Thursday, March 13, 2025

Police arrest and torture a UPND official


Police have arrested and tortured United Party for National Development Chawama Constituency 2011 aspiring candidate, Morgan Muunda, for allegedly defaming President Rupiah Banda.

UPND Lusaka Province Youth Coordinator, Brian Hapunda, has disclosed this to QFM in an interview this afternoon.

Mr. Hapunda says police on Saturday night arrested and ubducted Mr. Muunda to kafue where they tortured him in the Kafue river, and threatened to kill him with a gun which they pointed on his anus.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hapunda has advised the arresting officer, a Mr. Daka of Chawama, to drop the alleged illegal charges against Mr. Muunda within 24 hours failure to which the UPND/PF youths will organise mass protests against the alleged illegal and unprofessional manner the police are operating in the contemporary.

He says it is unfortunate that the Police under President Rupiah Banda have introduced a double standard kind of law, one for the opposition and common citizens, while the other for the MMD and those in the corridors of power.

And Mr. Hapunda has challenged the police to arrest Copperbelt Province MMD Youth Treasurer, Chiko Chibale, who threatened to go to Western province with his thugs to manhandle Father Duffy for issuing a statement that the people in Western province want a change of government.

Mr. Hapunda also challenged the police to arrest Lusaka Province MMD Chairman, William Banda, who he says has on many occasions been threatening innocent citizens with violence.

He says if the police do not arrest the two mentioned MMD cadres, the UPND/PF youths will protest against its unprofessional operation.


  1. This garbage will only lessened with less available power to the Republican president. As Zambians it is a shame that we cannot consolidate the power we have as citizens to demand that we no longer have a situation where the law enforcing, judicial, revenue collecting to mention but 3 of many organs of government are all controlled by one man. It is no wonder we can have an incompetent president making decisions detrimental to development and yet a chorus of cowardly followers showering him with praise in the hopes that he will use some of his powers to secure them some of our nation’s resources. On the other hand the brave are intimidated using the law enforcing organ. How are we to fight corruption when the system itself is corrupt? Kind of like trying to use petroleum to put out a…

  2. fire. Others discovered a long time ago that citizens need to be protected from those in power, and the same should hold true for us whether it be MMD, UNIP, PF or or some pact in power. After all, the idea is to progress to a better Zambia for most.

  3. The Despot is now showing his true colours.
    At first police denied ever torturing anyone. Then RB insults the Catholics and donors yet the best schools in Zambia are run by Catholics. The best hospitals are run by Catholics. The best University has just been established by the Catholics. The best poverty reduction NGO Agencies are Catholic. The list is endless.
    These shamelessly corrupt police idi.ots, blindly led by their insecure MMD leadership, have embarked on a reign of terror and destruction with their dictatorial tactics. But they will not succeed. They have had no heart for Zambia., but for their stranggle on power whatever the cost in human life. They have the audacity to pour scorn on the Catholics, but forget how spread out the Catholics are in rural Zambia. 2011 is coming

  4. It seems the IG has been promoting policer officers who haras members of the oposition, otherwise what can you conclude from this kind of behaviour by our policemen?

  5. Mr. Hapunda, also give details on what constituted the defamation. The police responded (may be unprofessionally) to a provocative situation. It is also against the law to go around insulting the president and presidency. This can breed anarchy and consequently bloodshed. I would rather Mr is punished – according to the law. Zathu – we do not intend to mortgage our country to Catholics

  6. Adviser

    Sorry mate. Continue denying reality and burying your head in sand like the proverbial ostrich.

    Catholic institutions will for ever be the best for service. Their hospices, hospitals, schools, homes for the disabled, the Zambian Italian Orthpaedic Hospital, Ibenga girls, Fatima, Roma Girls, St Clements, the new University in Kalulushi, you name them. They will always be the best by any comparison in Zambia

  7. What constitutes insulting the presidency should not be left to any one’s interpretation, least of all the police. Also, I would argue that brutality, suppression and abuse of office breed anarchy, not free speech. If advisors assertions were close to relevant the entire west would a mud pile, yet what we see is contrary to that. Sorry advisor but your reasoning is terribly flawed. And the Catholics have availed food, education and health to more Zambians than you seem to be able to fathom so this notion that their condeming your government’s selfish ways amounts to them taking from us leaves me wondering what advice you could possibly have to offer to anyone in their right mind.

