Thursday, March 13, 2025

RB outlines govt’s developmental roadmap


Mr Banda inspects a guard of honour at national assembly buildings (file picture)

Republican President Rupiah Banda this morning officially opened the fifth session of the tenth National Assembly outlining his government’s programme for 2011, including an ambitious road construction and rehabilitation programme.

This is the second time President Banda graced the ceremonial opening of the National Assembly after coming assuming office in 2008.

Outlining his government’s programme for the coming year, president Banda said government would this year embark on the construction of the Mongu/Kalabo road among many other major road projects to be undertaken.

Mr Banda said good transport and communications are vital for commerce, and that his government would, construct, rehabiliat, and repair the country’s physical infrastructure.

He said in view of the high cost of these developments,public/private partnerships will be key in achieving the developmental plans.

President Banda revealed that progress has been made in designing the Kazungula Bridge across the Zambezi river, and that construction is expected to commence by the end of 2011.

He said the Kazungula Bridge would make regional trade with other countries in the southern part easier.

President Banda also mentioned the many road projects which his government is working on which he said are expected to be completed in 2011.

And President Banda has announced that government has procured nine mobile hospitals.

Mr Banda said government is committed to provide the Zambians with equity of access to cost-effective quality health care as close to the family as possible.

He said it is for this reason that his government is constructing district hospitals across the country and commission of these hospitals has since begun.

President Banda pointed out that in addition to the construction of health posts government procured nine mobile hospitals to increase access to health services in rural areas.

He said his goal is a health nation in which no one dies unnecessarily.
[ QFM ]




  3. “And President Banda has announced that government has procured nine mobile hospitals” Thats developmental roadmap? Shame

  4. mickey mouse and shimaster and who do you think can do better your hopeless hh and cobra continue dreaming while in reality HERB rules. keep gnashing your teeth

  5. The one year of RB has been extraordinary, phenomenal, tenacious and of record restorations. All economic cylinders are now firing on full throttle. The country has transitioned away from the years of polarization. Regional and internal harmony has been restored with ingenuity becoming a national virtue. None issue driven titular political parties now have the fear of taking on MMD as single parties instead they are turning to intangible marriages of convenience politically. The battle is against the record achievements of the people’s national ruling MMD and indeed the 1 year of wonders under RB.

  6. Pragmatists in the country understand that National economic growth is spasmodic in nature. Certainly it does not come by a mere word of a populist statement that there is more money in your pocket. Here in the US we have seen the pain and snail recovery despite all the vesture of stimulus from the liberal Obama administration. American entrepreneurship spirit and resilience of capitalism has been steadfast yet the USA economy remains in a jobless recovery and that has not stopped the Tea party from their gigs. With people’s MMD and RB, Zambia is on the right path to Greatness.

  7. Just the multi billion Kwacha capital projects the Banda administration is undertaking across the country among them expansion of 26 health centers to Hospital status, construction of US Billion dollar plus value power stations, new Lusaka’s Munali Hospital, Chongwe hospital, M8 road, Mongu-Kalabo-Angola road, Chipata-Mfuwe road, Choma-Namwala road, more schools and bridges are big business opportunities triggering economic life which ingenuous citizens are tapping into while PF sissies are whinnying 24/7.

  8. I repeat, “Its high time PF kaponyas started thinking in a structured manner about the importance of national interest and self development”. Forking and dispensing insults daily from the PF menus against RB and patriotic Zambians will not do for the embattled opposition political demagogues.

  9. Nice words, Nice words. Now the problem in zambia is raods are eating billions of dollars in construction. But durability is very low. Road sector efforts & resources are wasted and benefits those in leadership. Look at the road connecting Luanshya Turn -Off to Ndola – Kapiri Highway. Within 2 yrs it is an eyesore and a dangerous stretch. Why is it that pa Zed roads fail very easilty? RB sort out this one and you will have my praise. Until it is sorted out, I wont be your praise singer Like senior Citizen. Convince me on this one & I will give you credit.

  10. Nice words, Nice words. Now the problem in Zambia is roads are eating billions of dollars in construction. But durability is very low. Road sector efforts & resources are wasted and benefits those in leadership. Look at the road connecting Luanshya Turn -Off to Ndola – Kapiri Highway. Within 2 yrs it is an eyesore and a dangerous stretch to drive ON just like other newly constructed ones. Why is it that pa Zed roads fail very easily and No one is held accountabel? RB sort out this one and you will have my praise. Until it is sorted out, I wont be your praise singer Like Senior Citizen. Convince me on this one & I will give you credit Openly.

  11. RB one of the hard working presidents in in the world.He has achieved alot within a short period of time.This man deserves a third term.

