Former Patriotic Front (PF) general secretary Edward Mumbi has said expelled Kafulafuta Member of Parliament George Mpombo should not accuse President Banda of being tribal because late president Levy Mwanawasa was the one who had more relatives and friends in Cabinet.
Mr Mumbi said it was shameful that Mr Mpombo wants to challenge his expulsion at the convention and yet he dared the party to take action against him.
He said Mr Mpombo should not accuse President Banda of being tribal because it was alleged that late president Mwanawasa was the one who had more relatives and friends in Cabinet.
Mr Mumbi challenged Mr Mpombo to produce a list of President Banda’s relatives who were in Cabinet so that it could be compared with Dr Mwanawasa’s list.
“President Banda has made minor changes to the same Cabinet but the majority were still (late) president Mwanawasa’s contrary to Mr Mpombo’s assertion,” Mr Mumbi said.
He said Mr Mpombo and his Chilanga counterpart Ng’andu Magande should stop using late Dr Mwanawasa’s name because others who mentioned the late president were told to stop talking about the dead.
The two MPs should not talk about democracy because they adulterated the constitution so that they could succeed late president Mwanawasa.
“These people claiming to be relatives of the late president influenced him to adulterate some tenets of the constitution so that they could succeed him, Mpombo even claimed that (late) president Mwanawasa left instruments of power to him when he went to Egypt,” Mr Mumbi said.
Mr Mumbi said because of these reasons, Mr Mpombo and Mr Magande criticised Mr Banda.
But Mr Mpombo said it was out of principle that he challenged the expulsion to avoid leaving a bad precedent.
Mr Mpombo said he was waiting for instructions from his lawyer in Lusaka because he was at the farm in Ndola.
He maintained that he would beat the MMD should there be a by-election.
Mr Mpombo wondered why Mr Mumbi had become the spokesperson for MMD and Government.
[Times of Zambia]
LT will you find a better title for this man. I find the title” Former PF SG” very disturbing especially that he left a long time ago. On the other hand, i would like to join Hon Mpombo,s Question on weather Mr. Mumbi is now the spokesperson for MMD
Edward Mumbi bige muli cipuba!!!
Why cant you just zip it??
you are a directionless FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Politics of poverty again by this empty tin Edward Mumbi. Nowonder zed is so poor coz of such stu.pid chaps who have nothing to do but busy making noise as way of looking 4 employment from R.B to fill their big empty stomachs. Mumbi shut yo beak as u are not in any way an mmd spokesperson.
Mumbi is demonstrating a great lack of wisdom. Why fight with and throw stones at the dead? LPM, being human, may have made (and did make) mistakes, the worst perhaps being the creation of the Constitution Review Commission, but all things soberly taken, his quality of leadership was many cuts and degrees above the kind we are seeing these days. He provided hope and direction to the nation.
Let Mumbi restrict his fight to his living enemies who have the ability to answer back.
Since when did RB become tribal or should I say regional? That from a man who only got his job because???
If I were this man’s child I’d bury my head in shame…..he is talking simply because he has a mouth and heart beat….
Mumbi, give is a list of LPM’s relatives. Reporters who do these stories should question rub.bish like this.
Empty tins makes more noises
I would also like to see the list for LPM’s and RB’s cabinet ministers, deputy ministers, ps, diplomts parastatal, the defence forces etc.
Hey, am a “Former St Patricks Kinder Karten Student” of 1973 and am saying bla bla!! Who cares what I was 50 years ago? Why isn’t RB a “Former UNIPist” or Sata a “Former Governor of Lusaka” ? No sense.
Yes.Mwanawasa had friends which include George Kunda, Shikapwasha, Mulongoti who have betrayed him. Mr Mumbi what do you say about the three? Levy put a lot of trust in these three but see what they are doing now.
Yes, I agree with Mumbi. He had Rupiah, George Kunda, Shikapwasha, Mulongoti and quite a number of others. These have betrayed him.
Can you comment Mr. Mumbi on these names?
Loose canon. Spot on. We are all Former Babies after all.
Mumbi on one account is stopping people using the name of Levy (the dead) in the next sentence HE is busy denouncing the same LEVY. This mumbi Chap was a sponsored GUN in PF bu Chiluba and Chiluba’s Corteries.
