Thursday, March 13, 2025

Rupiah hires physical trainer ahead of 2011 campaigns


President Rupiah Banda

President Rupiah Banda says he has hired a physical trainer and intends to be fighting fit for the campaigns next year.

Speaking when he officially opened the fifth session of the tenth national assembly today President Banda said the 2011 election campaigns would not be for people who are faint hearted.

President Banda has since promised to fight for the 2011 presidential elections.

He has urged Zambians to look at what his government has achieved since coming to power in 2008 as they decide who to vote for in the 2011 elections.

Mr Banda said the Zambians should judge the politicians as they go to cast their votes next year based on their deeds and not words.

He added that his government is proud of the achievements it has scored since coming to power in 2008.

President Banda said his government has set the foundation and that it is the time to build a stronger country, hence he would fight to win the 2011 elections.

And President Rupiah Banda said he has not confided in anyone not even Patriotic Front (PFleader Michael Sata on the 2011 elections date.

He says the 2011 elections date has not yet been decided.

And president Banda says Zambia cannot fashion laws to fight corruption to suite foreign powers, but will use Zambian laws to hunt down corrupt individuals.

He says corrupt elements will be dealt with severely if caught and if convicted they should expect no leniency.

Mr Banda says the fight against corruption is his government’s top priority.


  1. Winning an election has nothing to do with physical fitness, but everything with doing the right thing in governance. There are leaders who are very fit but have failed to either win elections or develop their countries. But I know this was a joke from RB.

  2. Yes a joke coming from a confident man, a confidence based on a knowledge that he is delivering to the Zambian people. I am impressed at how casually this guy takes elections, ready to accept victory and defeat in similar measure, not as if it is the Alpha and Omega of his life like some people take it… no names mentioned for obvious reasons, the insults I mean. No wonder he is annointed to live at Plot 1 until his next mandate ends in 2016, no matter how much Archbishop Mpundu and his nephew Father Mpundu pray.

  3. 2, Slumdog, just how do you think you will win the elections next year? Or to simplify the question, just how do you think H.E.R.B. will lose the elections? It’s impossible my friend, RB is there to stay at Plot 1 until 2016. Maybe we will even donate State House for his pension in 2016 and build another for the next president.

  4. At RB’s age even if fighting fit trainer will not help him. People in zambia needs change so what he does it is too late. Let RB let another person in MMD lead the MMD not RB. RB has failed to deal with corruption and then he attacks donors. So what do you expect? Let RB step down even rigging by VJ will not help him. Let God be the judge of all.

  5. this shows how un-serious our so called president is ! instead of him telling us how he will create more jobs is busy hiring his trainers and image builders. Hope the people of Zambia will vote wisely next year by voting for the MIGHTY PF

  6. both old men have heart problems and will collapse in the hot race hence leaving the young man to get it without much effort. VIVA fresh blood viva HH

  7. Folks, when you look at this fellas picture, one is left with no choice but to think….’ hey this guy looks like he may have evolved from a tadpole’….

  8. – ministers rob donors (health, roads)
    – arrogance against donors
    – 100 million dollars swindled from ZCCM. where is the money ??? nothing was done to recover it…
    – Connivance with foreign companies : windfall taxes scrapped, low mineral tax, crumbs given to zccm whereas mines owe zccm several hundred million dollars, the govt hushes up transfer pricing
    – Zambian assets sold for a song
    – Civil servants not paid
    – The justice is RB’s puppet : Mpombo, M’membe, the high Court decision rejecting the registration of the London judgment
    – more and more corruption and impunity for thieves : willing to remove the abuse of office clause from the ACC Act to dilute the fight against corruption, Chiluba cleared

  9. (continued)

    – Poverty so high and the govt plays the beggar while foreign companies earn billion dollars and Bandas gang mess Zambian assets

    indeed he must traine intensely

    it will be useful next year

    when Zambian people will kick in his behind and his regime of crooks will collapse

    humpty dumpty must run for his live !! ;-)))