  12. All PF kaponyas,
    In the spirit of Zambian brotherhood i repost my free counsel: Presidents lead in fostering opportunities in the country and not stuffing money in the pockets of none productive cadres. Until you realize the kind of rubbish in the more money in the pocket “Pocus-pocus abracadabra” Sata has been baselessly feeding you, yours may remain lives of bitterness, envy, failure, crisis, denial, distress, and hopelessness in all fronts. Young as you are sadly you have given in to vanity and bitterness. Your generational misery is not out because of the 1 year Banda presidency but because of subservience to hatred, envy and fantasy the baseline of witchcraft spirit in you. Innovation, entrepreneurship, and hardwork will bring you happiness.

  13. Although RB talked of my wife battery, I am not angry with him, it actually made me laugh!! To be honest, MMD has done fine since Bwezani took over. I left the party thinking that he would be a total failure but what he has achieved economically is almost phenomenal. I mean, most of us thought that without Magande the economy would collapse, but instead these fellas need commendation in the way they managed during the recession. That Maxwell Mwale guy did well with the mines. Anyway, nalandakofwe, kuti bakutanfya ba Sata!

  14. This is a speech prepared by the Transport and Communications Sector for the President to read. Its a road map as contained in the FNDP. I wonder weather some of you have ever taken time to read the contents of the FNDP.

  15. Senior Citizen,

    I agree with you that RB has done something. However, his weaknesses are betraying him. He defends accused people too much and spends too much time in the air.

    We have people in this country that can certainly do better than him and that is our fight.
    the point is that Zed is moving, but too slow. It is only a few people like you and the MMD Chief Bootlicker who are always fattening in these lean years.

  16. With this ambitious pro development leadership on national wide capital projects if properly managed and completed on target, insults and tribalism driven embatled titular parties will have to turn to their sangomas if they have to deceive patriotic Zambian voters.

  17. Lusaka Clinics Upgrade Elates ZMA, PHPF

    The Zambia Medical Association (ZMA) and Public Health Partnership Forum (PHPF) have praised President Rupiah Banda and the Government for upgrading five clinics in Lusaka to level-one hospitals, saying that will help improve health care delivery.

    And the Human Rights Commission has said it is good the Government is building more hospitals and upgrading clinics in the capital city to hospitals. ZMA president Maureen Chisembele said in Lusaka yesterday that with more hospitals in Lusaka, the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) would now be decongested.

  18. Comment 17 during the recession we did nothing as a government but depended on the USA and other developed countries to move as from the recession. Mines had collapsed, ZRA failed to collect any meaningful revenue such that all developmental projects were grounded due to no funds. The little they collected went to paying salaries for Govt workers. We went through the recession not through our own deliberate policies but we waited with alot of suffering. Throughout, RB said or did nothing. Get your facts right and don’t mislead people.

  19. “It’s a good move, it means that there will be quality services offered to the public,” she said. Dr Chisembele praised the Government for buying a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner as it would improve the diagnosis of diseases.

    “Instead of sending patients out of the country, we can now do the tests within,” she said. She, however, urged the Government to address the issue of human resource to work in the upgraded hospitals.

  20. PHPF publicity secretary Encok Kaputula said the upgrading of the clinics in Lusaka into hospitals would decongest UTH and enhance the provision of health services. “We are very excited as a forum and we would like to commend the Government for this initiative,” he said.

    He said the organisation had been lobbying the Government to upgrade some clinics so that UTH is decongested. Government has spent K65 billion on upgrading five clinics in Lusaka and is building 26 hospitals countrywide, with eight expected to be completed this year.

  21. The clinics upgraded include Chawama, Kanyama, Chilenje, Matero and Chipata. President Rupiah Banda on Wednesday commissioned the newly-upgraded Chawama Hospital. He said the Government took a bold decision to convert health centres into hospitals in Lusaka to meet the demand of the increasing population that had been causing congestion at UTH.

  22. And HRC chairperson Pixie Yangailo said in a statement yesterday that it was good the Government was building more hospitals and upgrading clinics in Lusaka to fully fledged hospitals.

    She said the development showed in terms of the right to health, the Government was fulfilling its obligations under the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights.

  23. 20, Is that jealousy that I hear? Well it is not necessary at all and it may eat you. Rest assured that even in lean years some people will fatten. The rest may fatten but not at the same rate, but fatten they will eventually. Indeed a few may never fatten at all………since they will be waiting in perpetuity for the 90 days miracle from the angel of darkness.

  24. Ms Yangailo said the fulfillment of the right to health was one of the Government’s most solemn obligations and HRC was gratified to see that such an important right was increasingly becoming a reality for the people of Zambia.

    The commission noted that although there were still many challenges ahead, Zambia would make significant strides with the commitment by the Government.

  25. Health Workers Union of Zambia (HWUZ) also praised the Government’s decision to build more hospitals, describing the move as a positive one towards providing health services for all.

    HWUZ secretary general, Lewis Mukosha said in an interview in Ndola yesterday that the union was happy with Government’s move which he said would ensure health services were taken closer to the people.

  26. Mr Mukosha also urged the Government to ensure that more health workers were trained to cater for far-flung areas where shortage of staff was being experienced.

    Currently, Mr Mukosha said, the health sector was operating with a workforce of only 29,000 instead of the required 51,400, hence the need for Government to ensure more health workers were trained and sent to all the institutions.