Mumbi is fighting for recognition in MMD so that he is adapted as MP in 2011. MUMBI find a safe seat, if it is on the Copperbelt, forget it. maybe in Milanzi kaya.
its people like Mumbi who i think are still leaving in the past who are responsible for all this messy. how else can one describe a person who takes pleasure in always being referred to as the ‘former’ why cant he be something in the present. i am sure he shows off to his friends that he is able to fix Sata and his friends because of being referred to as the ‘former’ i wish he was talking about real issues.
justice i think you need to understand that in life you have to live with certain pipo just to ensure that life goes on. i think the colours of the present crop of pipo who used to work with the late has changed drastically. i agree with you that he worked with them but i think they were not as loose as they are now. they have really taken after their leader. it rubs off.
The Guy has a point but is he PF or MMD he seems to be cheering for the wrong team lol
i wish we had MMD ministers resigning like GBM has done.
The following are the reasons RB deserves another term:
• He has achieved a bumper harvest which no president has ever achieved.
• People have accused RB as being tribal but this is a president that appoints on merit. This is the case despite most of his appointments involving people from Eastern province.
• He managed to avoid mass redundancies in the mines during the down turn by finding reliable strategic partners like the Chinese in Luanshya
• The judiciary has even become more independent if it was not so, Chiluba would have been in prison by now. So would have been the case with Kabwela. Chiluba underwent a lot of persecution during the other regime. He was find guilty even before the court pronounced him so. He underwent predudiced trials. People were allowed to…
It seems like ba PF muli mumafi this time. Things are not going on well on your side and mwatampafye ubukakashi. Wake up before its too late, That George hyena thing has just realised his mistake and thats the reason he is challenging his expulsion. If he thought he had a lot of support , he could have simply joined the PF but he has now done his homework and realised that the tide has changed and the ship was sailing the wrong direction. Though a little bit too late, and almost the right time for those councilors and GBM.
#21 Zimya. Just start preparing to return home if you are employed by MMD. Otherwise your RB is not getting it come 2011. Zambia is gone backwards with this RB as president.
#22 George Mpombo is just a trouble maker. It’s not true that he has realised his mistake hence the epulsion. Anyone who has followed George Mpombo’s actions in MMD, I think he is a bitter man. It was him and MMD to deal with it. MMD has taken a position and George is digging in. He has 1st contested his expulsion or will shortly through the courts, It will take a long time to conclude – refer to Shakafuswa, Chibombamilimo and 16 Rebel PF MP’s cases not yet disposed off, next he will derial the MMD convention with an injunction because he is determined to stand. Do not blame the opposition for MMD woes.
Uyu chikkkala chamufumya kuli Sata chamutwla nomba ku mwine umuyashi. This is very immoral iwe KABWA
mumbi! yaba wiso! saatanyoko iwe! eh? is this man normal?? so wot is he trying o to prove? is it something to rejoice over, that ruphia has less relatives in government? u dull zambians tolle yobe mumbi
24 Mpangula MMD is the only party that is widely reprsented in Zambia.The rest are regional.There is a lot RB has done but people just want to focus on the negatives.I am not saying he is perfect.The chances of MMD winning are very high that we can even bet.
Does this mpombo ever imagine that zambians will vote for such a dirty looking kachasu drinking moron. li tole sana
#27 I agree to your theory or sentiments. I also democratically refuse to support them because the achievements they have scored are too little too late in my opinnion. I have worked in the mines, quit to venture into private enterprise and I think I did a right move. The thing is My heart “bleed” when I see so much resources from the mines going out daily with so little benefit to Zambia. We have given up 100% the resources God gave us. The C/Belt was & is the developed in Zambia because of the same resources. But the development has stiffled and shamely in this mordern era. The MMD seem not to listen and learn why they are always being rejected NOW in the two developed provinces in Zambia Lusaka & C/belt. The console themselves that Zambia is not ONLY the 2 provinces instead of…
#27 zimya- All 3 parties are national as none of them got zero from any the 9 provinces. As for Tribal CB and Lusaka are cosmopolitan so who ever wins can freely boast that he is a national leader.
All of sudden we have Mr Edward Mumbi talking too much. Njala ya paya and he is looking for a job from Bwezani like Titus Mpundu did. Shemuna bane!! Shame!! Shame!!
Imwe bantu, do you remember that Michael Sata expelled his rebel MPs for indiscipline but they were protected by the MMD. Now the MMD itself has expelled its own MPs for indiscipline. Who is fooling who? Double standards.
LT comments with derogatory language are allowed on this site and mine which does not contain any does not appear, what is happening, this is not the first time you have done this.