  10. he needs fitness in bed,cos some policeman is shagging his misis wen he is out,this guy is giver her all she has missed fo past 10yrs since married to her granny

  11. Not even a witch doctor will change RB’s destiny, God has mandated RB to be a one term President! What can a Physical Trainer change- that even Botox will not change? Age? No! You can no bring back what is past due date! We can only pray and ask even VJ- I’m sure he wishes he was back in 1964 when he was a young Ambassador! Ask Gilly who is now retired- if he were younger- what would he do? Even the date will come to pass. KK tried to hide the date- what happened- he was forced to name a date! FTJ even tried to extend his due date- from 10 years to a 3rd term. He failed!
    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

  12. To all loving Zambians, this is a work up call from H.E RB indicating that this man is not ready to leave the presidency under what circumstances. How can a president boastifully announce that he will engage a trainer to rig and win elections ?
    Instead of telling the nation how he is going to improve the lives of the poor majority zambians, how he will sort out the road infrastructure to accomodate his mobile hospitals and traffic congestions, how he is going to reduce the death rate of his people, reduce the inflation rate etc etc

  13. #5 RHODA Just nurse your pussy,there is no buzz for change in zambia right now,ask your father how it was in 91 when change was inevitable by then am sure you were still in diapers.not now because even luapula with its pf rebel mps has swinged back to uleke ukuibepa

  14. # 12 collins mbesuma, thats why you invested all your football earnings on shake shake you bastarddd,mwanya baafika,muchili muletekwa

  15. 14 Ba Redeemer, “Mwabwelakofye”, “Munabwelako chabe”. To the uninitiated this means something like “we sent you to school to learn and you came back with nothing”. In other words Mr Redeemer has failed to achieve anything where others have succeeded, 90 days psychology yalibengilila mumutwe.

  16. Fortunately the Intelligent u/stand that we assess these failures not only on what they have done, but what they have done with the resources we have. Unfortunately next to nothing is all they have done. It is not some competition to see who wins; rather it is about the quality of life we can avail to our citizens given what we have. So when Katie Good flaunts her nonsense, of course we are irked a little by such selfish display. Selfish in that you will shower anything that puts money in your pocket with praise. Political prostitution I call it. Kills more Africans than HIV and Malaria combined. Yep, I said it.

  17. #16 ur a foll ha,do u think i invested money in shake shake,hey i can tell u ,am one of the richest sportsmen in zed,,i won properties and business in south africa man which brings me a lot dollers in my bank,i got a farm in ndola worth 200million,3houses in ndola,3 4x4s in lusaka,bmws and mercedes….

  18. Ths lusaka times thing is such a stupid endavour n institution, wat sort of a news firm is it without its own sources, who do they think cant aford a 3pin 2 buy a times of zambia paper but hav time 2 read times of lusaka? Its high time usual bloggers thnk of beta sites 2do blogng than this kantemba kind of news thng.

  19. #15 to #17 you are a swine! how can you use such language on public forum? everyone has right to agree or disagree with RB. why do you have to insult instead of arguing in a constructive manner. this just shows how shallow and dirty you are my friend. you should be ashamed of yourself.

  20. Mr Banda,there is nothing a physical trainer can do about your fitness. It is your advanced age and other related diseases, just like Mr Sata you are a tired old man and should be resting on your farm.

  21. I have said time and again that its only old vehicles that need fitness. Without fitness they will be impounded. He knows the journey is long and wont reach (Its a smoking car). He needs to be certified fit. Just like Sata cannot paddle his boat across the Luapula river. He needs certificate of fitness. These guys are all old. what RB says or does reverberates on Sata and Vice versa. Youths dont need fitness.

  22. #25 Zedian, iwe stoombonyani, you are always on the blog writing unprintables about the president and his wife and you want us not to be raising a finger against you and your think alike whorees nga mwaya sana? wanya no kunya chikkalaa.i’ll perforate your inflated ego.wasapa ichi nena kwa ni chin yakwa mpombo.

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