  27. 20 We can: It is baffling that you can easily convince yourself that there are others who can do better (and I guess you mean PF or UPND). However, unlike the UPND of Mazoka, the two major opposition parties have failed to provide any tangible ALTERNATIVE programme that they would embark on if they took office. What basis then are you the supporters of ‘change’ basing your decisions on?

    MMD is doing fine, may they continue…

  28. 19, Dr Kanganja, just what do you think we are? Even if we read we would not understand anything, so ours is to bwata bwata on LT. Just what is this FNDP anyway?

  29. Please tarmarc the road turning off at landless corner going to Mumbwa then kwa chitanda this road if utilised can link up to Kasempa Northwestern.Hence no need of going via copperbelt.Hope Honorable Shikapwasha can spearhead that.

  30. RB carry on with what you are doing. Even if you were to alleviate world hunger, find a cure for aids and bring about world peace, there would still be kaponyas who would complain. Let them stay in their quagmire of negativity but some of us choose to celebrate the positives that are happening in our motherland. They are frustrated because they thought that you would make their task of getting to plot one easy for them but alas that did not happen! Dont worry mudala, some of us appreciate what you are doing and are behind you. Please dont pay attention to those with bitter tongues and foul breath and may mother Zambia continue to move forward under your stewardship. Forward with MMD ever, backwards with njoka Satan never!

  31. This was a campaign speech by RB. Where will the money come from to do all the roads when our revenue base is small? I guess for the sake of re-election, he will try to source money just to dupe the faint hearted. All talk and no actions will not develop this country

  32. 24 Dr Kanganja, You surely come out like someone green with envy. Some of you people would rather the govt failed so that you say ‘we told you’. Just appreciate the achievements or at least TRY to give us your alternative programmes. But I guess that is too much to ask

  33. Go RB 2011.

    Hospitals expansion
    Has served ZamTel
    Maize bumper Harvest (No need to spend Billions importing food)
    Roads Constructions
    $300m to build a New Power Station
    Attracting Investors
    New Schools to be built
    And many more >>>>>>

    Unlike SATA that wants to chase the Investors. Sata does not know that China is now a Major Power.

    SATA does not understand Micro-Economics that’s why most of his followers are KAPONYA’s. The world has changed. We need people that can reason an not bark all the time for 15 minutes fame

    We are even better off with HH in a worst scenario. He has a civilised mind, though a weak guy. 2011 – RB Don’t worry Western Province will vote for you. Don’t listen to Disgruntled Catholic Priests.

  34. Your support is looking good on the ground. ADD will not be a force in 2011. Charles Milupi was counting on HH but has just realised that HH has thrown in the towel that he cannot do it on his own. PACT will not work – Dead End.

    SATA’s Rebel MPs will dump him in 2011 and that will be the end of his Political Career.

  35. #24 Dr. Kanganja, u r lying to yourself. It is u who should get the facts right. U r the only one who never saw RB doing anything during the crunch. We didnt wait 4 anybody, ba Kanganja, b informed, puhleeze! Banda intervened on Luanshya mine, remember? And the issue of WINDFALL TAX? Doesn’t that ring a bell? How do u think it was dropped? Some pipo just bcoz u r seeking a job among bakaponya is no reason to stop reasoning. You want to rewrite history to suit u? Shame on you.

    Nami dabwisha fye mudala. U expected him to fail yet he has far surpassed yo expectations- even mine, the guy who gave him a little credit, nindabwa how he has made it in 2 (TWO) years!!!!!!!!!

  36. ALLABEE, tule voter mudala… u r a wise old man.. Elo nga yamupita Sata ninshi chapwa!! We will be looking for younger chaps in 2016! Viva RB!!

  37. Let’s give credit were its due. Am not surprised about the lack of appreciation RB is receiving by some. We said the same about Mwanawasa in his early days as President… remember ati ‘cabbage…’. It’s good for RB because people have far less expectations of him achieving so was with Mwanawasa. At the moment he is over achieving people’s expectations…..

  38. Point of correction LT. This is the third time and not second time that MY PRESIDO RB has opened Parliament the first being the 3rd session of the 10th National Assembly in January 2009. Due to change in budget cycle RB did in Sept/October again to kick start the paradigm shift and the third one was just delivered some hours ago. Now to all those PF and their PACT psychophants you can just go and hung because this president of mine has done more than what a president in the west could do with little resources. The economy is great. Oliver Saasa Saasa and IMF including Sharma have said so. Let us not forget that Japanese outgoing envoy has showered kudos on ZED and RB. In his address to parliament today my president moved me with tears of joy am amazed on what this son of the soil ca do

  39. Remember to watch an edited version of the official opening of parliament on ZNBC TV tonight and see H.E.R.B. outline real economic development. Of course this invitation is extended to those to whom development makes sense. The rest of you do something else, just make sure you don’t make noise for us. Even on LT, keep your comments to your circles.

