Vice president George Kunda this morning led scores of people from all walks of life who turned up at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka for the memorial service of the late president Levy Mwanawasa.
Today marks two years since the death of Dr Mwanawasa. Speaking during the memorial service, vice president George Kunda said government will continue standing by the legacy of the late president.
He said government will continue to remain grateful to the late Dr Mwanawasa for his contribution to the country.
Mr Kunda adds that Dr Mwanawasa’s legacy will stand for generations to come. He further disclosed that government is still working on the policy guidance on how best to remember the late president.
And former first lady Maureen Mwanawasa challenged Zambians to learn to live in a truthful way for that is what the late president stood for. She says the Mwanawasa family is proud of what the late president achieved despite threats on his life and his family for his zero tolerance to corruption.
The memorial service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross was followed with the laying of wreaths at Embassy Park were the late president is buried. Dr Mwanawasa died on August 19,2008 at Percy Military Hospital in France after suffering a stroke while attending an African Union summit in the Egyptian Resort town of Sharm El-Sheik.
The late president was credited for his strong stance against corruption during his tenure as president.
George Kunda!!!!
Mwanawasa was not a great leader
By Malama Katulwende-A UK based PF Cadre and Catholic seminarian writes
Almost at once – as in a concert of national guilt and irrational frenzy – Zambians described the late president as ‘a greater fighter against corruption’, ‘a democrat’, ‘a great son of Africa’, ‘a great visionary who transformed the economic and political fortunes of Zambia,’ ‘a great leader who upheld the rule of law and united the nation’, and some such drivel. Plagued by anguish and complete disbelief, they poured out a deluge of hypocrisy and psychical wishes that they had forgotten to say when Mwanawasa was alive. Their silence suddenly transformed into ‘truth.’
The real question, however, is not whether such sentiments might not have been expressed at all but whether affirmations of this sort have some basis in fact. To what extent can it be said – with a straight countenance – that every praise and title uttered about Levy is historically correct?
In logical analysis a given proposition or theorem is rendered uncertain if some particular instances can be demonstrated to be inconsistent with the premises. For example, given that a circle is a set of points whose distance from the centre is constant, then any point p which does not lie on the circumference of the circle is not defined by the property of circularity. It is excluded in the definition.
To take yet another practical example; Laplace’s doctrine that everything in nature could be accurately measured and predicted was proved false when Heisenberg demonstrated that in a given fluid system such as heat emissions of particles, the more accurately one tried to measure the position of a particle, the less accurately one could measure its speed, and vice versa. This is the uncertainty principle which led to the reformulation of Newtonian mechanics in terms of quantum mechanics. In a word: there is an unavoidable element of randomness or unpredictability in nature.
Now let us suppose that the late president was a sum of all these titles and praises. If this is indeed the case, then it follows that we need to justify why, for example, the majority of the Zambian electorate rejected Mwanawasa in two previous elections. How could they have cast their vote for opposition leaders unless they had understood that the incumbent leader had failed to address electoral issues around economic performance, good governance and raising the standards of living for the majority of the citizenry? Can it be argued that the voters did not understand their circumstances in life and therefore voted wrongly?
On the 11th January 2004 the Post newspaper quoted Mwanawasa as saying:
“When I took over office, there were a lot of attacks on me. Some said I was a cabbage…I was unhealthy…I will die in three months after taking over power. Am I dead? What you are seeing is a healthy specimen of humanity.”
These “attacks” were certainly not without justification. Mwanawasa was indeed a ‘cabbage’ – in the sense of someone who was very sick – or a ‘spent force’ as Dr. Nevers Mumba once described him. His reign, I am afraid, was not as productive as some want us to believe.
In February, 2004, for instance, the Oasis Forum (which represented the Law Association of Zambia, the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia, the Zambia Episcopal Conference, the NGOCC and the Christian Council of Zambia, respectively), stated categorically that they would not accept the government roadmap over the constitution. Drawing on the failure by former governments to act on previous constitutional review commissions, the Oasis Forum observed that the only way to protect the content of the constitution was to adopt it through a Constituent Assembly.
But rather than create consensus over the constitutional making process, Mwanawasa denounced the Oasis Forum, clergy, civil society, students and ordinary citizens with threats of treason and persecution. It is incredible that a ‘democrat’ could have straddled the entire process and wasted taxpayers’ money and time. Should it have taken nearly eight years to revise a constitution, and were the critics of the late president’s roadmap on the constitution all wrong?
Let us now take the case of the economy, which some presume to be Levy’s legacy. Between 1990 and 1995, Zambia recorded negative growth rates. From 1996 onwards – except 1998 – the country registered positive GDP under the Chiluba regime. It should also be said that although Mwanawasa has been credited with qualifying the country for significant debt relief under the World Bank’s Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) debt relief initiative which provided a stimulus for sustainable economic growth in 2005, Dr. Frederick Chiluba started the process of engaging the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. It was Chiluba who first brought some stability to the exchange rate volatility to about 20% in 2001, currency depreciation, high inflation and interest rates.
These things were not started off by Mwanawasa overnight. Mwanawasa’s New Deal in economic terms was built around what his predecessor had begun. Furthermore, increased foreign exchange availability and inflows from resurgence of copper mining production and exports – which stabilised the kwacha – were not influenced directly by Mwanawasa’s regime: it was because of increasing demand of copper from industrialising and emerging markets of China and India.
However, looking at the composition of the country’s GDP of 2007, for example, one discovers that it is dominated by wholesale and retail trade – and not the industrial production of finished products for exports. Therefore, I’d like to ask: what ‘legacy’ has Mwanawasa left in terms of exporting products such as computers, cars, and other kinds of machines? Did he set in motion the wheels of real industrialisation? The answer is “No”. Zambia is just some backyard where every country dumps their products. We are just consumers and not producers. We are just some foolish country whose youths are taught Uk based accounts, human resource management, and law. How could a country like this ever develop without emphasis on science and mathematics?
On the 14th of May 2008, the New Nation newspaper reported that Mwanawasa had threatened to fire Zambia Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) president, Leonard Hikaumba should the unions go on strike on account of government’s failure to consult on the New Labour Relations Amendment Bill. Challenging the president on what legacy he would leave for workers, Hikaumba said:
“At the end of your term we want to look behind and see what you left for us, we don’t want you to be a mere statistic that left nothing for the workers.”
These words were not spoken by someone who had no idea about the plight of workers. As president of ZCTU, Hikaumba understood exactly the working conditions of Zambians – both in the formal and informal sectors. In spite of ‘sound fiscal management of the economy by His Excellency Dr. Levy Patrick Mwanawasa’, as some MMD party-cadres liked to say, over 70% of ordinary Zambians still live below $1 per day. These high incidences of poverty are captured in censuses by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) and in monthly updates by the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR), respectively. In short, Mwanawasa did not eliminate poverty, after all, despite ‘official statistics’.
