The Zambia Police Service says it will soon issue a comprehensive statement on the progress made in investigating Gender Deputy Ministe, Lucy Changwe, over a bounced cheque.
Zambia Police Deputy Public Relations Officer, Dandula Siaman, told QFM in a telephone interview that the Inspector General of Police will soon issue a statement. Mrs. Siamana however says she is yet to get the details of the investigations from the officers handling the investigations.
She explains that once all the details are gathered, she will handle them to Inspector General of Police, Francis Kabonde, for further action. President Rupiah Banda said on Monday that he does not need to tell the police what to do when someone has broken the law.
He said it is up to the police to act on Gender Deputy Minister, Lucy Chanwe, who bounced a K10 million cheque. The Civil Society has been calling for the arrest and prosecution of Ms Changwe for the offence.
Imfeshi kwati ni ba Cleopatra, yangu tata! Elo umulomo wapamulu mwapenta black, uwapanshi ati red. Awe kwena mwasashila madam.
This lady is arrogant to say the least. I can’t waste my s.p.e.r.m. on her. Konaula
We don’t want to hear statements from some old silly inspector general of s.t.up.i.d police we want the woman arrested when Mpombo was taken to court everything was done Asap and it has back fired on MMD. More over that minister looks like a s.e.x worker what kind of lip stick is that?
pa zed
Did we get a comprehensive statement from the IG during Mpombo’s investigations,guess not,
Once the police are done with their investigations, all they have to do is submit a report to the IG and then proceed with the arrest and letting Chalwe Muchenga go ahead with appointing prosecutors, whats this nonsense we are being fed now
The trouble with PF is that they believe in mob justice. They want law and order in the country to be run in the same manner as what sometimes happens in the compounds when one is accused of stealing, a mob descends on the accused who is summarily beaten up which sometimes leads to death. How long did it take for the case against Mpombo to get to court from the time he was accused and ultimately sentenced? Changwe has broken the law, let the law now take it’s course.
#2 kwena uli mbushi, taumfwa! U cracked my ribs so early!
No.6 you must be a very s.t.u.p.i.d person because it is only after the President made mention of this matter the other day thats way now you are hearing about this statement nonsence from some cheap IG
I posted this some time back. I will paste it here.
Mr. Mpombo was reported to the police on Jan 6th 2010 as reported on LT under the story Findlay drags Mpombo to police over bounced cheque. Madam Lucy Changwe was reported to the police on July 27th 2010 as reported in the Times of Zambia under the story Police Open Docket for Changwe.
As for the length of time it took Mr. Mpombo to appear in the courts in comparison with Madam Changwe, I leave that to you to assess in accordance with the dates Mr. Mpombo and Madam Changwe were reported to the police.
Please let us respect our institutions and let them operate in accordance with the way they are supposed to operate.
Asking govt to interfere with the process of our institutions is silly because you are asking them to do the same thing your condemning them (without evidence) for.
Does it make sense to ask govt to interfere with Police duties when you accuse them of interfering with police duties (without evidence). What an oxymoron.
# 3. This lady looks like a what? Very funny.
This is a typical case of selective justice. These investigations have taken unnecessarily long because she’s MMD. We don’t need such an incompetent IG who just want to please his masters. If you can’t do your work, resign old man!!!
# 2 Teti waleka umunobe ayikulika. Iwe kwena balumendo mwalikwata ama comments. #3 You have made me laugh. She looks like a sexual worker? Awe mwandi malumendo kuti mwalenga umunenu aya nempanga.
This is really comical, the country is in full time reverse gear. What we are witnessing are monkey tricks, whenever an MMD official commits an offence we are told of ”Comprehensive” this and that and the Inspector general and the president make decisions on whether to arrest or not. Unfortunately these people can’t see the mood of the nation.
