Thursday, March 13, 2025

Members of diplomatic corp describe RB’s speech as brilliant and inspiring


Members of the diplomatic corp have described President Rupiah Banda speech during the official opening of the fifth session of the tenth National Assembly as brilliant and inspiring.

President Banda today opened the fifth session of parliament and addressed a numbers of issues ranging from the country’s internal matters to regional and international relations.

Russian Ambassador to Zambia Boris Malakhov told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today, that the President’s speech has given cooperating partners confidence that Zambia is ready to improve its international relations with other countries.

Mr Malakhov disclosed that in areas of peace and security Zambia has scored a number of successes that are good for international relations.

He said President Banda’s speech has further demonstrated that the Zambian government is ready to continue building on the peace and security that it has already achieved.

He cited the assuming of the Chairmanship of the Southern African Development Communities (SADC) on Peace and Security by President Banda as one of the indications that Zambia has a significant role to play in the promotion of peace in the South African region and the African continent as a whole.

And Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Li Qianmin has described the speech by President Banda as brilliant.
Ambassador Li noted the speech by the President brings hope not only to Zambians but even other cooperating partners.

He said the speech by the President will also go a long way in enhancing its social and economic development for the betterment of the citizens.

Meanwhile, Opposition Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) leader Charles Milupi in a separate interview has expressed happiness with the Presidents announcement on the need to have uniform fuel prices.

Mr. Milupi noted that he was happy that government has responded positively on the urgent need to have a uniform pricing system on all petroleum products throughout the country just like the way it is with electricity.

He explained that the move will make the rural community compete favorably with their urban counterparts when it comes to investing in the energy sector.

During the opening of the fifth session of tenth National Assembly today, President Banda announced that government has worked out a uniform pricing mechanism to ensure fuel prices across the country are some.



  1. The usual suspects. China cannot lift a fingeR against HERB. Russia, where Zambian students are slaughtered like rats, what can its ambassador say? Kulibe.

  2. Are these not the same people who say that zambian elections are always free and fair??? but are they free and fair?
    And was the speech brilliant and inspiring? to me its the usual cheap talk.

  3. But retarded Sata and Mpombo all they see is vudu in MMD ambitious developments and the Commander of the Zambian Armed Forces and Head of State His Excellence President Rupiah Bwezani Banda’s sagaciously articulated national interest issues driven speech done with simplicity and precision. Its all because of their natural intellectual deficiencies and of course distressed spirits.

  4. It is high time we started reporting all these speaches in local languages as well. Only then can we engage everyone in the development debate. The majority of Zambians are excluded from contributing to the debates arising from speaches made by politicians because of the language barrier. No wonder reporters are quick to seek the views of diplomats instead of a poor villager. Our people in the villages may just hold the solution to our economic woes. Speak to them in those local languages through the media!

  5. #4 The point you have made is extremely valid. In fact I think it would be good for all of us if we were able to debate these important issues in our various mother tongues.

  6. 1 and 2, that is a small matter, I suggest that you get Mr Michael Chilufya Sata to officially open his parliament next Friday. Maybe then we can have two speeches to compare and also get the opinion of the diplomats.

  7. Which parts were brilliant? China? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Russia? Hehehehehehehe!!! Either the Parly now serves banned substances or these guys must have been with chiluba. The two countries are most undemocratic and corrupt so of course, their friends speech was brilliant.

  8. 1, 2, 7: By the way you guys, ZANIS cannot possibly interview everybody. The British High Commissioner and others from the western world made positive comments on ZNBC TV, but of course you will not even believe an audio visual interview. Kanshi muli ndoshi sha kwisha imwe?

  9. There we go again, usual suspects yes, Russia, China and African governments all corrupt elements. Another blind support from this uncircumcised so-called Senior Citizen. All you know is yes Bwezani, Yes Bwezani. Are you on a payroll from Bwezani or its just a chronic illness of sycophantism you have. You’re a disgrace. Hope you’re deported from the states so that you go and face the real life you have taken advantage of.Kabwanga iwe.

  10. senior citizen, mwata, capitalist and many other mmd supporters, you guys really make me sad. first of all i see fear in you. fear of going back to Zambia if there happens to be regime change. you cant imagine yourself going to soweto or kamwala to buy things neither can you imagine living in chaisa,mutendere,chawama etc compounds. but, how long are you going to live in fear? are you sure you want your children to inherit that fear? together we can make Zambia a better place free our children from the poverty syndrome, how do we do that? well we can start by being rational and objective. lets us support good ideas capable of changing this poor country. you may be enjoying in states but that is not your country and people sacrificed to build that nation.lets sacrifice and build our own.

  11. Comrade Senior Citizen in case you don’t know the hierarchy- RB is first and foremost Head of State and of Government and then Commander of the Zambian Armed Forces. However, even though he (RB) has worn Zambia Army uniform several times (for which he is entitled) he is not trained in the art of war! A person of Gen. Miyanda’s stature and previous ranking in the Army would more suitably qualify him to do so as a president.

    The opening of parliament should be about the state of the nation but because RB is not oratorically gifted nor was his predecessor (FTJ takes that honour as he has shown the ability to seize and hold the attention of entire crowds of people when he wants to do so) and KK would rank in second; the speech he made would be best said a an MMD rally or meeting.

  12. I personally would attend such a meeting if MMD was not mentioned. And RB has tried but he doesn’t have agenda say like P Kagame who read email every morning because he has install computers (with Internet access) in each and every school in Rwanda. Whilst it may be true he has completed all the tasks LPM had started, it is encumbrance upon him to start new and serious projects e.g. building a new capital city!

  13. Fushe indoshi nashena kuli shalanda ifya mano? For them there is nothing good in Zambia, they just wish everybody ill, so that later they can feast.

  14. 17, Praise is harmless, but criticism can mean anything including meddling in our internal affairs. And if Mr Sata tries to use it to score political points then we have to be extra sensitive, as he is well known for selling the country to Taiwan just to fund his campaigns.

  15. 20, i have read your comment again but my IQ has not changed, my comment at 19 remains the same too.
    This time I am not asking you, but re-stating my comment.

  16. It is up to the reader to determine the brilliance/inspiration or lack thereof in the speech.An ordinary leader inspires people to have confidence in him while a great leader ispires people to have confidence in themselves.As for me,having watched zambian firms fall left and right to foreigners and jobs gone,i think i have made up my mind as to whether i’m ispired to be confident.

  17. i would humbly request to know what the take on this would have been had it been the uk or us giving this praise to the presidents speech

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