I would also want to argue that just like his predecessor, Dr. Frederick Chiluba had been arrogant and irresponsible in disposing of public assets, so had Mwanawasa. In January 2004 the president concluded a ‘deal’ in which Baluba mine was ‘sold’ to J&W for $7.5 million. The company was in receivership and previously run by Binani Group Roan Antelope Mining Corporation (RAMCOZ).
Reacting to the sale, Zambia Alliance for Progress (ZAP) president Dean Mung’omba described the purchase as a mere gift. He argued that it was a joke for a responsible government to sell the mine for that amount when its copper and cobalt deposits exceeded $500 million in value terms. He was correct.
Yet Mwanawasa did not stop there. In very controversial circumstances the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) partially ‘sold’ 49% stake in the Zambia National Commercial Bank (Zanaco) to Rabobank from the Netherlands in April 2007 for some undisclosed amount. Under the privatisation sale and purchase agreement entered into by Rabobank and GRZ, it was understood that the foreign bank would provide management and technical support to Zanaco in addition to holding an equity interest of 49%. The government holds about 25% share holding interest in the bank through the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, but has now instructed the Zambia Privatisation Trust Fund (ZPTF) to offload and sell 25% shares to Zambian citizens and eligible institutions.
The million kwacha question is: how much was Zanaco sold for? To the best of my knowledge the purchase price has never been agreed upon nor has the bank been ‘sold’ to Rabobank – in the full sense of the word. It has perhaps been given as another gift to a foreign bank. Everything is shrouded in secrecy. Yet in so far as Zanaco was a public asset the citizens of this country have a right to know the truth.
Unfortunately, however, there are strong rumours that the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) might sell off other public assets regarded as ‘liabilities’. On this list are Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) and Zambia Telecommunications Company (ZAMTEL), respectively. Ever since the MMD came into power in 1991 and embarked on the privatisation program, the party has sold off public assets and utilities in the most controversial and irresponsible manner. Mwanawasa’s New Deal government was not an exception.
Now the late president’s legacy has also been said to consist in good governance and the upholding of the rule of law. By ‘good governance’ I understand the act of presiding over affairs of the state in accordance with the law and the tenet of justice for the sole purpose of promoting the public good and happiness for all. By ‘the rule of law’ I understand adherence to the legal statues as provided for in the constitution in the governance of the state. Yet it is not true that the Mwanawasa practised good governance and the rule of law all the time. Let us give two specific examples.
In January 2004 the Post columnist, Roy Clarke wrote a satirical article titled “Mfuwe” in which he laughed at the foibles of an animal king. Upon reading the said article the Home Affairs Minister, Ronnie Shikapwasha issued a deportation order but the High Court Judge, Philip Musonda, granted the writer the stay of execution. As events unfolded, however, MMD party cadres became furious and demonstrated in support of the immediate deportation of the impenitent Roy Clarke. In the process, the cadres severely assaulted Clarke’s supporters in the presence of the state police officers at the High Court. Shocked and stunned, Zambians waited for president Mwanawasa to denounce the violence and order the police to lock up the MMD assailants – but there was silence.
On 7th of January the Post wrote an editorial comment titled, “Rule of law on test” in which the paper was sceptical of the behaviour of the party cadres and the slow wheels of justice. Other writers such as Fr. Joe Komakoma in “Jungle Law” criticised the MMD ruffians and called for action from the police and asked the government to leave Clarke alone. In “Prophet Roy Clarke”, Simon Kabanda argued that what Clarke had been writing about was true.
“Our comrade was merely bringing out the gloomy situation we are in as Zambians. For example, the future is bleak for the majority of children and youths because they drop out of school in all grades and for various reasons…” He bemoaned the depressed salaries of workers and conditions of service.
Another columnist, Neo Simutanyi said in his “Deportation and the rule of law”:
“There has simply been no change in the MMD with the coming of Levy. It is still the old MMD with all its baggage bequeathed to it by Frederick Titus Chiluba…”
By the 28th January Levy Mwanawasa was still tight-lipped. This prompted Catholic Archbishop of Lusaka Medardo Mazombwe to ask the president to demand that the thugs be prosecuted. The Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) general secretary Fr. Ignatius Mwebe also expressed concern with Levy’s continued silence over the matter. Yet it should be admitted that Mwanawasa was not a democrat: he was a lawyer, all right, but certainly not someone who believed in justice. If this were the case, he would surely have been repulsed by the hooliganism of the MMD cadres and demanded justice.
Yet he wanted Roy Clarke to be deported because he regarded everyone who was critical of his government as an enemy. On the other hand, the deportation order demonstrated the fact that the MMD government under Mwanawasa was intolerant of ideas and the free expression of one’s opinions. Or is this what Levy’s democracy means?
The case of the former Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Mukelebai Mukelebai is a typical example of Mwanawasa’s disregard for the law. In January 2004 the president fired the DPP and put him on forced leave on suspicions of being compromised…that he had failed to prosecute his former head of state, Dr. Frederick T. Chiluba. Yet according to Article 58 of the Constitution, the president was only empowered to remove Mukelebai from office after receipt of the report of a tribunal appointed for the purpose of confirming that he was incompetent or he was unable to perform the functions of his office by reason of infirmity of body or mind or misbehaviour. This position was articulated by George Kunda, Levy’s Minister of Justice and opposition leader, Brigadier General Miyanda. The…
“The consolation is that Kunda’s position on the DPP is the correct one and Mr. Mwanawasa is totally wrong. Instead of Kunda resigning, perhaps Mr. Mwanawasa should step down because not only has he disappointed Kunda but also his own assistant who issued the first statement on the DPP. He must learn to treat anonymous, unverified reports and desist from acting on impulse…”
This position was supported by the Law Association of Zambia, who said Mukelebai was still DPP unless or until he was removed in accordance with the mandatory constitutional provisions confirmed in Article 58 of the Republican Constitution.
The editorial comment in the Post was titled, “DPP’s challenge to Mwanawasa” read:
“President Mwanawasa’s leadership or lack of it, is causing us a lot of concern. The inability to resolve any issue of a national character has become endemic. There is a total failure to rise above petty, partisan personal interests on serious matters of the state. This state of affairs is endangering the very existence of this nation and may drive some of our people into anarchy. Between Kunda and President Mwanawasa, they have enough arrogance to alienate the whole country and run serious government programs as if they were personal matters.
The country is till reeling from the disturbance of their failure to handle the constitutional review process in a mature fashion. President Mwanawasa’s right hand man, Kunda, has alienated all the active stakeholders for this process. This behaviour is now something of a character trait. We cannot accept to be led by people who cannot create consensus even on the simplest matters. If they can’t lead, let them go…”.
