Monday, March 10, 2025

Britain’s still pursuing Shansonga extradition


THE British government has said it is pursuing the Zambian Government’s request for the extradition of former Zambian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Attan Shansonga with State authorities on government-to-government channels.

But the Government has said it did not have any role to play in the London High Court verdict that found second Republican president Frederick Chiluba and seven others liable for the loss of US$46 million.

The British government said Zambia had already recovered, in Belgium and elsewhere, substantial sums of money as a result of the London judgment.

According to a statement issued by the Press and public affairs section of the British High Commission yesterday, it was however the British government’s longstanding policy and practice neither to deny nor confirm that they had received an extradition request unless the subject has been arrested in relation to the request.

“However, because Mr Shansonga was resident in England he fell under the jurisdiction of London courts. He was tried as a defendant in the above case, found liable, and the Zambian authorities subsequently recovered significant sums of money from him,” reads the statement in part.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. They British suffer from a serious double standards issue. They, together with a great number of other so called western countries love to ride on their white horses preaching anti corruption nosense when they are the ones in the front corrupting the rest of the world-actually for the last 600 years. The Zambian govt (as much as they too are using this case as window dressing) has the right to be communicated to-how terrible for the British govt to ignore another govt. request of this nature! A response, together with action is in order on their part. As much as i hate MMD and RB, I seriously agree with them on this issue…I still maintain that we must register Chiluba’s conviction in Zambia as well.

  2. Surely GRZ must have knowm Attan was a resident of UK when they let him off the hook and let him travel at the height of the case here in Zambia. The gov’t lied about the circumstances of his departure, perhaps to protect somebody.Was RB aware, or he was still basking in the miracle of being made Veep from a peasant farmer ?

  3. RB was Govt when Attan was let off the Task Force hook. No way today he shud start pretending about this saga. the truth these chaps in MMD top soup and govt have turned back from pursuing Levy’s dream on corruption. They have politicised deliberately the court judgements as if they are influenced by them when infact facts ahve just turned that way. Have you not seen Rupiah commenting after or even before judgemnt is passed in court? The same MMD have destroyed the intergrity of the lordships in the judicially. they have used them as instruments to foster the dirty ambitions of propaganda and lottery. Rupiah is talking, Red-Lipped VIP is also talking when infact he was Justice Minister at the time the case wsa prosecuted in london? Kunda shud resign and be ashamed for misleading Govt.

  4. You can run but you can’t hide. Is Attan free to drink the way he used to? No. Is Attan free to appear in public and discuss issues, No. Is Attan the same persona he was before his appointment, No. These are facts that people need to llok at and not the rantings by RB. People should have the moral conscience to stand up and defend their actions. Attan, Chiluba and all these self aggrandising thieves are not worth the money they stole. They never worked for it and it will do anything meaningful to their lives or those of their Children. I am proud to say I have worked for every penny I use and am proud of it, hahahaha!. Chiluba come and I show you my hard earned bed room, dressed to my taste without tax payer’s money.hahaha! So Sata is absolutely right, RB will be caught in his web.

  5. Mark Chona is a relative to Atan. Mutembo Nchito was on Atan Shansonga’s credit card details as a beneficiary to the loot. Chona told us Atan had gone to Siavonga and was going to come back. We are still waiting may be he has now reached Kafue Bridge. The recovered properties were Zambian Government issue. We knew this as far back as 2002 long before Mwanawasa went about his hunting trip at Manda Hill.So this British baffon is saying we recovered our ouwn properties and spent Punds 9 million in legal fees to Tony Blairs brother for properties worth Pounds 2 million…hehehehehe. I.D.I.O.T.S GUIDE TO FIGHTING CORRUPTION 101 by Prof.Levy Patrick Mwanawasa SC, C.a.b.b.a.g.e. (Oxford)

  6. #3
    By the time chona told the nation that Attan is going to Siavonga,RB was not Veep.It later emerged that Attan was even escorted by Nchito upto SA and had snacks and beers together.This fight was a hoax from the word go and was a money making machine for interested parties.At first whne LPM laid bare the accusations against Chiluba amounting to millions od dollars,I was happy and almost believed him.Years down the line,Nchito withdraws the charges amounting to millions and then files a charge of a paltry $500 000,Please! Meanwhile he had been paid billions of kwachas in legal fees.Bana this fight was to costly and uneconomical to undertake.

