Tuesday, March 11, 2025

5 PF councillors axed for backing MMD


Patriotic Front cadres

FIVE Patriotic Front (PF) Chililabombwe councillors have been expelled while a councillor in Luanshya was arrested for alleged corruption as turmoil continues to haunt the opposition party.

The five councillors were expelled from the party for allegedly voting for MMD candidate Trudy Ng’andu as mayor early this week.

Ms Ng’andu was elected new Chililabombwe mayor after she got 12 votes when her party has only eight seats in the council.

Copperbelt Provincial Local Government Officer, Solomon Sakala, who confirmed the expulsion to the Times, said it was regrettable that the PF could exhibit such partisan politics.

Chililabombwe has 13 PF councillors, eight MMD councillors and one from the United Democratic Alliance.

An effort to get a comment from the Chililabombwe PF chairperson failed.

In Luanshya, police on Wednesday arrested and detained a PF councillor for alleged corrupt activities during the mayoral elections won by MMD’s Peter Phiri.

The arrest prompted the PF councillors to boycott the elections.

Adam Zulu, who was aspiring for the position of mayor, was arrested and detained in police custody when he allegedly offered K2 million cash as inducement to another councillor who he wanted to vote for him.

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) spokesperson Wezi Chomba and Luanshya District police chief, Hudson Namachila confirmed Mr Zulu’s arrest in separate interviews yesterday.


  1. Democracy in PF? a pipe dream.These Councillors exercised their constitution right to vote.What if the PF candidate was way below standard compared to MMD’s? Action within 90 days for real.


  3. PF is finnished. its terrible!!!!! Councillors are civic leaders who should not be partisan, so not allow them to choose who they want??? After all they have just realised that PF is full of Kaponyas hence voting for MMD. 2011 here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. #3
    What? Are you saying that PF strongholds of Luanshya and Kalulushi have gone to MMD as well? People are now seeing how hollow the 90 days economic miracle is.No further comment

  5. These people have just been paid by MMMD. We know your tricks and when we come to power you will all go to Mukobeko with no trial.

  6. There must be a lot of benefits that accrue to people elected as mayors for some to want to become mayors at all costs. They are there to serve themselves, what a shame! Let mayors be popularly elected now that their term has been increased to 3 years. Abash corruption and corrupt PF councilors.

  7. #9 Nandibo
    When the new constitution is enacted,Mayors will be elected by the general population with a term of 5 yrs,just like in the US.

  8. money talks, the more reasons it is in the interest of MMD to see more people out of employment, ZAMTEL gone. As it is easy to buy them out. However, everything has limits, they cannot buy out over 3 million voters this time around. come 2011…wina alila

  9. What has happened to the PF councillors. The Chililbombwe case, Trudy Ngandu owns a guest house in Chililbombwe, she has been fighting to get adapted as MMD parliamentary candidate after the failed Wamundila Muliokela’s misurable MMD parliametary reign. She has been flashing money to ensure she gets the POWER now to put her in good position fr MMD to adapt her in 2011. She will however not make it. Mrs Banda the current MP for Chililbombwe is very POWERFUL than her.

    The Luanshy scenario,the MMD have planted a lot of people around Luanshya to implicate the PF. Money is busy changing hands. The MMD scared of Chishimba Kambwili’s influence. They are trying day & Night to get Roan Cosntituency cause Luanshya constituency belongs to MMD (simon kachimba).Well lots of happenings B4 2011 ku…

  10. I have phoned the Luanshya Police Command,, PF, UPND and landlines randomly got from the directory, they have all refused that the Luanshya PF Councillor was engaged in corruption. All they the MMD wanted was to cause confusion. They in advance brought in the anti corruption to disturb the powerful PF candidate so that the MMD chap sails through. They knew PF was going to boycott the elections. Useless propaganda.

  11. Copperbelt Provincial Local Government Officer, Solomon Sakala, who confirmed the expulsion to the Times, said it was regrettable that the PF could exhibit such partisan politics- CAN MMD ALLOW THEIR COUNCILLORS TO VOTE FOR PF?

  12. #9 Nandibo- THERE ARE ALOT OF BENEFITS MWANA At one time a mayor(now former) in Kalulushi gave himself plots(for dweling house) in an area designated for a marke and play park.This is just one example.

  13. 15 Deja Vu, MMD certainly won’t expel them for that reason. The trouble with you and your PF colleagues is that you don’t think normally so you think that everybody else thinks the same as you.

    12 Zed, if there was an iota of truth that MMD has used money to buy millions of votes in previous elections, then they should have no problem buying 3 million voters in voters in 2011. However, what surprises me is how easy it is for MMD to buy off you PF voters and supporters. You must be made of very cheap stuff.

  14. Mrs Ngundu is qualitative and insppring. It is only right that she was given a vote by PF counillors. It is unfortunate that the councillors have been fired by undemocratic PF leadership

  15. #17
    5 PF- YOU MUST BE RESIDING ON PLANET MARS TO THINK THAT mmd CAN TOLARATE what the rebel councilors did. Look at the Mpombo saga , Chibomba Milimo, Magande and now Mwalilino immidiate former Mayor of Kalulushi(may be you havent heard since your Times of Toilet cant report o n this).This man is facing expulsion for refusing to let another MMD fellow to stand as Mayor during Tuesday’s elections. The whole MMD has risen against him.