  40. #46 Dont you know that those people you mention said what they said because they have been given brown envelopes by RB from the sell of Zamtel? At least that is what ba Cobra told me.

  41. Indeed the 2011 race will not be be for those with metal setters inserted in theit clogged hearts of borrowed life. Speaking when he officially opened the fifth session of the tenth national assembly this morning President Banda says the 2011 election campaigns will not be for people who are faint hearted.

    President Banda has since promised to fight to win the 2011 presidential elections.

    He has urged the Zambian people to look at what his government has achieved since coming to power in 2008 as they decide who to vote for in the 2011 elections.

  42. Mr Banda says the Zambian people should judges the politicians as they go to cast their votes next year based on their deeds and not words.

    He adds that his government is proud of the achievements it has scored since coming to power in 2008.

    President Banda says his government has set the foundation and that now is the time to build a stronger country, hence he will fight to win the 2011 elections.

    And President Rupiah Banda says he has not confided in anyone not even Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata on the 2011 elections date.

  43. He says the 2011 elections date has not yet been decided.

    And president Banda says Zambia cannot fashion laws to fight corruption to suite foreign powers, but will use Zambian laws to hunt down corrupt individuals.

    He says corrupt elements will be dealt with severely if caught and if convicted they should expect no leniency.

    Mr Banda says the fight against corruption is his government’s top priority.

  44. It was a marvelous presentation but as usual membe will badly twist it tommorrow to suit sata.but agony is that it doesnt work out. viva rupiah!!

  45. I have always looked at His excellent RB from the eyes of the press. Lately am starting to think that the man deserves to be listened to and encouraged. We will never get a perfect leader any where in the world. I only point of concern now is some of the people he has surrounded himself with. Sad, but true, people will judge you by the friends that you mingle with and support. Surely as painful as it can be he needs to cut ties with people who are “perceived enemies”, of development and Zambia. With that done it will be difficuit for any one to point fingers at him.

  46. Chibaba……. Imagine Levy dies (MHSRIEP), but before he does he brings in an old man to assist him realise development and to hand over power to when he passes on (Magande told us so, rather inadvertently). Sata wrings his hands, confident that he has got it this time. And why not, after all he has been contesting since 2001, he is popular, and he has found the cheating formula – “more money in your pockets within 90 days”. This RB chap still has to survive an internal election, and he will be bruised. After that he has only 60 days to campaign and I have been campaigning since 2001, don’t forget that the mighty vuvuzela Post is behind me. Hmmm this is the perfect time for President SATA, yes SATA at Plot 1.

  47. Alas, come October 2008 RB whacks him clean. The margin is only 38,000 votes, but quite impressive considering that RB had only 90 days to campaign both in MMD and the nation. From another angle, it’s a dismal failure by Sata to be beaten by an opponent in those circumstances. This explains the bitterness, the vicious smear campaign that we see in the opposition, particularly by Sata and mmembe, not to mention the headless and clueless bloggers on LT. Chibaba……

  48. Now this RB chap is delivering an economic miracle no less. This makes Plot 1 ever so far away for one Michael Sata. If the margin in 2008 was 38,000 votes when this RB chap was so disadvantaged, I shudder to imagine facing the chap again in 2011. Maybe if I called for early elections, maybe with this Pact I could just catch this chap napping, before he delivers more economic miracles. But the chap is so relentless and has no brakes in delivering on his promises…..awe chilekalipa……….Chibaba.

  49. We look forward to the programmes of govt in the coming years. President Rupiah Banda and his team have achieved a lot in the little time they were given. Roads, hospitals, schools, railways, power projects, historic bumper harvest and increased FDI are but a few things the govt has achieved so far.

    We look forward in greater achievements and we shall take part and exploit the opportunities govt is creating .

  50. Some of the highlights from the PF vuvuzela the Post.

    Under the story “Rupiah opens fifth session of 10th National Assembly By Joseph Mwenda on Fri 17 Sep. 2010, 12:30 CAT”

    Some of the highlights from President Rupiah Banda’s speech are as follows,

    – Under tourism, government plans to promote Lusaka as a tourism destination by creating a national park in Shantumbu Area
    – Livingstone being rebranded as an international recreation city
    – Plans to empower women by allocating 30 per cent of land to them.
    – Plans to distribute land to Zambians living in the Diaspora
    – The health sector has recorded a 66 per cent reduction in malaria deaths.
    – Under education, the government has constructed 2016 schools.

  51. I would just like to come back to these two points,

    – Plans to empower women by allocating 30 per cent of land to them.
    – Plans to distribute land to Zambians living in the Diaspora

    It is evident that the govt is has taken note of the contributions Zambians in the Diaspora have made to the economy as well as the contributions women have made. From here, we can see govt plans to empower women and Zambians in the diaspora.

    This is more evident that govt is also looking out for the welfare of its people by empowering them. These points are good points and I would like to commend govt for this planned move.

  52. #62 I am glad that you have brought up the issue of the reduction of deaths attributed to malaria. Of course Kalos genocide wont be happy with those statistics as he would rather see ordinary people dying in order to justify his warped support for the poisonous snake.