  7. There are two things we could say, namely:

    1. #2 Citizen, It was Levy Mwanawasa who was in power when Shansonga was let off the hook to go to Britain.

    2. #4 Bwebaishiba, When you mention Sata, please bear in mind that it was Sata, not Rupiah, who was Chiluba’s right hand man for the 10 years of his rule and he never saw any thing wrong with Chiluba. I Just never understand why people are so forgetful about Sata and the role he played in Chiluba’s governace style.

  8. Do not blame the British for the mess caused over this London judgement you had Attan Shansonga right there in Zambia and you let him go one thing you should know is that the British will never let a British national rot in some jail any were in the world they always bring them back at what ever cost so you f.u.c.k.e.d up when you let this guy come back to England because he is British – i can promise you that he will never be brought back to Zambia. Just forget about this case and move on what ever you write or say will not take you any were!

  9. #7 you are a very sick imbec.i.l.e, why do you have such language, very low form of a human being. Issues at hand a serious ones that affect every zambia citizen including those that stole, all you think of is writing, get a life.

  10. #6 na # 8 Nimwebo fi H.O.M.O!!! We are supposed to be talking something sensible here! IFIKO no busaali!!! Kasambeni mwe nkoko mwe!! I hope you all die of A.I.D.S

  11. What hook # 3? Ukutumpa pa blog abantu! Please start developmental news and stop witch hunting! It is too much yaping pa zed.

  12. numbala 8 walitumpa iwe mabala iwe! atase! ninshi? eh? if i eat live how does that concern you bane? eh? walikwata shogani knife kumusula?why are u so bitter eh? mind your own business. u ka 2vee.
    numbala 13 if u are not gettin some its not our problem. hit the brothel mune, kulyapo live fye. once u taste it mune all that bitterness will go away. atm u yo ball bag is full=)). numbala 11 eya mune tell that makaka.


  14. It is sad to note that some people find it fit to write insults on this site i wonder how old you are any way we come from different back grounds the way a person is brought up is very important!

  15. chaps RB was NOWHERE NEAR GOVT when Atan run away. Mark Chona released him on pretext he was going to get evidence against FTJ. The British are protecting Atan becoz he is an MI6/CIA counterpart and informer to the Brits. they are things the Brits and Americans funded through Zamtrop which they wanted to hide. If they push us too far we will reveal all the beans. that nchito is a big thief and a crook. he was the lawyer to katumbi as well and then stole zambian airways from the late shadow chatupa who was shot dead. we will get you all one by one mwanya bamafi yenu. you think we have been happy seeing levy and his useless wife attack only FTJ and others in the system from luapula and northern. we will get our revenge through our traditional cousin

  16. numbala 18 tell me about it mate? walila? dont worry mune we will rid the site of scams like numbala 8. dont worry mune

  17. Banda should be ashamed of the lies he told about the Brits. Also, all the ministers who have been claiming Chiluba was exonerated in London should now just shut up.

  18. What’s the latest on the story from The Post who reported that POLICE have refused to arrest and prosecute gender deputy minister Lucy Changwe for bouncing a cheque worth K10 million in a house purchase transaction????

  19. numbala 23 ati shani iwe muntu iwe? walila? haha awe nizee mune. which country are u in mune? awe kula tomba live fye mune, me i have decided, after all we are all gonna die one day .kulya po fye, better walyapo live and die rather than wavonfesha condom elo wafwa just becoz it cut, without ukunfmwa kunona, awe bane nizeee fye.