  8. We need more information on this. The story is incomplete. What is the other side of the story.

  9. # 7 and 10 no matter what the UPND man did, police have no rights to take the man to the river and point a gun in his a.nus. This is police brutality and should be condemed!! why do we have courts?

  10. Yes mmd will go more than that they have brought manner of old time when police were animals not human being because had no heart. When some one break the law that why court are there.

  11. Well, I will not comment much about this. I don’t want to cited for genocide while in fact we all know that RB and MMD has planted the seed of such through state engineered anarchy and brutality. When people react, or state facts, MMD cadres here throw gee in fire like dogs on heat. This man could have been killed and thrown in crocodile infested river and blame it on crocs. What kind of lunacy do we expect next year during campaigns? When will Zambians demand for equal rights under the laws of the land if the so called gate keepers of the laws, the police, are now pure MMD cadres? What other side do we need to hear about abducting someone from Lusaka to Kafue river? When did Kafue river become interrogation room? What constitutes defamation of the President if not freedom of speech?

  12. That was a lie. He was not tortured. Zambian police service is one of the best in southern Africa if not the whole africa with anything concerning human rights. This is cheap propaganda by this tribal party called UPND. Mulabeja.

  13. There is no one mortgaging the country to the Catholics. To some of you, it is ok to mortgage the country to the Chinese by borrowing for Mobile Non Functional Hospitals, and anything probably to the underwears Banda wears, but you fight tooth and nail to let people of God, Catholics speak the truth. What provocation are you insunuating? Are you saying the policeman was provocted? What kind of police will take matters so personal to an extent they would want to kill someone? It is a shame that this was not an isolated situation. This must have been sanctioned by the top bosses in the police force. People call police for help, and they give excuses of no gas, but they would find gas to drive all the way to Kafue for torture purposes. This Banda is not different from Charles Taylor.

  14. # 10, you state that the story is incomplete and you what the information from the other side. What other side? How did you want the story to be for it to sound complete? This pure cadre mentality were when your side messes up and you know it, you want to pretend it never happened. In actuality what you wanted is this story not be on LT because it shows how your corrupt, criminal infested MMD government is torturing people with impunity. Probably you’ve forgotten how your MMD govt refused to proscute Changwe, Chalwe, FTJ, Siliya, Muzungu the murderer, dr Musonda the murderer, Liato for ordering his driver to shoot people, Kabonde for theft, MMD cadres for attempted murder on Sata in Eastern Province, well, what info do you need? When RB the new Charles Taylor is taken to the Hague?

  15. As long as African leaders are tolerated by their electorates to stay longer than 2 election cycles in power, there will always be less accountability, intimidation and corruption plaguing African politics. There’s such a fear of political change on the continent it gives those in power a sense of entitlement. If those in power were made aware of the transient nature of their power they’d be nicer, as they say, to people on their way up knowing they’d need them on their way down. It is not politically healthy for any political party to be in power as long as the MMD has been. What could be worse if another party is voted in? They will be kicked out after 5 years if they fail to deliver. Chances are they’ll work hard fearing they might be kicked out. It hurts reading about cops…

  16. It hurts reading about cops torturing the very people they’re employed to protect. Are we going to be talking about police brutality in this day and age? Shame on such cops who’re still living in Flint-stone era.Do these cops even have any education or conscience or are they taking their frustrations on the innocent?

  17. Why didnt they just castrate the burger,he had the cheek to insult the mercy imwe ba buju.let the ****err learn his lessons and know his size.bastarrrd

  18. @ #18 Kalos2121

    Not everyone’s mind is consumed with genocidal thoughts like yours. I was of the impression that in journalism, you also get a comment from the accused, in this case the Police has to give a statement of which they have not. This makes the story one sided or incomplete. So stop pretend as if you do not know this Mr. Genocide.

