Thursday, March 13, 2025

Chilanga voters’ look forward to by-election

Share electorate in Chilanga constituency are bracing themselves for a by election following the expulsion of their Member of Parliament, Ng’andu Magande by the ruling MMD.

Some Voters talked to have vowed to vote for a parliamentary representative who is more conversant with the area.

They alleged that the area has seen little development as seen in poor state of roads, critical water shortages and insanitary conditions.

On Saturday September 4th 2010 the ruling MMD National Executive Committee (NEC) expelled Chilanga Member of Parliament, Ng’andu Magande and his seat has since been declared vacant.

Mr Magande together with his Kafulafuta counterpart George Mpombo were expelled from the MMD for allegedly brining the party in to ridicule and disrepute.

Mr Mpombo is challenging his expulsion in the courts of law.
[ MUV TV ]


  1. President Banda punctuated his speech with light moments:

    “ The Government would rather empower women than beat them,” President Banda said much to the amusement of the House as all eyes rested on Kasama Central MP Geoffrey Mwamba.

  2. The family and all people of Choma were very right to outrightly reject that ever tongue chewing and saliva splashing when talking Ngande because he is a failure. The people of Chilanga find his expulsion from MMD a good riddance because he is a disconnected failure. he has done nothing for the constituency other than crying for a coronation to the seat of Presidency. If he has failed at constituency level, what can he do at national level?

  3. MMD shud gamble with seats outside Lusaka. Chilanga is Lusaka and you guys know how objective Lusaka voters can be regardless of their proffessions……..even civil servants, defense and security vote for the opposition. So watch out MMD you might end up giving another seat to the opposition.

  4. Well this is the opportunity i have been waiting for. Guys i need your votes and i will definately get it under the PACT. MMD watch me……………….

  5. capt.Moono stays within the area and was swindled of the victory by MMD and its minions..time for reckoning is here..the courts played a hand as Mabenga told us..

  6. 5, Mulozi, good luck to you. Remember to come back to this site when the results are announced. In the meantime, you are free to live in the past and hallucinate.

  7. magande can only make an impact where UPND is concerned bcos of potential the tribal swing vote from HH to magande. He is immaterial in other circles

  8. On “They [, i.e., some Chilanga voters] alleged that the area has seen little development as seen in poor state of roads, critical water shortages and insanitary conditions [under former MP Magande],” I also met a Chilanga resident who told me and my sister that Mr Ng’andu Magande has done almost nothing from the time he was elected MP for that area upto now. The interesting part is that Mr Magande was quoted as saying, in the PF/Sata vuvuzela, that Chilanga voters are saying he has done a lot and now he should go for the Presidency.

    Anyhow, let us wait and see what happens as they voters go to the polls over whom they want to represent them between MMD, PF and the mighty UPND Team.

    Be blest all.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and…

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