  20. Interesting stuff about Shansonga Attan. However, I am more interested in “The British government said Zambia had already recovered, in Belgium and elsewhere, substantial sums of money as a result of the London judgment“. I just hope the GRZ wont be forced to return the money they recovered — mentioned above — to Mr FJT Chiluba and/or his accomplices.

    On another note, Im inviting all aggrieved-by-President RB Banda’s rule in Zambia and his acting-presidency of MMD behaviour to ditch the MMD and then start supporting the mighty UPND Group to form GRZ Administration in 2011.

    I also hope that both PF and UPND will be fielding candidates from their individual parties in the Mpulungu and possible-Namwala MP by-elections so that we see which party is popular in the areas…

  21. Why not just say why he hasn’t , as yet , been extradited instead of hiding behind diplomatic language.
    # 19 REAL SHUSHU ….You are obviously very aggrieved by the LPM administration’s pursuit of this FTJ case . Amazing amount of intelligence information in that one posting which, by it’s very nature , we can’t verify, but interesting nonetheless . I just shudder at those threats you are making , especially if you are a spy who’s in collusion with the british and the americans !
    ..Anyhow , a picture is emerging where some here are giving the impression that the Z population has been falsley led into believing that Chiluba stole millions when in actuality there is no clear evidence and it’s all been stage managed from the start. That it’s been a vendetta.

  22. So where are the recovered sums of money?
    Can the Gov explain as to where the sums have been placed?
    How on earth the U.K . let a criminal who once saved as ambassador stay in their country?

  23. Dojo Do #1 You are so right! Lets tell these hypocrites where the buck stops. They come to our countries and preach things like freedom of speech., Just try criticising these i.di.ots and see whether they will make you their friend. Justice? What justice when they oppressed us as colonies and as slaves under their own s.t.upid laws that ‘justified’ their barbaric actions? Some f.o.o.l called Margaret Thatcher had the audacity to call freedom seeking Africans terrorists! For her it was alright for a minority group of white people to oppress and exploit a majority because she came from the school of thought that whites had to ‘civilise’ the rest of the world. If the ANC were terrorists how come they are ruling?No 10 London read what number 17 states and stop defending these colonial…

  24. masters who have nothing to offer you but for what they can exploit from you. All the colonialists we chased from Africa are hypocrites. Right now they are bent on colonising our minds so that we can see things from their point of view and start parroting them. Then they can continue exploiting us because we are their puppets. Africa should fight neo-colonialism the Mugabe way!!

  25. ‘pursuing’…i am not sure if this is the correct terminology because its in their hands to do it if they wanted. maybe ‘processing’ would be more suitable. lol

  26. The British still saying Pursuing Attan Shansonga. What is this. I thing I can go to UK and shoot him dead for the pleasure of it. The Man stole with Ka small BIG thief FTJ and let off the hook. What is this? it’s only pa Zd where you let a thief infact escort a Thief with his loot. Savior Chungu was also let off the HOOK. Ata pa zed this is a banana republic. I shall lead a rebellion to seceed from Zambia, creat a Joint Democratic People’s Replubliic of East Matero & Mandevu West. At least It will be democratic and we shall charge Zambia for using Independence Stadium.

  27. 1 Dojo Do, I rather like your spirit. This is what Zambians should be saying to the British and other meddling donors: “We are Zambians, we are united, can quarrel among ourselves and resolve issues among ourselves. Please don’t meddle in our internal affairs.” The reasoning is simple, once you give these guys an inch, you lose your sovereignty forever. They will continue interfering regardless of which government is in power, it is not the first time in Zambia’s history that they have attempted this. So we must draw a line. How clean are the British themselves? In Saudi Arabia not too long ago, they decided not to pursue a multi billion pounds clear cut corruption case involving a strategic British company, “in order not to damage Britain’s strategic interests in Saudi Arabia”.

  28. “These thieves are stealing public funds with the assistance of foreigners. But they don’t want the Zambian people to fight them with the assistance of foreigners. Why the double standards? What is good for the goose is good for the gander!”

  29. When you catch Attan please let us know – regardless of the time it will take your high advanced intelligence system to find him.

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