  53. For Diaspora infact this man has traveled around and is delivering on his promises made when visiting.
    He promised land, here it comes, He has encouraged ZRA to give more tax breaks to returning nationals, He is encouraging PSMD, ZDA and CEEC to do more for Diaspora…empower us and give us jobs

  54. 51 do you really think the president is honest when he talks about corruption this way? and the the so called lawyers, so it apears they go to universities just to learn how to twist and miss direct cases?

  55. Who is going to work in those hospitals? They already have district hospitals and health centres from kaunda days that are stuffed full with equipment and No one to work in them, grass grows around and snakes and hyenas roam.
    The social sector is in complete collapse, whatever development he is talking about is a hallucination that he dreamed up. No healthcare to talk about, useless police force, useless education sector etc etc.

  56. A little on health pa z: In mid 80s population was 7 million, now its around 12 million , which is 25 years later. Less than double, but by projections it should have qudruppled to at least 28 million. So where are the other 16 million people?
    Well they are dead to put it simply, HIV and other causes. thats why no one lives long pa z and everyone alive klnows of scores of people who have died. Now to take it further: if these people were all alive do you think ANY govt in Z would have planned for them? I think not. There would have been social tension and civil war most likely, so HIV has ironically dealt a favour to our govt, having less people to plan for, and continues to deliver this service from hell.
    Imwe ba f i k a l a, you should use your brain and think!

  57. We shall forgive PF cadres for now as they are in panic mood. President Rupiah Banda has shocked them by performing way beyond expectations. He has delivered 2016 schools, he has built and upgraded hospitals, roads, railways, bumper harvest, increased FDI, single digit inflation and a 6.6% projected GDP growth rate.

    They are in panic mood and are shocked. They were hoping they would say “I told you so” but to no avail. They are seeing their chances of having Mr. Flip flop 90 day economic miracle formula “abracadabra” more money in your pockets Mr. Sata take presidency slipping.

    President Rupiah Banda has achieved a lot in this little time and they are shocked. He has also articulated further economic plans. We shall give the opposition time to digest. For now we shall forgive…

  58. mwanawasa once said we are a forgeting nation. his words are coming to pass.
    this R.B. has done totally nothing, and now that elections are almost here, he has started campaining and telling us lies. We have forgoten that he has done NOTHINGfor the good of the nation. lets wait and see!!!!!!

  59. #71 I wish I lived in your world where delivering food security to a nation of 12 million is ‘nothing’. Banda has been president since 2008 and look at what he has already achieved. He took office at the height of international financial meltdown and yet the country still recorded growth and you have the cheek to call that achievement ‘nothing’? First and foremost RB is a politician, so why should he not publicise his achievements? Do you think big mouth Sata if he achieved only half of what Banda has done so far would keep quiet like he supposedly did about his two degrees? Yes the battle has already started. RB is hitting the gym whereas the pact dont even know which i.diot will be leading them.

  60. OMG! why in the world did i come to this thread, is there a secret boarding school somewhere in Lusaka that is churning out these half brain vuvunzelas for the cyber world? Please some one advise me where this development is taking place, please dont mention any town on the C/belt because I’ve just completed my one month holiday there. Believe me countrymen, am trying so hard to understand why people in their right frame of mind would be wasting so much of their precious time posting kidology and lies here. Thank goodness their intended audience is not as daft as their militia on C/belt or William Banda’s in Lusaka. It is getting so serious that some retards even consider themselves as senior citizens in this ‘lala land’ Zambia have created in thin air.

  61. #72 Chiluhainde. I think your problem is being too far from home and depending on L.T. for the latest news.
    What R.B. has is talk, talk, talk and sh-it he can talk.
    Tell me of any, just ONE project that your R.B. started from scratch???????

  62. #74 Your question shows why you believe in the 90 days miracle and why I should not waste my time responding to you. Anyways like I said, RB is campaigning already and the pact still dont know which i.diot will lead them to nowhere. Chikubaba maningi ayi?

  63. At first i thought this was just as hilarious as Sam Allardyse joke about Man United, Real Madrid and stuff but hell not, these guys are serious because they are toying with people’s lives. Seeing that the Priests are punching serious holes in Western Province without shame he’s ran straight to their tramp card – Mongu- kalabo road. I was having a good laugh reading after reading Big Sam’s joke but this has already undone my day, i hate it when MMD play with our people in Western Province , one moment RB is begging for their vote through lies, another moment (after he’s won an election of course) he’s telling them off to stick their votes up ‘ i didnt ask for your votes’ he says. If that isn’t insulting people’s intelligence, i’ll would go shave and eat my hair. This man MUST…

  64. 74….From your narrow thinking, I understand which party you belong to and thekind of president you have…….so you wanted RB to shun the already started projects and start his own? Rubbish IWE

  65. Pro nuncio Archbishop Prof Dr Sata says that all the development programmer are Levi’s achievements! I had no idea that dead men still run government, allocate budgets and bring investments to fund ideas on paper! No wonder he worships dead people called saints!