After yielding to pressure from all sections of society, Mwanawasa conceded defeat and allowed for the setting up of a tribunal composed of three eminent judges. . Mukelebai was not was not found guilt of interfering in the prosecution of Dr. Chiluba and other suspected of having plundered national resources. He was, however, relieved of his duties and paid full…
There…I can therefore argue that contrary to what popular opinion is suggesting, there are indeed forces that want to rewrite history by attributing fictitious ‘great wonders’ of work to Mwanawasa. They have named Chembe Bridge in Luapula Province after him as though he had produced money from his pockets to fund it – without regard to the cultural heritage of the area. They have glossed over Levy’s inefficiencies and dictatorial tendencies to create a memory site that they want the entire population to venerate. They want voices of dissent to be silent!
It is true that Levy Mwanawasa did a bit for Zambia – for which we should be eternally grateful – yet he was certainly not a ‘great leader’ , both in praxis and range of thought. He had lived among us and left memories but I am afraid these memories cannot be said to be the attributes of greatness. I am sorry, Zambians, I have very little to recommend him because our country deserves better. I am not content with small changes when we can create greater leaps forward.
Mwanawasa’s own anti-corruption campaign, observed Alfred Chanda, the President of Transparency International’s Zambia chapter, “has been selective, targeting allies of Chiluba who remained a powerful threat to Mwanawasa.”13 Chiluba insisted that the corruption charges against him were politically-motivated, alleging that Mwanawasa was using the case to bolster his political campaign ahead of the 28 September elections and calling on the voters to kick out the incumbent and replace him with Michael Sata, who had promised to drop the corruption charges.14 The war turned ugly, with Mwanawasa warning voters against electing PF and Sata because they were supporting “plunderers.”15
For their part, voters saw Mwanawasa’s fight against corruption as mere rhetoric with evidence of his own corrupt life.
Mwanawasa left NO LEGACY, period. The guy is dead, too bad but lets not try to make him a saint.
Twisted minds. Compared to the state of Zambia, surely his Presidency had direction.
george kunda ia a hypocrite..we need to be true..this govt sucks …
Awe kanshi chashupa. No acolades on LPM. Wont coment or else I can be scorded by LPM fanatics. Am non comital except to say VIVA RB
Awe kanshi chashupa. No acolades on LPM. Wont coment or else I can be scorded by LPM fanatics. Am non comital except to say VIVA RB. Legacy or no legacy aluta continua
You cannot fight corruption when you are sitting down at State House, using the same stolen money that Chiluba left for you to run the MMD campaigns.
He took that money and put in Finance Bank and kept some at State House that he used to dish out to his MP’s for campaigns
Levy knew he was not popular and needed a force to promote him. Therefore, went and compromised himself with Fred M’Membe, allowing Mangende to authorise those Zambian Airways Loans
Chiluba stole the money but Levy used him to a heave a sigh relief on his throat as the water level was getting to close to his mouth and nose and end up drowning.
Sorry !!! Maureen, also manipulated this poor guy as sick as he was. She had an agenda.
May His Soul Rest In Peace.
Good articles Mr/Ms Excerpted! I enjoyed reading them all…no further comments.
Excerpt you are the epitome of a M.O.R.O.N….cant dead people rest in peace, why didnt you say all this BS when the man was alive to answer for his deeds and misdeeds? If you cant say something nice about the dead, shut your gate, period. Noone said Levy was a saint, but a better Prez than the geriatrics currently in plot 1 and hoping to get there next year. Ataaaahhh!
GK is a goat in a sheep’s skin.This chap is a sell-out.He is possess with an evil spirit.He is a chap ,if I was given a platform with him ,to speak about uncle Levy’s legacy, I would shut his ass up
In a thriving democracy with uninhibited right of worship, lets tolerate even disillusioned groups entrapped in this idolatry of worshiping and serving the dead defying the lord’s call where Jesus said, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”
Yes explicitly Jesus said, “Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead! Our divine duty as the living is to preach about the Kingdom of God and his year than worship the dead. Woe to those idol worshippers.
In a thriving democracy with uninhibited right of worship, some fanatics choose to belabor for the dead. Such must be respected for their vanity.
Where were these vuvuzelas in the days of the living when voices matters???????
Excerpt, I really did enjoy reading your arguments. I have ready one book about Levy which was recently written by one Zambian political activist, who claims to be a consultant here in UK. I would suggest Excerpt, you write another book on Levy entitle either, (THE MWANAWASA LEGACY-A FALLACY) or just (THE HIDDEN TRUTH ABOUT MWANAWASA) I will be the first to buy your copy. I really do not think Mwanawasa was as good as he has been projected. Firstly the guy was ungrateful after landing power on the silver plate, he was power hungry despite knowing that his health was slowly letting him down he kept attached to power…
Mwanawasa also benefited from the corruption of master dribbler FTJ who used state funds to steer the MMD campaign and bring Levy into power. Levy also conived with the Post and EU donors to lock up chiluba. Levy has investments currently being run by his family which needs investigation, the Teka farm is one of them.
Even though the guy did some good things, himself and chiluba were bad as each other. He targeted his opponents selectively in the fight against corruption, as the late Dr. Alfred Chanda had pointed out in his diaries and during his presentation of a paper on Human Rights and Corruption in Zambian at London School of Economics and Political Science a month before his death that Mwanawasa was a good leader in the fight againist corruption but however, documented evidence of cases were coming across as selectively.
# 32Nubian Princess: DO you understand what the word legacy means? Everyone leaves a leagcy once they are gone i.e leave this life! You and I too will and it all depends what sort. It is not a question of WHETHER/ or IF but WHAT legacy! All this debate along this line exposes what is true about us: quick to shoot but slow to think, and in typical shallow mindedness.:d
I felt so sad when i sat down and tryed to imagin mysef as levy living governance to people like kunda and banda who are now promoting corruption
Even though Chiluba was a big fish in the fight against corruption and the Task Force was entirely set up to probe financial iregularlities between 1991 to 2001, we have been conditioned to see Chiluba as the apha and omega of corruption in Zambia. Do not mark me wrong here, I am not a supporter of Chiluba neither do I like the guy personaly, but he has been used as a sacrificial lamb and many of zambians have joined the band wagon orchestrated by the post who feel current MMD has sidelined them after having received a lot of favours during Levy’s regime.
In conclusion, I would suggest a commission of inquiry to be set up to investgate financial irregularities during Levy time, and after 2011 when RB leaves power.
If Levy will be found having mismanaged public funds should be convicted in absential since he is dead.
#36 Alinaswe….you are very funny!
Mr. Excerpted….you have argued that LPM was no good, fine. But then you are a PF cadre so you are saying that Sata is or will better than LPM? Shallow minds will fall for your cheap and biased analysis. LPM was no saint and he did some bad things like we all do…admitted BUT when you weigh his bad deed against his good ones as President, the good far out weighs the bad….and thats the Legacy!
