Sunday, February 2, 2025

Levy’s leagcy will leave on, Fundanga


Bank of Zambia BOZ governor, Caleb fundanga has charged that late president, levy mwanawasa’s legacy portraying his resilience in the fight against corruption, will remain.

Dr Fundanga has also commended martin kalungu Banda for putting a human face to the life of the Dr. Mwanawasa who has constantly been projected as a tough and no nonsense man.

Speaking last might when he officiated at the launch of Mr kalungu Banda’s tribute book entitled, “its how we end that matters: leadership lessons from an African president”, Dr fundanga pointed out that the book finally brought back a soft touch to the life of Dr mwanawasa.

Dr Fundaga noted that President Mwanawasa scored in developing the nation’s social economy and governance aspect owing to his tough but progressive decision.

But he was also a man who was compassionate and loving, citing his care as a husband and a father.

Meanwhile, author, Mr Banda said that the book hugely illustrated how many potential African leaders have to abuse power when left in the wrong hands.

Mr Banda said that it is a privilege for one to hold power but it is wrong when the power falls into the wrong hands especially with African leaders.

And chairperson for the levy Mwanawasa foundation, Nelly Muti emphasized on the need for Zambians to learn to build on the legacy of the late president because of the strong pillars of democracy and good governance that he stood for.
[ QFM ]


  1. Martin Kalungu Banda is one of the brilliant people in Zambia but I think legacy is good if it is embraced and continued by the next generation. One tree can not block the wind just like one Mwanawasa could not stop corruption. The three arms of government need to function and all other institutions like the police should follow. Mr Fundanga is a puppet of the racists at the IMF and World Bank and yet when he talks legacy now, people clap..

  2. Attention: LT
    Please do a spell check on on heading- Zambia: ‘Levy’s leagcy will leave on’ or you mean ‘Zambia: Levy’s legacy will live on. Basic grammatical errors of this nature diminish the content of your news.

  3. Levy’s legacy should be confined to his days as President.Thats how legacies world over are judged.The incoming President is preoccupied with leaving his(her) leagcy,something even me will do.Newly sworn-in Colombian President is busy realigning his foreign policy cos he wants to have his own legacy different to that of Uribe.Its just like that ,even when JFK was killed,his vice took a different path.

  4. History of legacies by Zambian presidents:
    Kaunda – Dedicated to Infrastructural development eg.building schools, hospitals, roads, bridges etc
    Chiluba – Dedicated to stealing (lazo) of public funds plus high corruption levels
    Mwanawasa – Dedicated to fighting corruption though high levels of nepotism by himself
    Bwezani Banda – Dedicated to travelling everywhere around the world all the time (kamwendo munjila) plus high corruption levels

  5. Why do u appreciate Levy after death nonsense!!!! why did u not appreciate while he was a president. Hyppocrite:-?:-?:-?

  6. Mwanawasa worked so hard to get Zambia on the road to economic recovery but unfortunately Bwezani is so retrogressive.Demagogues surrounding RB should for once advise him to travel by road so that he experiences the deplorable state of our roads.

  7. Yaba, his contract will end this month, I hope he gets another job soon, otherwise those whiskies (blue label) will kill him.

  8. Leave or let live??????????? Live your life or leave another’s alone. To do with umweo vs musiye. The many creative ways we can teach the authors of this B.S.

  9. Legacy Legacy. This is nonsense. All aught to know that man is an architect of his own destiny. Why should RB continue with Mwanawasa’s nepotism mwebantu. Everyone is his man and no copycat. At least RB is doing what is best for the country with migre resources we have seen certain roads being done in Western Northwester Eastern, Nansanga, Choma Namwala, Chalala Roads Kitwe Roads under JICA, schools, hospitals in every districts including Lusaka General Hospital near Chinama, Mobile Hospitals, Fertilizer Support with bumper harvest, CEEC Youth Empowerments , Completion of Government complex, recapitalisation of enery sector, Mchinji rail line, Emloyment of teachers every year at avarage of 5000 teachers per year, recruitment of nurses and the list goes on and on. what will PF do? NIX

  10. I totally agree with number 5 every one of them who haved ruled Zambia will leave their own legacy , ofcourse to me it means their history . so RB will also leave his lgacy ,of making sure that corruption is in govt which every one knows ,and Levis legacy is the familytree and hatred for one tribe he called stinking, and only fighting one corrupt leader and left the rest untouched, Chiluba oppened,Zambians to rest of the world,stopped smuggling ,brought sanity in transport system.and stole from Zambians

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