who was defiled last year at school.
The named landlord is in police custody pending court appearance for a murder charge


  1. That is sad the man will face the law. Just knifing some as though one is killing a chicken. what a world we are living in today.

  2. The lame chap could be mentally challenged. Take him to Chainama for examanition. Even if he is insane that should not be an excuse. Lock him up.

  3. Why?? Get these animals behind bars for ever. And ba LT what are these things you are advertising as the best in the world? They dont look decent mwe!!

  4. Why?? Get these animals behind bars for ever. And ba LT what are these fotoz you are advertising as the best in the world? They dont look decent mwe!!

  5. May the law please take action accordingly and put those murderers behind bars. This is sad, the children will now remain orphans and suffer.

  6. Hmmmm…………The guy was seen walking all day with the knife! hmmmm……and his brother could not stop him,strange??????
    I feel sorry for the daughter,really life has become cheap in zambia

  7. There is more to this story. Whats been reported leave alot to be desired. You dont murder someone for the act of banging at the door. There certainly was something going on before the day of the murder. Probably the lady insulted the landlord’s disability. As we all know, disabled people are very sensitive about their disabilities. I predict a straight away acquittal

  8. Sad the man must be possesed.He should be caged forever, psycho. Poor children left orphans i hope the relatives look after these children, they’ve been through alot. I pray God covers them in His wings.

  9. this is very sad……make sure these murders ar sentenced to death bcoz what they have done is not humanity…now who will take care of those children.shame!shame!

  10. Its unfortunate that these things are happening in zambia. Its like people are just taking the law in their hands. About two months ago it was the MMD which was hacking people in mufumbwe, last month William Banda was busy beating MPs and the members of the opposition at the funeral, where is this country going? This is how civil wars begin, im sorry to say this!!!!!!!!

  11. I do not support death penalty but it makes me shout why not slap with two with a death penalty then my conscience that I obey tells me “NO NO NO NO…..please the court send these two to prison for life

  12. Sad story indeed, but the whole story behind is that the Land lord for sometime has been trying to prporse the lady,but has been losing

  13. Murders always happen. My mind is saying let there be a 21 gun salute, then a moment of silence. What am saying is either shoot these crows or lock them up no trial. As a believer in Christ I know better though. May the Lord provide for the children, and the precious grand baby.

  14. aparently the deceased happend to be my aunty. so sad especially when i think of her kids. Rest in Peace aunty Shupi.

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