In your ‘wise’ head as a PF cadre, Sata is a better alternative;
1. Tell us something about Sata and Merzaf flats
2. Tell us something about Sata and the 3rd term bid
3. Tell us something about Sata and the parliament 2 billion kwacha
4. Tell us something about Sata and USD 27,000
5. Tell us something about why LPM resigned from being VEEP under…
continued from #53.
The desparation of PF cadres to get Sata into State house is becoming dangerous. They will say and do anything just to achieve their mission impossible – Zambians watch out! you have been warned. Sata has already turned round and said his being sent to RSA for treatment when he was starring death in the eye was a political gimmick….typical!
Mr. Excerted, you must be one of those who benefitted from the loot under FTJ and so LPM became a thorn in your fresh. This is seen in that you are trying to remove the credit from LPM and trying to put it on FTJ. Zambia has had 4 presidents so far, for me KK and LPM did something, FTJ was a TOTAL waste of time. As for RB lets wait for 2011!
The Legacy….lives! for once the world was beginning to respect Zambia and its…
Zambia in the sun!
nonsense…the man is no more….get this in your thick heads
# 46 you are a donkey, sorry even a donkey is better than you .You are a devil.Foolish idoit and an embecile.
legacy as MMD we shall follow if and only if its good and bad ones nay, just like opposition who’re talking about LPM’s legacy, they’re things they do not agree with Patrick e.g. NCC. on sata and corruption, i feel he has been more corrupt than even any of the four presidents we’ve had. Sata has supported the third term before, so he can not be trusted. i support RB not because i like him! no, but i feel he is a better change than Sata…………………………………………..
There is nothing wrong criticising a person who is dead. Sometimes you learn from the mistakes made by the demised. Even in our own families these things can be referred to.
Europe and particularly German has leant a lot from the mistakes that evil doers like Hitler made. Uganda spent years recovering from Amin, Mobutu in Congo and many more Satanic Verses that have gone before us.
That said, I am not in any way comparing Levy to any of these evil doers above. He made mistakes and did some good things too. And in the final, we can still talk about him and learn from him and make some corrections from his past memorandums.
Democracy means people speak about what they have seen and known about any govt leader ; publick office must not be given to any one who doesnt diserve it;
Interesting to read all your coments. let us also thank God for all presidents we have had. Is there any Good or Bad President? from your coments I cant see any bad or good president….ama politics ya chabe……Dont worry a better president is coming our way in 2030 or 2110?????
Excerpted, thanks for setting the record straight. Levy failed to give us a constitution despite being a lawyer. He behaved no better than Sata during the third term debate. The fact that Levy failed to return MMD vehicles that were bought by state funds, showed that he was NEVER a champion of the fight against corruption. Xavier Chungu and Levison Mumba told the courts how Levy benefited from stolen money and resources. If Levy was serious about fighting corruption, he should have belaboured his ascendancy to power explaining to Zambians that despite his presidency being a product of corruption, he would himself lead by example by taking back all monies and resources stolen from the state. His failure to do that has left most of us with doubt about his fight.
But ba mwanawasa bali yeshako!!! atleast better than the master dribler, as for the incumbant, he is the worst and the least.
WELL ALL SAID, I can only say let’s just respect the dead. Otherwise, Levy left no legacy. In fact he’s the cause of all negatives going on in Zambia. There was no better person to appoint as vice president in eastern province for the sake of owing ballot papers in that region. How could it have taken him his life-time to successfully prosecute and jail kabolala-chiluba? Fact is he treasured using chiluba’s case for his own international popularity. He never even needed the involvement of London Courts- the case was simple and straight forward to be delt here in Zambia. But, as I have said, he wanted to make capital out of it, and while he was doing so, he also gave chance to his boys …
…to also make some bit of money. As a result of his poor judgement the country is now paying a thief instead of a thief paying back to the people of Zambia what he stole from them. This is why I think education is not working in Zambia. Just look at the NCC officials. They found the right to food, clean water and shelter laughable. But, the need for a degree holder for president acceptable. Look at Hamaundu. He can’t even remember past cases he delt with and passed. Look at Sikota Sakwiba. He’s just supporting for the sake of securing a job. Look at the so called educated bloggers on LT. They some of them don’t see anything wrong with the way Zambia is being governed. …
…Look at George Kunda. To him securing night, hardship (etc) allowances when flying to London to secure a conviction for Chiluba is more important than losing a name as a ligal man through his lack of self integrity. Look at RB himself. His actions leaves one wondering whether he is really educated. Anyone would think-he’s just a village bumpkin. He doesn’t seem to have anything to lose even as a president. Aseya nge nda yapa cinena, mambala.
Ena ukwaumfwika fye tu gelo ninshi kuyako. Ku Swaziland, ku Namibia, ku Botswana, ku Kenya, ku Mozambique, ku South Africa (although no kupimwa amakufi), ku Nigeria, ku China, etc. Kwashala fye ukuya ku America where VJ used to sleep with amaule abaume (thinking niba gelo) where they used to steal even his passport while he is on top of a man prostitute. SHAME OF ZAMBIA’S LEADERS.
U want us 2 focus on the bad side of levy when kafupi and satana r not only corrupt but very dangerous. Penza. Paul tembo. Boldwin. Shamwana.levy vp . We knw u mambalas.
Well, the brutal “kanswende mulombwana ujisi kulya mabelo” scooped from some American transvestite’s backside when he was ambassador there kanshi incobeni ncobeni ni AIDS ka. Now his head looks like that of a lappet-faced vulture. This is an apic transformation, and also an end to itself of the most rotten opportunistic promiscuous low life. I just feel sorry for me that we have to keep on paying for his medical expences, him and Kunda for diseases they brought unto themselves.
Levy Mwanawasa is corrupt and a faceless tribalist, Enock Kavindele
FORMER Vice-President Enoch Kavindele yesterday dramatically challenged Mwanawasa … I am not corrupt.” Kavindele disclosed that President Mwanawasa pocketed US $60,000 (K300 million) which was raised by former minister Emmanuel Kasonde for the party, charged former vice-president Enoch Kavindele in Parliament yesterday.
if you push us too far we shall reveal even more about levy and that useless witch of a wife maureen. continue with your legacy nonsense and you will see the truth come out
EXCERPTED # 2- #29…what are you trying to put across, this is useless! i can’t see any sense..let me rest in peace ,for you to hate him like this did he sleep na NOKO? ******we..dont do thid again ..i can’t lough at you but its the problem of wiso na noko they are quakes! ***** you should learn to say thank you…i call you @@@@@@@@@@@!
Levy Mwanawasa lead on the ABSA US$100m Oil scam
On 15th August 2003, a motion to impeach President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa SC was moved in the National Assembly by UPND Chief Whip, Crispin Sibeta.
Sibeta laid impeachment charges that accused Mwanawasa of corruption, nepotism and breaches of the Constitution.
Rooted in the twelve allegations and twenty five counts, was one corrupt allegation that President Mwanawasa received kickbacks from an oil firm and importer of crude oil, Trans Saharan Trading (TST).