  66. I would appreciate if MMD Vuvunzelas and militia would come back with figures for last two years, year to date, last quarter etc on for example :
    1.number of jobs created
    2.number of kids off streets
    3.reduction in number of unnecessary deaths (forget God allows heresy, because he loves us just like others)
    4.increase in number of rural kids kept in school ( your potential future victims)
    5.reduction in days of waiting period at pensions house etc.

    I know this would be difficult for MMD militia spokespersons to produce, they are more comfortable doing Sata’s ‘money in your pockets’ mantra like broken records. For once vuvunzelas please stop this comedy and treat us like kids, theres is no development anywhere in our poor country to talk about.

  67. It must be noted that development projects take long to implement. Cecil Rhodes planned a railway line from Cape to Cairo. He only saw it reach Victoria Falls town. He planned and financed the Victoria Falls bridge, he died 2 years before it’s completion! Some will plough, others will sow and still others will water and others will havest. That is life. We should gratefully acknowledge ALL and thank God and not criticise.

  68. Thank God for the Lewanika, Mpezeni, Mukuni and Chitimukulu who gave concessions to the BSA co. to bring development. Thank God for Britain which took over the administration and made Lusaka the capital and a city in the 1930s. Thank God for Kaunda with his friends who negotiated a relatively peaceful power hand over. Thank God for UNIP which built schools & hospitals free to the citizens. Thank God for Chiluba & MMD who liberalised the economy & set foundation for free enterprise. Thank God for LPM who instituted the development plans. Thank God for RB executing them.

  69. Mmmm, yes there is development in the pockets of selfish RB and minions the MMD-thugs. What development can a person talk about when the number of unemployed people is increasing, the street kids are increasing, those lacking food are increasing..etc. and this you call development?

    just wait for me to cut a new rewarding development plan for Zambia where all the thieves shall be jailed upon appearing in court. At the end of it , we will have cleansed Zambia of all the pupblic thieves.
    Just wait for our time you thieves. You will see .

  70. #85 Mboo
    Glad your eyes are as wide open as mine and as many other wise Zambians. Development is only in the little minds of the MMD militia vuvunzelas. To any Zambian with decency DNA in their chromosones its difficult to put a finger on one or two developments worth the trumpeting thats going on this thread. Their small and fragile support outside Eastern Province is diminishing at a worrying rate that they are spending sleeping nights. Of late they’ve been puffing and blowing cold air threatening to send their militia to disturb our brothers’ peace in their own region because they thought they had Western Province in their pockect like Eastern Province, little did they know our meek brothers in W/Province are far more smarter than they think.

  71. I was enjoying myself when I read in the PF vuvuzela how Mr. Sata panicked concerning the speech by H.E.R.B. It was interesting to see how Mr. Sata was caught by surprise. Whilst he was busy insulting the govt to the pleasure of PF cadres who are so every bitter about the nation, the govt was vigorously delivering development to some sectors of the nation.

    What was even more interesting is Mr. Sata did not dispute the development govt has scored but simply stated that they are achievements of the late President Levy P. Mwanawasa (MHSRIP).

    People should not pretend to be ignorant on the positive effects some sectors have on the economy. Upgrading and building more hospitals results in increased health-care for the people.

  72. It also results in reduced crowding of the hospitals that were already there. The historic bumper harvest is something that we are to be proud of. It results in food security. What is also more revealing is that food prices are actually falling (refer to the latest JCTR BNB report). This also empowers farmers who worked hard to produce this historic bumper harvest.

    One cannot even begin to mention the many benefits an efficient transport system generates. When one is able to move their goods to a place of market. All including sectors performing well to the point were the govt changes its GDP forecast to 6.6% growth.

    How one denies the economy is improving I wonder. IMO it is either they are in panic mood or have been planted by the PF to misinform.

  73. This denial is also revealing as to how people believe in the “abracadabra” more money in your pockets 90 day economic miracle formula. It is a sort of desperation hoping for a govt that will fix all the nations problems in one single scoop (hopefully in 90 days). This sort of desperation I do not get.

    I have always asked PF supporters to articulate how the 90 day economic formula can be achieved but no one has ever given me a response. I do not see how this can be achieved and I am hoping someone can educate me on this.

    Anyway I have resorted to forgive the opposition for now since they are in panic mood. MMD with the achievements so far and future plans will win with a landslide. I know the opposition has been caught off guard so for now, I will be in a forgiving mode.

  74. With enormous foreign reserves, the MMD government now has the fiscal space to implement developmental projects in Zambia. Politicians of HH & Sata calibre are after populism and opportunism; history will not be kind with them. Unlike his predecessor Levy, Rupiah has shown us the he has the best interest for mother Zambia.

  75. This is a very good picture for the man who is in power and leading the nation to peace and prosperity. It is H.E.R.B in 2011 and beyond. God rejected Esau and chose Jacob. RB was at his farm and was called to Lusaka. This is a miracle perfomed by the Almighty. Now look at the good the God given president has done. We thank the Lord.
    Next I could be in walking in LSK and to my surprise receive a call to go and Lead the nation. Who knows?