#8 I can see from your reasoned and measured response to my contribution that my point about mob violence has completely passed you by, but then what can one expect from a PF supporter? I suggest you read the contribution after yours that is (#9 incase you are not sure), and maybe, just maybe you may be able to actually get the point I am trying to make. Have a good day.
#6 and #14, these two cases are similar but occured in two different jurisdictions and so time factors are a non starter. you may not know the backlog of copperbelt based courts while mukushi is also different so debate like a person who went to school, got educated and learnt something iwe kapala
Fr Bwalya will be happy to note that he has a red card supporter in the MMD cabinet, Changwe is all red even the lower lip!
#9 Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic growth- YOU BIGOT. You forget that Mpombo had advised Findley not to deposit the cheque since he had discovered that he didnt have enough fund in the bank. This evidendence was coraburated in court by Findley’s Chief Cashier- that Findley still went ahead to deposit that cheque and within hours reported Mpombo to the police.Remember MMD will not be in power forever and I wonder if you be happy to be treated the same way MMD is treating percieved enemies.
@ #17 Deja Vu
According to the Times of Zambia story titled Mpombo Appeals, Seeks Bail run on 11th August 2010, it states and I quote “FORMER Defence minister and Kafulafuta Member of Parliament (MP) George Mpombo has filed a notice of appeal against the sentence slapped on him by the Ndola Magistrate’s Court.”[End Excerpt].
That being the case, I will not discuss matters that are before the courts.
In my post on #9, I did not discuss the contents of the case, I simply showed the time and speed of the case seeing that PF vuvuzelas on this blog were complaining about the speed of the case against Madame Changwe.
That being the case, I would advise you Deja Vu (PF vuvuzela on LT) to stick to the issues I have pointed out and not red herrings.
arrest the bitch!!
#18 Mr. Capitalist – 3 E’s steering economic g You se, your problem is always side step the issues at hand. Did the Police make any statements on Mpombo’s case? No! So why are they playing for time by promising to make a statement on a simple and straight case? You say you cant comment on a case that is before the court and yet you have already made such. Besides here in Zambia “we are now free to comment on cases before the courts” because ours are no longer people’s courts unless you belong to MMD. PF VUZELA? ME? Far from it. My chap when you guys at ZNBC etc were cowering from KK/UNIP, I was one of the people who risked their jobs and lives to ensure his ouster. You and George Kunda are the same no principles. I only oppose the MMD because it has betrayed us. For you it is a…
I think we need to rewrite the book they use at police training school it must be out dated our police in Zambia are a shame and let down
Arrest this hooooooker! the case is taking ages, because she is one of banda’s extra- maritals.
Zed justice is full of shyt, and you keep telling people Sata is bad, becase you are scared!!!! please God we win the 2010 elections!!!!!
#23 God help us if PF gets in. They dont even know when the elections are meant to be held. Let the due process of the law take its course. It is ridiculous to claim that there is any politicking in this case when serving ministers and high ranking officials of the MMD have been charged and prosecuted in the past. Rule of the mob is not the way to go. I shudder to think what the justice system in Zambia will be like if PF kaponyas (God forbid) ever get to be in power.
Damn, the lady looks “drawn”. LOL Like drwawn incest.
Ala ba kapokola behave guys. Let Changwe be arrested in the same way monkey babtised Mpombo was arrested at a blink of an eye. let us not have two laws in Zambia. Awe twakana bane. A precedence has been set so Changwe has to be jailed bane ba MMD-police and thugs.
Yaba I have carefully examined infeso ya ba madan changwe. Ala bane it is like those hookers in Addsababa road after 20 hrs. She does not even feel ashemed being the gender minister. Who can listen to her with such painting.
Awe I rest my case kuti wa ponta bane.
why does she ony have lipstick on her bottom lip?
Rupia is such a hypocrite,recently he told the police in ndola to release the PF caders who blocked George Kunda during the chifubu by-election, and now he is saying that he does not need to tell the police what to do, he is such a doubled tongued and forgetful b.a.s.t.a.r.d.