MMD Vice- President and Kapompo West Member of Parliament Enoch Kavindele laid 32 documents on the table in Parliament supporting an Opposition impeachment motion against his former boss and MMD President, Levy Patrick Mwanawasa. Many thought Kavindele was suffering from a poor taste of sour grapes. He was fired three months before this motion as Republican Vice-President by Mwanawasa.
Among the documents Kavindele laid on the table were two books written by Simon Zukas and Andrew Sardanis entitled ‘’Into Exile and Back’’ and ‘’Africa- Another Side of the Coin’’.
Kavindele stated that the 32 documents he had laid on the table of Parliament were to show that Mwanawasa was inherently corrupt and that some of his nefarious activities could be traced to his time when he was practising as a lawyer, his tenure as Republican Vice-President under President Frederick Chiluba and his presidency since 2002.
He recounted how Mwanawasa had tasked a team comprising himself, and Finance Minister Emmanuel Kasonde to raise party funds for the MMD.
Kavindele stated that they duo raised money from many sources including Trans-Saharan Trading (TST) who gave the MMD USD100, 000.00.
Kavindele said that of this amount, USD60, 000.00 was given to Mwanawasa in person through Emmanuel Kasonde. Other amounts were given to MMD National Secretary, Newstead Zimba and to State House Principal Private Secretary; Jack Kalala who was given K20million.
Kavindele also accused Mwanawasa and his wife Maureen of being involved in the importation of 30,000 metric tonne maize worth USD7, 350,000.00 through their ‘friend’. He stated that the going rate for maize was USD125.00 per tonne but Mwanawasa had instructed that the importer be paid USD245.00 per tonne which had resulted in an over payment of K17 Billion. (Daily Parliamentary Debates for the Second Session of the Ninth Assembly dated Friday August 15th 2003).
He stated that this importation of this K37 billion maize was done by Minister of Agriculture Mundia Sikatana despite the protestation by Finance Minister Emmanuel Kasonde, who stated that Zambia had a bumper crop and the maize importation was too expensive for millers.
This contract was given to Maureen Mwanawasa’s relation Eddie Chibweshya through his South African company called Space Ages International without Sikatana allowing any tender procedures citing ‘directives from State House’.
Kavindele also accused Mwanawasa of showing his corrupt tendencies as early in 1992 where he procured University of Zambia land without payments and had since built his house there.
Bob Sichinga, Edith Nawakwi, and other opposition members of parliament supported the motion. Eric Silwamba, Derrick Mbita Chitala and Dipak Patel viciously opposed the motion.
Who could have believed at this early stage that Mwanawasa was corrupt and nepotistic? Who could have believed that Mwanawasa’s wife, Maureen was involved in maize importations? Who could have believed the charges against Mwanawasa or his administration especially that he had made the fight against corruption as his hall mark policy?
those criticising levy do not hate him we just do not accept the nonsense of maureen. the truth must start with her. even levy own children do not want anything to do with her. also if levy trusted why did he leave his estate in the hands of george kunda???? he is the one who had the video that maureen thought would annoint magande but kanshi levy had other ideas. maureen is the real thief in all this and she corrupted her husband as well.
Trans Saharan Trading obtained offices in Nangwenya Road, Lusaka in August 2001 and cited in their documents their lawyers as MNB partners (Mutembo Nchito, Nchima Nchito, Dr. Patrick Matibini and Elijah Banda).
Although ZNOC where the sole importer of crude oil in Zambia, TST anticipated that they would take ZNOC’s place.
When Mwanawasa assumed office he quickly dissolved the Zambia National Oil Company (ZNOC) accusing it of insolvency and stating that it could not meet its huge liabilities. ZNOC was a parastatal, designated with the sole duty of importing crude oil to Zambia
On 8th April 2002, Minister of Finance Emmanuel Kasonde announced that:
‘’By a special resolution of the shareholders’ (Minister of Finance) meeting, the Zambia National Oil Company (ZNOC) has been wound up and dissolved. This action arises because of an urgent need to rationalise and streamline the supply of crude oil to Zambia to maintain a permanent and sustainable supply of petroleum products to Zambia.’’
Earlier Minister of Energy Kaunda Lembalemba had informed the nation that INDENI and TotalFinaElf would take over the role of ZNOC. He announced that an interim tender had been awarded to the two firms to import 180,000 metric tonnes of crude oil. TOTAL held 50% shareholding in INDENI.
He however emphasised that this contract was a short term measure in the wake of the ‘’collapse of ZNOC’’.
Treasury documents showed that ZNOC owed ZANACO USD45million and USD20MILLION to Standard Chartered Bank. The total debt burden of ZNOC was estimated to be in excess of USD100 million.
Fred Mmembe and Edith Nawakwi had accused President Frederick Chiluba and his Assistant for Economic Affairs Donald Chanda of benefitting from transactions at ZNOC. Donald Chanda was Board Chairman for Indeni, TAZAMA and ZNOC.
Chiluba defended this position comparing it to the USA where fuel as a strategic commodity, is under the Presidency’s office.
Zambia being a landlocked country will continue to have perennial fuel problems and therefore the building of strategic reserves, the monitoring of its prices and the efficient importation of crude oil (feedstock) for its refinery at INDENI is vital. The processing of this crude oil and the build up of its processed reserves remain a key driver to a stable economy.
Zambia requires about 600,000 tonnes of oil per year with the bulk used as heavy fuels in the mining sector.
Some people had encouraged Mwanawasa to dismantle ZNOC describing it as ‘‘Chiluba’s corrupt infrastructure’’.
ZNOC was duly dissolved.
In August 2002, in murky circumstances, the Zambian government awarded Trans Saharan Trading (TST) to be the sole supplier of crude oil to Zambia canceling the contract earlier given to regional suppliers TotalFinaElf in March 2002.
AMALGAMATED Bank of Southern Africa (ABSA) gave a finance facility of USD100million to TST. This facility was given following the financial guarantees given by the Republic of Zambia through Bank of Zambia.
ABSA was invited in 2001 to provide the finance facility for ZNOC’s oil procurement following their failure to secure a long term facility with local banks. ZNOC had an haphazard and ad-hoc arrangement with ZANACO.
However ABSA were ‘advised’ to abandon the negotiations with ZNOC as it was ‘a likely sinking ship.’
Following the dissolution of ZNOC in March 2002 ABSA were shepherded to TST!
ABSA signed the USD100 million finance facility following assurances from the new government that TST would be the sole supplier of crude oil importation to Zambia. To this effect Government issued the necessary guarantees and securities.
The deal with TST included the acquisition of feedstock from the suppliers, operations, and payments to TAZAMA for pumping and for storage.
In effect the government guarantees gave TST the sole mandate to procure, import, refine, market and sell the feedstock
In August 2002, TST proceeded to import its first Cargo worth USD20million promising Zambians of cheap pump prices.