  76. #86 Msana wamafi, chikalaaa,free advise.ukafwa ne read the fiction from membe about the perceived situationd in western province and you buy the even excites you.duffy is a white slea man and mpundu is bemba now where is the lozi voice?understand the people of a certain area before you buy the dung they feed you.may be only membe’s mother and that ka loose siter of hls want change

  77. RB has hired a physical trainer to ensure that his nagging knee injury is sorted out. The man is very fit considering that he is able to make rounds in a short period within the country and abroad for the sake of sourcing Foreign Direct Investment. In the same vein let PF and their PACT pyschophants should DRAG one Michael Chilufyanya Satana to UTH or some other independent health facility so that his cloting arteries and ventricles are pasified. we dont want Satan to drop dead during the heat of the next fall. Enough cigars aught to be be bought coz Sata continues to puff the dobo in secrecy. By the way according to reliable and unreliable sources Dr. Kaseba has been pinching herself after finding out that Sata sired two nchudureni from sisters of the same womb. Fr. Mpundu can explain

  78. The problem with Zambians is that most people are in Zambian Gear, (unrealistic expectations) some of it misappropriated expectations this is confirmed by the fact that Micheal Chilkufya SATA has found a NICHIE area and consiquently he has been nursing the idea of going to plot 1. Some people are at loss to the fact that the Zambian GDP is just under $4 bn with all competing factors such as health, Education, Defence, infrastructure etc.if one tells you this is what I have done and I Intend doing, it becomes very dificult for others to understand. Assume that in the last 46 years we were doing what RB has done in the last 1 and half years where would we be by now? (little as it may be). People come out of your own “Mukobeko”- Maximum prison quarters.Read SATA’s headline inyesterday’s…

  79. Iwe KD Mulenga , Micheal Chilkufya SATA should not come to Plot 1 because we do not want a Rwanda in Zambia. It is going to be the rest against your people. He is not goin to be President. But suppose he became president, the war might happen after he is gone. You know the Rwanda genocide was natured by many years of hatred before it happened. Now look at your man Sata, ever critising, why so much hatred? He should give credit where it is due Rupiya Bwezani Banda is his President, the commander in Chief. Just look at this picture above we should all like it.
    Jacob tricked Esau and God allowed the trickery because the Almighty had rejected Esau and had chosen Jacob to take the lead and the blessing. I am not saying that’s what RB did. But if he did it, it was with God’s blessing.

  80. To all MMD vuvuzelas,

    This is a government that favors urban and industrial development in only Lusaka, Ndola, and Livingstone. All industrial or tourism parks, stadiums, international airports, housing estates will be constructed in the three cities. Kitwe, despite being the second largest city in the country, hardly features in any of the MMD’s development plans. The only worthwhile developments I know of in Kitwe are all private initiatives like the Freedom Park and Copperbelt City Malls. All other developments like modern markets and the road reconstruction are donor funded. This government has even forgotten about constructing the Mufuchani Bridge across the Kafue. I challenge you to mention just one major development initiated by RB and the MMD in Kitwe.

  81. As if killing game for BBQing everyting he’s visiting Zambia isn’t enough, he’s now hired trainers from abroad on our account to create space to space for more and more BBQ before we call time on him. Am afraid we’ll be left with only Hyenas and lions because anything thing edible is ending up on he’s BBQ stands.
    Look at how MMD militia vuvunzelas parrot each other like spooked chimps under Amarula tree, they are cling to straws and gasping for air as the noose tightens up in corners of the country except the Eastern wing where we know we’ve to be a little patient. And the little development they banging their heads over is paid for by donors, and the other development is in the apearance of dogs(borrowing Kaingu’s term) like Mulongoti and kapenta milomo Dollar Sliya.

  82. Ever wondered why vuvuzelas make only one melody with no hamony at all? its because they are just as cheap as plastic cups and made in a hurry to make a disgusting buzzing noise of killer bees. The same with MMD militia vuvunzelas, one says ‘abradacabra’ they all repeat like broken records. We are yet to see the worst form of madness from these vuvunzelas enrolled from Chainama.

  83. People people, ukubosa too much!! Development is there and the guy has been paid well for the development, especially in their own team, clan of MMD. Praising a guy for doing what he is paid to do is really sinking very low. RB needed to do even better, but for selling Zamtel, my family in Ndola are now reduced to beggers. Kuyabe bebele!!

  84. Msana wanzili: read my comment and you will realise that am actually saying there is no development. I meant to say MMD think they have developed, and naively so; thats there belief, and there is nothing we cna do about that. Thats why I say, in their own clan. But then i challenge them to say, the guy is paid for that, so I cannot even say thanks to him, let alone them. So Red card!! And to be honest, talking about development, i would go on and on, so at times I just dont want to comment out of anger.