  19. Mr. Capitalist you raise lousy point. Journalism has no such rule, for several have reported stories that are one sided for as long as Adam and Eve could remember. Words like alleged, responded, reported are a few of many used to make it clear when a story comes from One source. This should not have to imply that the story is without validity. For a man bragging accolades and wisdom you sure lack in conventional wisdom as evidenced by to what extent you will go to convince yourself Rupiah is god. I guess Capitalising on corruption and nonsense takes a genuin lack of 3 Es, empathy, eloquence and sadly education, well at least evidence of it. Yep, I said it.

  20. @ #24 Abena CB

    Really?? we are going to jump on the name calling wagon? I rarely do that. That is a privilege only Kalos2121 gets to experience.

    I am disappointed that you would use a strawman against my arguments. I never said journalism had such a rule and I challenge you to produce a quote of me stating such. I said “I was under the impression”. The definition of impression for those who deliberately refuse to understand basic English is “a vague idea in which some confidence is placed”.

    It is disappointing however that after lashing ad hominems my way, your entire post is premised on a point I never made to begin with.

    I wonder who looks foolish now.

  21. cont.

    It is shocking that in order to bring your so called point across, you would lash ad hominems at me. Ad hominems is a sign of a weak argument. This is why in civilized debate, it is rarely used and yet I get to see paragraphs of it here on LT from many PF bloggers.

    I have never tried to convince myself President Rupiah Banda is god and I challenge you to provide indisputable verifiable evidence on your claim. I only believe in one God and that will never change. I have also never bragged accolades and wisdom and I also challenge you to provide indisputable verifiable evidence of me doing so.

    You would have simply brought your point across by a simple sentence such as “Mr. Capitalist, there is nothing like that in journalism”. That would have sufficient.

  22. cont.

    Instead you came as venomous as ever to the point of accusing me of things you cannot even prove. You even went to the extent of starting your argument with a point I never made. How shocking.

    Next time Abena CB, if you want to accuse me of something, make sure it is something I actually said instead of jumping on the strawman bandwagon.

    Good day

    above post, meant to write “That would be sufficient”

  23. Mr. Capitalist. You should be a coward. Why are you whining for? I mean you can’t just tell him in a few words that he was wrong? And you are using “ad hominems” over and over, don’t you know thats wrong for writing.

  24. Ba Capitalist, if I am wrong it is for the reason that I base my assertions not on your previous posting alone but on the trend I have noted in your defences over the last several months. I could play the ‘dare you to prove me’ game with you but I find it non-useful to the argument I am making. I neither miss nor mince my words when I call your point lousy neither you nor I can comment on the alleged brutality without making assumptions. What we can do though is align our arguments in a way that is without detrimental bias. Consistently, you align your arguments to support RBs ways as if ZNBC was your alias. You also remind of the 80’s when comrades believed mini lectures on word definitions portrayed intelligence, well 2010, give me a succinct argument and leave the definitions for…

  25. @ #30 Abena CB

    “You also remind of the 80?s when comrades believed mini lectures on word definitions portrayed intelligence”

    Hahaha, I like the above statement. That has really made my night. Anyway I brought up the “word definitions” because judging from your grammar on #24, I can conclude that it was obvious you knew what I meant on #23 because that was written in the simplest of all English. It was then a curious situation to figure out why you chose to use strawman arguments.

    Anyway, concerning the story, I do not believe the govt would order the Police to torture a UPND senior official especially when you have vultures like the PF vuvuzela the Post ready to write anything negative on the govt. It is for this reason that I believe we need more information.

  26. your ZNBC viewers.
    About the assertion that I am linking my argument to the character I believe you are or portraying you to be and thus makes my argument weak; well again unfortunately I care about it almost as much as Rupiah cares about Zambia. I mean I do not care at all; for this notion that you can hide behind what you did not exactly say while making misleading implications that digress from the real issues at hand is disgusting to say the least. Yep I said it.