Soon after its first importation, TST made a ‘donation’ of USD100, 000.00 to the MMD. Vice- president Enoch Kavindele received the money and gave Minister of Finance, Emmanuel Kasonde USD60, 000.00 for onward transmission to Mwanawasa.
Mwanawasa received the USD60, 000.00. Later Principal Private Secretary Jack Kalala also received a K20million. The balance was given to the MMD National Secretary Newstead Zimba.
we want more Dr. Chanda may your soul rest in peace. we will catch the chaps who killed you
On 15th April 2003, Mwanawasa announced that he had used his presidential decree and powers to prematurely terminate the supply contract Zambia had with TST.
He also banned minsters and their relatives from doing business with government. ‘’If you (government ministers) business is more important for you, it is better for you to resign as you cannot have it both ways.’’
There were allegations that his Vice- President, Enoch Kavindele was involved in the setting up of TST and VODACOM in Zambia. Kavindele denied such links stating that his son Enoch Kavindele Junior was the one connected to the deals!
After this public attack, Kavindele issued a statement condemning his boss and accusing him of practicing dictatorial tendencies by…
It was inevitable. The bad blood and public utterances were symbolic of a serious rift between the President and his Vice.
On May 28th 2003, Mwanawasa addressed the nation making dramatic announcement that he had fired his Vice-President Enoch Kavindele and his Minister of Finance Emmanuel Kasonde.
He ;later replaced them with Nevers Mumba (Vice- President) and Ngandu Peter Magande (Minister of Finance and National Planning).
In his letter of dismissal to Kavindele, Mwanawasa accused him of ‘’failing to share the vision of high integrity.’’
He accused Kavindele of receiving a donation of USD100, 000.00 from Trans Saharan Trading (TST) on behalf of the MMD and only declared USD60, 000.00.
He stated that when he confronted Kavindele about the irregularity in money received from TST, he said Kavindele told him that he intended to use the balance to ‘’repair MMD vehicles procured in 2001 which were now in deplorable condition!’’
He also accused Kavindele of authorising TST to import to Zambia two shiploads of 90,000 metric tonne of crude oil without his (Mwanawasa’s) authority.
He further accused Kavindele of conniving with Finance Minister Emmanuel Kasonde to give Sable Transport a maize contract without following tender procedures and using this transaction for their personal pecuniary benefits.
He also demanded that Kavindele pays the debt of K206 million he owed the Zambia National Service (ZNS) for construction of a dam and rehabilitation works done at his farm.
Kavindele responded by declaring himself Party President. He stated that Mwanawasa was ‘forgetful’ hence his denial of knowledge about the specific circumstances surrounding the USD100, 000.00 donation from TST.
On his address to party cadres that marched to State House on June 1, 2003, Mwanawasa justified the dismissal of his Vice President, and Minister of Finance.
He said that ‘’you can accuse me of all sorts of things and call me all sorts of names but I am not worried because my only worry is the welfare of the people.’’ He continued: ‘’I don’t care if the decisions I have made make me unpopular, I want to leave a legacy that Zambia had a President who did not tolerate indiscipline. I can now see a corrupt free Zambia which these good-for-nothing individuals failed to do in the ten years!’’
He lamented that; ‘’that I sometimes feel isolated when I am being attacked. But I know that the silent majority are with me. I will not be pushed into resignation like last time. I resigned because I was frustrated and I was not the final decision maker.’’
This speech symbolises Mwanawasa’s puzzling double faced personality. The sincerity of his words and the naivety of his demeanour portrayed a ‘truthful’ picture and his explanations appeared sound. However this public image contrasted drastically with his actual and private activities.
Mwanawasa spoke with a stutter and was more believable than the ‘fast talking’ political opponents and ‘crooks’ he usually accused of corruption.
Mwanawasa appeared more credible and vulnerable than those keen to expose his corrupt nature. Few questioned his long standing relationships with shady dealers and characters going back to his lists of drug dealers and peddlers that formed his clientele at his law firm.
Dr.Alfred Chanda’s Diaries………….wiso na noko epo baba?
For example, in this instance he had received a bribe of USD60, 000 from TST. Mwanawasa knew who TST were and what they represented yet he chose not decline this ‘donation’ to the party!
His anger was that Kavindele had declared only USD60, 000.00 instead of USD100, 000.00! The principle of the MMD receiving this bribe characterised as a ‘donation’, from a firm with a suspicious government oil deal was never a subject of condemnation as shown by Mwanawasa’s own letter!
At the same time, his wife Maureen Mwanawasa was involved in the importation of 30,000 metric tonne of Maize without any tender process, through Eddie Chibweshya and his Space Ages International worth over USD7 million.
Yet he chose to fire his Minister of Finance, Emmanuel Kasonde for giving Sable Transport the importation of 4500 metric tonnes of maize without tender process!
Mwanawasa owed the Zambia National Service (ZNS) K160 million yet he directed that Kavindele promptly settles his K206 million debt with it!
The selective nature of using corruption allegations against his political enemies increasingly become apparent.
Many could not reconcile the image of Mwanawasa who received wide support for ‘his fight against corruption’ from donors, civil society and many Zambians and the other image of a Mwanawasa who was increasingly entangled in his corruption web and, that of his wife and his officials.
He directed ACC to investigate Kavindele and TST. Nothing came out of these…
Diamond Works was a Canadian company based in Vancouver. It was listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange. It owned Trans Sahara Trading (TST).
The Canadian listing was designed to give it credibility.
The company is owned by Tony Buckingham and his partner Antonio Teixeira. Diamond Works was financed by U.K’s Lyndhurst ltd, a company controlled by a consortium led by Teixeira.
Buckingham also owns Heritage Oil and Gas involved in Kazakhstan, Russia, Gabon, Congo and Uganda.
The duo, Buckingham and Teixeira operate a complicated maze of offshore subsidiaries and joint ventures such as TST.
Antony Teixeira is a pivotal businessman in Diamond Works and TST. He is known by the United Nations for his criminal activities in war-torn areas and has been cited in many indictment documents as a businessman dealing in blood diamonds, criminal networks, gun-running and mercenary operations (He owned Executive Outcomes- the official Mercenary firm recently banned in South Africa).
Diamond Works owned mines in Sierra Leone, South Africa, Angola, Congo and Central African Republic (CAR).
Antonio Teixeira is the brother-in-law to Congolese Warlord, Jean-Pierre Bemba. The 47 year old Bemba is married to Lillian Teixeira. He heads a rebel group turned political party – the Movement for Liberation of Congo (MLC).
The Teixeiras are Portuguese businessmen running ‘businesses’ in war torn countries. They are war profiteers! It is for this reason that Bemba had strong backings from South Africa, Libya, Russia and Portugal organised by Antonio Teixeira.