  85. Whenever senior citzen opens his mouth or rather writes some its like he is talking from his ass or his pen is stuck in his ass when writing. I wonder if senior citizen has anything else to say to do. Any person who spends a lot of time on this so called Lusaka times either has no job or is fed freely by this pathetic government. 98% of Zambian live on les than a dollar a day and some Lunatic called senior citizen is bussy farting about development. In a country which is the biggest producer of cooper in Africa.people live in povert.

  86. Zambia will start developing the day they separate politics from general issues. The day we realise that technocrats are as essential as politicians, and that development is implemented using specialists. The day we will stop thinking the truth amounts to insulting. That day will never come unless the technocrats put theor foot down and stop these politicians. How this will happen I do not know, cause you have people who use education to prostitute themselves to these politicians. E.G. Siliya, Lungwangwa, Situmbeko and the like. These guys know the true way to develop, but they take up crap from politics. That really hurts. A mistake in Engineering kills thousands, but in politics, its millions that end up dying. In Zambia we need to fight these politics short cuts.

  87. so ispecting a guard of honor is a big thing for you? senior citzen you are an embarasment t humanity. children of your stupid leaders are out having good education and you are singing praises for clowns.I was in Zambia recently and I enjoyed touring my beautifull country I went to kafue national pack. I even visited one of your mmd clowns because he is my relative, we had a good meal at his house a kudu. they are the only ones who eat game meat ligally everyone eats illigaly. He even opened a very expensive whisky which I enjoyed. So ya I will be coming to Zed every year and drive in 4 by 4s with my MMD relatives while i laugh about the pathetic leadership and asses like senior citizens while my kids go to good schools in the west with the children of your mmd

  88. senior citizen today iam on your a…s.people like you are an asset to countries like Zambia. it explains why such countries never come out of poverty.I like your senior wisdom,I will invite you to write a thesis on ZAMBIAS DEVELOPMENT. Zambia has developed a lot since RB took over. He even commissioned a hospital in Chawama. Kaunda’s projects like Tazama piplines is a small project and RB doesn’t like small projects he goes for major ones like commissioning a rehabilitated post boat. No he does not like small psojects nitrogen chemicals of zambia he enjoys huge projects like commisioning hundred heaseys. In fact he enjoys huge projcts that move either in air, water or the ground boats aircrafts,mobile hospital, and hearseys. Viva RB I will vote for you three times bcoz I ve 3 voters…

  89. Diaspora: I agree with you. Certainly in the engineering field, we have started working on publications that will specifically talk about this issue. And we will use Zambia as an example.

  90. Fwaka
    Apologies countryman, hope you’ll find room in your heart to forgive me. Let me just add that these militia vuvunzelas they have enrolled from chainama are so deluded, in their sick minds construction/repair of a few roads is development worth deafening our ears. As you pointed out in your earlier posting we pay taxes for such services and no member of the militia should claim any credit for that. What Zambians expects from these holiday makers are initiatives on for example how to reduce numbers of street kids, how to improve conditions in eye sore compounds like Chibolya and the rest. We expect them to come up with completely new projects to improve the quality of life for everybody in the country, to call repairing of roads which even kafupi did very well is fo.olishness.

  91. Msana wanzili: akuna matata. We agonise on these matters because we love our country. Worse, i have been insulted before by many people on LT just because i take a very objective view, as you usually do. Kalebalika ma bwana!!

  92. Fwaka
    I appreciate mate, have you noticed how the militia vuvunzelas vanish from a particular thread when their lies are exposed. They make sure they post their rubbish before anyone else does and jump to a new thread.

  93. Michael satana will never rule this country. Lucky enough there are a lot of zambians who have good memories of that worthless chief kaponya. We shall not allow our hard earned peace to be destroyed by some sleazy beastly faced ***** who just belittles whatever good he sees and feeds shortsighted people with unrealistic promises. Viva MMD. VIVA RB

  94. President Banda punctuated his speech with light moments:

    “ The Government would rather empower women than beat them,” President Banda said much to the amusement of the House as all eyes rested on Kasama Central MP Geoffrey Mwamba.

  95. Some speech indeed. Is it possible to have a copy on the web? As soon I get it I will ensure that it is I buy toilet paper and flush it together with the speach. Or if there is no flashing toilet, i will through it into a pit latrins as that is where it destined

  96. RB’s claim of bringing development in his short term in office was sad, because he never even acknowledged Levi and Magande as initiators of all the projects he is boasting about. All what is taking place is what is contained in the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) as a result of the savings which were made when Zambia’s foreign debts were cancelled through Magande’s hard work and negotiations, he won donor confidence hence the development we are seeing today. We could have seen more developmental projects if the money was not being used on unnecessary trips. By the way where is Hon. Felix Mutati.

  97. What road map? the one that you are using to cover up the ZMK 11 billion you took from the national account and divided it between your friends? oh yea and that you paid yourself ZMK 3 billion (US 2.5 Million) I know that the president salary is only ZMK 220 mill so what was the real reason for paying your self again? educate us rural citizen

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