#23 we need Sata to come and mop the all shyt in Zambia and long time overdue. This is the time Zambia needs strong character of Sata type.
Catholics and Protestant churches are not in agreement so RB and Mpombo cant be friends. Look, both guys were baptised by monkeys. RB was baptised (at State House) the Catholic way by the monkey and Mpombo was baptised (in Livingstone) the Protestant way by the monkey. So the dogmas and doctrines for both men are different thats why they disagree. Jail Changwe, why issue statement, how many people are in prisons without even seeing the inside of the court. ZP in Zed are all mentally retarded
#1 ubucende ukafwapofye.
LT! LT! LT! Please the story says ‘Police to issue a statement on Lucy Changwe’, under her image you have a caption telling us of her immediate ambitions – ‘to build a girls high school in her constituency’ and am asking myself how is that related to the issue above. Under her caption just put her name period, we are not interested in her ambitions at the moment!
### 24 you talking bullshyt! your chief mmd liccker(kafupi- chiluba is a kapoya, and born and bred) now what are u on about PF??????
If we loss next year.. they will be total war! i bet u off work now(government offices) looking forward to reading from you 2moro!!!!
Ka red na ka black again. One lip black & the other red. Some of these paintings kuti waseka mwe…
#35 You definitely are a real PF kaponya. So next year if the majority of the electorate decide that they do not want to be ruled by a thug like Sata, then you propose war? Is that the only way you can get into power? If Sata spent more time telling us about his policies instead of making unfounded allegations and insulting people then you might have a chance. If Chiluba was such a kaponya, then why didn’t Sata resign from his govt like Mwanawasa did instead of pushing for a third-term? Were you also one of the PF kaponyas who used to be waiting for him at the airport when he went for treatment in SA? By the way, no PF kaponya was complaining about sending people to SA then, just like they did not complain when Sata was also sent to SA.
Ops! where on Earth is bouncing a check is a crime? Friends, I know that the mindless Movement for Mass Destruction brought in this law and Mpombo and Changwe are just testing their own urine. Nonetheless, rather than celebrating their arrest, we should be questioning the sense of this childish law. Courts should be left for important issues.
If at all chiLucy is arrested and taken to court, she will not be sentenced on Friday and the magistrate will not go missing, and above all, bail will be processed the same day. This is an iffy situation, but we know that she will not be arrested.
@Kajoka, how right you are bruv. In England, if you bounce a Direct Debit or, indeed, a cheque (rarely used now), the bank will be glad to charge £30 per month.
## 38 war is the only solution we got left now!! we always speak the truth.. kafupi is a senior CB kapoya, willie banda, and rb top kapoyas in lilongwe(malawi) and mutali (zimbabwe).
mmd was founded by kapoyas and you have gotten rid of our national pride and identity.. now whats wrong if THE PACT is trying to give back what belongs to the people of zed!??
stop mentioning Mwanawasa.. iwe kapoli
what kind of name is Dandula Siaman anyway? is our senior police force being taken over by Senegalese or Nigerians?
sorry that name seems to be from Papua New Guinea, oh sorry
Who needs a statement? We need an arrest. Once a crime is committed, the police must do what they always do. ARREST the criminal. Statements for what? When are the taking statements from Changwe? When are they doing warn and caution? Please, spare us the agony of knowing how political Zambia Police has come. What has happened to the sharp shooter dr. Musonda? ZP, you are fast becoming an irrelevant force in Zambia. Who needs a police service that gives statements on some crimes and arrests only those that their so called President tells them to arrest? Probably we need Boy Scouts to do the job the William/Rupiah Banda Police Force is failing to do. It is a shame Zambia is still on the world map.
Rupiah holds the key in this matter. As long as he does not drop her the police will not arrest her. Kabonde knows this and is just pussy-footing. These fellas are pissing on us and don’t have the courtesy to tell us that it is rain!