The diamonds mined in these war-torn or conflict areas, such as Congo, Central African Republic, and Sierra Leone are stamped as certifiably clean to escape the rigours of the international certification system –the Kimberley Process.
Jean Pierre Bemba nearly won the 2006 Congo Presidential Elections. He got 42% against winner and incumbent President Joseph Kabila’s who got 58%.
The TST deals in Zambia were conducted in a criminal manner, typical with TST’s known international reputation.
It operated and imported crude oil in Zambia without a clean tender process, without obtaining a licence from the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) and without obtaining a correct type of feedstock needed by INDENI to crack it.
In April, May and June 2003, TST caused serious fuel shortages and held Zambia at ransom when its lawyers obtained an injunction restraining INDENI from importing crude oil until TST’s feedstock on a Ship Ruby 111 was pumped, refined and sold.
Mwanawasa had canceled the deal and directed that any official that ‘touched’ the TST oil would be fired.
At this stage, Mutembo Nchito had also sued TST for its failure to pay legal fees amounting to USD 738,750.00 due to MNB. TST was now being represented by Dennis Wood and Vincent Malambo.
At the heart of this scandal are the questions that beg answers. Who gave the authority for the supply contract given to Trans Saharan Trading? Who issued the guarantees and securities to ABSA?
How was Mwanawasa allowed to cancel the supply contract even in the face of this legal nightmare that would result in Zambia losing USD74.3 million? Was Mwanawasa encouraged to renege on the TST deal so that someone would walk away with USD100 million from ABSA?
Other than Mwanawasa, all those involved in this scandal are alive and should be made to account or proffer explanations as this matter is a serious threat to Zambia’s poor economy.
In fact records show that government, signed guarantees with ABSA in March 2002, before TST even won any tender. At this stage the supply contract was given to TotalFinaElf following the dissolution of ZNOC.
Further the government guarantees with ABSA were ‘discharged’ in October 2002, two months after TST got its first contract!
This withdrawal was unilateral and appears illegal as terms and conditions of the facility agreement could not allow such an action.
When ABSA placed TST under receivership, in a last ditch attempt to recover USD100 million, TST had 40,000 metric tonnes of stock at INDENI and TAZAMA.
Energy and Water Development Minister George Mpombo issued a statement assuring the nation that KPMG had since been appointed to oversee the TST affair and KPMG officials in Hastings Mtine and Zahir Sheik were appointed Receiver Managers to carry out the exercise on behalf of ABSA.
Mpombo assured management at TAZAMA and INDENI that lawyers Vincent Malambo (For TST) and George Kunda as Attorney General (For government) would handle all legal issues to ensure that Zambia did not incur any unnecessary financial burden from the TST deal with ABSA.
He assured the nation that the stocks would be sold to offset any obligations TST had with ABSA.
So what happened? What happened to the stock at INDENI and TAZAMA? How come Zambia still owes ABSA USD74.3 million?
During this process ABSA even lost the bid to buy ZANACO when Mwanawasa called off the negotiations.
When ABSA were shortlisted as key buyers and preferred bidder of ZANACO, the plans were scuttled when the TST deal was thrown in the works.
Mwanawasa announced at a press conference he held on 16th June 2004 that ABSA had been dropped as preferred bidders to buy ZANACO because ‘’they were tying the TST debt to the purchase of ZANACO’’.
Mwanawasa stated that he had called off the negotiations and that the claim by ABSA that government owed it money was ridiculous and amounted to threats! He said: ‘’such investors who use threats are not welcome!’’
Yet his own government had issued the guarantees to ABSA in 2002!
Mwanawasa even mocked ABSA for using his counter-part, Malawian President Bakili Muluzi. He said he had informed Muluzi that ABSA were welcome to ‘’re-open the negotiations as long as Zambia was not placed in a weaker position through threats.’’
He informed the nation that the Zambian government had also opened criminal investigations against TST officials.
This clearly was a complicated fraud that allowed international criminal fraudsters to obtain USD100 million from ABSA using Zambia’s goodwill, guarantees and securities and walk away while Zambia was left to assume the liabilities. Zambia now faces the misfortune of paying ABSA for this fraud when the criminals in Zambia and those at Diamond Works laugh all the way to the bank!
abash the post. lpm`s friends
Legacy, i don’t know about that other than knowing it was a legacy of international criminal fraudsters that gave out KCM at US $ 25 million song, ZANACO at US $8 million, Stolen UNZA land, converted to personal some Sengalese businessmen’s properties then deporting them and this loss to the country of US $ 100 million.
Transparent International Zambia-TIZ
Dr.Alfred Chanda’s Diaries ,,,,you are an *****!
dr alfred continue. do not let these blind fools distract. hammer and continue to hammer until we catch the real criminals in zambia. the homo premier league of vuvuzela’s
NOKO whay are you concerned are the stuffs touching the people who have sent you to Italy. let us enjoy reading the diaries, the truth is in the details.
noko you are the real d1ck. :o
exactly noko is one of levy’s and maureen’s relatives chewing zambian taxpayers money
just chew and enjoy. dr chanda is giving real facts backed by actual quotes. thats what we call true journalism not ba post just useless opinions
Dr.Alfred Chanda’s Diaries, keep going, we are building the case.
Mr. so called Dr.Alfred Chanda’s Diaries, please keep providing us with more links, we will do the investigations our selves, what we need are the links then we will develop the follow up questions as we already know that what you are presenting is not mere blogging.
yes mudala and he has picked a good name because that man died in a very funny fake accident just near mazabuka motel
can you provide more data on issa galedou and the role kunda played in the life and business of levy
RB and Chiluba are the most foolish and corrupt. To plant people to write all these rubbish about LPM. No matter what you do and say about Mwanawasa will not us believe stop thinking that he was a better presindent than them. I can not explain everything but he beats you and we need a leader like him.
Excerpted and Dr.Alfred Chanda’s Diaries is one and the same person…the PF cadre! Thats why we keep telling people that PF = MMD. By the time the circus ends, FTJ will look like a hero! Am feed up of this nonsense, why cant Zambia just be divided into 9 countries? The Plunderers will find themselves in our country where they can plunder each other to their sorry deaths! And to think that some people are bent on putting PF in govt makes me sick!
Legancy…u right this Excerpted and Dr. Alfred Chanda are the one and the same. Foolish PF Cadres, we recall also that their SATAN wanted chilbuba off the hook in 2006 when categorically said Chiluba had not stolen yet today his back peddled to say Chiluba is a thief….the issue of selective prosecution has caused them to curse levy so much but in their minds the know that only because they were the majority i mean tribe wise then they cry foul. We know there clean bembas out there but unfortunetly some of them dont see anything wrong with stealing. The same SATAN was deported from Malawi and later lied that his passport was stolen , todate this case hasnt been desposed off. If it were me i would have been jailed. Our parents tell us of how this SATANA stole a bicyle in the 50’s or…
i said thsi same SATANa had stolen a bic late in the 50s and was sent to prision , what happened there , he cahnaged and joined politic. He got 2bn from Parliament to date we dont know where the money is. This chap has children everywhere. Go to Chilenje their is a chilufwa there born of the same satana from a lady not not his wife. This chap is old eh! Recently he was being protected by Celestal Mpundu…we know his got two children with the Fathers sister so…….moliarity 0
As for Kafupi we know God will vidicate us… day he kick the backet! his not dispensible, a chap who married someones wife…forced himself on her…..we are at pain to talk about Boldwin coz on TV kafupi lied to the nation that his son was a cabbage! Who revelead the tunnels……list is endless.