#27 Zimya. PF is the only party that can boast of having a national representation. It controls the ‘developed’ & cosmopolitan parts of zambia with demonstrated tribal diffusion (it is only you who sees LSK & CB to be tribal).PF is the only party which does well in the areas where there is a high concentration of educated people, unlike parties which win elections in areas where some of the least enlightened citizens dwell. People who desperately need education but village parties like MMD wud rather they remain ignorant for them to gain some votes. You educate the rurals, then MMD will have no votes. MMD says keep them ignorant! PF is the only party where a person can resign on moral grounds. MMD is a den of criminals where pipo like FTJ, Lucy, Dr Musonda, etc dine & wine with RB!
Mumbi is a bootlicker .Mpombo is a coward.Mpombo resigned from his post as Minister of Defensebut still remained in the MMD. That one only shows that Mpombo had not fully decided on what to do deep-down his heart.If He was smart enough he would have resigned from both the party and the ministry.Looking at the Ligacy story ,yes it does exist but if alot changed why is there still poverty in extremes in Zambia which of course the current president enherited and making worse out of the already damaged country ?Why was he the late not addressing the employement problem as well as the poor labour laws ?Why didn’t he emprove education and health?Why and how was he cheated that Chiluba was going for reviews in S.A? Why did’nt he boost the AGRIC MARKET?Why not renovating the Existing health
Are’nt we tire of Mwanawasa this Mwanawasa that. RB MMD, please, let the Man rest in peace. Mumbi, are you now MMD spokes person? I have always questioned the calibre of our politicians. Especially from the PF. Its incredible that this Mumbi guy was a CEO of the party. Checkout their previous top pipo, Edwin Lufwekelo, Charles Chimumbwa, and until yesterday GBM. Then their current leadership, Mumbi Phiri, Jean Kapata, Willie Nsanda.Ooh my God, lets just pray for salvation than to expect any thing from these politicians.
#34 TC progressor you’ve got it wrong.it’s not about the educated being in the cosmopolitan areas you talking about.these towns have just had a severe invasion by unemployed,lazy and directionless dagga smoking mercenaries.in short bakabova.so they outnumber the educated threefold and sata’s rowdiness and sweet talk of an easy life appeals to them.so revisit your research boy!!!
It may be true that Mwanawasa employed many friends and relatives, but those people were educated and deserved those positions. For Banda’s case we are seing grade 12s employed as Managers in Ministry of Transport and communication and education to be in charge of professional. These guys are so proud and careless in talking to say the least and want everyone to be a member of MMD or else you are victimised. Under Banda we have seen carpenters employed as economists in ministry of commerce and these people cannot even write economic reports. No wonder this government is not performing only people saying yes, yes to Banda. 2011 we will make sure that Banda and his minions frastrating us go.
RB, MC or HH. Of the three RB is one who should Lead. It is as a result of the Leming effect that pipo in CB and LSK vote for Sata. In Luapula and Northen it is on trible grounds. I find it embarassing especially of pipo in LSK . For the love of Zambia, RB should Lead the nation even from 2011 onwards.
I meant Lemming Effect.
B Mumbi benmusbanya mwe. The man has simply got nothing to say but forces hiself to say something. By the way in what capacity does he issue these statements? Is this lambwaza M.M.D or P.F?
Banda is a tribalist and his tribesmen will make him fall because they feel they are on top of the world, by having positions which they do not deserve. Shame on Banda and his people.
b4 you ask to take a speck out RB’s eye get the LOGS out of MC’s eyes.
I agree with Chilifye bwino on Number 1. Edward Mumbi should be referred to as MMD cadre. Epela.
I would wish bloggers where contributing and posting issues; but to my dismay some of them donnot measure up , if you have nothing to contribute just dont write anything, because who ever insults any one those insults affects the one who said them;; to me that is how I feel; the insulted remains a noble person
The Lemming Effect is another description for the Non Bemba PF supporters. “Lemmings are small rodents that have been known to follow each other as they charge to their deaths off the edge of cliffs. This is actually an unsubstantiated myth about Lemmings, but they’ve become a metaphor for people who go along unquestioningly with a group with potentially dangerous consequences. The “Lemming Effect” is an innate psychological phenomenon, a survival trait, an inborn instinct in the majority of people. You see this happening in many occurances from bad investment decisions (remember the dot com boom?) to fashion trends (hipsters). This Lemming Effect enables entire segments of a society to lose their sense of judgment all at the same time.”
For Mumbi, Chimumbwa and William Banda, there working on survival now. They do not have any Job, and to them talking about anything is there source of livelyhood. Forget this I.DIOT.
Surely two wrongs do not make a right. If LPM had more relatives and friends in govt than RB does that make it justifiable?