  27. @ #32 Abena CB

    If you did not care at all, you would not have responded.

    Concerning your “for this notion that you can hide behind what you did not exactly say while making misleading implications that digress from the real issues at hand is disgusting to say the least.”, I did not make any misleading implications. I was very clear. It was written in simple English. You deliberately chose to misrepresent so you can print a whole paragraph of accusing me of stuff you cannot prove. Simple.

  28. lets not cheat each other what happened was a bad thing, if such acts keep on increasing then 2011 wont be very bloody God help us Lets pray that some people will be cleared by nature before 2011.

  29. The CORRUP Police Command at It again. Now when you see people in Uniform chasing people in civillian cloths. You fail to know whether it’s the corrupt police chasing opposition cadres or thieves in police Uniforms chasing policemen in Civilian cloths or it’s the genuine Police chasing criminals. That’s how comfusing Kabonde has turned the Police Service or Sorry Police Force.

  30. i. oh so this is Chawama of the panga fame?
    ii. when the UPND wants to ape the PF, they go overboard and make the PF look like angels
    iii. the lies that UPND has aped and practised in the last few months makes this story difficult to believe
    iv. just ignore this ridiculous sounding Brian Hapunda chap, why would the Police have to take a suspect to Kafue river just tp point a gun at him?
    v. UPND is not doing well, they are a desperate lot and in that state they will do anything stupid
    vi. why would an aspiring candidate defame the president? If it is true then you will be caged, simple and straight forward whether it is UPND, PF, ADD or MMD government
    vii. if you want to campaign do you have to insult anybody?
    viii. if the story is true I hope Mr Muunda has learnt a lesson

  31. H.H. Sata

    You seem to have convinient forgotten that William Banda declared Lusaka a no-go area for HH. You have also conviniently forgotten that MMD thugs caused mayhem at Chibombamilimo’s funeral, Dr Musonda attempted to murder a PF cadre, MMD police tortured a UPND member and that Changwe is still Minister despite bouncing a K10m cheque without facing any court appearance like Mpombo.

    We all alive to the fact that anyone perceived to be anti-RB/MMD becomes a target for elimination by the MMD.

    Only your kind display shameless arrongance in the face of all evidence against them

  32. H.H. Sata

    Remember also that MMD thugs threatened to MASS RAPE Edith Nawakwi, and yet your tourist President has never uttered a single word of apology for such a henious criminal intention.

  33. THE CAPITALIST & other MMD pathetic symapthisers! I beg to drill one point into your cadrelism-sealed heads. Open your eyes & dont burry your heads in the sand brothers! In legal circles-they say no one must take the law into their own hands, if one starts to do that, they r having a go at it & in their minds, its but a test to see how the masses react to this & if their is a mixed reaction-both wrong & right-they tend to go further & you later realise that anarchy is beeing sawn by the powers that be. The police r the last people to enforce the law in form of torture.The least they can do is incaceration if found guilty. Double standards in the police is basically yielding anarchy & do not under estimate the power of the citizenry no matter how many of you are been bought such pepetrata

  34. I actaully know Brian Hapunda in person from recent days in the hood pa zed. Well, whether lies or not, its a matter of LT to unfold before our eyes within & without the pa zed what exactly happened. If not, then this media is of no importance. Its like reporting cases based on one understanding/side, Why the rush? It makes bloggers comment on issues that have half truths-whereby even the right minded are jugded wrongly on the blog.First things first, LT is not a proper platform for reasonable debate because even their own puppets like THE CAPITALIST doubts their stories as reflected in his first blog.PEACE.

  35. #38 Do you want the tourist to heap rubbish on top of rubbish? Let him just keep quiet as we prepare for a commission to be establihsed for his various offences against Zambians. We will not need the Chalenger to take him to Chimbokaila only a kasalanga with 20pin fuel only.

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