OK why do you fellas think Levy resigned in 1993 wasnt it SATAna……….besides who sent the land cruser that hit the motor cade!!!!!!!wasnt it from SATANA COMMAND didnt we hear it had no number but it was traced to SATANA office…..who protected him. What about the third term….wasnt satana wanting Kafupi to elevate him. Today his a saint a saviour , thats why we cry foul to HH when he joined this lunatic. At all cost with all the rubbish we know about SATANA they will still want him for President coz his their Tribes mate.
Dont provoke us we know levy wasnt either a saint but Kafupi employed more Bembas in Parastals in Cabinat than any other at one time they were 23 ministers and deputy ministers from Luapula and Northern province. Then they will say Tongas and lozis are tribal
You want to shift the attention and to blame Mwanawasa for revealing Chilubas dealings in the ZAMTROP account when it was plain clear he stole. Stole millions from our taxes and since in your tribe their is no stealing you percieve we are like you thieves. We want the judgement registered we want G Kunda then to be fired , demand our money back….or life imprisionment. we cant forgive a thief…..if a man who stole a bicycle had 20yrs with hard labor who is kafupi….a crooke
Am sorry guys these minions think we are so dull so we cant read their lips, just how stupid do you think we are . Levy was no saint but kafupi was a devil and is still one.
For my good Bemba friends please bear with me….i know their some rotten eggs among yourselves and we are not all clean but lets try to call a spade a spade .
we shall not be cheated just beacuse someone got some history on levy which i agree was true but Kafupi was worse…. as for SATANA one cant even imagin. Please go to SATANAs web site you be amaized….their is no vision or program for Zambia. All you see are holigans.
all i want to ask rite now is if Levy were around and then knowing wat we know now about RB and HH and wat we’ve always known about Sata and Chiluba, who wud we want as a President?
I wonder why they call him Dr Mwanawasa! Did he by any chance walk that far in the corridors of academia?
Chiluba stole money and Chiluba is the Thief. I support Maureen on this one that the fight against Corruption had Levy put on death list. The plunderers, the thieves Killed Him to secure their freedom.
The fight against corrution in MMD lies at Embassy Park. The MMD living corrupt, using the rotten corrupt system to further go scot free and continue their plunder. The Zambia we seek is not the Zambia we are seeing.
Chiluba, LPM, Moreen & RB are all thieves….wrt LMP legacy…what legacy…did he any town in Zed no…he left potholes, poverty, unemployment, poor health services…the kwacha gained because the chinese wants the resources… LPM wasted time and resources fighting perceived political opponents.
Those insulting the writer are living in denial. They have been deceived intto believing only part of the story. Thet are so ignorant they don’t know much. Learn to follow issues. The trith has been presented and it hurts. Well the truth hurts but its the truth. We have always maintained that Levy is not as clean as they have wanted us to believe by the Post and his double personality.
# 128 tribe doesn’t come in here. Why do always think its tribal. Learn to analyse issues bases on facts not on preconceived ideas. Don’t be hate groups of some Zabian groups
Dogma 186 you are full of hatred and its unchristian. This is a christian nation we don’t encourage such hate. He is Sata and not Satana. And he is a performer thats why may ZAmbians want him. His personality or character may not be pleasing to you but he is just another human being
The truth and the conclusion of the whole matter is that Levy and Maureen have stolen and one day, one day they will face justice even post humoursly. Those of you who are linking this whole thig to tribe are just shallow and don’t want to face the truth and you better wake up to reality
Iwe malume what r u doing in the US came and campain for your SATANA here……..i have no hatred for sata….its what he does and his past but fellas like you think his a God! a saviour for Zambia…..what ! God forbid. remove your plunk for your eyes ok dont judge me. Yes my tone was bad but guess what the fellas up there thought mwanawasa was so bad why not do a write up for their SATA and Chiluba also.
I agree levy wasnt a saviour but you cant compare him to Kafupi and SATA …..they are worse. For now i thought you would aspire to tell me how youd help HH get into state house or milupi or chipimo not ba sata please.
I as a Zambian demand that LPM’s reign is investigated so as to prove whetehr he, moreen and their friends did anything illegal, period. If indeed LPM had some illegel deals, he should be sentenced in absentia as some1 had suggested and jail those that are alive and get all they stole.
“Speaking during the memorial service, vice president George Kunda said government will continue standing by the legacy of the late president” REALLY?
cabbage! natural selection took care of that! look at the fit KK still going strong!
Dr chanda and excerpt u two sucks,do me a favour and shut the hell up.LPM was the best that we have ever had.its sad that good pipo dont leave long and we are stuck wth RB.its obvious u hv been paid 2 discredit him but u will not succed.i cant blive whats coming from GK,hes he serious or hes just trying 2 annoy us.
We need deep, thoughtful reflection and great wisdom to chose the right canindate for State House in 2011 but obove all, we have to begin ‘praying high’. I mean consistent fasting and standing in the gap. God will answer us, he surely will. I would prefer we ask God to give us HH for presidency! He’s record is cclean, straight and unhidden. Yet thank Lord Almighty! He knows who will prevail, hence am excitedly relieved from night mares.
LEVY WAS AS HUMAN – In Africa it’s almost a given that in addition to serving your people, self enrichment is one of the obvious reasons for aspiring for the office of President. And Mwanawasa was no different. The only thing that differentiates one President from another in Africa, is the extent to which one deliberately maximises the efforts or output in the area of service to the people, over that of self enrichment. What obviously lacks in alomost all of them is the sense of respect and accountyability to the people that elect them. They first come in desparation begging for your vote, and then suddenly just become arrogant and sttuborn after they’ve been sworn in. They won’t listen to any logic unless it has to do with how they’ll perprtuate their stay in office!
May his soul rest in peace
We miss you ba Levey! MHSRIP :(
As poor Zambians,we long for a day when we will have someone who is not perfect but more like Mwanawasa.Mwanawasa listend to the people and he put our needs first.At the moment Zambia doesnt have any leader who will be like him or even close.All we have are powert hungry leaders.The top three guys in politics;Sata,HH and RB,have nothing to offer.The spend most of there time arguing about things that wont bring much change.Personally if i will be in Zambia during election time i will not vote because am not imprest with the kind of leadership we have.
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