  16. #17 – On PF being cheap. Mwana both MMD and PF have in the majority very low calibre councillors especially outside Lusaka. Most these fellows live on less than a dollar per day. Get a chap who lives as charcoal burner in ZamTan shanty compound as a councillor you know what to expect- he will be manuplated by those with money. This is one reason Town Clerks have taken advantage of councillors. In the Colonial days and a few few years after Independence one to stand as a councillor one had to have valuable property and cash so that his main interest will be to develop the town.Now KK brought politics and the result is what you see now.

  17. #18, Is MMD democratic? how do u account for Mpombo and Magande saga? are u insane that you can not reflect on a just recent issue. By the way in a strict sense of the word there is no party in zambia which is democratic:-?:-?:-? Prove me wrong!!!

  18. What about the so-called rebel MP from Luapula? You dont understand political systems. Being democratic does not equate to being undisciplined. A political party is like a club which has rules which members have to abide by. If a member does not like the rules they can leave or if they are found to have broken the rules then they can be asked to leave. It really is that simple. Mpombo and Magande were asked to leave because they did not abide by the rules. PF however is a one man party that up till now has never had a convention. RB on the other hand was adopted by MMD after an internal democratic process that was lost by Magande and others. Others have accepted their defeat graciously whereas Magande did not.

  19. Funny how Magande is the hero for PF whereas at the time he was finance minister, they were calling him all sorts of names.

  20. You can find true change ONLY IN UPND. that’s the party where you find intellectuals. These Kaponyas are just making noise. Chi sata give Presidency to HH and watch how Zambia will be transformed within 1 year

  21. Kaka you are a foolish fool!! You mean you dont know that it has taken ages for the MMD to expell the two disgruntled elements? The Patriotic Fools (PF) expelled MPs for supporting the constitution making process and you see nothing wrong with that, but when MMD expels its most indisciplined members who are always insulting the party leadership of which they belong, you cry foul. All PF members have got a peice of their brian missing

  22. The PACT ton apart!!! We told you that politics of hatred and forcing to come to power with a motive to subdue other tribes will never work anymore. People are now wise. They want humble leaders from humble tribes, not pompus and self imposed supperiority. VIVA RB VIVA MMD

  23. 3 20 Deja Vu, In the early 70s the mayors were reputable people in society until one muntu panshi lesa kumulu changed things, what a pity. What is surprising is why we have maintained the status core. Is it because politics can only attract easy to manipulate low calibre people? We need make a change!

  24. # 25 UMODZI–u are being SIMPLETONIC. reason well, being democratic does not depend on how long it has taken, but what principles or criteria used in dealing with issues. I know u are innocent of rational faculties, that is why u proclaim mmd as a democratic party. if I may ask how practical is the democracy of MMd according to your whobbly insights?

  25. #25 atack the issue not the person, that is a sign of ilogic. so u think PF they don’t base their expelling on disciplinary line? Why people do insult fellow mmd if the entire MMd is democratic, is that of it?:((:((:((

  26. #29 KAKA, In the MMD it is the NEC who expels where as in the PF it is your greedy uncle who at times acts out of impulse.democracy at its best.

  27. Bamambala, how long has it taken the MMD to expel Mpombo and Magande? Havent you seen the behaviour exhibited by the two in the past two years or so. Lets be realistic. MMD and indeed RB are very democratic and cant be compared to the hooligan party you call PF that doesnt even have intraparty democracy and does even folow procedures. Look at the period that has passed from the time the councillors voted upto their expulsion. That tells you something about the partyy and its governance structures. If they followed the procedure, it must have been a rough riding procedure anyway. Some of you are very blind that you cant see what is good for you. All you see are bad things. Anyway, I understand coz you are disgruntled

  28. There is alot of corruption in Council elections and MMD are using money from THIEVES to buy these elections. What is alleged to have happened in Luanshya is just a tip of the iceberg. This is all because ALA BI has a soft spot for corruption. Let’s wait for 2011, All thieves including their sympathisers will surely be sorted out.

  29. In every organisation there are rules and all members are expected to abide to the rules. I dont blame PF leadership for expelling these councillors neither do i blame the MMD executive for expelling Mpombo. The issue of dictatorship is neither here nor there……

  30. #24 wayasa ,the chaps in PF are kaponyas and corrupt why is it that the councilors and MPs for UPND are stable while PF MPs are involved in money laundering just like SATA who was caught with money from unknown source in the RSA.when Councillors competed against each other Sata is on record saying that it is health so that the best can be elected but in the same breath the PF is expelling councilors for exercise their democratic rights and voted for a best mayor.It smells,looks and sounds this chap (SATA) cannot be trusted .Allow HH to take Zambia to the greatest hight , he is trusted and consistent

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